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BBC 6 Minutes English 2021, Environmental English (5)

Environmental English (5)

It's something Patricia Hasbach knows a lot about. She's a clinical psychotherapist and told the BBC

Radio programme Health Check how ecotherapy can help. Does she say it can help everyone?

I often think about ecotherapy as another tool in the therapist's toolbox. It's not a

panacea. It's not going to erase somebody's pain or grief. But it is a powerful tool,

you know. Traditionally therapy has stopped at the urban boundary.

So it's interesting that she describes ecotherapy as a tool – something that can

be used to achieve something else. Here it can be used to help improve someone's mental health.

Ah, but she says it's not a panacea – so not something that will solve everything – it won't

erase or get rid of someone's pain. But going beyond what she calls the ‘urban boundary',

and into the natural world, means there is another method for helping people.

Now, as we've mentioned, ecotherapy can take on many forms – doing art in a forest or

running on a beach are all therapeutic. They're things that makes you feel better or healthier.

Well, I think that's clear, but what is it about the outdoors that affects us?

A good question, Georgina. It seems from research that our busy brains are always on guard, but when

we get into nature it gets a break, there's not so much to be on the lookout for and we can relax.

Well, it does seem the negative symptoms of urban life can benefit from a dose of

nature – a dose is an amount of something. Let's get a good explanation from an expert.

Environmental psychologist Birgitta Gatersleben also spoke to the BBC Health Check programme

and gave two reasons – one of them, she explained, was something called ‘biophilia'.

Biophilia, very briefly, is really an innate positive response that

people have with life and life-like features.

The idea that nature reminds us of life, and if we (are) exposed to the natural elements

then our sort of negative feelings get almost immediately replaced with positive emotions.

Birgitta Gatersleben there explaining biophilia – which is a passion for

or empathy with the natural world and living things.

She said biophilia is innate, which means is a quality that you're born with.

So basically, most of us were born to connect with nature – nature reminds

us of life and gives us good, positive emotions.

Naturally. OK. Well, Georgina, maybe getting today's quiz question right will give you positive

emotions. Earlier I asked you how high the world's tallest tree is thought to be. Is it...

a) 65.8 metres, b) 115.8 metres, or

c) 185.8 metres What did you say?

I said c) 185.8 metres.

Oh dear, I'm afraid that's far too high! The correct answer is 115.8 metres. Never mind.

The tree, named Hyperion, is a type of redwood and was found in California in 2006.

Well, that's still very tall, and would be great to see.

Now we've just got time to recap some of the vocabulary we've discussed,

starting with tonic which can be a fizzy drink you mix with an alcoholic drink, but in the

context of therapy it can mean something that makes you feel happier and healthier.

Horticulture is the study or activity of growing garden plants – in other words, gardening.

A panacea is something believed to solve everything.

If something is therapeutic, it makes you feel better or healthier.

We also discussed biophilia, which is a passion for or

empathy with the natural world and living things.

And innate means a quality that you naturally have – you're born with it.

Well, as you know I have an innate quality for presenting this programme – but now it's

time to go. Please join us next time, and don't forget to check us out on your favourite social

media platform, on our app and of course the website bbclearningenglish.com. Goodbye


Hello. This is 6 Minute English and I'm Rob.

This is the programme where in just six minutes we discuss an interesting topic

and teach some related English vocabulary. Well, joining me to do this is Sam.

Hello! So what's our interesting topic today, Rob?

Something close to our hearts, Sam – it's travel.


But more and more of us are travelling to explore the world – many of us have more leisure time,

and the cost of travelling has become relatively cheaper.

But here lies the problem – the places we're visiting are becoming more crowded,

sometimes spoiling the atmosphere and the beauty – the things we came to see in the first place!

This is why we're going to be discussing

how some cities around the world are putting restrictions on the tourists who visit.

But that's after I challenge you to answer this question, Sam! Are you ready?

Bring it on, Rob!

According to Mastercard's Global Destination Cities Index, what was the most visited city

in 2018? Was it… a) London

b) New York, or c) Bangkok?

All great places to visit – but I think I'll stay close to home and say a) London.

OK. Well, as always I will reveal the answer later in the programme.

Now, let's start our journey in Italy's capital city,

Rome. Famous for its Colosseum, Trevi Fountain and many other things.

Lots of people are visiting, Rob – and locals and tourists have differing attitudes towards

the way they respect these beautiful and historic sites. Respect here is a verb,

to mean treat something with care.

Well, the authorities in the city fear that some tourists are showing disrespect to the city

and have introduced laws to clampdown on certain behaviour. Clampdown means officially trying to

stop or limit people doing something. Sabina Castelfranco is a journalist in the city.

She told BBC Radio 4's You and Yours programme why new restrictions have been introduced…

The new rules are really to make sure that tourists do not misbehave when they are

visiting tourist attractions in Rome. Romans don't like to see tourists walking around

bare-chested, they don't like to see them wading in their fountains - so really the

objective is to improve the life of the city for residents and for tourists themselves.

So, the new rules are to stop tourists misbehaving – that's doing bad or inappropriate things.

I'm sure not all visitors misbehave – but those who have been,

have been wading – that's walking through water – in the famous fountains and men

have not been covering up the top half of their bodies – so, going bare-chested.

Not any more, Sam! These new laws have banned this with the objective of improving the life

for the people of Rome – the Romans. An objective is a plan or aim to achieve something.

