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Tim's pronounciation workshop, 14- Assimilation of /t/ and /j/

14- Assimilation of /t/ and /j/

Hi. I'm Tim and this is my Pronunciation workshop.

Here I'm going to show you how English is really spoken. Come on, let's go inside.

When you meet someone for the first time, there are several things you can say. If you want

to be formal, you could say 'How do you do?' But there is another, less formal expression.

Do you know what it is? Let's meet some of the people of London.

Well, it's nice to meet you too. Now, the

word 'meet' ends in the sound /t/, and the word 'you' begins with /j/, don't they? Or

do they? Listen again. What can you actually hear when these two sounds come together?

In fluent speech, when one word ends in /t/

and the next begins with a /j/ sound, like 'you' or 'yours', then the two sounds come

together and change to /ʧ/. So 'meet you' becomes /miːʧuː/. This is an example of assimilation.

Now you might remember that in a previous video I mentioned that the /t/ sound can disappear

in between two consonants. Well, this can still happen if the next word is 'you' or

'your', but it's more usual for the /t/ to change to /ʧ/ in this case. Here are some

more examples.

Right, so you've heard the examples, and now

it's your turn. Are you ready to start? Listen and repeat.

Well done. Now remember, if you want to learn

more about pronunciation, then please visit our website, bbclearningenglish.com. And that

is about it from the pronunciation workshop for this week. I'll see you soon. Bye bye!

Ugh. That is not right.

Hello, is that Tim? It's Tom.

Oh hi, Tom. Yeah it's Tim.

So, did you enjoy your tea?

No. It was disgusting.

Ha ha, that's because I put salt in, instead

of sugar - gotcha!

Why, you little... I'm gonna get you. I have

a very particular set of skills. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. I

will hunt you down. I will find you. And I will put shaving cream on your pillow.

Brothers eh?! Well I guess that goes to show that you can't always get what you want. Now, time to start plotting my revenge.

14- Assimilation of /t/ and /j/ |||y|/j/ 14- Assimilation von /t/ und /j/ 14- Assimilation of /t/ and /j/ 14- Asimilación de /t/ y /j/ 14- Assimilation de /t/ et /j/ 14- /t/と/j/の同化 14- Assimilação de /t/ e /j/ 14- Ассимиляция /t/ и /j/ 14- /t/ ve /j/'nin asimilasyonu 14-/t/ 和 /j/ 的同化 14-/t/ 和 /j/ 的同化

Hi. I'm Tim and this is my Pronunciation workshop. Merhaba. Ben Tim ve bu benim Telaffuz atölyem.

Here I'm going to show you how English is really spoken. Come on, let's go inside. Aqui vou mostrar como o inglês é realmente falado. Venha, vamos entrar. Burada size İngilizcenin gerçekte nasıl konuşulduğunu göstereceğim. Hadi, içeri girelim.

When you meet someone for the first time, there are several things you can say. If you want ||||||||||varias||||||| Quando você conhece alguém pela primeira vez, há várias coisas que você pode dizer. Se você quiser Biriyle ilk kez tanıştığınızda söyleyebileceğiniz birkaç şey vardır. Eğer isterseniz

to be formal, you could say 'How do you do?' But there is another, less formal expression. ||"Good day"|one might say||||||||||||| para ser formal, você poderia dizer 'Como vai você?' Mas há outra expressão menos formal. Resmi olmak gerekirse, "Nasılsınız?" diyebilirsiniz. Ancak daha az resmi olan başka bir ifade daha vardır.

Do you know what it is? Let's meet some of the people of London. Você sabe o que é isso? Vamos conhecer algumas pessoas de Londres.

Well, it's nice to meet you too. Now, the Bem, é um prazer conhecê-lo também. Agora o

word 'meet' ends in the sound /t/, and the word 'you' begins with /j/, don't they? Or meet」の語尾は/t/、「you」の語尾は/j/で始まるんでしょう?あるいは a palavra 'meet' termina no som /t/, e a palavra 'you' começa com /j/, não é? Ou

do they? Listen again. What can you actually hear when these two sounds come together? をするのでしょうか?もう一度聞いてください。この2つの音が合わさったとき、実際にどんな音が聞こえるでしょうか? Eles? Ouça novamente. O que você pode realmente ouvir quando esses dois sons se juntam?

In fluent speech, when one word ends in /t/ 流暢な会話では、1つの単語が/t/で終わるとき Na fala fluente, quando uma palavra termina em /t/

and the next begins with a /j/ sound, like 'you' or 'yours', then the two sounds come で始まり、次は「you」や「yours」のように/j/の音で始まり、2つの音が来ます。 e o próximo começa com um som /j/, como 'você' ou 'seu', então os dois sons vêm

together and change to /ʧ/. So 'meet you' becomes /miːʧuː/. This is an example of assimilation. ||||Got it.|||||Got it.|||||| を一緒にして、/ʧ/に変化させます。つまり、「meet you」は /miːʧ/ になります。これは同化の一例です。 juntos e mude para /ʧ/. Então 'encontro com você' se torna /miːʧuː/. Este é um exemplo de assimilação.

