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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast, English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #28: Learn Spanish with Nate of Nate's Adventures

English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #28: Learn Spanish with Nate of Nate's Adventures

Elle: Hello everyone and welcome to the LingQ podcastwith me, Elle. Are you learning English? If so, I have made this podcast episode into an English lesson just for you. Actually you can find all past podcast episodes as English lessons on LingQ, there's a full course there. I'll always add the link to the lesson in the description.

If you've never used LingQ before, it's an excellent way to learn a language. You learn from content you love, that means you choose the content: podcast episodes, YouTube videos, news articles, music lyrics, whatever you're into. You can create a lesson on LingQ and work your way through it translating words and phrases you don't know, adding them to your own personal database. If you enjoy this podcast, please give us a like subscribe, follow share, and if you are listening on Apple Podcasts, feel free to leave a review. That way we can get in front of more listeners and help them learn English too.

I am joined this week by another wonderful guest. I'm joined by Nate of the YouTube channel Nate's Adventurous. He is a language coach and also YouTuber. Nate, thanks for joining us. How are you?

Nate: Very good. Thanks for having me. I'm really excited to chat with you today.

Elle: Excellent. Me too. Uh, whereabouts are you joining us from today?

Nate: I am joining you from Los Angeles, California.

Elle: Oh, very, very cool. And how are you guys doing down there in terms of the heat? Are you, were you in that whole heat dome?

Nate: Yeah, it was pretty hot. Um, it's, it's still definitely very hot, but not as bad as it was, um, a week ago or so, but yeah.

Elle: Excellent. I guess down there you're more prepared. Is it mostly air conditioned?

Nate: It is. Yeah, it is. Yeah.

Elle: Good, good. That's great. That's much needed in a 40 degree hell hole heat wave that we just had here, so, okay. Good to hear. Um, so Nate, you run the channel Nate's Adventurous as I mentioned. You focus on Spanish and your story is one thing that jumped out to me when I was reading your bio, you're a little different from the YouTubers I've had on before in that you actually learned a language in high school.

Nate: Right. That's correct. That is correct.

Elle: Wow, so like you're in the minority. I would say most people in general and also the YouTubers that I have on are like, no, it didn't work for me in high school then I went on to find my own methods. So how is it that you learned Spanish in high school?

Nate: Sure. Yeah.


Good question. Very common question. So, you know, it's funny actually, because like you said, I am definitely in the minority. Um, to be honest, I mean, I can't speak for everyone here, but I feel like it's kind of one of those things where, you know, when most of us are in high school, we're not necessarily interested in actually learning the language when we're in school, it's typically I need to meet a requirement or I just need to pass my classes or whatever, so I can go to college kind of thing. So sometimes I feel that, you know, because when people are in high school and they're like, oh, I just want to pass a class. And that's it. Um, but also for me, I just, I loved it. You know, I, when I started taking classes, I was like, oh man, this is amazing. I love this. And so I just enjoyed it. And then, because I enjoyed it. I paid attention and then I learned.

Elle: Excellent. It's as simple as that. Did you have a, did you have a particularly good teacher would you say, or what was it more like you say your, your interest was sparked by the language?

Nate: Definitely a mix of both. Um, you know, I had, I had great teachers throughout high school. Uh, the majority of them were Mexican. Um, just because, you know, LA is very close to Mexico. Um, but yeah, it was definitely a mix of both, um, me taking an interest to it.

And also my good teachers. Also, it's funny because I don't know if this applies to me, who knows, but I'm also, I've read that, um, a lot of the times, if you're left-handed, uh, or you play an instrument or something else that can help you learn a language easier. And for me, I've grown up playing instruments and I'm left-handed.

So who knows? Maybe I have a little edge.

Elle: Interesting. I haven't heard that before. Huh. Now I need to ask people when they come on if they're left-handed or play an instrument just to do my own research. And, um, what, uh, what musical instruments do you play out of interest?

Nate: Guitar, piano, a little ukulele, but mainly the guitar.

Elle: Okay.

Nate: Yeah.

Elle: I wonder if people, people listening can comment if they, mostly they are language learners, because they're listening for that reason, if they play an instrument. Okay.

Um, so tell us about your channel Nate's Adventures. Obviously the focus is on learning Spanish.

It's a super fun channel from perusing it myself. I'm not learning Spanish, but I enjoyed especially the video where were you surprised the online teacher with your Spanish. You were fumbling along and then burst out with this perfect Spanish.

Nate: Sure. So I actually started my YouTube channel when I was in high school. I was 17 and I was like, man, it'd be really cool to be, do this YouTube thing. You know? So Nate's Adventures was born. And at first my channel was just me going around, doing fun stuff, going camping, and going rock climbing. And then one day, this was maybe just over a year ago, I was like, you know, let's speak Spanish. You know, I feel like making videos about it would be a good way to practice. And I thought to myself, you know, I want to share the language with people and I want to share with people just how cool it is to know another language, whether that's Spanish or another language.

Um, And yeah, so I wanted to make kind of silly videos. I wanted to make like entertaining videos kind of funny videos, as opposed to the typical like, Hey, like, this is how you learn the predicate tense or here's the subjunctive mood. Like things like that. You know, the reality is, is less people are going to find that to be interesting or entertaining.

