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expanding tactics for listening, 9- listening 3

9- listening 3

1. A: I'd really like to see this. Kids from all over the country are participating. And the things they're playing sound really difficult. There's one kid who's been playing the violin since he was two years old!

B: When is it?

A: Let's see... It's Saturday afternoon.

B: I'd really like to see it, but I was planning to watch soccer on TV that day.

2. A: Hey, this sounds interesting. You get to see how all sorts of unusual foods are prepared, and you get to try different dishes, too. They have cheft from Japan and India, from China, from Mexico. and from Italy, too. What do you think?

B: Well. it does sound interesting, but I can't. I've just started a new diet, so I can't eat too much.

3. A: Let's go and see this. I love these kinds of events. A lot of famous people are going to be there. All of the actors who are in it are coming to see it. and the director and producer are going to be there, too.

B: Really?

A: Yeah. We'd need to get to the theater early, though, to get a good view. Thousands of people always show up for these premieres.

B: Actually, I'd rather not go. I don't like big crowds.

4. A: This event down at the bookstore could be interesting. It'll be a chance to get a famous person's autograph.

B: Oh, yeah? Are you into autographs?

A: Sure. It's fun to meet famous people.

B: Yeah, but she's not really one of my favorite writers. In fact, I think her books are kind of boring.

5. A: Let's go and watch this tomorrow afternoon. It should be a good game. The home team just got two new really good players.

B: But haven't they lost a lot of games recently?

A: Well. yeah. But they're playing better now.

B: Thanks for asking me, but I think I'll stay home. I heard it's going to be pretty cold tomorrow.

6. A: Let's check out this exhibition at the gallery downtown. The artists seem pretty talented.

B: Hmm, What artists? Any big names?

A: No, not really. They're all local artists.

B: Well. thanks anyway, but I'm only interested in seeing works by famous artists.

9- listening 3

1. A: I'd really like to see this. Kids from all over the country are participating. And the things they're playing sound really difficult. There's one kid who's been playing the violin since he was two years old!

B: When is it?

A: Let's see... It's Saturday afternoon.

B: I'd really like to see it, but I was planning to watch soccer on TV that day.

2. A: Hey, this sounds interesting. You get to see how all sorts of unusual foods are prepared, and you get to try different dishes, too. They have cheft from Japan and India, from China, from Mexico. ||stolen or taken|||||||| and from Italy, too. What do you think?

B: Well. it does sound interesting, but I can't. I've just started a new diet, so I can't eat too much.

3. A: Let's go and see this. I love these kinds of events. A lot of famous people are going to be there. All of the actors who are in it are coming to see it. and the director and producer are going to be there, too.

B: Really?

A: Yeah. We'd need to get to the theater early, though, to get a good view. Thousands of people always show up for these premieres.

B: Actually, I'd rather not go. I don't like big crowds.

4. A: This event down at the bookstore could be interesting. It'll be a chance to get a famous person's autograph.

B: Oh, yeah? Are you into autographs?

A: Sure. It's fun to meet famous people.

B: Yeah, but she's not really one of my favorite writers. In fact, I think her books are kind of boring.

5. A: Let's go and watch this tomorrow afternoon. It should be a good game. The home team just got two new really good players.

B: But haven't they lost a lot of games recently?

A: Well. yeah. But they're playing better now.

B: Thanks for asking me, but I think I'll stay home. I heard it's going to be pretty cold tomorrow.

6. A: Let's check out this exhibition at the gallery downtown. The artists seem pretty talented.

B: Hmm, What artists? Any big names?

A: No, not really. They're all local artists.

B: Well. thanks anyway, but I'm only interested in seeing works by famous artists.