Other laws introduced in Rome, with the objective of improving the city, include giving out severe

fines to people who drop litter and to those who attach ‘love padlocks' to historic monuments.

Well, I guess if it makes the city a nicer place to visit for everyone,

then it's a good idea. Well, let's talk about another historic old city – Bruges

in Belgium. The old and narrow streets are often packed with sightseers – so

restrictions have been introduced there. Helen Coffey, deputy travel editor for the

Independent newspaper, also spoke to the You and Yours programme, to explain what is going on…

Bruges was the latest city to say we're going to introduce new regulations to crack down on

what they called the Disneyfication of their city. A really key one is they're going to

cap the number of cruises that can dock, and actually this a big one that lots of cities do.

They basically don't like cruise visitors because cruise visitors don't spend money.

So Helen mentioned a crackdown – which like clampdown – means taking action to restrict

or stop certain activities. And Bruges wants to crack down on the Disneyfication of the city.

This term describes turning something into an artificial, not real, commercial environment,

similar to a Walt Disney theme park. I'm not sure it's that similar yet, but one way to

maintain the authentic feel of the city is to cap the number of cruises that can dock.

Cap means restrict or limit. It's felt that visitors who come by cruise ship,

don't stay overnight and therefore don't bring much money into the city.

The message from the city authorities is ‘stay overnight or don't come!'

Well, one city that has people visiting for the day or staying longer is the most visited city

in the world – but where is that, Sam? Earlier I asked you what the most visited city in 2018 was?

Was it… a) London

b) New York, or c) Bangkok?

And I said London.

That was in second place. The most visited city last year was Bangkok, in Thailand.

OK, Rob. Well, maybe what I can get right is a recap of today's vocabulary.

Starting with respect. If you respect something you treat it with care.

We also discussed clampdown, which means officially trying to stop or

limit people doing something. Crackdown is a similar phrase.

To misbehave is to do something bad or inappropriate.

And an objective is a plan or aim to achieve something.

Our next word is Disneyfication - a term that describes turning something into an artificial,

not real, commercial environment, similar to a Walt Disney theme park.

And finally we had cap – which means restrict or limit.

Well, we've had to cap this programme at 6 minutes – and we're out of time. Goodbye!

Bye bye!

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It's something Patricia Hasbach knows a lot about.  She's a clinical psychotherapist and told the BBC Je to něco, o čem Patricia Hasbach ví hodně. Je klinickou psychoterapeutkou a řekla BBC Damit kennt sich Patricia Hasbach aus. Die klinische Psychotherapeutin sagte der BBC It's something Patricia Hasbach knows a lot about. She's a clinical psychotherapist and told the BBC Patricia Hasbach știe foarte multe despre acest lucru. Ea este psihoterapeut clinic și a declarat pentru BBC

Radio programme Health Check how ecotherapy  can help. Does she say it can help everyone? Rozhlasový program Health Check, jak může pomoci ekoterapie. Říká, že to může pomoci všem? Radiosendung Health Check, wie Naturheilverfahren helfen kann. Sagt sie, dass es jedem helfen kann? Emisiunea radiofonică Health Check: cum poate ajuta ecoterapia. Spune ea că poate ajuta pe toată lumea?

I often think about ecotherapy as another  tool in the therapist's toolbox. It's not a Často přemýšlím o ekoterapii jako o dalším nástroji v terapeutově nástroji. Není to a Ich denke oft an Naturheilverfahren als ein weiteres Werkzeug in der Werkzeugkiste des Therapeuten. Es ist kein Mă gândesc deseori la ecoterapie ca la un alt instrument din setul de instrumente al terapeutului. Nu este un

panacea. It's not going to erase somebody's  pain or grief. But it is a powerful tool, všelék. Nevymaže to něčí bolest nebo smutek. Ale je to mocný nástroj, Allheilmittel. Es wird nicht den Schmerz oder die Trauer von jemandem auslöschen. Aber es ist ein mächtiges Werkzeug, panaceu. Nu va șterge durerea sau suferința cuiva. Dar este un instrument puternic,

you know. Traditionally therapy  has stopped at the urban boundary. víš. Tradičně se terapie zastavila na hranici měst. du weißt. Traditionell hat die Therapie an der Stadtgrenze aufgehört. you know. Traditionally therapy has stopped at the urban boundary. ご存知でしょう。従来、セラピーは都市の境界で止まっていた。 știi tu. În mod tradițional, terapia se oprește la granița urbană. ти знаєш. Традиційно терапія зупинилася на межі міста.

So it's interesting that she describes  ecotherapy as a tool – something that can Je tedy zajímavé, že popisuje ekoterapii jako nástroj – něco, co může Daher ist es interessant, dass sie Naturheilverfahren als ein Werkzeug beschreibt – etwas, das es kann Așa că este interesant faptul că ea descrie ecoterapia ca pe un instrument - ceva ce poate

be used to achieve something else. Here it can  be used to help improve someone's mental health. použít k dosažení něčeho jiného. Zde může být použit ke zlepšení něčího duševního zdraví. verwendet werden, um etwas anderes zu erreichen. Hier kann es verwendet werden, um die psychische Gesundheit einer Person zu verbessern. să fie folosită pentru a obține altceva. În acest caz, poate fi folosit pentru a ajuta la îmbunătățirea sănătății mentale a unei persoane.