Right. It's not as fun. So I started making these silly videos, you know, surprising teachers with funny Spanish or, you know, going out and trying different food or hanging out with my friends, speaking Spanish, um, things like that. And then the channel started doing pretty well. Um, especially like the silly teacher videos and videos like that.

Elle: People love that . These are hard times, especially now. Um, so your website, Spanishwithnate.com, you offer Spanish, uh, coaching. What kind of methods would you say you use in your spanish coaching?

Nate: Definitely. Okay.

So good question. Um, I've never been asked this before, so this is a good question.

Um, well it depends, it really depends on what the student needs and what their goals are, because I don't want to teach someone grammar if they just want to go, you know, on a trip to Mexico for a week or two, you know, then we're going to focus on, you know, simple phrases and things like that, that they can, can have down.

Um, but typically I actually really like teaching grammar. I feel like a lot of times people think that grammar is this horrible thing. Maybe it's just the word grammar. People are like, ah, that's scary. Um, but I've never understood how you could learn a languageto an intermediate or advanced level without learning some grammar.

Um, you know, I always say you, you know, when you're learning Spanish, First off, you got to learn the present tense, the preterite tense in the imperfect tense. And then like the informal future is important, but like, if you can get those down, not extremely difficult tenses, you have a, you know, a good amount of the main grammar that's used.

It's kind of like the 80/20 rule, you know, learn 20%, most important stuff then you have 80% of the language, right. Um, and then from grammar that comes along with, you know, doing flashcards through, you know, whether it's Quizzlet or Amki, um, are two great softwares for, for learning vocabulary. And then it's reinforcing the things you're learning in a classroom or in a book, or a course, whatever, reinforcing that by going out and speaking with, with native speakers, whether that's in person or via, you know, an online app like like Tandem or Hello Talk, um, That's kind of it, really using the language, uh, you know, that's kinda the best way.

Elle: Okay.

Again, you're an outlier in that you enjoy grammar. You mentioned in the bio on the website that, um, learning, learning Spanish has changed your life. I mean, of course in that you have this now coaching business and YouTube channel, successful, 50,000 subscribers. Congratulations.

Um, so in what ways has learning Spanish changed your life?

Nate: Yeah, absolutely.

So, yeah, like you said, definitely the business side of it. I would have never expected that. So it's pretty incredible. And really, yeah, that I can, you know, survive and make some money doing what I love. That's amazing. Um, Yeah, to be honest with you I cannot imagine my life, what my life would be right now, if I had never learned Spanish, um, because seriously it is such an integral part of my life that like every day something going on in my life is relating to Spanish, especially in these past few years, um, with creating these videos and everything.

Um, but I mean, just the opportunities that it gives you, um, you know, to be able to like travel to Mexico or Spain or wherever, and just chat with the locals, have these deep connections with people. Um, one of the most meaningful things for me and this never gets old for me is meeting a stranger, Spanish as their first language, and, you know, they can speak some English, you chat with them a little bit in English, then you say, oh, you speak Spanish. You speak to them in Spanish. And they just do a 180. They're a whole new person. That is one of the coolest things to me. Like I always say this in any interview that people do with me.

It's like, I love the quote by Nelson Mandela, if you speak to a man in a second language, you're speaking to his mind but if you speak to a man and his first language, you're speaking to his heart. And it's cheesy, but it's so true. It's like connecting with people on a deep level is like one of the most meaningful, satisfying things i, I feel like I've, I've find in my life. Um, so yeah, just the relationships I've been able to build and the places I've been able to travel to. Um, the workout now that I get for my brain in Spanish.

Elle: Yeah, no doubt. Yeah.

You're, you're obviously an advanced, um, speaker of Spanish so maybe you just, you just have advanced content in mind when asked this question, but I wonder if you have any book, podcast, movie suggestions for anyone listening, who is interested in studying Spanish or just is looking for a great movie?

Nate: Sure, absolutely. Yeah.


Actually, um, uh, Olly Richards, uh, I'm sure you're familiar with him. He has some great books in Spanish. Just go "Olly Richards, you know, books in Spanish" whatever. He's got those good short stories. Um, I just watched this movie called Tell Me When, um, it's on Netflix. Um, it's, it's a beautiful movie it's set in in Mexico City.

That's really cool. I love Coco. Coco is my favorite movie in Spanish so.... Go see Coco in Spanish. Please go watch it cause it's awesome. Um, but yeah, those are my recommendations.

Elle: Okay.

So would you... your life is obviously revolves around knowing Spanish and, um, coaching it. Are you thinking about another language anytime soon? Or are you just all about the Spanish?

Nate: Sure. Well, for me, when it comes to language learning me personally, I don't want to know a little of a lot of languages. I want to know a few languages at a pretty high level. So obviously I'm already there with Spanish currently, I'm working on Mandarin Chinese. Um, and I've been doing okay, much slower process now that I'm kind of in the adult world so to say, you know, I can't, it's harder to go to, you know, Spanish or Chinese class, you know, 45 minutes every single day. Um, you know, with everything that's going on in my life. But, um, Yeah, that is, that is the current language I'm working on right now.

Elle: And will you be using any of the methods, I know it's, it's difficult to say because you actually basically became conversational in Spanish, in high school, which was how long ago?

Nate: So I started when I was 14, which is seven years old. Yeah.

Elle: Seven years ago. Okay.

