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The Mummy by David Levithan, Imhotep


Chapter four

They could hear the scarabs, hundreds of them. And then, they saw them. They all wanted to scream, but there wasn't time. Evelyn, Jonathan, and O'Connell ran up some stairs. The scarabs ran past, below them.

"They almost got us!" said O'Connell. "Evelyn, I said..." But Evelyn wasn't there. She lost O'Connell and Jonathan when they ran up the stairs. She walked into a dark room, below them. Where was she? She didn't know. "O'Connell!" Evelyn shouted. "O'Connell!" Then, she saw one of the Americans. He had his back to her, but it was Burns.

"Oh hello!" said Evelyn.

Burns turned around and she screamed. Burns had no eyes. He fell on the ground. Evelyn turned away, but she came face-to-face with...


Imhotep, with Burns's blue eyes. Imhotep couldn't see very well because Burns had to wear glasses. He looked at Evelyn.

"Anck-su-namun?" he said.

"Help me," Evelyn said to Burns. But Burns couldn't see, and he could do nothing. "Kadeesh pharos Anck-su-namun," said Imhotep. Evelyn was very afraid "I'm going to die," she thought. "Please, somebody help me!" Suddenly, O'Connell ran in with a gun in his hand. "Oh, there you are!" he said to Evelyn. "Where...?" He saw Imhotep. He shot Imhotep and pulled Evelyn to him. Then, he took Evelyn's hand in his hand, and they ran. Ardeth Bay and ten Med-Jai soldiers stopped them.

"I told you before: leave this place or die," said Ardeth Bay. "It's OK," said O'Connell, "I shot the mummy. No problem!" "A gun can't kill Imhotep!" said Ardeth Bay.

He was very angry. "Now get out of here! All of you!" Med-Jai soldiers found the Americans and Jonathan, and they all went back above ground. Only one person wasn't there. Beni was below the ground. He was with Imhotep.

"I can use you," Imhotep told Beni, in Egyptian. "And I will give you gold." "Y - Yes," said Beni. "I want the box with Anck-su-namun's heart," Imhotep told him. *

Above ground, Med-Jai soldiers helped Burns walk to a horse.

"What did you do to him?" shouted Henderson, the third American. "Look at his eyes." "We helped him," said Ardeth Bay. "Now leave here before Imhotep kills everybody." They all got on their horses. They wanted to get away from Imhotep.

"I got him," said O'Connell. "I told you, I shot this Imhotep." But nobody listened to him. Nobody could kill Imhotep with a gun.


Back in Cairo, Evelyn and O'Connell took Burns to his hotel room. Then, they went to O'Connell's room. They sat and shouted angrily.

"Let's go, Evelyn! We're out of here!" shouted O'Connell. "No we are not!" shouted Evelyn. "We started this. Now we'll kill Imhotep and finish it." "WE!" shouted O'Connell, "WE? You read from the Book of the Dead. And nobody can kill this Imhotep. Not with a gun. I tried." "Then, we'll kill him some other way," said Evelyn. A white cat came into the room and jumped on the bed.

O'Connell started to say something, but then, they heard a scream from Burns's room. Imhotep was in Burns's room with Beni. He wanted Burns's heart. He had to have it so he could come back to life. And he took it. Burns gave one scream. Then, he was dead on the floor.

"Oh no!" cried Evelyn, when she and O'Connell ran into Burns's room. O'Connell took out his gun. He and Evelyn watched Imhotep. He had new life, with Burns's heart inside him. "We have a problem," said O'Connell. Imhotep wanted Evelyn. He moved to her. O'Connell shot him again and again, but nothing happened. Imhotep threw O'Connell across the room. He fell on the floor in front of Jonathan, Henderson, and Daniels, when they ran in.

Imhotep spoke to Evelyn. "You gave me my life," he said. "I thank you." He moved his face close to her and almost kissed her. But suddenly, the white cat ran into the room. Imhotep saw it and he was afraid. He stopped kissing Evelyn and ran out of the room.

"What happened?" asked O'Connell. ''The priests in Seti's time had white cats," said Evelyn. "The cats sat at the doors of the afterlife." "That's good," said O'Connell. "But we have big problems." Henderson looked at Burns, on the floor.

"Am I next?" he said.

