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News in Levels, North and South Korea conflict – level 2

North and South Korea conflict – level 2

The war between North and South Korea ended in 1953, but officially, it never ended.

In 1953, South Korean officials did not agree to sign a deal which would end the war. The two countries never fought again, but the two Koreas stayed apart. Now, Moon Jae-in, South Korea´s president, wants to end the conflict before his presidency ends in 2022.

In September, Moon spoke to the United Nations, and he repeated that he wanted to officially end the conflict. North Korean officials said that a deal was possible, but the deal was not easy to make. The US and South Korea asked North Korea to end its weapons program, which North Korea does not want to do.

Difficult words: conflict (a fight or argument), presidency (the job of a president).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

North and South Korea conflict – level 2 Nord- und Südkorea-Konflikt - Stufe 2 Conflicto entre Corea del Norte y Corea del Sur - nivel 2 Conflitto tra Corea del Nord e Corea del Sud - livello 2 北朝鮮と韓国の対立 – レベル 2 남북한 갈등 – 레벨 2 Konflikt między Koreą Północną i Południową - poziom 2 Conflito da Coréia do Norte e do Sul - nível 2 Конфликт между Северной и Южной Кореей - уровень 2 Конфлікт між Північною та Південною Кореєю - рівень 2 朝鲜和韩国冲突 - 2 级 北韓和南韓衝突 – 2 級

The war between North and South Korea ended in 1953, but officially, it never ended. ||||||||||官方地||| 北朝鮮と韓国の間の戦争は 1953 年に終結しましたが、公式には終結しませんでした。 남북한 사이의 전쟁은 1953년에 끝났지만 공식적으로는 끝나지 않았습니다. A guerra entre a Coréia do Norte e a Coréia do Sul terminou em 1953, mas oficialmente nunca terminou. Война между Северной и Южной Кореей закончилась в 1953 году, но официально так и не закончилась.

In 1953, South Korean officials did not agree to sign a deal which would end the war. 1953 年、韓国当局は戦争を終結させる協定に署名することに同意しませんでした。 Em 1953, as autoridades sul-coreanas não concordaram em assinar um acordo que encerraria a guerra. Leta 1953 južnokorejski uradniki niso privolili v podpis sporazuma, ki bi končal vojno. У 1953 році південнокорейські чиновники не погодилися підписати угоду, яка б поклала край війні. The two countries never fought again, but the two Koreas stayed apart. 両国は再び戦うことはありませんでしたが、南北は離れたままでした。 두 나라는 다시는 싸우지 않았지만 남북한은 떨어져 있었다. Os dois países nunca mais lutaram, mas as duas Coreias permaneceram separadas. Državi se nista nikoli več spopadli, vendar sta Koreji ostali ločeni. Now, Moon Jae-in, South Korea´s president, wants to end the conflict before his presidency ends in 2022. |月|在||||||||||||||| 現在、韓国の文在寅大統領は、2022 年に大統領の任期が終了する前に紛争を終わらせたいと考えています。 Agora, Moon Jae-in, presidente da Coreia do Sul, quer acabar com o conflito antes que seu mandato termine em 2022.

In September, Moon spoke to the United Nations, and he repeated that he wanted to officially end the conflict. 9月、文大統領は国連で演説し、正式に紛争を終わらせたいと繰り返した. Em setembro, Moon falou às Nações Unidas e repetiu que queria encerrar oficialmente o conflito. Septembra je Moon spregovoril v Združenih narodih in ponovil, da želi uradno končati konflikt. North Korean officials said that a deal was possible, but the deal was not easy to make. 北朝鮮当局者は、合意は可能だが、合意は容易ではないと述べた。 Funcionários norte-coreanos disseram que um acordo era possível, mas o acordo não era fácil de fazer. Severnokorejski uradniki so dejali, da je dogovor mogoč, vendar ga ni bilo lahko doseči. The US and South Korea asked North Korea to end its weapons program, which North Korea does not want to do. 米国と韓国は、北朝鮮に兵器計画の終了を求めたが、北朝鮮は望んでいない。 Os EUA e a Coréia do Sul pediram à Coréia do Norte que encerrasse seu programa de armas, o que a Coréia do Norte não quer fazer. ZDA in Južna Koreja so Severno Korejo pozvale, naj preneha izvajati svoj program orožja, česar pa Severna Koreja ne želi storiti.

Difficult words: conflict (a fight or argument), presidency (the job of a president). |||||||总统职位||||| 難しい言葉: 衝突 (けんかまたは論争)、大統領職 (大統領の仕事)。 Palavras difíceis: conflito (uma briga ou discussão), presidência (o trabalho de um presidente).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section. Você pode assistir ao vídeo original na seção Nível 3. Originalni videoposnetek si lahko ogledate v razdelku Raven 3.