So will you be using any of those same things kind of methods to study Mandarin or is it a whole different thing now?

Nate: Sure. Great question. Um, yeah, you know, me personally, I actually love the classroom setting, um, when it comes to learning a language, uh, being in person with the, with the teacher, because something that I found that helped me a lot when I was learning Spanish was asking a lot of questions.

So, you know, if you're not sure about something you're still confused just being able to ask questions constantly is so valuable. Um, but yeah, still I think grammar is so important. I think understanding that is really important. It's, it's kind of a mixture. It's kind of like this base where it's like build your base off of grammar, then move on to learn new vocabulary and then reinforce the grammar, the vocabulary via speaking with people, listening to audio, you know, watching movies, immersing yourself in the language.

Elle: Okay.

Cool. And will you start making videos about your Mandarin learning journey?

Nate: I don't know. You know, I'm not at any level close enough to where I think I could. Um, it might be interesting, like you said, do a little journey thing, but I think honestly, um, my channel has kind of become um, primarily Spanish focused and a lot of my viewers come from Latin America and Spain.

Um, so I think my channel will stay primarily Spanish focused. And actually I have, I have an idea where I might create a new channel where I teach people, um, where I'm actually teaching Spanish. Cause right now, You know, entertaining videos, conversations, things like that. I might make another channel and do both, um, you know, Hey, you know, let's say we're going to learn 25 great travel phrases from Mexico, or, you know, whatever.

Elle: Right. Okay.

Excellent. In terms of, uh, the channel Nate's Adventures then you have had some great guests on, um, Steve Kaufmann LingQ co-founder of course. Um, are there any other guests in the works or are there any, is there anyone you would like on?

Nate: Good question. I think it'd be interesting to talk to EIenna. Um, he seems like, yeah, he seems like a really nice guy.

I met him once at this like online language conference. It was awesome. Um, and we got to chat a little bit, but, um, I've never really gotten to have like a full in depth conversation with him, but yeah, Ford Quarterman. He's a pretty good, cool guy. Like watching his videos. Um, he he's like a gringo guy. He travels around in Mexico.

Makes fun videos. Um, be cool to talk to him. Yeah.

I mean, there's so many interesting people. I love speaking with people kind of in this space. Cause you know, everyone's got their unique stories and, and uh, I think it's cool because in the language learning community, there's, there's just like a very strong connection and everyone's very worldly and it has many cool stories to share.

So yeah.

Elle: Yeah. And it's such a growing community too, and I've spoken about this before, in other episodes, but it blows me away. Every week, every month, it seems to be a new channel popping up. I love it. It used to be that they were very few, um, kind of YouTubers or, you know, known people for the language learning niche community.

So, yeah. That's very cool.

Nate: Yeah, absolutely.

Elle: And how about for the rest of the year and moving forward for your channel do you have any plans for kind of projects, different videos?

Nate: Definitely. Yeah.

So with regards to my YouTube channel, um, my goal is, so I have one year of college left or uni. I don't know if that's what you say in Canada.

Elle: Yeah. I guess... no college I'm from the UK so we say uni. In Canada yeah they say, I guess they say college.



Nate: college or whatever. I've got one year left. So my goal is finish school. And then once I'm done, um, if I'm making enough money to be able to just go travel around, I'd love to go to Mexico for a bit, um, and just make fun videos there.

Um, other parts of Latin America. I've been to Spain, but who knows? I might go back. Um, I really, I think the, what would be awesome for Nate's Adventures is to turn it into, um, less of like surprising teachers with perfect Spanish, things like that. Because to be honest, those videos do great.,They get lots of views and they entertain the fun to make.

But a lot of times I feel like a one trick pony and I just get bored of them. So to have like a combination of those kinds of videos with like these fun travel videos, like, Hey, we're in Mexico City and we're trying out these really cheap tacos versus real expensive ones, things like that would be super fun.

Elle: Sounds fun. It sounds super fun. And what are you studying in college? Actually, I didn't ask you.

Nate: I am studying marketing. Yeah.

Elle: Okay.

Well, I mean, so far you're doing really well with the channel, maybe using those expertise that you're learning along the way,

um, Nate. Fantastic interview. Thank you for your tips and advice. I want to ask you one last question actually, what would you say to anyone who is thinking about starting a journey, a Spanish language learning journey, and maybe needs confidence or advice?

Nate: Sure, absolutely. Well, just get started. I always say, like I said, you know, I don't mean to come back to the grammar, but just get yourself like a simple grammar textbook.

You can just go on Amazon, you know, you know, Spanish grammar textbook for beginners, whatever, just so you can get started. And my other piece of advice, it's cheesy, it's general, whatever is just enjoy yourself because at the end of the day, Yes, learning Spanish is a journey. It's a process. Sometimes it's gonna be harder than others, but at the end of the day, you're learning the language to do something fun.

Right? You want to enjoy it. You don't want to hate the process because learning Spanish is not this thing where you can learn it in a month and, you know, speak this beautiful Spanish. Like it takes time. That's the reality, it's with anything, you know, it takes time and it takes hard work. Um, but you need to have fun during the journey, because I always tell people, people are like, wow, your Spanish is so good. I'm like, thank you. But I'm still learning. I'm still getting better. It's kind of, it's important to have that mindset, you know, immerse yourself, love the language, have fun, um, and be consistent.

Elle: I like that one. I need to take that advice in my language I think for sure.

