[Vancouver, Canada] — LingQ, the powerful language learning app developed by polyglot Steve Kaufmann, introduces a game-changing new improvement to its reader functionality.

LingQ Launches AI Context-Based Translations

LingQ functionality is based on enabling language learners to learn from the best authentic content that they are interested in from wherever it can be found. The ability to use AI to analyze and provide more accurate meanings for all new content users import is a game changer.

Very often words have multiple translations. This can mean the most common dictionary translation may not necessarily be the right one for a specific context, resulting in potential confusion or lack of clarity. No differently than in your own language, repeated exposure to the same word in different contexts allows the meaning to crystallize, however, a little help from AI context based translations now make that process smoother and clearer. With the update, the first meaning that appears when looking up a word is based on the context. Subsequent meanings are still more likely to be general but the combination of both types of meanings is what really helps the learning process.

“One of the biggest benefits of using LingQ is the ability to learn a language through the vast amount of engaging content produced for native speakers of that language. Real, interesting content.” said LingQ co-founder Mark Kaufmann of the update.. “The process of learning through content you are interested in is infinitely more enjoyable and effective than trying to force yourself to learn from typical content written for learners of a language. The ability to polish this content using AI, specifically here, with context based translation, is an example of the huge potential AI offers for language learners. We are just getting started.”

LingQ continues to improve its core functionality to ensure learners reach their language goals faster and more efficiently. With context-based translations, along with other recent AI-powered updates, LingQ cements its place at the forefront of language learning technology innovation.

AI context-based translations are now available on LingQ’s web and mobile apps.

For more information, visit https://www.lingq.com.

Acerca de LingQ

Desde 2002, LingQ ha ayudado a millones de personas a aprender idiomas. Clasificada como la aplicación de idiomas más eficaz por un equipo independiente de investigadores de Compare Language Apps, el sistema basado en contenidos de LingQ ofrece 49 idiomas a estudiantes de todo el mundo. Con una de las bibliotecas de idiomas más grandes con contenido auténtico e interesante y miles de horas de lecciones de audio, hay algo para todos en LingQ. Los estudiantes también pueden personalizar su aprendizaje convirtiendo en lecciones cualquier contenido que encuentren en línea.

Los usuarios de LingQ tienen acceso a tutores en línea, un foro de comunidad lingüística global, intercambio comunitario de escritura y herramientas integradas de revisión de vocabulario SRS. Para garantizar el éxito y mantener a los alumnos comprometidos y motivados, LingQ mide todo en la página de estadísticas.


Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Elizabeth a través del correo elizabeth@lingq.com.

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