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George Carlin, George Carlin - Things You Don't Wanna Hear

George Carlin - Things You Don't Wanna Hear

Then there are some things you don't want to hear. Some thing you just flat don't want to hear. You don't want to come home from work and hear, "Honey, remember how we told the children never to play on the railroad tracks." You don't want to be sitting in your doctors office and hear this. "Well Jim, there's no reason why you shouldn't live another twenty to thirty years. However, you will be bleeding constantly from both eyes." Here's something I don't want to hear. "I'm pregnant, your the father and I'm going to kill all three of us!" "Calm down, have some dip ." "Honey, it's the police. They have a search warrant, and the three hundred kilos of cocaine are still sitting out in the living room." Here's something nobody wants to hear. Nobody wants to hear this. Try to think back to when this was appropriate to your life.

You and your fiancé have been invited to your mom and dad's house for dinner for the first time. Half way through dinner, your fiancé stands up and says, "I'll be right back, I gotta take a dump." There seems to be no really genteel way of announcing publicly a dump. And frankly, I'm not impressed with people who tell me what they're going to do when they go to the bathroom in the first place. Doesn't that bother you? People who announce it. "I'll be right back, I'm going to take a shit!" "Nevermind! Do what you have to do and leave me out of it. And don't describe it when you come back." "Boy, you should have seen..." "Nevermind!" "It set off the smoke alarm." "Nevermind!"

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George Carlin - Things You Don't Wanna Hear George Carlin - Dinge, die Sie nicht hören wollen George Carlin - Things You Don't Wanna Hear George Carlin - Cosas que no quieres oír George Carlin - Cose che non vorresti sentire ジョージ・カーリン - あなたが聞きたくないこと 조지 칼린 - 당신이 듣고 싶지 않은 것들 George Carlin - Rzeczy, których nie chcesz słyszeć George Carlin - Things You Don't Wanna Hear (Coisas que não queres ouvir) Джордж Карлин - Вещи, которые вы не хотите слышать George Carlin - Duymak İstemediğiniz Şeyler Джордж Карлін - Things You Don't Wanna Hear 乔治·卡林 - 你不想听到的事情 喬治卡林 - 你不想聽到的事情

Then there are some things you don't want to hear. Some thing you just flat don't want to hear. Что-то, что вы просто не хотите слышать. Щось, чого ви просто не хочете чути. You don't want to come home from work and hear, "Honey, remember how we told the children never to play on the railroad tracks." Вы же не хотите, придя домой с работы и услышав: «Дорогой, помни, как мы говорили детям никогда не играть на железнодорожных путях». Не хочеться, прийшовши з роботи, почути: «Любий, згадай, як ми казали дітям ніколи не гратися на залізничних коліях». You don't want to be sitting in your doctors office and hear this. Вы же не хотите сидеть в кабинете врача и слышать такое. "Well Jim, there's no reason why you shouldn't live another twenty to thirty years. |||||||||||||lat "Ну, Джим, нет никаких причин, чтобы не прожить еще двадцать-тридцать лет. «Ну, Джиме, немає причин, чому б тобі не прожити ще двадцять-тридцять років. However, you will be bleeding constantly from both eyes." Тем не менее, вы будете постоянно кровоточить из обоих глаз». Однак у вас постійно буде кровоточити з обох очей». Here's something I don't want to hear. "I'm pregnant, your the father and I'm going to kill all three of us!" "Я беременна, ты - отец, и я собираюсь убить всех нас троих!" "Calm down, have some dip ." "Успокойся, окунись." «Заспокойся, купайся». "Honey, it's the police. They have a search warrant, and the three hundred kilos of cocaine are still sitting out in the living room." У них є ордер на обшук, а триста кілограмів кокаїну все ще лежать у вітальні». Here's something nobody wants to hear. Nobody wants to hear this. Try to think back to when this was appropriate to your life.

You and your fiancé have been invited to your mom and dad's house for dinner for the first time. Half way through dinner, your fiancé stands up and says, "I'll be right back, I gotta take a dump." Halverwege het diner staat je verloofde op en zegt: "Ik ben zo terug, ik moet een puinhoop nemen." На півдорозі після вечері ваш наречений встає і каже: «Я зараз повернуся, мені треба скинутись». There seems to be no really genteel way of announcing publicly a dump. Здається, немає справді благородного способу публічно оголосити про звалище. And frankly, I'm not impressed with people who tell me what they're going to do when they go to the bathroom in the first place. І, чесно кажучи, мене не вражають люди, які розповідають мені, що вони збираються робити, коли підуть у ванну. Doesn't that bother you? People who announce it. "I'll be right back, I'm going to take a shit!" "Nevermind! Do what you have to do and leave me out of it. And don't describe it when you come back." "Boy, you should have seen..." "Nevermind!" «Хлопче, ти мав бачити...» «Нічого!» "It set off the smoke alarm." "Сработала дымовая сигнализация". "Це спрацювало димову сигналізацію". "Nevermind!"