Well, great advice, Nate. Thank you so much. Best of luck in your final year of college and best of luck moving forward with Spanishwithnate.com and Nate's Adventures. I'll pop the links to both of those in the description. And yeah, thank you so much for joining us, Nate. It's been a great chat.

Nate: Perfect. Yeah.

Thank you, Elle I appreciate all your questions.

Elle: Excellent. Bye-bye.

Nate: Adios

English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #28: Learn Spanish with Nate of Nate's Adventures ||||||||Нейта| ||||||Nate||Nates| ||||||||de Nate| Englisch LingQ 2.0 Podcast #28: Spanisch lernen mit Nate von Nate's Adventures Inglés LingQ 2.0 Podcast #28: Aprende español con Nate de Las aventuras de Nate English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #28 : Apprendre l'espagnol avec Nate de Nate's Adventures Podcast LingQ 2.0 inglese #28: Imparare lo spagnolo con Nate di Le avventure di Nate 英語版LingQ 2.0 Podcast #28:ネイトの冒険でスペイン語を学ぼう English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #28: Ucz się hiszpańskiego z Natem z Nate's Adventures Podcast #28 do English LingQ 2.0: Aprender espanhol com o Nate do Nate's Adventures Английский LingQ 2.0 Подкаст #28: Учим испанский с Нейтом из "Приключений Нейта Подкаст English LingQ 2.0 #28: Вивчайте іспанську з Нейтом із "Пригод Нейта 英语 LingQ 2.0 播客 #28:与 Nate's Adventures 的 Nate 一起学习西班牙语 英語 LingQ 2.0 播客 #28:透過 Nate of Nate's Adventures 學習西班牙語

Elle: Hello everyone and welcome to the LingQ podcastwith me, Elle. ||||||||подкаст со мной|| ||||||||mit|| ||||||||podcast conmigo|| ||||||||与我|| Are you learning English? If so, I have made this podcast episode into an English lesson just for you. Actually you can find all past podcast episodes as English lessons on LingQ, there's a full course there. I'll always add the link to the lesson in the description.

If you've  never used LingQ before, it's an excellent way to learn a language. You learn from content you love, that means you choose the content: podcast episodes, YouTube videos, news articles, music lyrics, whatever you're into. You can create a lesson on LingQ and work your way through it translating words and phrases you don't know, adding them to your own personal database. If you enjoy this podcast, please give us a like subscribe, follow share, and if you are listening on Apple Podcasts, feel free to leave a review. That way we can get in front of more listeners and help them learn English too. Bu şekilde daha fazla dinleyicinin karşısına çıkabilir ve onların da İngilizce öğrenmelerine yardımcı olabiliriz.

I am joined this week by another wonderful guest. 我|||||||| Bu hafta bana harika bir konuk daha eşlik ediyor. I'm joined by Nate of the YouTube channel Nate's Adventurous. He is a language coach and also YouTuber. Nate, thanks for joining us. How are you?

Nate: Very good. Thanks for having me. I'm really excited to chat with you today.

Elle: Excellent. Me too. Uh, whereabouts are you joining us from today? Von wo aus kommen Sie heute zu uns?

Nate: I am joining you from Los Angeles, California. ||||||洛杉矶||

Elle: Oh, very, very cool. And how are you guys doing down there in terms of the heat? ||||||||在|||| Peki siz orada sıcağa karşı nasılsınız? 你们那里的炎热天气怎么样? Are you, were you in that whole heat dome? ||||||||Hitzekuppel |||||||calor|cúpula Sen, sen o ısı kubbesinin içinde miydin?

Nate: Yeah, it was pretty hot. Um, it's, it's still definitely very hot, but not as bad as it was, um, a week ago or so, but yeah.

Elle: Excellent. I guess down there you're more prepared. Sanırım aşağıda daha hazırlıklı oluyorsun. Is it mostly air conditioned? ||||climate controlled Çoğunlukla klimalı mı? 大部分都是有空调的吗?

Nate: It is. Yeah, it is. Yeah.

Elle: Good, good. That's great. That's much needed in a 40 degree hell hole heat wave that we just had here, so, okay. Burada yaşadığımız 40 derecelik cehennem gibi sıcak hava dalgasında buna çok ihtiyacımız var. Good to hear. Um, so Nate, you run the channel Nate's Adventurous as I mentioned. Nate, bahsettiğim gibi Nate's Adventurous kanalını yönetiyorsun. You focus on Spanish and your story is one thing that jumped out to me when I was reading your bio, you're a little different from the YouTubers I've had on before in that you actually learned a language in high school. ||||||||||||||||||||个人简介|||有点|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||YouTuber|||||||||||||| İspanyolca'ya odaklanıyorsunuz ve biyografinizi okurken dikkatimi çeken şeylerden biri hikayeniz oldu, daha önce izlediğim YouTuber'lardan biraz farklısınız çünkü lisede bir dil öğrenmişsiniz. 你专注于西班牙语,当我读你的简历时,我突然想到你的故事,你和我之前遇到的 YouTuber 有点不同,因为你实际上在高中就学过一门语言。

Nate: Right. That's correct. That is correct.