"I was in the room when we found that book." "And me," said Daniels. "I have an idea," said Evelyn. "The Book of the Dead gave Imhotep life. We want him dead, so..." "So the other book..." said Jonathan. "Yes, the Book of Amun Ra can send him back to the underworld," said Evelyn. "The Book Of Amun Ra is at Hamunaptra but where in Hamunaptra? The museum! Let's go to the museum. We can find the answer there." "I'll wait here," said Henderson. "Me too," said Daniels. Henderson went back to his hotel room. Daniels went back to his room, too. He looked at the gold box and smiled.


Outside, the scarabs were everywhere. And more and more people came back to half-life. They were mummies and they followed Imhotep. The streets were full of the undead. They walked slowly and they repeated Imhotep's name again and again. Jonathan, Evelyn, and O'Connell walked to Jonathans car and drove slowly to the museum. The undead looked into the car, but Jonathan didn't stop. At the museum, they found the curator. Ardeth Bay was with him!

"This is the end of the world," said Ardeth Bay. "We cannot stop the undead and we cannot stop Imhotep." Evelyn looked at book after book. She read for hours. And then...

"This is it! The Book of Amun Ra is in the statue of the god Horus." "Let's go," shouted O'Connell. *

O'Connell, Evelyn, Jonathan, the curator, and Ardeth Bay drove back to the hotel and went to Henderson's room. He was dead. But Daniels was OK and he ran with them back to the car. He had his gold box with him.

Back in the car, Jonathan drove slowly. The undead were everywhere in the streets. There were hundreds of them. They shouted, "Imhotep, Imhotep." Then, they looked into the car and saw the box.

Jonathan drove fast, but the undead stopped the car. Daniels shot at them again and again. But more of the undead walked to the car. "Imhotep, Imhotep." They looked at Daniels with dead eyes. Then, they took him out of the car and killed him.

It was quiet in the car for a minute. Then, the undead came for O'Connell, Jonathan, Evelyn, the curator, and Ardeth Bay. "This is not good" Evelyn thought. Then, she saw him.


But the new Imhotep was a young man with new life.

"He's beautiful," Evelyn said. O'Connell didn't like that. The undead took the gold box and gave it to Imhotep. Beni was with him. Evelyn, O'Connell, and the other men got out of the car. "Wait!" said Imhotep to the undead.

The undead waited. Imhotep walked to Evelyn.

"Do you have any ideas?" Evelyn asked O'Connell. "I'm thinking, I'm thinking," he said. Imhotep put out his hand to Evelyn.

"I am living because of you," he said. "Come with me." "He has Anck-su-namun's heart," said Ardeth Bay. "Now he wants your heart, too, so he can bring her back from the undead." Imhotep's hand closed around Evelyn's. Evelyn turned to O'Connell. "I give my heart to you," she said. "But please come for it before he takes it out." O'Connell almost smiled at that. "Yes, ma'am," he said. Imhotep took Evelyn away. Then, he turned and shouted to the undead, "Kill them all!" "Run!" shouted Ardeth Bay.

The head of the Med-Jai called for his soldiers. He took his sword and fought with the undead. The curator fought, too, but the undead killed him.

O'Connell and Jonathan ran. "We can't leave Ardeth Bay!" shouted Jonathan.

"Yes, we can," said O'Connell. "We're going to Hamunaptra. We're going to find that statue and the book."

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Imhotep Имхотеп Imhotep Imhotep Imhotep イムホテップ Imhotep Имхотеп Imhotep 伊姆霍特普

Chapter four Kapitel Vier

They could hear the scarabs, hundreds of them. Sie konnten die Skarabäen hören, Hunderte von ihnen. Вони чули скарабеїв, сотні. Họ có thể nghe thấy tiếng bọ hung, hàng trăm con. And then, they saw them. They all wanted to scream, but there wasn't time. Все хотели кричать, но не было времени. Всі хотіли закричати, але не було часу. Evelyn, Jonathan, and O'Connell ran up some stairs. The scarabs ran past, below them. Pod nimi biegły skarabeusze. Скарабеи пробежали мимо, под ними. Скарабеї пробігли повз, під ними.

"They almost got us!" "Sie hätten uns fast erwischt!" "Prawie nas dopadli!" «Они почти догнали нас!» "Họ gần như đã bắt được chúng ta!" said O'Connell. "Evelyn, I said..." But Evelyn wasn't there. She lost O'Connell and Jonathan when they ran up the stairs. Straciła O'Connella i Jonathana, kiedy wbiegli po schodach. Cô ấy lạc mất O'Connell và Jonathan khi họ chạy lên cầu thang. She walked into a dark room, below them. Where was she? She didn't know. "O'Connell!" Evelyn shouted. Krzyknęła Evelyn. "O'Connell!" Then, she saw one of the Americans. He had his back to her, but it was Burns. Він був до неї спиною, але це був Бернс. Anh quay lưng lại với cô, nhưng đó là Burns.