Ah, but she says it's not a panacea – so not  something that will solve everything – it won't Aha, ale ona říká, že to není všelék – takže ne něco, co všechno vyřeší – nevyřeší Ah, aber sie sagt, es ist kein Allheilmittel – also nicht etwas, das alles lösen wird – das wird es nicht Ah, dar ea spune că nu este un panaceu - deci nu este ceva care să rezolve totul - nu va rezolva totul.

erase or get rid of someone's pain. But going  beyond what she calls the ‘urban boundary', vymazat nebo zbavit se něčí bolesti. Ale překračovat to, co nazývá 'městská hranice', den Schmerz von jemandem löschen oder loswerden. Aber jenseits dessen, was sie die "städtische Grenze" nennt, a șterge sau a scăpa de durerea cuiva. Dar depășind ceea ce ea numește "granița urbană",

and into the natural world, means there  is another method for helping people. und in die natürliche Welt, bedeutet, dass es eine andere Methode gibt, um Menschen zu helfen. și în lumea naturală, înseamnă că există o altă metodă de a ajuta oamenii.

Now, as we've mentioned, ecotherapy can take  on many forms – doing art in a forest or Jak jsme již zmínili, ekoterapie může mít mnoho podob – umění v lese nebo Nun, wie wir bereits erwähnt haben, kann Naturheilverfahren viele Formen annehmen – Kunst im Wald machen oder Acum, așa cum am menționat, ecoterapia poate lua mai multe forme - să faci artă într-o pădure sau

running on a beach are all therapeutic. They're  things that makes you feel better or healthier. běh na pláži jsou všechny terapeutické. Jsou to věci, díky kterým se cítíte lépe nebo zdravěji. Laufen am Strand sind alle therapeutisch. Sie sind Dinge, mit denen Sie sich besser oder gesünder fühlen. alergatul pe plajă sunt toate terapeutice. Sunt lucruri care te fac să te simți mai bine sau mai sănătos.

Well, I think that's clear, but what is  it about the outdoors that affects us? Nun, ich denke, das ist klar, aber was beeinflusst uns an der Natur? Ei bine, cred că este clar, dar ce anume ne afectează în aer liber?

A good question, Georgina. It seems from research  that our busy brains are always on guard, but when Dobrá otázka, Georgino. Z výzkumu se zdá, že naše zaneprázdněné mozky jsou vždy ve střehu, ale kdy Eine gute Frage, Georgine. Aus der Forschung geht hervor, dass unsere beschäftigten Gehirne immer auf der Hut sind, aber wann O întrebare bună, Georgina. Din cercetări reiese că, după cum se pare, creierele noastre ocupate sunt mereu în gardă, dar când

we get into nature it gets a break, there's not  so much to be on the lookout for and we can relax. dostaneme se do přírody, dostane pauzu, není toho tolik, co bychom měli hlídat a můžeme relaxovat. Wir kommen in die Natur, es hat eine Pause, es gibt nicht so viel zu beachten und wir können uns entspannen. când intrăm în natură, avem parte de o pauză, nu mai trebuie să fim atât de atenți și ne putem relaxa.

Well, it does seem the negative symptoms  of urban life can benefit from a dose of Zdá se, že negativní symptomy městského života mohou těžit z dávky Nun, es scheint, dass die negativen Symptome des städtischen Lebens von einer Dosis profitieren können Ei bine, se pare că simptomele negative ale vieții urbane pot beneficia de o doză de

nature – a dose is an amount of something.  Let's get a good explanation from an expert. Natur – eine Dosis ist eine Menge von etwas. Lassen Sie uns eine gute Erklärung von einem Experten bekommen. natura - o doză este o cantitate de ceva. Să primim o explicație bună de la un expert.

Environmental psychologist Birgitta Gatersleben  also spoke to the BBC Health Check programme Auch die Umweltpsychologin Birgitta Gatersleben sprach mit der Sendung BBC Health Check Psihologul de mediu Birgitta Gatersleben a vorbit, de asemenea, în cadrul programului BBC Health Check

and gave two reasons – one of them, she  explained, was something called ‘biophilia'. ||||||||||||生物愛 und nannte zwei Gründe – einer davon, erklärte sie, sei etwas, das sich „Biophilie“ nennt. și a dat două motive - unul dintre ele, a explicat ea, a fost ceva numit "biofilia".

Biophilia, very briefly, is really  an innate positive response that ||||||生得的な||| Biofilie, velmi stručně, je opravdu vrozená pozitivní reakce, která Biophilie, kurz gesagt, ist wirklich eine angeborene positive Reaktion darauf Biofilia, foarte pe scurt, este un răspuns pozitiv înnăscut care

people have with life and life-like features. lidé mají rysy podobné životu. Menschen haben mit Leben und lebensechten Zügen. oamenii au cu viața și cu trăsăturile asemănătoare vieții.

The idea that nature reminds us of life, and  if we (are) exposed to the natural elements Die Vorstellung, dass die Natur uns an das Leben erinnert, und ob wir den natürlichen Elementen ausgesetzt (sind). Ideea că natura ne amintește de viață, iar dacă (suntem) expuși la elementele naturale

then our sort of negative feelings get almost  immediately replaced with positive emotions. dann werden unsere negativen Gefühle fast sofort durch positive Emotionen ersetzt. atunci sentimentele noastre negative sunt înlocuite aproape imediat cu emoții pozitive.

Birgitta Gatersleben there explaining  biophilia – which is a passion for Birgitta Gatersleben erklärt dort Biophilie – was eine Leidenschaft ist Birgitta Gatersleben acolo explicând biofilia - care este o pasiune pentru

or empathy with the natural  world and living things. oder Empathie mit der natürlichen Welt und Lebewesen. sau empatie cu lumea naturală și cu lucrurile vii.