Now you might remember that in a previous video I mentioned that the /t/ sound can disappear |||||||earlier|||brought up|||||| ||||||||||mencioné|||el sonido /t/||| さて、以前の動画で「/t/の音が消えることがある」という話をしたのを覚えている人もいるかもしれませんが Agora você deve se lembrar que em um vídeo anterior eu mencionei que o som /t/ pode desaparecer

in between two consonants. Well, this can still happen if the next word is 'you' or ||entre dos consonantes||||||||||||| を2つの子音で挟む。まあ、次の単語が「あなた」だったりすると、まだこうなる可能性はあります。 entre duas consoantes. Bem, isso ainda pode acontecer se a próxima palavra for 'você' ou

'your', but it's more usual for the /t/ to change to /ʧ/ in this case. Here are some 'your'ですが、この場合、/t/が/ʧ/に変化する方が普通です。以下はその例です。 'seu', mas é mais comum que o /t/ mude para /ʧ/ neste caso. Aqui estão alguns

more examples.

Right, so you've heard the examples, and now そうですね、では、事例を聞いていただいて、次は Certo, então você já ouviu os exemplos, e agora

it's your turn. Are you ready to start? Listen and repeat. あなたの番です。始める準備はできていますか?聞いて、繰り返してください。 é sua vez. Você está pronto para começar? Ouça e repita.

Well done. Now remember, if you want to learn よくやった。今、覚えておいてほしいのは、もしあなたが学びたいのであれば Bom trabalho. Agora lembre-se, se você quer aprender

more about pronunciation, then please visit our website, bbclearningenglish.com. And that 発音の詳細については、当社のWebサイトbbclearningenglish.comをご覧ください。そしてそれは mais sobre pronúncia, visite nosso site, bbclearningenglish.com. E essa

is about it from the pronunciation workshop for this week. I'll see you soon. Bye bye! は、今週の発音ワークショップからそれについてです。では、また近いうちにお会いしましょう。バイバーイ! é sobre isso do workshop de pronúncia desta semana. Vejo você em breve. Bye Bye!

Ugh. That is not right. That's frustrating.|||| ううう。そんなの、おかしいよ。 Eca. Isso não está certo.

Hello, is that Tim? It's Tom. もしもし、ティムですか?トムです。 Olá, é o Tim? É Tom.

Oh hi, Tom. Yeah it's Tim. あ、ハイ、トムです。ああ、ティムだ。 Oi, Tom. Sim, é o Tim.

So, did you enjoy your tea? さて、お茶は美味しかったですか? E aí, gostou do seu chá?

No. It was disgusting. رقم كان مثير للاشمئزاز. いや、気持ち悪かったです。 Não. Era nojento.

Ha ha, that's because I put salt in, instead ||||||seasoning agent|| ها ها، هذا لأنني وضعت الملح بدلا من ذلك ははは、それは私が代わりに塩を入れたからです。 Ha ha, isso é porque eu coloquei sal, em vez disso

of sugar - gotcha! ||¡Te atrapé! من السكر - مسكتك! de açúcar - entendi!

Why, you little... I'm gonna get you. I have なぜ、あなたは少し...私はあなたを取得するつもりです。私は持っています Ora, seu pequeno... Eu vou te pegar. Eu tenho

a very particular set of skills. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. I مجموعة خاصة جدًا من المهارات. المهارات التي تجعلني كابوسًا للأشخاص مثلك. أنا 非常に特殊なスキルセット。あなたのような人々にとって私を悪夢にするスキル。私 um conjunto muito particular de habilidades. Habilidades que me tornam um pesadelo para pessoas como você. EU

will hunt you down. I will find you. And I will put shaving cream on your pillow. ||||||||||||prank with cream|shaving foam|||on your bed |perseguiré|||||||||||crema de afeitar|crema de afeitar|||almohada سوف يطاردك. سوف أجدك. وسوف أضع كريم الحلاقة على وسادتك. vous traqueront. Je te trouverai. Et je mettrai de la mousse à raser sur ton oreiller. あなたを追い詰めます。私はあなたを見つけるでしょう。そして、あなたの枕にシェービングクリームをつけます。

Brothers eh?! Well I guess that goes to show that you can't always get what you want. Now, time to start plotting my revenge. |||||||||||||||||||||planning revenge|| |||||||||||||||||||||tramar|| اخوان ايه؟! حسنًا، أعتقد أن هذا يظهر أنه لا يمكنك دائمًا الحصول على ما تريد. الآن حان الوقت لبدء التخطيط للانتقام. Des frères, hein ?! Cela prouve qu'on ne peut pas toujours obtenir ce que l'on veut. Maintenant, il est temps de commencer à préparer ma vengeance. 兄弟えっ!?これは、常に欲しいものを手に入れることができるとは限らないことを示していると思います。さぁ、復讐を始める時だ。