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Overheard Podcast at National Geographic, Making an Undercover Drug Bust | Locked Up Abroad: Declassified

Making an Undercover Drug Bust | Locked Up Abroad: Declassified

[music playing]

SAL: 90 kilos of cocaine were found in the trunk of a vehicle

at a Border Patrol checkpoint.

The markings of the cocaine packages were the scorpion.

This was the label for Amado and the Juarez Cartel.

[music playing]

If this guy was connected to the Juarez Cartel,

I knew this was the break I needed.

ACTOR AS SAL: Come with me.

SAL: I said, "My name is Sal."

I said, "What's your name?"

He says, "I'm Rudy."

I told him, I said, "Listen, you're in a lot of trouble.

The only way you're going to get out of this

is by telling me what you know about this organization."

He tells me, "I can't cooperate with you.

They're going to kill me."

And I said, "They're going to kill you anyways

if I let you go, because right here you

lost a lot of their drugs."

He says, "If I give you information about the Cartel,

can you go on and protect me?

So I said, "Listen, you want my help?

You need to go on and give me information

that's going to be worthwhile."

He knew that he was in a no-win situation.

He says, "The Cartel is sending somebody

from Juarez to make sure that everything

runs smooth on this load.

They call him El Guapo.

He's one of the shot callers for the Cartel."

Trying to penetrate any criminal organization,

the only way to do it is to actually do undercover work.

So I am thinking, wow, this is going to be a great opportunity

to get somebody higher in the Cartel

by role playing as an Undercover Agent.

I asked him, I said, "How can I be a part of this?"

He goes, "We need a driver."

Now I was going to be a driver for the Cartel.

ACTOR AS SAL: Let's move out.

SAL: But.

I had no idea what I had just signed up for.

[music playing]

SAL: The next day, I drive to a warehouse in the outskirts

of El Paso as an Undercover Agent

with the 90 kilos of cocaine that

were seized the day before.

El Guapo was going to inspect it.

I had backup, numerous DEA Agents all over the place.

At the same time, I was very nervous and unsure

of what was going to happen.

[music playing]

[gun clicking]

We're waiting on El Guapo to show up.

I can see that Rudy is definitely nervous.

[door closes]

The door opens and here comes El Guapo.

I could just feel the energy with this guy

and it was not a good thing.

He's a Cartel manager in a position of power.

I was intimidated, the same time, I had to go on

and do what I was supposed to do.


I'll be driving.

SAL: He just looked at me and he goes, "How do you know Rudy?"

And I said, "Well, me and Rudy go back a ways."

He had no idea Rudy had betrayed him.

He's staring me up and down.

He notices the gun under my belt. He says,

"That's a pretty good sized gun you got there."

I said, "Yeah."

And he goes, "Let me see it."

[suspenseful music]

And he starts looking at it, inspecting it.

I was getting nervous.

[gun clicking]

But all of a sudden, he puts the gun to my head

and he asked me--

MAN: "So tell me again how you know Rudy?"

SAL: I thought to myself, holy, he's

going to blow my brains out.

So I just said--

ACTOR AS SAL: "Hey, listen.

Stop busting my balls."

SAL: He cracked a smile, and lowered the gun,

and handed it back to me.

Inside I was furious.

I wanted to get that gun and shove it up his.

MAN: Unload the coke.

SAL: But I had to keep my cool and continue

with what we were going to do.

We unload the cocaine and the whole time,

El Guapo was just standing there watching us.

My heart was racing and I'm thinking,

OK, maybe I hit the mother load here.

This was enough to arrest him.

Eventually, he ended up saying, "Go on and get out of here."

MAN: This thing will be moving tomorrow.

SAL: This is the opportunity that I wanted.

OK, I just pull out my gun.

[gun clicking]


SAL: "Put your hands up where I can see them."

[guns clicking]

[speaking spanish]

SAL: He was furious.

He wanted to kick my ass right there

but I knew I had the upper hand this time.

[music playing]

Making an Undercover Drug Bust | Locked Up Abroad: Declassified Eine verdeckte Drogenrazzia durchführen | Im Ausland eingesperrt: Deklassiert Making an Undercover Drug Bust | Encerrado en el extranjero: Desclasificado Faire une découverte de drogue sous couverture | Enfermés à l'étranger : Déclassifié Fare una retata di droga sotto copertura | Bloccati all'estero: Declassificato 麻薬潜入捜査|海外で監禁される:機密解除 Slaptas narkotikų areštas | Užrakinti užsienyje: Išslaptinta Dokonywanie tajnych nalotów na narkotyki | Locked Up Abroad: Declassified Fazer uma apreensão de droga à paisana | Locked Up Abroad: Desclassificado Облава на наркотики под прикрытием | Взаперти за границей: Рассекречено Gizli Bir Uyuşturucu Baskını Yapmak | Yurtdışında Kilitli: Sınıflandırılmamış Як провести операцію з вилучення наркотиків під прикриттям | Ув'язнення за кордоном: Розсекречено 秘密缉毒 | 禁闭在国外:解密

[music playing]

SAL: 90 kilos of cocaine were found in the trunk of a vehicle SAL: Bir aracın bagajında 90 kilo kokain bulundu

at a Border Patrol checkpoint. Sınır Devriyesi kontrol noktasında.

