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George Carlin, George Carlin - Feminist Blowjob

George Carlin - Feminist Blowjob

Now I've probably got the feminists all pissed off at me because I'm joking about rape. Feminists want to control your language. Feminists want to tell you how to talk. And they're not alone. Their not alone. I'm not picking on the feminists. They got a lot of company in this country. There's a lot of groups, a lot of institutions in this country want to control your language. Tell you what you can say and what you can't say. Government wants to tell you some things you can't say because it's against the law. Well you can't say this because it's against the regulation. Well here's something you can't say because it's a secret. "You can't tell him that, because he's not clear to know that." Government wants to control information and control language, because that's the way you control thought...and basically that's the game they're in. Same with religion. Religion is nothing but mind control. Religion is just trying to control your mind, control your thought, so they're going to tell you some things you shouldn't say because they're sins. And besides telling you some things you shouldn't say, religion's going to suggest to you some things you ought to be saying. Here's something you ought to say first thing when you wake up in the morning. Here's something you ought to say just before you go to sleep at night. Here's something we always say on the third Wednesday in April after the first full moon in spring at four o'clock when the bells ring. Religion is always suggesting things you ought to be saying. Same with political groups of all kinds, political activists, anti- bias groups, special interest groups, are going to suggest the correct political vocabulary. The way you ought to be saying things, and that's where the feminists come in. As I said, I got nothing against the feminists. In fact, I happen to agree with most of the feminist philosophy I have read. I agree for instance, that for the most part, men are vain, ignorant, greedy, brutal assholes who've just about ruined this planet...who've just...who've just about ruined this planet because they're afraid someone might have a bigger dick out there somewhere. Men are basically insecure about the size of their dicks and so they go to war over it. You don't have to be a political scientist or a history major to see the bigger dick foreign policy theory at work. It goes something like this..."what they have bigger dicks? Bomb them!!!" And of course the bombs and the bullets and the rockets are all shaped like dicks. I don't understand that part of it, but it is part of the equation. So I agree with that abstract. That man... men...males have pushed the technology that just about has this planet in a stranglehold. Mother Earth raped again, guess who..."hey she was asking for it." I also happen to like it when feminists attack these fat-ass housewives who think there's nothing more to life that sitting home on the telephone, drinking coffee, watching TV and pumping out a baby every nine months. P-poom, p-poom, p-poom, p-poom, p-poom...will seven be enough Bob?...p-poom, p-poom. But what's the alternative? What's the alternative to pumping out a unit every nine months? Pointless careerism? Pointless careerism? Putting on a man-tailored suit with shoulder pads and imitating all the worst behavior of men? This is the noblest thing that women can think of? To take a job in a criminal corporation that's poisoning the environment and robbing customers out of their money? This is the worthiest thing they can think of? Isn't there something nobler they can do to be helping this planet heal? You don't hear much about that from these middle-class women. I've noticed that most of these feminists are white middle-class women. They don't give a shit about black women's problems. They don't care about Latino women. All they're interested in is their own reproductive freedom...and their pocketbooks. But, when it comes to changing the language, I think they make some good points, because we do think in language and so the quality of our thoughts and ideas could only be as good as the quality of our language. So maybe some of this patriarcho shit ought to go away. I think spokesman ought to be spokesperson. I think chairman ought to be chairperson. I think mankind ought to be human kind, but they take it too far, they take themselves too seriously, they exaggerate. They want me to call that thing in the street a personhole cover. I think that's taking it a little bit too far. What would you call a lady's man, a person's person? That would make a He-man an It-person. Little kids would be afraid of the boogieperson. They'd look up in the sky and see the person in the moon. Guys would