Elle: Wow, so like you're in the minority. Elle: Vay canına, sanki azınlıktaymışsın gibi. I would say most people in general and also the YouTubers that I have on are like, no, it didn't work for me in high school then I went on to find my own methods. 我想说的是,大多数人以及我的 YouTuber 都会说,不,这在高中时对我不起作用,然后我继续寻找自己的方法。 So how is it that you learned Spanish in high school?

Nate: Sure. Yeah.


Good question. Very common question. Zeer veel voorkomende vraag. So, you know, it's funny actually, because like you said, I am definitely in the minority. Um, to be honest, I mean, I can't speak for everyone here, but I feel like it's kind of one of those things where, you know, when most of us are in high school, we're not necessarily interested in actually learning the language when we're in school, it's typically I need to meet a requirement or I just need to pass my classes or whatever, so I can go to college kind of thing. So sometimes I feel that, you know, because when people are in high school and they're like, oh, I just want to pass a class. And that's it. Um, but also for me, I just, I loved it. You know, I, when I started taking classes, I was like, oh man, this is amazing. Bilirsiniz, ders almaya başladığımda, oh adamım, bu harika diyordum. I love this. And so I just enjoyed it. And then, because I enjoyed it. I paid attention and then I learned.

Elle: Excellent. It's as simple as that. 就是这样|||| Did you have a, did you have a particularly good teacher would you say, or what was it more like you say your, your interest was sparked by the language? ||||||||||||||||||||||||||despertado||| Özellikle iyi bir öğretmeniniz var mıydı, yoksa ilginizin dil tarafından mı tetiklendiğini söylersiniz?

Nate: Definitely a mix of both. Um, you know, I had, I had great teachers throughout high school. Lise boyunca harika öğretmenlerim oldu. Uh, the majority of them were Mexican. Um, just because, you know, LA is very close to Mexico. Um, but yeah, it was definitely a mix of both, um, me taking an interest to it. Ama evet, kesinlikle her ikisinin bir karışımıydı, benim ilgimi çekiyordu.

And also my good teachers. Also, it's funny because I don't know if this applies to me, who knows, but I'm also, I've read that, um, a lot of the times, if you're left-handed, uh, or you play an instrument or something else that can help you learn a language easier. Además, es curioso porque no sé si esto se aplica a mí, quién sabe, pero yo también, he leído que, um, muchas veces, si eres zurdo, uh, o tocas un instrumento o algo así puede ayudarte a aprender un idioma más fácilmente. And for me, I've grown up playing instruments and I'm left-handed. Ben de enstrüman çalarak büyüdüm ve solağım.

So who knows? Maybe I have a little edge. |||||vantagem Misschien heb ik een klein voordeel. Belki benim biraz üstünlüğüm vardır.

Elle: Interesting. I haven't heard that before. Huh. Now I need to ask people when they come on if they're left-handed or play an instrument just to do my own research. Şimdi kendi araştırmamı yapmak için insanlara geldiklerinde solak olup olmadıklarını ya da bir enstrüman çalıp çalmadıklarını sormam gerekiyor. And, um, what, uh, what musical instruments do you play out of interest?

Nate: Guitar, piano, a little ukulele, but mainly the guitar. |||||укулеле|||| |||||Ukulele|||| |||||尤克里里||||

Elle: Okay.

Nate: Yeah.

Elle: I wonder if people, people listening can comment if they, mostly they are language learners, because they're listening for that reason, if they play an instrument. Elle: Acaba dinleyenler, çoğunlukla dil öğrenenler, çünkü bu nedenle dinliyorlar, bir enstrüman çalıyorlarsa yorum yapabilirler mi? Okay.

Um, so tell us about your channel Nate's Adventures. Obviously the focus is on learning Spanish.

It's a super fun channel from perusing it  myself. ||||||Durchstöbern|| ||||||lendo|| Kendim incelediğim kadarıyla süper eğlenceli bir kanal. I'm not learning Spanish, but I enjoyed especially the video where were you surprised the online teacher with your Spanish. İspanyolca öğrenmiyorum ama özellikle online öğretmeni İspanyolcanızla şaşırttığınız videoyu çok beğendim. You were fumbling along and then burst out with this perfect Spanish. ||stammelnd||||||||| ||||||suddenly spoke||||| ||tateando||||irrompeu||||| Вы неловко переводили слова, а потом разразились прекрасным испанским. Beceriksizce ilerliyordun ve sonra bu mükemmel İspanyolca ile patladın.

Nate: Sure. So I actually started my YouTube channel when I was in high school. I was 17 and I was like, man, it'd be really cool to be, do this YouTube thing. You know? So Nate's Adventures was born. And at first my channel was just me going around, doing fun stuff, going camping, and going rock climbing. And then one day, this was maybe just over a year ago, I was like, you know, let's speak Spanish. You know, I feel like making videos about it would be a good way to practice. And I thought to myself, you know, I want to share the language with people and I want to share with people just how cool it is to know another language, whether that's Spanish or another language.

Um, And yeah, so I wanted to make kind of silly videos. ||||||||||bobinho| I wanted to make like entertaining videos kind of funny videos, as opposed to the typical like, Hey, like, this is how you learn the predicate tense or here's the subjunctive mood. |||||||||||||||||||||||||сказуемое|||||сослагательное наклонение| |||||||||||||||||||||||||Prädikat|||||Konjunktiv| |||||||||||||||||||||||||tiempo verbal|||||modo subjuntivo| |||||||||||||||||||||||||谓语|||||| Quería hacer vídeos entretenidos, divertidos, en lugar de los típicos: "Así es como se aprende el tiempo predicativo o el modo subjuntivo". Tipik "Hey, yüklem zamanını böyle öğrenirsin ya da işte dilek kipi" gibi videoların aksine eğlenceli ve komik videolar yapmak istedim. Like things like that. You know, the reality is, is less people are going to find that to be interesting or entertaining.