She said biophilia is innate, which  means is a quality that you're born with. Řekla, že biofilie je vrozená, což znamená vlastnost, se kterou se člověk narodí. Sie sagte, Biophilie sei angeboren, was bedeutet, dass es eine Eigenschaft ist, mit der man geboren wird. Ea a spus că biofilia este înnăscută, ceea ce înseamnă că este o calitate cu care te naști.

So basically, most of us were born to  connect with nature – nature reminds Takže v podstatě se většina z nás narodila, abychom se spojili s přírodou – příroda připomíná Im Grunde wurden die meisten von uns geboren, um sich mit der Natur zu verbinden – die Natur erinnert Deci, practic, cei mai mulți dintre noi s-au născut pentru a se conecta cu natura - natura amintește

us of life and gives us good, positive emotions. uns vom Leben und gibt uns gute, positive Emotionen. ne de viață și ne oferă emoții bune, pozitive.

Naturally. OK. Well, Georgina, maybe getting  today's quiz question right will give you positive Natürlich. OK. Nun, Georgina, vielleicht gibt dir die richtige Beantwortung der heutigen Quizfrage ein positives Ergebnis În mod natural. BINE. Ei bine, Georgina, poate că dacă vei răspunde corect la întrebarea de azi îți va da un rezultat pozitiv.

emotions. Earlier I asked you how high the  world's tallest tree is thought to be. Is it... Emotionen. Vorhin habe ich Sie gefragt, wie hoch der höchste Baum der Welt sein könnte. Ist es... emoții. Mai devreme v-am întrebat cât de înalt se crede că este cel mai înalt copac din lume. Este...

a) 65.8 metres, b) 115.8 metres, or a) 65,8 Meter, b) 115,8 Meter oder a) 65,8 metri; b) 115,8 metri; sau

c) 185.8 metres What did you say? c) 185,8 Meter. Was würdest Du sagen? c) 185,8 metri Ce ați spus?

I said c) 185.8 metres. Ich sagte c) 185,8 Meter.

Oh dear, I'm afraid that's far too high! The  correct answer is 115.8 metres. Never mind. Ach bože, obávám se, že je to příliš vysoko! Správná odpověď je 115,8 metru. Nevadí. Oh je, ich fürchte, das ist viel zu hoch! Die richtige Antwort lautet 115,8 Meter. Macht nichts. Mă tem că e mult prea mare! Răspunsul corect este 115,8 metri. Nu contează.

The tree, named Hyperion, is a type of  redwood and was found in California in 2006. Der Baum mit dem Namen Hyperion ist eine Art Mammutbaum und wurde 2006 in Kalifornien gefunden. Arborele, numit Hyperion, este un tip de sequoia și a fost găsit în California în 2006.

Well, that's still very tall,  and would be great to see. Nun, das ist immer noch sehr groß und wäre toll zu sehen. Ei bine, asta e totuși foarte înalt și ar fi minunat de văzut.

Now we've just got time to recap some  of the vocabulary we've discussed, Jetzt haben wir gerade Zeit, einige der besprochenen Vokabeln zu wiederholen, Acum mai avem timp să recapitulăm o parte din vocabularul discutat,

starting with tonic which can be a fizzy drink  you mix with an alcoholic drink, but in the Beginnend mit Tonic, das ein kohlensäurehaltiges Getränk sein kann, das Sie mit einem alkoholischen Getränk mischen, aber in der începând cu tonicul, care poate fi o băutură acidulată pe care o amesteci cu o băutură alcoolică, dar în

context of therapy it can mean something  that makes you feel happier and healthier. Kontext der Therapie kann es etwas bedeuten, das Sie glücklicher und gesünder fühlen lässt. în contextul terapiei, poate însemna ceva care vă face să vă simțiți mai fericiți și mai sănătoși.

Horticulture is the study or activity of growing  garden plants – in other words, gardening. Gartenbau ist das Studium oder die Aktivität des Anbaus von Gartenpflanzen – mit anderen Worten, Gartenarbeit. Horticultura este studiul sau activitatea de cultivare a plantelor de grădină - cu alte cuvinte, grădinăritul.

A panacea is something  believed to solve everything. Ein Allheilmittel ist etwas, von dem angenommen wird, dass es alles löst. Un panaceu este ceva despre care se crede că va rezolva totul.

If something is therapeutic, it  makes you feel better or healthier. Wenn etwas therapeutisch ist, fühlen Sie sich dadurch besser oder gesünder. Dacă ceva este terapeutic, înseamnă că te face să te simți mai bine sau mai sănătos.

We also discussed biophilia,  which is a passion for or Wir haben auch über Biophilie gesprochen, was eine Leidenschaft für oder ist Mēs runājām arī par biofīliju, kas ir aizraušanās ar vai De asemenea, am discutat despre biofilie, care este o pasiune pentru sau

empathy with the natural world and living things. Empathie mit der Natur und den Lebewesen. empātija ar dabas pasauli un dzīvajām būtnēm. empatie cu lumea naturală și cu ființele vii.

And innate means a quality that you  naturally have – you're born with it. Und angeboren bedeutet eine Qualität, die Sie von Natur aus haben – Sie werden damit geboren. Iar înnăscut înseamnă o calitate pe care o ai în mod natural - te-ai născut cu ea.