"Oh hello!" said Evelyn.

Burns turned around and she screamed. 伯恩斯转过身来,她尖叫起来。 Burns had no eyes. Burns no tenía ojos. 伯恩斯没有眼睛。 He fell on the ground. Upadł na ziemię. Anh ta ngã xuống đất. 他倒在了地上。 Evelyn turned away, but she came face-to-face with... Evelyn odwróciła się, ale stanęła twarzą w twarz z ... Евелін відвернулася, але зіткнулася віч-на-віч з... Evelyn quay đi, nhưng cô ấy lại đối mặt với... 伊芙琳转身走开,但她面对面……

Imhotep. Imhotep. 伊姆霍特普。

Imhotep, with Burns's blue eyes. ||Бёрнса|| Imhotep, z niebieskimi oczami Burnsa. Imhotep, với đôi mắt xanh của Burns. 伊姆霍特普,有着伯恩斯的蓝眼睛。 Imhotep couldn't see very well because Burns had to wear glasses. 伊姆霍特普的视力不太好,因为伯恩斯必须戴眼镜。 He looked at Evelyn. 他看着伊芙琳。

"Anck-su-namun?" “Anck-su-namun?” he said.

"Help me," Evelyn said to Burns. “帮帮我,”伊芙琳对伯恩斯说。 But Burns couldn't see, and he could do nothing. 但伯恩斯看不见,他也无能为力。 "Kadeesh pharos Anck-su-namun," said Imhotep. Кадиш|фараон||||| Кадіш|lighthouse||||| "Kadeesh pharos Anck-su-namun", sagte Imhotep. «Кадіш фарос Анк-су-намун», — сказав Імхотеп. “Kadeesh pharos Anck-su-namun,” Imhotep nói. “Kadeesh pharos Anck-su-namun,”伊姆霍特普说道。 Evelyn was very afraid "I'm going to die," she thought. Evelyn bardzo się bała: „Umrę” - pomyślała. 伊芙琳非常害怕“我要死了,”她想。 "Please, somebody help me!" “拜托,有人帮帮我吧!” Suddenly, O'Connell ran in with a gun in his hand. "Oh, there you are!" |ты|ты| "Ôi bạn đây rôi!" he said to Evelyn. "Where...?" He saw Imhotep. He shot Imhotep and pulled Evelyn to him. Він застрелив Імхотепа і притягнув до себе Евелін. 他射杀了伊姆霍特普并将伊芙琳拉到他身边。 Then, he took Evelyn's hand in his hand, and they ran. Ardeth Bay and ten Med-Jai soldiers stopped them.

"I told you before: leave this place or die," said Ardeth Bay. "It's OK," said O'Connell, "I shot the mummy. No problem!" "A gun can't kill Imhotep!" said Ardeth Bay.

He was very angry. "Now get out of here! "A teraz wynoś się stąd! All of you!" Med-Jai soldiers found the Americans and Jonathan, and they all went back above ground. Żołnierze Med-Jai odnaleźli Amerykanów i Jonathana i wszyscy wrócili na powierzchnię. Солдати Мед-Джая знайшли американців і Джонатана, і всі вони повернулися над землею. Only one person wasn't there. Beni was below the ground. Beni znajdował się pod ziemią. Бені був під землею. 贝尼在地下。 He was with Imhotep. Był z Imhotepem. Anh ấy đã ở cùng với Imhotep.

"I can use you," Imhotep told Beni, in Egyptian. - Mogę cię wykorzystać - powiedział Imhotep po egipsku Beni. "And I will give you gold." - A ja dam ci złoto. "Và tôi sẽ cho bạn vàng." "Y - Yes," said Beni. „Y - tak”, powiedział Beni. "I want the box with Anck-su-namun's heart," Imhotep told him. „Chcę pudełko z sercem Anck-su-namun” - powiedział Imhotep. ***

Above ground, Med-Jai soldiers helped Burns walk to a horse. Na powierzchni żołnierze Med-Jai pomogli Burnsowi dojść do konia. Trên mặt đất, những người lính Med-Jai đã giúp Burns dắt ngựa đi. 在地面上,Med-Jai 士兵帮助伯恩斯走向一匹马。