Right. It's not as fun. So I started making these silly videos, you know, surprising teachers with funny Spanish or, you know, going out and trying different food or hanging out with my friends, speaking Spanish, um, things like that. And then the channel started doing pretty well. Um, especially like the silly teacher videos and videos like that. ||||bobinho||||||

Elle: People love that . These are hard times, especially now. Um, so your website, Spanishwithnate.com, you offer Spanish, uh, coaching. ||||Испанский с Нейтом|||||| ||||Spanisch mit Nate||||||Coaching ||||Spanish con Nate|||||| ||||西班牙语与内特|||||| What kind of methods would you say you use in your spanish coaching?

Nate: Definitely. Okay.

So good question. Um, I've never been asked this before, so this is a good question.

Um, well it depends, it really depends on what the student needs and what their goals are, because I don't want to teach someone grammar if they just want to go, you know, on a trip to Mexico for a week or two, you know, then we're going to focus on, you know, simple phrases and things like that, that they can, can have down. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||prontas Eh, het hangt ervan af, het hangt er echt van af wat de student nodig heeft en wat zijn doelen zijn, want ik wil iemand geen grammatica leren als ze gewoon willen gaan, weet je, op een reis naar Mexico voor een week of twee , weet je, dan gaan we ons concentreren op, je weet wel, simpele zinnen en dat soort dingen, die ze kunnen, kunnen hebben.

Um, but typically I actually really like teaching grammar. I feel like a lot of times people think that grammar is this horrible thing. Maybe it's just the word grammar. People are like, ah, that's scary. Um, but I've never understood how you could learn a languageto an intermediate or advanced level without learning some grammar. ||||||||||язык до||||||||| ||||||||||Sprache||||||||| ||||||||||idioma a||||||||| ||||||||||语言|||||||||

Um, you know, I always say you, you know, when you're learning Spanish, First off, you got to learn the present tense, the preterite tense in the imperfect tense. |||||||||||||||||||||||прошедшее время||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||Präteritum||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||pretérito||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||过去式||||| Um, weet je, ik zeg altijd dat je, weet je, als je Spaans leert, Ten eerste moet je de tegenwoordige tijd leren, de preterite tijd in de onvolmaakte tijd. And then like the informal future is important, but like, if you can get those down, not extremely difficult tenses, you have a, you know, a good amount of the main grammar that's used. ||||futuro informal||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Y luego, el futuro informal es importante, pero si consigues dominar esos tiempos, que no son extremadamente difíciles, ya tienes una buena parte de la gramática principal que se utiliza.

It's kind of like the 80/20 rule, you know, learn 20%, most important stuff then you have 80% of the language, right. Um, and then from grammar that comes along with, you know, doing flashcards through, you know, whether it's Quizzlet or Amki, um, are two great softwares for, for learning vocabulary. ||||||||||||||||||Квизлет||Анки|||||программы|||| ||||||||||||||||||Quizzlet|||||||Software|||| ||||||||||||||||||Quizlet||Anki|||||programas de software|||| ||||||||||||||||||Quizlet||安记|||||软件|||| And then it's reinforcing the things you're learning in a classroom or in a book, or a course, whatever, reinforcing that by going out and speaking with, with native speakers, whether that's in person or via, you know, an online app like like Tandem or Hello Talk, um, That's kind of it, really using the language, uh, you know, that's kinda the best way. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Tandem||||||||||||||||||||

Elle: Okay.

Again, you're an outlier in that you enjoy grammar. |||Ausreißer||||| You mentioned in the bio on the website that, um, learning, learning Spanish has changed your life. I mean, of course in that you have this now coaching business and YouTube channel, successful, 50,000 subscribers. ||||||||||||||||Abonnenten Congratulations.

Um, so in what ways has learning Spanish changed your life?

Nate: Yeah, absolutely.

So, yeah, like you said, definitely the business side of it. I would have never expected that. So it's pretty incredible. And really, yeah, that I can, you know, survive and make some money doing what I love. That's amazing. Um, Yeah, to be honest with you I cannot imagine my life, what my life would be right now, if I had never learned Spanish, um, because seriously it is such an integral part of my life that like every day something going on in my life is relating to Spanish, especially in these past few years, um, with creating these videos and everything. ||||||||||||||||||||||从未|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Um, but I mean, just the opportunities that it gives you, um, you know, to be able to like travel to Mexico or Spain or wherever, and just chat with the locals, have these deep connections with people. Um, one of the most meaningful things for me and this never gets old for me is meeting a stranger, Spanish as their first language, and, you know, they can speak some English, you chat with them a little bit in English, then you say, oh, you speak Spanish. |||||significativo||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Una de las cosas más significativas para mí, y esto nunca pasa de moda, es conocer a un desconocido, cuya lengua materna es el español, y, ya sabes, puede hablar algo de inglés, charlas con él un poco en inglés, y luego dices, oh, tú hablas español. You speak to them in Spanish. And they just do a 180. Und sie machen einfach eine Kehrtwende. They're a whole new person. That is one of the coolest things to me. |||||最酷的||| |||||coolsten||| Like I always say this in any interview that people do with me.