Well, as you know I have an innate quality  for presenting this programme – but now it's Nun, wie Sie wissen, habe ich eine angeborene Qualität, um dieses Programm zu präsentieren – aber jetzt ist es so Kā jūs zināt, man ir iedzimta īpašība vadīt šo raidījumu, bet tagad tas ir. Ei bine, după cum știți, am o calitate înnăscută pentru a prezenta acest program - dar acum este

time to go. Please join us next time, and don't  forget to check us out on your favourite social Zeit zu gehen. Bitte besuchen Sie uns das nächste Mal und vergessen Sie nicht, uns in Ihrem bevorzugten sozialen Netzwerk zu besuchen e timpul să plecăm. Vă rugăm să ne fiți alături data viitoare și nu uitați să ne verificați pe rețelele de socializare preferate.

media platform, on our app and of course  the website bbclearningenglish.com. Goodbye Medienplattform, auf unserer App und natürlich auf der Website bbclearningenglish.com. Auf Wiedersehen

Bye! Wiedersehen!

Hello. This is 6 Minute English and I'm Rob. Bună ziua. Aceasta este 6 Minute English și eu sunt Rob.

This is the programme where in just six  minutes we discuss an interesting topic Dies ist das Programm, in dem wir in nur sechs Minuten ein interessantes Thema diskutieren

and teach some related English vocabulary.  Well, joining me to do this is Sam. und lehren Sie einige verwandte englische Vokabeln. Nun, Sam schließt sich mir an, um das zu tun. și să predați un vocabular englezesc aferent. Ei bine, alături de mine pentru a face acest lucru este Sam.

Hello! So what's our interesting topic today, Rob? Hallo! Was ist unser interessantes Thema heute, Rob? Bună! Deci, care este subiectul nostru interesant de astăzi, Rob?

Something close to our hearts, Sam – it's travel. Etwas, das uns am Herzen liegt, Sam – das ist Reisen. Ceva apropiat de inimile noastre, Sam - este vorba de călătorii.

Great! Großartig! Grozav!

But more and more of us are travelling to explore  the world – many of us have more leisure time, Aber immer mehr von uns verreisen, um die Welt zu entdecken – viele von uns haben mehr Freizeit, Taču arvien vairāk cilvēku ceļo, lai iepazītu pasauli, un daudziem no mums ir vairāk brīvā laika, Dar din ce în ce mai mulți dintre noi călătoresc pentru a explora lumea - mulți dintre noi au mai mult timp liber,

and the cost of travelling  has become relatively cheaper. und die Reisekosten sind relativ billiger geworden. iar costul călătoriilor a devenit relativ mai ieftin.

But here lies the problem – the places  we're visiting are becoming more crowded, Aber hier liegt das Problem – die Orte, die wir besuchen, werden immer voller, Dar aici se află problema - locurile pe care le vizităm sunt din ce în ce mai aglomerate,

sometimes spoiling the atmosphere and the beauty  – the things we came to see in the first place! was manchmal die Atmosphäre und Schönheit verdirbt – die Dinge, die wir doch in erster Linie sehen wollen! dažkārt sabojā atmosfēru un skaistumu - to, ko mēs ieradāmies apskatīt! uneori stricând atmosfera și frumusețea - lucrurile pe care am venit să le vedem în primul rând!

This is why we're going to be discussing Deshalb werden wir diskutieren De aceea vom discuta despre

how some cities around the world are putting  restrictions on the tourists who visit. wie einige Städte auf der ganzen Welt Touristen, die sie besuchen, Beschränkungen auferlegen. cum unele orașe din întreaga lume impun restricții turiștilor care le vizitează.

But that's after I challenge you to  answer this question, Sam! Are you ready? Aber das ist, nachdem ich dich herausgefordert habe, diese Frage zu beantworten, Sam! Sind Sie bereit? Dar asta după ce te provoc să răspunzi la această întrebare, Sam! Ești pregătit?

Bring it on, Rob! Her damit, Rob! Adu-l, Rob!

According to Mastercard's Global Destination  Cities Index, what was the most visited city Was war laut Mastercards Global Destination Cities Index die meistbesuchte Stadt? Saskaņā ar Mastercard globālā galamērķa pilsētu indeksa datiem, kura bija visvairāk apmeklētā pilsēta Potrivit Indexului Global al Orașelor Destinație Mastercard, care a fost cel mai vizitat oraș

in 2018? Was it… a) London im Jahr 2018? War es … a) London

b) New York, or c) Bangkok? b) New York oder c) Bangkok?

All great places to visit – but I think  I'll stay close to home and say a) London. Alles großartige Orte, die man besuchen kann – aber ich denke, ich bleibe in der Nähe von zu Hause und sage a) London. Toate sunt locuri minunate de vizitat - dar cred că voi rămâne aproape de casă și voi spune a) Londra.

OK. Well, as always I will reveal  the answer later in the programme. OK. Nun, wie immer werde ich die Antwort später in der Sendung enthüllen. BINE. Ei bine, ca de obicei, vă voi dezvălui răspunsul mai târziu în cadrul emisiunii.

Now, let's start our journey  in Italy's capital city, Beginnen wir nun unsere Reise in der Hauptstadt Italiens, Acum, să începem călătoria noastră în capitala Italiei,

Rome. Famous for its Colosseum,  Trevi Fountain and many other things. Rom. Berühmt für sein Kolosseum, den Trevi-Brunnen und viele andere Dinge. Roma. Slavena ar Kolizeju, Trevi strūklaku un daudzām citām lietām. Roma. Renumită pentru Colosseum, Fontana di Trevi și multe alte lucruri.