say come back here and fight like a person. And we'd all sing "for it's a jolly good person." That's the kind of thing you would hear on late-night with David Letterperson. You know what I mean? So...so I think it's an exaggeration and I like to piss off any group that take's itself a little bit too seriously. An it does not take a lot of imagination to piss off a feminist. All you gotta do is run into NOW headquarters or Ms. magazine and say, "hey, which one of you cute little cupcakes wants to come home and cook me a nice meal and give me a blowjob!" "blowjob!" Oh. Oh, that pisses them off. You want to piss off a feminist, call her a cum-catcher. That'll get her attention. Aww don't act disgusted. Don't act disgusted. Half of you are going to go home and go down on each other tonight remember? If you're willing to swallow cum, let's not make believe something I said was disgusting. Okay? Huh? All right, let's not have a double standard here, one standard will do just fine. Now, speaking of blowjobs, do you know why they call it a blowjob? So it'll sound like it has kind of a work ethic attached to it. Make you feel like you did something useful for the economy. As long as I'm being a complete pig up here, let me ask you guys a question. Let me ask, let me ask one question of the men. Are you ever able to watch a woman eating a banana and not think about a blowjob? Huh? I can't do it and I know why. I'm a sick evil fuck. I accept that, but I can't do it. Eating a banana, eating a pickle, licking on an ice-cream cone. I'm saying to myself, look at the tongue on her. Wooowww. So you women be careful when your standing in front of that Hägen Daz. Cause god dammit were watching, hah, and god dammit were thinking. Another women's issue, prostitution. I do not understand why prostitution is illegal. Why should prostitution be illegal. Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isn't selling fucking legal? You know, why should it be illegal to sell something that's perfectly legal to give away. I can't follow the logic on that at all. Of all the things you can do to a person, giving someone an orgasm is hardly the worst thing in the world. In the army they give you a medal for spraying napalm on people. Civilian life, you go to jail for giving someone an orgasm. Maybe I'm not supposed to understand it.

George Carlin - Feminist Blowjob George Carlin - Feministischer Blowjob George Carlin - Mamada Feminista George Carlin - Fellation féministe George Carlin - Pompino femminista ジョージ・カーリン - フェミニストのフェラチオ George Carlin - Boquete Feminista Джордж Карлин - феминистский минет George Carlin - Feminist Oral Seks Джордж Карлін - феміністський мінет 乔治·卡林 - 女权主义口交 喬治卡林 - 女權主義口交

Now I’ve probably got the feminists all pissed off at me because I’m joking about rape. Feminists want to control your language. Feminists want to tell you how to talk. And they’re not alone. Their not alone. I’m not picking on the feminists. Я не придираюсь к феминисткам. They got a lot of company in this country. В этой стране у них много компаний. There’s a lot of groups, a lot of institutions in this country want to control your language. Tell you what you can say and what you can’t say. Government wants to tell you some things you can’t say because it’s against the law. Well you can’t say this because it’s against the regulation. Well here’s something you can’t say because it’s a secret. "You can’t tell him that, because he’s not clear to know that." Government wants to control information and control language, because that’s the way you control thought...and basically that’s the game they’re in. Правительство хочет контролировать информацию и язык, потому что именно так можно контролировать мысли... и, по сути, это и есть та игра, в которую они играют. Same with religion. Religion is nothing but mind control. Religion is just trying to control your mind, control your thought, so they’re going to tell you some things you shouldn’t say because they’re sins. And besides telling you some things you shouldn’t say, religion’s going to suggest to you some things you ought to be saying. Here’s something you ought to say first thing when you wake up in the morning. Here’s something you ought to say just before you go to sleep at night. Here’s something we always say on the third Wednesday in April after the first full moon in spring at four o’clock when the bells ring. Religion is always suggesting things you ought to be saying. Same with political groups of all kinds, political activists, anti- bias groups, special interest groups, are going to suggest the correct political vocabulary. Те саме з політичними групами всіх видів, політичні активісти, групи антиупереджень, групи особливих інтересів запропонують правильний політичний словник. The way you ought to be saying things, and that’s where