It's like, I love the quote by Nelson Mandela, if you speak to a man in a second language, you're speaking to his mind but if you speak to a man and his first language, you're speaking to his heart. ||||||||曼德拉||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||Nelson Mandela|Mandela||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| And it's cheesy, but it's so true. It's like connecting with people on a deep level is like one of the most meaningful, satisfying things i, I feel like I've, I've find in my life. ||verbinden||||||||||||||||||||||||| Um, so yeah, just the relationships I've been able to build and the places I've been able to travel to. Um, the workout now that I get for my brain in Spanish. ||das Training|||||||||

Elle: Yeah, no doubt. Yeah.

You're, you're obviously an advanced, um, speaker of Spanish so maybe you just, you just have advanced content in mind when asked this question, but I wonder if you have any book, podcast, movie suggestions for anyone listening, who is interested in studying Spanish or just is looking for a great movie?

Nate: Sure, absolutely. Yeah.


Actually, um, uh, Olly Richards, uh, I'm sure you're familiar with him. |||Olly Richards|Richards||||||| He has some great books in Spanish. Just go "Olly Richards, you know, books in Spanish" whatever. He's got those good short stories. Um, I just watched this movie called Tell Me When, um, it's on Netflix. Um, it's, it's a beautiful movie it's set in in Mexico City.

That's really cool. I love Coco. ||Я люблю Коко. ||可可 Coco is my favorite movie in Spanish so.... Go see Coco in Spanish. Please go watch it cause it's awesome. Um, but yeah, those are my recommendations.

Elle: Okay.

So would you... your life is obviously revolves around knowing Spanish and, um, coaching it. Are you thinking about another language anytime soon? Or are you just all about the Spanish?

Nate: Sure. Well, for me, when it comes to language learning me personally, I don't want to know a little of a lot of languages. I want to know a few languages at a pretty high level. So obviously I'm already there with Spanish currently, I'm working on Mandarin Chinese. Um, and I've been doing okay, much slower process now that I'm kind of in the adult world so to say, you know, I can't, it's harder to go to, you know, Spanish or Chinese class, you know, 45 minutes every single day. Um, you know, with everything that's going on in my life. But, um, Yeah, that is, that is the current language I'm working on right now.

Elle: And will you be using any of the methods, I know it's, it's difficult to say because you actually basically became conversational in Spanish, in high school, which was how long ago? ||||||||||||||||||||||对话的||||||||||

Nate: So I started when I was 14, which is seven years old. Yeah.

Elle: Seven years ago. Okay.

So will you be using any of those same things kind of methods to study Mandarin or is it a whole different thing now?

Nate: Sure. Great question. Um, yeah, you know, me personally, I actually love the classroom setting, um, when it comes to learning a language, uh, being in person with the, with the teacher, because something that I found that helped me a lot when I was learning Spanish was asking a lot of questions. Um, sí, ya sabes, yo personalmente, en realidad me encanta el ambiente del aula, um, cuando se trata de aprender un idioma, uh, estar en persona con el, con el profesor, porque algo que encontré que me ayudó mucho cuando estaba aprendiendo español estaba haciendo un montón de preguntas.

So, you know, if you're not sure about something you're still confused just being able to ask questions constantly is so valuable. Um, but yeah, still I think grammar is so important. I think understanding that is really important. It's, it's kind of a mixture. It's kind of like this base where it's like build your base off of grammar, then move on to learn new vocabulary and then reinforce the grammar, the vocabulary via speaking with people, listening to audio, you know, watching movies, immersing yourself in the language. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||eintauchen||||

Elle: Okay.

Cool. And will you start making videos about your Mandarin learning journey?

Nate: I don't know. You know, I'm not at any level close enough to where I think I could. Um, it might be interesting, like you said, do a little journey thing, but I think honestly, um, my channel has kind of become um, primarily Spanish focused and a lot of my viewers come from Latin America and Spain. Um, podría ser interesante, como has dicho, hacer un pequeño viaje, pero creo que honestamente, um, mi canal se ha convertido en um, principalmente centrado en español y muchos de mis espectadores vienen de América Latina y España.

Um, so I think my channel will stay primarily Spanish focused. And actually I have, I have an idea where I might create a new channel where I teach people, um, where I'm actually teaching Spanish. Cause right now, You know, entertaining videos, conversations, things like that. I might make another channel and do both, um, you know, Hey, you know, let's say we're going to learn 25 great travel phrases from Mexico, or, you know, whatever.

Elle: Right. Okay.

Excellent. In terms of, uh, the channel Nate's Adventures then you have had some great guests on, um, Steve Kaufmann LingQ co-founder of course. Um, are there any other guests in the works or are there any, is there anyone you would like on?

Nate: Good question. I think it'd be interesting to talk to EIenna. ||||||||Я думаю, было бы интересно поговорить с Еленой. ||||||||EIenna ||||||||a EIenna ||||||||艾恩娜 Um, he seems like, yeah, he seems like a really nice guy.