Lots of people are visiting, Rob – and locals  and tourists have differing attitudes towards Viele Leute kommen zu Besuch, Rob – und Einheimische und Touristen haben unterschiedliche Einstellungen dazu O mulțime de oameni ne vizitează, Rob - iar localnicii și turiștii au atitudini diferite față de

the way they respect these beautiful and  historic sites. Respect here is a verb, die Art und Weise, wie sie diese schönen und historischen Stätten respektieren. Respekt ist hier ein Verb, modul în care respectă aceste locuri frumoase și istorice. Respectul aici este un verb,

to mean treat something with care. etwas mit Sorgfalt behandeln. nozīmē izturēties pret kaut ko uzmanīgi. înseamnă a trata ceva cu grijă.

Well, the authorities in the city fear that  some tourists are showing disrespect to the city Nun, die Behörden in der Stadt befürchten, dass einige Touristen der Stadt gegenüber respektlos sind Nu, pilsētas iestādes baidās, ka daži tūristi izrāda necieņu pret pilsētu. Ei bine, autoritățile din oraș se tem că unii turiști dau dovadă de lipsă de respect față de oraș

and have introduced laws to clampdown on certain  behaviour. Clampdown means officially trying to |||||取り締まり|||||||| und haben Gesetze eingeführt, um gegen bestimmte Verhaltensweisen vorzugehen. Clampdown bedeutet, es offiziell zu versuchen un ir ieviesušas tiesību aktus, lai ierobežotu noteiktu uzvedību. Ierobežojums nozīmē, ka oficiāli tiek mēģināts și au introdus legi pentru a reprima anumite comportamente. Arestări înseamnă încercarea oficială de a

stop or limit people doing something. Sabina  Castelfranco is a journalist in the city. Menschen daran hindern oder einschränken, etwas zu tun. Sabina Castelfranco ist Journalistin in der Stadt. să oprească sau să limiteze oamenii să facă ceva. Sabina Castelfranco este jurnalistă în oraș.

She told BBC Radio 4's You and Yours programme  why new restrictions have been introduced… Sie erzählte der Sendung You and Yours von BBC Radio 4, warum neue Beschränkungen eingeführt wurden… Ea a explicat în cadrul emisiunii You and Yours de la BBC Radio 4 de ce au fost introduse noi restricții...

The new rules are really to make sure that tourists do not misbehave when they are ||||||||||||悪ふざけする||| Die neuen Regeln sollen sicherstellen, dass Touristen sich nicht schlecht benehmen, wenn sie es sind Noile reguli sunt într-adevăr pentru a se asigura că turiștii nu se comportă necorespunzător atunci când sunt

visiting tourist attractions in Rome. Romans  don't like to see tourists walking around vizitarea atracțiilor turistice din Roma. Romanilor nu le place să vadă turiști plimbându-se

bare-chested, they don't like to see them  wading in their fountains - so really the 裸の胸||||||||水に浸かる|||||| Mit nacktem Oberkörper sehen sie sie nicht gerne in ihren Brunnen waten - also wirklich die kailām krūtīm, viņiem nepatīk, ka viņi brodās strūklakās - tāpēc patiešām cu sânii goi, nu le place să-i vadă bălăcindu-se în fântânile lor - așa că, într-adevăr, nu se poate spune că

objective is to improve the life of the city  for residents and for tourists themselves. Ziel ist es, das Leben der Stadt für Einwohner und Touristen selbst zu verbessern. mērķis ir uzlabot pilsētas dzīvi iedzīvotājiem un pašiem tūristiem. obiectivul este de a îmbunătăți viața orașului pentru locuitori și pentru turiști.

So, the new rules are to stop tourists misbehaving  – that's doing bad or inappropriate things. Die neuen Regeln sollen also verhindern, dass sich Touristen schlecht benehmen – das heißt, schlechte oder unangemessene Dinge tun. Așadar, noile reguli sunt menite să împiedice turiștii să se comporte greșit - adică să facă lucruri rele sau nepotrivite.

I'm sure not all visitors misbehave  – but those who have been, Ich bin mir sicher, dass sich nicht alle Besucher schlecht benehmen – aber diejenigen, die es getan haben, Sunt sigur că nu toți vizitatorii se comportă urât - dar cei care au fost,

have been wading – that's walking through  water – in the famous fountains and men haben in den berühmten Brunnen und Männern gewatet – das ist durch Wasser zu gehen s-au bălăcit - adică au mers prin apă - în faimoasele fântâni și oameni

have not been covering up the top half  of their bodies – so, going bare-chested. haben die obere Hälfte ihres Körpers nicht bedeckt – also mit nacktem Oberkörper. nav noslēpuši ķermeņa augšējo daļu - tātad, nēsā kailas krūtis. nu și-au acoperit jumătatea superioară a corpului - deci, au rămas cu pieptul gol.

Not any more, Sam! These new laws have banned  this with the objective of improving the life Nicht mehr, Sam! Diese neuen Gesetze haben dies mit dem Ziel, das Leben zu verbessern, verboten Nu mai e cazul, Sam! Aceste noi legi au interzis acest lucru cu scopul de a îmbunătăți viața

for the people of Rome – the Romans. An  objective is a plan or aim to achieve something. für das Volk Roms – die Römer. Ein Ziel ist ein Plan oder Ziel, etwas zu erreichen. pentru locuitorii Romei - romanii. Un obiectiv este un plan sau un scop de a realiza ceva.