"What did you do to him?" - Co mu zrobiłeś? "Bạn đã làm gì với anh ta?" shouted Henderson, the third American. - zawołał Henderson, trzeci Amerykanin. Henderson, người Mỹ thứ ba hét lên. "Look at his eyes." "Spójrz w jego oczy." "We helped him," said Ardeth Bay. "Le ayudamos", dijo Ardeth Bay. „Pomogliśmy mu” - powiedział Ardeth Bay. "Now leave here before Imhotep kills everybody." - A teraz wyjdź stąd, zanim Imhotep wszystkich zabije. They all got on their horses. Wszyscy wsiedli na konie. They wanted to get away from Imhotep. Chcieli uciec od Imhotepa. Họ muốn thoát khỏi Imhotep.

"I got him," said O'Connell. - Mam go - powiedział O'Connell. "I told you, I shot this Imhotep." - Mówiłem ci, zastrzeliłem tego Imhotepa. "Tôi đã nói rồi, tôi đã bắn Imhotep này." But nobody listened to him. Ale nikt go nie słuchał. Nobody could kill Imhotep with a gun. Nikt nie mógł zabić Imhotepa bronią.


Back in Cairo, Evelyn and O'Connell took Burns to his hotel room. Po powrocie do Kairu Evelyn i O'Connell zabrali Burnsa do jego pokoju hotelowego. Then, they went to O'Connell's room. They sat and shouted angrily. Siedzieli i krzyczeli ze złością.

"Let's go, Evelyn! "Đi thôi, Evelyn! We're out of here!" Nie ma nas tutaj! ” Estamos fora daqui! " shouted O'Connell. "No we are not!" "Nie, nie jesteśmy!" "Không chúng ta không phải!" shouted Evelyn. "We started this. „Zaczęliśmy to. “我们开始了这个。 Now we'll kill Imhotep and finish it." Teraz zabijemy Imhotepa i skończymy. " "WE!" shouted O'Connell, "WE? You read from the Book of the Dead. And nobody can kill this Imhotep. Not with a gun. 不是用枪。 I tried." "Then, we'll kill him some other way," said Evelyn. - W takim razie zabijemy go w inny sposób - powiedziała Evelyn. A white cat came into the room and jumped on the bed. Do pokoju wszedł biały kot i wskoczył na łóżko.

O'Connell started to say something, but then, they heard a scream from Burns's room. O'Connell zaczął coś mówić, ale potem usłyszeli krzyk z pokoju Burnsa. Imhotep was in Burns's room with Beni. Imhotep był w pokoju Burnsa z Beni. He wanted Burns's heart. Chciał serca Burnsa. He had to have it so he could come back to life. Musiał to mieć, żeby mógł wrócić do życia. Він мав це мати, щоб повернутися до життя. And he took it. I on to wziął. Burns gave one scream. Burns dio un grito. Burns wydał jeden krzyk. Burns hét lên một tiếng. 伯恩斯发出一声尖叫。 Then, he was dead on the floor. Potem leżał martwy na podłodze.

"Oh no!" cried Evelyn, when she and O'Connell ran into Burns's room. - zawołała Evelyn, kiedy ona i O'Connell wbiegli do pokoju Burnsa. O'Connell took out his gun. O'Connell wyjął broń. O'Connell rút súng ra. He and Evelyn watched Imhotep. On i Evelyn obserwowali Imhotepa. Anh và Evelyn theo dõi Imhotep. He had new life, with Burns's heart inside him. Miał nowe życie, z sercem Burnsa w sobie. "We have a problem," said O'Connell. Imhotep wanted Evelyn. He moved to her. Przeniósł się do niej. Anh chuyển đến chỗ cô. O'Connell shot him again and again, but nothing happened. Imhotep threw O'Connell across the room. Imhotep rzucił O'Connella przez pokój. Imhotep ném O'Connell qua phòng. He fell on the floor in front of Jonathan, Henderson, and Daniels, when they ran in. Upadł na podłogę przed Jonathanem, Hendersonem i Danielsem, kiedy wbiegli. Він упав на підлогу перед Джонатаном, Хендерсоном і Деніелсом, коли вони вбігли.

Imhotep spoke to Evelyn. Imhotep rozmawiał z Evelyn. "You gave me my life," he said. "I thank you." He moved his face close to her and almost kissed her. Przysunął swoją twarz do niej i prawie ją pocałował. But suddenly, the white cat ran into the room. Ale nagle do pokoju wbiegł biały kot. Imhotep saw it and he was afraid. Imhotep to zobaczył i przestraszył się. He stopped kissing Evelyn and ran out of the room. Przestał całować Evelyn i wybiegł z pokoju.