the feminists come in. То, как вы должны были бы говорить, и вот тут-то и приходят на помощь феминистки. As I said, I got nothing against the feminists. Как я уже сказал, я ничего не имею против феминисток. In fact, I happen to agree with most of the feminist philosophy I have read. Насправді я погоджуюся з більшістю феміністичної філософії, яку я читав. I agree for instance, that for the most part, men are vain, ignorant, greedy, brutal assholes who’ve just about ruined this planet...who’ve just...who’ve just about ruined this planet because they’re afraid someone might have a bigger dick out there somewhere. Я погоджуюся, наприклад, що здебільшого люди марнославні, невігласи, жадібні, жорстокі мудаки, які ледь не зруйнували цю планету... які щойно... які ледь не зруйнували цю планету, тому що вони боюся, що хтось може мати десь більший член. Men are basically insecure about the size of their dicks and so they go to war over it. Мужчины в основном не уверены в размере своих членов, поэтому они вступают в войну из-за этого. You don’t have to be a political scientist or a history major to see the bigger dick foreign policy theory at work. It goes something like this..."what they have bigger dicks? Bomb them!!!" And of course the bombs and the bullets and the rockets are all shaped like dicks. I don’t understand that part of it, but it is part of the equation. Я не понимаю этого, но это часть уравнения. So I agree with that abstract. بنابراین من با آن چکیده موافقم. Так что я согласен с этой абстракцией. That man... men...males have pushed the technology that just about has this planet in a stranglehold. Мужчины... мужчины... мужчины подтолкнули технологию, которая практически задушила эту планету. Цей чоловік... чоловіки... чоловіки просунули технологію, яка ледь не захопила цю планету. Mother Earth raped again, guess who..."hey she was asking for it." Матінку-Землю знову зґвалтували, здогадайтеся, хто... "ей, вона просила про це". I also happen to like it when feminists attack these fat-ass housewives who think there’s nothing more to life that sitting home on the telephone, drinking coffee, watching TV and pumping out a baby every nine months. Мені також подобається, коли феміністки атакують цих товстих домогосподарок, які думають, що в житті немає нічого більше, ніж сидіти вдома по телефону, пити каву, дивитися телевізор і зціджувати дитину кожні дев’ять місяців. P-poom, p-poom, p-poom, p-poom, p-poom...will seven be enough Bob?...p-poom, p-poom. But what’s the alternative? What’s the alternative to pumping out a unit every nine months? Какова альтернатива выкачиванию средств каждые девять месяцев? Pointless careerism? Zinloos carrièrisme? Бессмысленный карьеризм? Безглуздий кар'єризм? Pointless careerism? Putting on a man-tailored suit with shoulder pads and imitating all the worst behavior of men? Надеть мужской костюм с подплечниками и имитировать все худшие мужские поступки? Одягати чоловічий костюм з підплічниками і імітувати найгіршу поведінку чоловіків? This is the noblest thing that women can think of? Это самое благородное, о чем могут думать женщины? Це найблагородніша річ, яку можуть придумати жінки? To take a job in a criminal corporation that’s poisoning the environment and robbing customers out of their money? Влаштуватися на роботу в злочинну корпорацію, яка отруює навколишнє середовище і відбирає у клієнтів гроші? This is the worthiest thing they can think of? Isn’t there something nobler they can do to be helping this planet heal? You don’t hear much about that from these middle-class women. Об этом не часто услышишь от женщин из среднего класса. I’ve noticed that most of these feminists are white middle-class women. They don’t give a shit about black women’s problems. They don’t care about Latino women. All they’re interested in is their own reproductive freedom...and their pocketbooks. But, when it comes to changing the language, I think they make some good points, because we do think in language and so the quality of our thoughts and ideas could only be as good as the quality of our language. So maybe some of this patriarcho shit ought to go away. Dus misschien moet een deel van deze patriarcho-shit verdwijnen. I think spokesman ought to be spokesperson. I think chairman ought to be chairperson. Ik vind dat de voorzitter voorzitter zou moeten zijn. Я вважаю, що голова має бути головою. I think mankind ought to be human kind, but they take it too far, they take themselves too seriously, they exaggerate. They want me to call that thing in the street a personhole cover. Ze willen dat ik dat ding op straat een personhole-cover noem. Вони хочуть, щоб я назвав це на вулиці прикриттям для дір. I think that’s taking it a little bit too far. What would you call a lady’s man, a person’s person? Как бы вы назвали дамского угодника, человека