Other laws introduced in Rome, with the objective  of improving the city, include giving out severe Andere Gesetze, die in Rom eingeführt wurden, mit dem Ziel, die Stadt zu verbessern, beinhalten strenge Abgaben Citi likumi, kas ieviesti Romā ar mērķi uzlabot pilsētas stāvokli, ietver arī bargu sodu piešķiršanu par Alte legi introduse la Roma, cu scopul de a îmbunătăți orașul, includ acordarea de sancțiuni severe

fines to people who drop litter and to those who  attach ‘love padlocks' to historic monuments. ||||||||||||愛の南京錠||| Bußgelder für Menschen, die Müll fallen lassen, und für diejenigen, die „Liebesschlösser“ an historischen Denkmälern anbringen. naudas sodus cilvēkiem, kas izmet atkritumus, un tiem, kas pie vēsturiskiem pieminekļiem piestiprina "mīlestības atslēgas". amenzi pentru cei care aruncă gunoaie și pentru cei care atașează "lacăte de dragoste" la monumentele istorice.

Well, I guess if it makes the city  a nicer place to visit for everyone, Nun, ich schätze, wenn es die Stadt zu einem schöneren Ort für alle macht, Ei bine, cred că dacă face orașul un loc mai frumos de vizitat pentru toată lumea,

then it's a good idea. Well, let's talk  about another historic old city – Bruges dann ist es eine gute Idee. Nun, lassen Sie uns über eine andere historische Altstadt sprechen – Brügge atunci este o idee bună. Ei bine, haideți să vorbim despre un alt oraș istoric vechi - Bruges

in Belgium. The old and narrow streets  are often packed with sightseers – so in Belgien. Die alten und engen Gassen sind oft voller Touristen – so Beļģijā. Vecās un šaurās ieliņas bieži vien ir pārpildītas ar ekskursantiem - tāpēc... în Belgia. Străzile vechi și înguste sunt adesea pline de vizitatori - așa că

restrictions have been introduced there.  Helen Coffey, deputy travel editor for the dort wurden Beschränkungen eingeführt. Helen Coffey, stellvertretende Reiseredakteurin der ir ieviesti ierobežojumi. Helen Coffey, ceļojumu redaktora vietniece Helen Coffey, laikraksta au fost introduse restricții în această țară. Helen Coffey, redactor-șef adjunct de călătorie pentru

Independent newspaper, also spoke to the You and  Yours programme, to explain what is going on… Unabhängige Zeitung, sprach auch mit dem Programm You and Yours, um zu erklären, was vor sich geht … Independent, a vorbit și el la emisiunea "Tu și ai tăi", pentru a explica ce se întâmplă...

Bruges was the latest city to say we're going  to introduce new regulations to crack down on ||||||||||||||取り締まる|| Brügge war die letzte Stadt, die ankündigte, dass wir neue Vorschriften einführen werden, gegen die wir hart vorgehen werden Brigesa bija jaunākā pilsēta, kas paziņoja, ka mēs gatavojamies ieviest jaunus noteikumus, lai ierobežotu Bruges a fost cel mai recent oraș care a spus că vom introduce noi reglementări pentru a lua măsuri drastice împotriva

what they called the Disneyfication of their  city. A really key one is they're going to ||||ディズニー化||||||||||| was sie die Disneyfizierung ihrer Stadt nannten. Ein wirklich wichtiger ist, dass sie es tun werden ceea ce ei au numit Disneyficarea orașului lor. Unul dintre cele mai importante este că vor

cap the number of cruises that can dock, and  actually this a big one that lots of cities do. Begrenzen Sie die Anzahl der Kreuzfahrten, die anlegen können, und tatsächlich ist dies eine große, die viele Städte anbieten. 停泊できるクルーズの数に上限を設けること、これは多くの都市が行っている大きな取り組みです。 ierobežot to kruīzu skaitu, kas var piestāt, un patiesībā tas ir liels ierobežojums, ko piemēro daudzās pilsētās. să limiteze numărul de croaziere care pot acosta, iar aceasta este o măsură importantă pe care o iau multe orașe.

They basically don't like cruise visitors  because cruise visitors don't spend money. ||||クルーズ||||||| Kreuzfahrtbesucher mögen sie grundsätzlich nicht, weil Kreuzfahrtbesucher kein Geld ausgeben. 彼らは基本的にクルーズの訪問者が好きではありません。なぜなら、クルーズ訪問者はお金を使わないからです。 Practic, nu le plac vizitatorii de croazieră pentru că aceștia nu cheltuiesc bani.

So Helen mentioned a crackdown – which like  clampdown – means taking action to restrict ||||||||||||制限する Also erwähnte Helen ein Durchgreifen – was wie Durchgreifen bedeutet, Maßnahmen zur Einschränkung zu ergreifen ヘレンが言及した取り締まりは、制限をかけるための行動を取ることを意味します。 Deci Helen a menționat un crackdown - care, ca și clampdown - înseamnă a lua măsuri pentru a restricționa

or stop certain activities. And Bruges wants to  crack down on the Disneyfication of the city. oder beenden Sie bestimmte Aktivitäten. Und Brügge will gegen die Disneyfizierung der Stadt vorgehen. そしてブルージュは、街のディズニー化を取り締まろうとしています。 sau să oprească anumite activități. Și Bruges vrea să ia măsuri împotriva Disneyficării orașului.