"What happened?" "Co się stało?" asked O'Connell. - zapytał O'Connell. ''The priests in Seti's time had white cats," said Evelyn. |||Сети|||||| „Kapłani w czasach Setiego mieli białe koty” - powiedziała Evelyn. “Các linh mục vào thời Seti nuôi mèo trắng,” Evelyn nói. “塞提时代的祭司养着白猫,”伊芙琳说。 "The cats sat at the doors of the afterlife." „Koty siedziały u drzwi zaświatów”. "Những con mèo ngồi ở cánh cửa của thế giới bên kia." "That's good," said O'Connell. - To dobrze - powiedział O'Connell. "But we have big problems." „Ale mamy duże problemy”. Henderson looked at Burns, on the floor. Henderson spojrzał na Burnsa leżącego na podłodze.

"Am I next?" “Tôi là người tiếp theo à?” he said.

"I was in the room when we found that book." „Byłem w pokoju, kiedy znaleźliśmy tę książkę”. "And me," said Daniels. - I ja - powiedział Daniels. "I have an idea," said Evelyn. "The Book of the Dead gave Imhotep life. „Księga Umarłych dała Imhotepowi życie. We want him dead, so..." Chcemy go zabić, więc ... " "So the other book..." said Jonathan. - Więc druga książka… - powiedział Jonathan. "Yes, the Book of Amun Ra can send him back to the underworld," said Evelyn. - Tak, Księga Amona Ra może wysłać go z powrotem do zaświatów - powiedziała Evelyn. "The Book Of Amun Ra is at Hamunaptra but where in Hamunaptra? «Книга Амона Ра находится в Хамунаптре, но где в Хамунаптре? «Книга Амона Ра знаходиться в Хамунаптрі, але де в Хамунаптрі? The museum! Музей! Let's go to the museum. We can find the answer there." "I'll wait here," said Henderson. "Me too," said Daniels. Henderson went back to his hotel room. Daniels went back to his room, too. He looked at the gold box and smiled. Anh nhìn chiếc hộp vàng và mỉm cười.


Outside, the scarabs were everywhere. And more and more people came back to half-life. Coraz więcej osób wracało do półtrwania. Và ngày càng có nhiều người quay trở lại với cuộc sống nửa vời. 越来越多的人又回到了半衰期。 They were mummies and they followed Imhotep. Byli mumiami i podążali za Imhotepem. The streets were full of the undead. They walked slowly and they repeated Imhotep's name again and again. Szli powoli i raz po raz powtarzali imię Imhotepa. Jonathan, Evelyn, and O'Connell walked to Jonathans car and drove slowly to the museum. ||||||Джонатана||||||| Jonathan, Evelyn i O'Connell podeszli do samochodu Jonathana i powoli pojechali do muzeum. The undead looked into the car, but Jonathan didn't stop. Nieumarli zajrzeli do samochodu, ale Jonathan nie zatrzymał się. At the museum, they found the curator. Ardeth Bay was with him!

"This is the end of the world," said Ardeth Bay. "We cannot stop the undead and we cannot stop Imhotep." Evelyn looked at book after book. Evelyn xem hết cuốn này đến cuốn khác. She read for hours. And then...

"This is it! The Book of Amun Ra is in the statue of the god Horus." ||||||||||||Гор Księga Amona Ra jest w posągu boga Horusa. " Книга Амона Ра знаходиться в статуї бога Гора». Cuốn sách của Amun Ra nằm trong bức tượng thần Horus.” "Let's go," shouted O'Connell. - Chodźmy - krzyknął O'Connell. ***

O'Connell, Evelyn, Jonathan, the curator, and Ardeth Bay drove back to the hotel and went to Henderson's room. ||||||||||||||||Хендерсона| He was dead. But Daniels was OK and he ran with them back to the car. Ale Daniels był w porządku i pobiegł z nimi z powrotem do samochodu. Nhưng Daniels vẫn ổn và anh ấy đã cùng họ chạy trở lại xe. He had his gold box with him. Miał ze sobą swoje złote pudełko.

Back in the car, Jonathan drove slowly. Z powrotem w samochodzie Jonathan jechał powoli. The undead were everywhere in the streets. Nieumarli byli wszędzie na ulicach. There were hundreds of them. Było ich setki. Có hàng trăm người trong số họ. They shouted, "Imhotep, Imhotep." Krzyczeli: „Imhotep, Imhotep”. Then, they looked into the car and saw the box.