I met him once at this like online language conference. It was awesome. Um, and we got to chat a little bit, but, um, I've never really gotten to have like a full in depth conversation with him, but yeah, Ford Quarterman. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Форд Квотерман ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Ford Quarterman ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Ford Quarterman ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||夸特曼 Um, en we moeten een beetje kletsen, maar, um, ik heb nooit echt een diepgaand gesprek met hem gehad, maar ja, Ford Quarterman. He's a pretty good, cool guy. Like watching his videos. Um, he he's like a gringo guy. |||||гринго| |||||Gringo| |||||white guy| |||||tipo extranjero| |||||外国人| He travels around in Mexico.

Makes fun videos. Um, be cool to talk to him. Yeah.

I mean, there's so many interesting people. I love speaking with people kind of in this space. Cause you know, everyone's got their unique stories and, and uh, I think it's cool because in the language learning community, there's, there's just like a very strong connection and everyone's very worldly and it has many cool stories to share. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||weltgewandt|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mundano|||||||| Porque, ya sabes, cada uno tiene sus historias únicas y, y uh, creo que es genial porque en la comunidad de aprendizaje de idiomas, hay, hay como una conexión muy fuerte y todo el mundo es muy mundano y tiene muchas historias interesantes para compartir.

So yeah.

Elle: Yeah. And it's such a growing community too, and I've spoken about this before, in other episodes, but it blows me away. Every week, every month, it seems to be a new channel popping up. |||||||||||surgindo| |||||||||||apareciendo| I love it. It used to be that they were very few, um, kind of YouTubers or, you know, known people for the language learning niche community. Antes había muy pocos YouTubers o gente conocida en la comunidad de aprendizaje de idiomas.

So, yeah. That's very cool.

Nate: Yeah, absolutely.

Elle: And how about for the rest of the year and moving forward for your channel do you have any plans for kind of projects, different videos?

Nate: Definitely. Yeah.

So with regards to my YouTube channel, um, my goal is, so I have one year of college left or uni. ||关于|||||||||||||||||| I don't know if that's what you say in Canada.

Elle: Yeah. I guess... no college I'm from the UK so we say uni. |||||||||||Uni In Canada yeah they say, I guess they say college.



Nate: college or whatever. I've got one year left. So my goal is finish school. And then once I'm done, um, if I'm making enough money to be able to just go travel around, I'd love to go to Mexico for a bit, um, and just make fun videos there.

Um, other parts of Latin America. I've been to Spain, but who knows? I might go back. Um, I really, I think the, what would be awesome for Nate's Adventures is to turn it into, um, less of like surprising teachers with perfect Spanish, things like that. Because to be honest, those videos do great.,They get lots of views and they entertain the fun to make. ||||||||||||||它们||||| |||||||||||||||entretienen||||

But a lot of times I feel like a one trick pony and I just get bored of them. |||||||||||пони-однодневка||||||| |||||||||||Eintagsfliegen||||||| |||||||||||um truque pony||||||| |||||||||||单一技能者||||||| Pero muchas veces me siento como un pony de un solo truco y me aburro de ellos. So to have like a combination of those kinds of videos with like these fun travel videos, like, Hey, we're in Mexico City and we're trying out these really cheap tacos versus real expensive ones, things like that would be super fun.

Elle: Sounds fun. It sounds super fun. And what are you studying in college? Actually, I didn't ask you.

Nate: I am studying marketing. Yeah.

Elle: Okay.

Well, I mean, so far you're doing really well with the channel, maybe using those expertise that you're learning along the way, |||||||||||||||专业知识||||||

um, Nate. Fantastic interview. Thank you for your tips and advice. I want to ask you one last question actually, what would you say to anyone who is thinking about starting a journey, a Spanish language learning journey, and maybe needs confidence or advice?

Nate: Sure, absolutely. Well, just get started. I always say, like I said, you know, I don't mean to come back to the grammar, but just get yourself like a simple grammar textbook.

You can just go on Amazon, you know, you know, Spanish grammar textbook for beginners, whatever, just so you can get started. ||||||||||||||Anfänger||||||| And my other piece of advice, it's cheesy, it's general, whatever is just enjoy yourself because at the end of the day, Yes, learning Spanish is a journey. ||||||||它是||||||||||||||||||| |||||||clichê|||||||||||||||||||| It's a process. Sometimes it's gonna be harder than others, but at the end of the day, you're learning the language to do something fun.

Right? You want to enjoy it. You don't want to hate the process because learning Spanish is not this thing where you can learn it in a month and, you know, speak this beautiful Spanish. Like it takes time. That's the reality, it's with anything, you know, it takes time and it takes hard work. Um, but you need to have fun during the journey, because I always tell people, people are like, wow, your Spanish is so good. I'm like, thank you. But I'm still learning. I'm still getting better. It's kind of, it's important to have that mindset, you know, immerse yourself, love the language, have fun, um, and be consistent. ||||||||Denkweise|||eintauchen||||||||||

Elle: I like that one. I need to take that advice in my language I think for sure.

Well, great advice, Nate. Thank you so much. Best of luck in your final year of college and best of luck moving forward with Spanishwithnate.com and Nate's Adventures. I'll pop the links to both of those in the description. And yeah, thank you so much for joining us, Nate. It's been a great chat.

Nate: Perfect. Yeah.

Thank you, Elle I appreciate all your questions.

Elle: Excellent. Bye-bye.

Nate: Adios |再见 |Tschüss |Nate: Adiós