This term describes turning something into an  artificial, not real, commercial environment, Dieser Begriff beschreibt, etwas in eine künstliche, nicht reale, kommerzielle Umgebung zu verwandeln, Acest termen descrie transformarea unui lucru într-un mediu comercial artificial, nu real,

similar to a Walt Disney theme park. I'm not  sure it's that similar yet, but one way to ähnlich einem Walt Disney Themenpark. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob es so ähnlich ist, aber ein Weg dahin asemănător cu un parc tematic Walt Disney. Nu sunt sigur că este încă atât de asemănător, dar un mod de a

maintain the authentic feel of the city is  to cap the number of cruises that can dock. |||||||||制限する||||||| Um das authentische Flair der Stadt zu erhalten, müssen Sie die Anzahl der Kreuzfahrtschiffe, die anlegen können, begrenzen. pentru a menține atmosfera autentică a orașului este de a limita numărul de croaziere care pot acosta.

Cap means restrict or limit. It's felt  that visitors who come by cruise ship, Cap bedeutet einschränken oder begrenzen. Man hat das Gefühl, dass Besucher, die mit einem Kreuzfahrtschiff kommen, Cap înseamnă restricție sau limitare. Se simte că vizitatorii care vin cu nava de croazieră,

don't stay overnight and therefore  don't bring much money into the city. nicht über Nacht bleiben und daher nicht viel Geld in die Stadt bringen. nu rămân peste noapte și, prin urmare, nu aduc prea mulți bani în oraș.

The message from the city authorities  is ‘stay overnight or don't come!' Die Botschaft der Stadtverwaltung lautet „Übernachten oder nicht kommen!“. Mesajul autorităților orașului este "rămâneți peste noapte sau nu veniți!".

Well, one city that has people visiting for the  day or staying longer is the most visited city Nun, eine Stadt, die Leute für einen Tag besuchen oder länger bleiben, ist die meistbesuchte Stadt Ei bine, unul dintre orașele care îi face pe oameni să vină pentru o zi sau să rămână mai mult timp este cel mai vizitat oraș

in the world – but where is that, Sam? Earlier I  asked you what the most visited city in 2018 was? in der Welt – aber wo ist das, Sam? Vorhin habe ich Sie gefragt, was die meistbesuchte Stadt im Jahr 2018 war? din lume - dar unde este asta, Sam? Te-am întrebat mai devreme care a fost cel mai vizitat oraș din 2018?

Was it… a) London War es … a) London A fost... a) Londra

b) New York, or c) Bangkok? b) New York oder c) Bangkok?

And I said London. Und ich sagte London. Iar eu am spus Londra.

That was in second place. The most visited  city last year was Bangkok, in Thailand. Das war der zweite Platz. Die meistbesuchte Stadt im vergangenen Jahr war Bangkok in Thailand. Asta a fost pe locul doi. Cel mai vizitat oraș anul trecut a fost Bangkok, în Thailanda.

OK, Rob. Well, maybe what I can get  right is a recap of today's vocabulary. Bine, Rob. Ei bine, poate că ceea ce pot face bine este o recapitulare a vocabularului de astăzi.

Starting with respect. If you respect  something you treat it with care. Beginnend mit Respekt. Wenn Sie etwas respektieren, behandeln Sie es mit Sorgfalt. Începând cu respectul. Dacă respecți ceva, îl tratezi cu grijă.

We also discussed clampdown, which  means officially trying to stop or Wir haben auch über das Durchgreifen gesprochen, was bedeutet, offiziell zu versuchen, zu stoppen oder De asemenea, am discutat despre clampdown, care înseamnă încercarea oficială de a opri sau

limit people doing something.  Crackdown is a similar phrase. Leute einschränken, die etwas tun. Crackdown ist ein ähnlicher Ausdruck. limitarea persoanelor care fac ceva. Crackdown este o expresie similară.

To misbehave is to do  something bad or inappropriate. Sich schlecht zu benehmen bedeutet, etwas Schlechtes oder Unangemessenes zu tun. A se purta greșit înseamnă a face ceva rău sau nepotrivit.

And an objective is a plan  or aim to achieve something. ||目標|||||||| Und ein Ziel ist ein Plan oder Ziel, etwas zu erreichen. Iar un obiectiv este un plan sau un scop de a realiza ceva.

Our next word is Disneyfication - a term that  describes turning something into an artificial, Unser nächstes Wort ist Disneyfizierung – ein Begriff, der beschreibt, etwas in ein künstliches, Următorul nostru cuvânt este Disneyfication - un termen care descrie transformarea unui lucru în ceva artificial,

not real, commercial environment,  similar to a Walt Disney theme park. nicht reales, kommerzielles Umfeld, ähnlich einem Walt Disney Themenpark. nu un mediu real, comercial, asemănător unui parc tematic Walt Disney.

And finally we had cap –  which means restrict or limit. Und schließlich hatten wir Cap – was bedeutet einschränken oder begrenzen. Și în cele din urmă am avut cap - care înseamnă restricție sau limitare.

Well, we've had to cap this programme at 6  minutes – and we're out of time. Goodbye! Nun, wir mussten dieses Programm auf 6 Minuten begrenzen – und wir haben keine Zeit mehr. Auf Wiedersehen! Ei bine, am fost nevoiți să limităm acest program la 6 minute - și nu mai avem timp. La revedere!

Bye bye!