The markings of the cocaine packages were the scorpion. Kokain paketlerinin üzerindeki işaretler akrepti.

This was the label for Amado and the Juarez Cartel. This was the label for Amado and the Juarez Cartel. Bu, Amado ve Juarez Karteli'nin etiketiydi.

[music playing] [müzik çalıyor]

If this guy was connected to the Juarez Cartel, Bu adam Juarez Karteli ile bağlantılıysa,

I knew this was the break I needed. Eu sabia que esta era a pausa de que precisava. İhtiyacım olan molanın bu olduğunu biliyordum.

ACTOR AS SAL: Come with me.

SAL: I said, "My name is Sal."

I said, "What's your name?"

He says, "I'm Rudy."

I told him, I said, "Listen, you're in a lot of trouble.

The only way you're going to get out of this

is by telling me what you know about this organization."

He tells me, "I can't cooperate with you.

They're going to kill me."

And I said, "They're going to kill you anyways

if I let you go, because right here you

lost a lot of their drugs."

He says, "If I give you information about the Cartel,

can you go on and protect me?

So I said, "Listen, you want my help?

You need to go on and give me information

that's going to be worthwhile."

He knew that he was in a no-win situation.

He says, "The Cartel is sending somebody

from Juarez to make sure that everything

runs smooth on this load.

They call him El Guapo.

He's one of the shot callers for the Cartel."

Trying to penetrate any criminal organization,

the only way to do it is to actually do undercover work.

So I am thinking, wow, this is going to be a great opportunity

to get somebody higher in the Cartel

by role playing as an Undercover Agent.

I asked him, I said, "How can I be a part of this?"

He goes, "We need a driver."

Now I was going to be a driver for the Cartel.

ACTOR AS SAL: Let's move out.

SAL: But.

I had no idea what I had just signed up for.

[music playing]

SAL: The next day, I drive to a warehouse in the outskirts

of El Paso as an Undercover Agent

with the 90 kilos of cocaine that

were seized the day before.

El Guapo was going to inspect it.

I had backup, numerous DEA Agents all over the place.

At the same time, I was very nervous and unsure

of what was going to happen.

[music playing]

[gun clicking]

We're waiting on El Guapo to show up.

I can see that Rudy is definitely nervous.

[door closes]

The door opens and here comes El Guapo.

I could just feel the energy with this guy

and it was not a good thing.

He's a Cartel manager in a position of power.

I was intimidated, the same time, I had to go on

and do what I was supposed to do.


I'll be driving.

SAL: He just looked at me and he goes, "How do you know Rudy?"

And I said, "Well, me and Rudy go back a ways."

He had no idea Rudy had betrayed him.

He's staring me up and down.

He notices the gun under my belt. He says,

"That's a pretty good sized gun you got there."

I said, "Yeah."

And he goes, "Let me see it."

[suspenseful music]

And he starts looking at it, inspecting it.

I was getting nervous.

[gun clicking]

But all of a sudden, he puts the gun to my head

and he asked me--

MAN: "So tell me again how you know Rudy?"

SAL: I thought to myself, holy, he's

going to blow my brains out.

So I just said--

ACTOR AS SAL: "Hey, listen.

Stop busting my balls."

SAL: He cracked a smile, and lowered the gun, SAL: Fez um sorriso e baixou a arma,

and handed it back to me.

Inside I was furious.

I wanted to get that gun and shove it up his.

MAN: Unload the coke.

SAL: But I had to keep my cool and continue

with what we were going to do.

We unload the cocaine and the whole time,

El Guapo was just standing there watching us.

My heart was racing and I'm thinking,

OK, maybe I hit the mother load here. OK, se calhar acertei em cheio aqui.

This was enough to arrest him.

Eventually, he ended up saying, "Go on and get out of here." schließlich|||||||||||

MAN: This thing will be moving tomorrow.

SAL: This is the opportunity that I wanted.

OK, I just pull out my gun.

[gun clicking]


SAL: "Put your hands up where I can see them."

[guns clicking]

[speaking spanish]

SAL: He was furious.

He wanted to kick my ass right there

but I knew I had the upper hand this time.

[music playing]