Jonathan drove fast, but the undead stopped the car. Daniels shot at them again and again. But more of the undead walked to the car. "Imhotep, Imhotep." They looked at Daniels with dead eyes. Вони дивилися на Деніелса мертвими очима. Then, they took him out of the car and killed him. Luego, lo sacaron del coche y lo mataron.

It was quiet in the car for a minute. Then, the undead came for O'Connell, Jonathan, Evelyn, the curator, and Ardeth Bay. Następnie nieumarli przybyli po O'Connella, Jonathana, Evelyn, kustosza i Ardeth Bay. Sau đó, lũ xác sống đến tìm O'Connell, Jonathan, Evelyn, người phụ trách và Ardeth Bay. "This is not good" Evelyn thought. „To niedobrze” - pomyślała Evelyn. "Điều này không tốt" Evelyn nghĩ. Then, she saw him. Wtedy go zobaczyła.


But the new Imhotep was a young man with new life. Ale nowy Imhotep był młodym mężczyzną z nowym życiem.

"He's beautiful," Evelyn said. - Jest piękny - powiedziała Evelyn. O'Connell didn't like that. A O'Connell no le gustó eso. O'Connellowi się to nie podobało. The undead took the gold box and gave it to Imhotep. Nieumarli wzięli złotą skrzynię i przekazali ją Imhotepowi. Beni was with him. Beni był z nim. Evelyn, O'Connell, and the other men got out of the car. Evelyn, O'Connell và những người đàn ông khác bước ra khỏi xe. "Wait!" said Imhotep to the undead.

The undead waited. Nieumarli czekali. Imhotep walked to Evelyn. Imhotep podszedł do Evelyn.

"Do you have any ideas?" "Czy masz jakies pomysły?" Evelyn asked O'Connell. "I'm thinking, I'm thinking," he said. Imhotep put out his hand to Evelyn. Imhotep wyciągnął rękę do Evelyn.

"I am living because of you," he said. „Żyję dzięki tobie” - powiedział. "Come with me." "He has Anck-su-namun's heart," said Ardeth Bay. „Ma serce Anck-su-namun” - powiedział Ardeth Bay. "Now he wants your heart, too, so he can bring her back from the undead." - Teraz on też chce twojego serca, żeby mógł ją odzyskać od nieumarłych. «Теперь он хочет и твое сердце, чтобы вернуть ее из нежити». Imhotep's hand closed around Evelyn's. La mano de Imhotep se cerró en torno a la de Evelyn. Dłoń Imhotepa zacisnęła się na Evelyn. Рука Імхотепа стиснулася навколо руки Евелін. Bàn tay của Imhotep nắm lấy tay Evelyn. Evelyn turned to O'Connell. Evelyn zwróciła się do O'Connella. Evelyn quay sang O'Connell. "I give my heart to you," she said. "Te entrego mi corazón", dijo. „Daję ci swoje serce” - powiedziała. "But please come for it before he takes it out." - Ale proszę, przyjdź po to, zanim go wyjmie. «Но, пожалуйста, приходите за ним, пока он его не вытащил». "Nhưng làm ơn hãy đến lấy nó trước khi anh ấy lấy nó ra." O'Connell almost smiled at that. "Yes, ma'am," he said. Imhotep took Evelyn away. Imhotep zabrał Evelyn. Imhotep đưa Evelyn đi. Then, he turned and shouted to the undead, "Kill them all!" Potem odwrócił się i krzyknął do nieumarłych: „Zabij ich wszystkich!” "Run!" shouted Ardeth Bay. - krzyczał Ardeth Bay.

The head of the Med-Jai called for his soldiers. El jefe del Med-Jai llamó a sus soldados. Szef Med-Jai wezwał swoich żołnierzy. He took his sword and fought with the undead. Wziął swój miecz i walczył z nieumarłymi. The curator fought, too, but the undead killed him. Kustosz też walczył, ale nieumarli go zabili. 馆长也打了起来,但亡灵杀死了他。

O'Connell and Jonathan ran. O'Connell i Jonathan uciekli. "We can't leave Ardeth Bay!" shouted Jonathan.

"Yes, we can," said O'Connell. "We're going to Hamunaptra. We're going to find that statue and the book." Chúng ta sẽ tìm thấy bức tượng đó và cuốn sách.”