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News in Levels, Crocodile attacks a girl – level 2

Crocodile attacks a girl – level 2

Last week, Amelie Osborn-Smith from Hampshire, UK, was whitewater rafting on the Zambezi river in Zambia. Suddenly, a crocodile attacked her.

The animal bit the girl's leg, and it wanted to pull her under the water. Crocodiles normally do this with their prey. They pull it under the water and turn around several times. This way, they kill the prey.

Amelie was lucky because her father and friends frightened off the animal. The girl had injuries on her leg, foot, and lip, and she went to a hospital in Zambia.

Now, Amelie is in a hospital in London, UK. She is having nightmares, and she often remembers the attack. Still, she said that she was not afraid to return to Zambia. She said that one bad experience should not stop people from enjoying their lives.

Difficult words: whitewater rafting (an activity when people ride in a small boat full of air through dangerous parts of a river), prey (an animal which is food of a larger animal), to frighten off (to scare a person or animal so they go away).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

Crocodile attacks a girl – level 2 تمساح يهاجم فتاة - المستوى 2 Krokodil greift ein Mädchen an - Stufe 2 Cocodrilo ataca a una niña - nivel 2 Le crocodile attaque une fille - niveau 2 Un coccodrillo attacca una ragazza - livello 2 クロコダイルが女の子を襲う – レベル 2 O crocodilo ataca uma rapariga - nível 2 Крокодил нападает на девочку - уровень 2 Timsah bir kıza saldırır - seviye 2 鳄鱼攻击女孩——2级 鱷魚攻擊女孩 – 2 級

Last week, Amelie Osborn-Smith from Hampshire, UK, was whitewater rafting on the Zambezi river in Zambia. ||阿梅莉||||汉普郡|||激流||||赞比西河||| |||||||||rafting em águas brancas|praticando rafting|||||| |||||||||激流漂流|漂流|||贊比西河|||尚比亞 في الأسبوع الماضي، كانت أميلي أوزبورن سميث من هامبشاير بالمملكة المتحدة تمارس رياضة التجديف في المياه البيضاء في نهر زامبيزي في زامبيا. Minggu lalu, Amelie Osborn-Smith dari Hampshire, Inggris, melakukan arung jeram di sungai Zambezi di Zambia. 先週、イギリスのハンプシャー出身の Amelie Osborn-Smith さんは、ザンビアのザンベジ川でラフティングをしていました。 Suddenly, a crocodile attacked her. ||突然,一隻鱷魚襲擊了她。|突然,一隻鱷魚攻擊了她。| de repente|||| ||鳄鱼|| 突然、ワニが彼女を襲った。

The animal bit the girl's leg, and it wanted to pull her under the water. ||||||||||拉|||| ||||||||||puxar|||| ||||||||||||水下|| 動物は女の子の足を噛み、水の下に引き込もうとしました。 Crocodiles normally do this with their prey. ||||||獵物 ||||||猎物 ワニは通常、獲物に対してこれを行います。 Крокодили зазвичай роблять це зі своєю здобиччю. They pull it under the water and turn around several times. |拉動|它|||||轉動||| |||||||||várias vezes| 彼らはそれを水中に引き込み、数回向きを変えます。 This way, they kill the prey. ||||這個|獵物 このようにして、彼らは獲物を殺します。

Amelie was lucky because her father and friends frightened off the animal. ||||||||嚇跑||| ||||||||afugentaram||| Amelie beruntung karena ayah dan teman-temannya berhasil menakut-nakuti hewan tersebut. アメリは幸運にも、父親と友達が怖がってその動物を追い払いました。 Amelie je imela srečo, saj so njen oče in prijatelji prestrašili žival. The girl had injuries on her leg, foot, and lip, and she went to a hospital in Zambia. |||傷勢|||||||||||||| |||||||||lábio|||||||| |||||||||嘴唇|||||||| 少女は足、足、唇に怪我を負い、ザンビアの病院に行きました。

Now, Amelie is in a hospital in London, UK. 現在、アメリは英国ロンドンの病院に入院しています。 She is having nightmares, and she often remembers the attack. |||惡夢||她||||襲擊 |||pesadelos|||||| 彼女は悪夢にうなされており、攻撃のことをよく覚えています。 Still, she said that she was not afraid to return to Zambia. それでも、彼女はザンビアに戻ることを恐れていないと言いました。 She said that one bad experience should not stop people from enjoying their lives. 彼女は、1 つの悪い経験によって人々が人生を楽しむのを止めてはならないと言いました。

Difficult words: whitewater rafting (an activity when people ride in a small boat full of air through dangerous parts of a river), prey (an animal which is food of a larger animal), to frighten off (to scare a person or animal so they go away). 難しい言葉:ホワイトウォーター・ラフティング(川の危険な部分を空気で満たされた小さなボートに乗る活動)、獲物(より大きな動物の餌となる動物)、怖がらせる(人や動物を怖がらせて怖がらせる)彼らは去ります)。 Palavras difíceis: rafting (uma atividade em que as pessoas andam num pequeno barco cheio de ar através de partes perigosas de um rio), presa (um animal que serve de alimento a um animal maior), assustar (assustar uma pessoa ou um animal para que se afaste). Težke besede: rafting (dejavnost, pri kateri se ljudje z majhnim čolnom, polnim zraka, vozijo po nevarnih delih reke), plen (žival, ki je hrana večji živali), prestrašiti (prestrašiti osebo ali žival, da odide). Складні слова: рафтинг (сплав по річці, коли люди плавають у невеликому човні, наповненому повітрям, через небезпечні ділянки річки), здобич (тварина, яка є їжею для більшої тварини), відлякати (налякати людину або тварину, щоб вони пішли геть).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.