для человека? Як би ви назвали угодника, персону? That would make a He-man an It-person. Little kids would be afraid of the boogieperson. Kleine kinderen zouden bang zijn voor de boogieperson. Маленькие дети будут бояться бугимена. They’d look up in the sky and see the person in the moon. Guys would say come back here and fight like a person. And we’d all sing "for it’s a jolly good person." И мы все поем: "Ведь это веселый хороший человек". І ми всі співаємо «бо це дуже добра людина». That’s the kind of thing you would hear on late-night with David Letterperson. Такие вещи можно услышать в позднем вечернем шоу Дэвида Леттерсона. Це те, що можна почути пізно вночі з Девідом Леттерперсоном. You know what I mean? So...so I think it’s an exaggeration and I like to piss off any group that take’s itself a little bit too seriously. Так что... так что я думаю, что это преувеличение, и мне нравится злить любую группу, которая воспринимает себя немного слишком серьезно. An it does not take a lot of imagination to piss off a feminist. І щоб розлютити феміністку, не потрібно великої уяви. All you gotta do is run into NOW headquarters or Ms. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это зайти в штаб-квартиру NOW или к г-же. magazine and say, "hey, which one of you cute little cupcakes wants to come home and cook me a nice meal and give me a blowjob!" tijdschrift en zeg: "Hé, wie van jullie schattige kleine cupcakes wil naar huis komen om een lekkere maaltijd voor me te koken en me een pijpbeurt te geven!" журнал и сказать: "Эй, кто из вас, милые маленькие кексы, хочет прийти домой, приготовить мне вкусный ужин и сделать минет!". "blowjob!" Oh. Oh, that pisses them off. Oh, dat maakt ze kwaad. You want to piss off a feminist, call her a cum-catcher. Хочеш розлютити феміністку, називай її ловчицею сперми. That’ll get her attention. Aww don’t act disgusted. Не изображай отвращение. Don’t act disgusted. Half of you are going to go home and go down on each other tonight remember? Половина из вас отправится домой и займется друг другом сегодня вечером, помните? Половина з вас сьогодні ввечері збирається піти додому і напасти один на одного, пам’ятаєте? If you’re willing to swallow cum, let’s not make believe something I said was disgusting. Если вы готовы глотать сперму, давайте не будем верить в то, что мои слова были отвратительны. Якщо ви готові ковтати сперму, давайте не змушувати повірити в те, що я сказав, було огидним. Okay? Huh? All right, let’s not have a double standard here, one standard will do just fine. Now, speaking of blowjobs, do you know why they call it a blowjob? So it’ll sound like it has kind of a work ethic attached to it. Так что он будет звучать так, будто в нем присутствует трудовая этика. Тож це звучатиме так, ніби це пов’язано з якоюсь трудовою етикою. Make you feel like you did something useful for the economy. As long as I’m being a complete pig up here, let me ask you guys a question. Раз уж я веду себя здесь как полная свинья, позвольте задать вам вопрос. Поки я тут повна свиня, дозвольте мені задати вам запитання. Let me ask, let me ask one question of the men. Are you ever able to watch a woman eating a banana and not think about a blowjob? Чи можете ви коли-небудь дивитися на жінку, яка їсть банан, і не думати про мінет? Huh? I can’t do it and I know why. I’m a sick evil fuck. Я хворий злий чорт. I accept that, but I can’t do it. Eating a banana, eating a pickle, licking on an ice-cream cone. Їсти банан, їсти маринований огірок, лизати ріжок морозива. I’m saying to myself, look at the tongue on her. Я говорю себе: посмотри, какой у нее язык. Wooowww. So you women be careful when your standing in front of that Hägen Daz. Так что будьте осторожны, когда стоите перед Hägen Daz. Cause god dammit were watching, hah, and god dammit were thinking. Потому что, черт возьми, мы смотрели, ха, и, черт возьми, думали. Another women’s issue, prostitution. I do not understand why prostitution is illegal. Why should prostitution be illegal. Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isn’t selling fucking legal? You know, why should it be illegal to sell something that’s perfectly legal to give away. Знаете, почему должно быть незаконным продавать то, что вполне законно отдавать. I can’t follow the logic on that at all. Of all the things you can do to a person, giving someone an orgasm is hardly the worst thing in the world. Из всех вещей, которые вы можете сделать с человеком, доставить ему оргазм - едва ли не худшая вещь в мире. З усіх речей, які ви можете зробити з людиною, принести комусь оргазм – це навряд чи найгірша річ у світі. In the army they give you a medal for spraying napalm on people. Civilian life, you go to jail for giving someone an orgasm. Maybe I’m not supposed to understand it. Может быть, я не должен понимать этого.