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expanding tactics for listening, 5- listening 2

5- listening 2

1. A: What do you think of Chris?

B: I like talking to him. He knows something interesting about practically everything.

A: Yeah. I know. And he's really serious about studying, too. He wants to go to medical school, so his grades have to be perfect.

B: He must be a good student.

A: He's a great student—top of the class last year.

2. A: You know Brandon Kent, don't you?

B: Oh, sure. He's a really nice guy. He took a whole day off last month to help me move into my new apartment. Then he drove me to the mail so I could pick up some furniture for my new place.

A: Yeah, that's what I like about him. In fact, he's coming over this afternoon to help me with my math assignment.

B: Lucky you!

3. A: I can't stand that Terry Dey.

B: Really?

A: Yeah, The other day, we were walking down the street past this homeless man who asked us for money. His clothes were torn and dirty.

B: Yeah?

A: Well, as soon as we walked past him, Terry made jokes about his clothes.

B: No way! That's terrible.

4. A: Are you going to Tony's party on Friday night?

B: Yeah, Are you?

A: Of course. He has great parties, don't you think?

B: Definitely. It's because he gets so excited about everything. Everyone sees him laughing and having fun. and then they start enjoying themselves, too.

A: You're right. He's an amazing guy.

5. A: Have you seen Patrick recently?

B: No, I haven't. We were supposed to go to a concert last weekend, but he said he was too sick to go.

A: Oh, that's too bad.

B: The thing is, he didn't tell me the truth. My brother saw him at a party the same night, having a good time.

A: Oh! I really hate it when people lie like that.

B: Me. too.

6. A: I just talked to Chuck.

B: How is he today?

A: The same as usual. He's always in a bad mood. Talking to him is really difficult. It's easy to say something that really upsets him.

B: I know. I wonder why he's like that.

A: I think it's because he isn't doing well at school this year.

5- listening 2 5- audição 2

1. A: What do you think of Chris?

B: I like talking to him. He knows something interesting about practically everything.

A: Yeah. I know. And he's really serious about studying, too. He wants to go to medical school, so his grades have to be perfect.

B: He must be a good student.

A: He's a great student—top of the class last year.

2. A: You know Brandon Kent, don't you?

B: Oh, sure. He's a really nice guy. He took a whole day off last month to help me move into my new apartment. Then he drove me to the mail so I could pick up some furniture for my new place.

A: Yeah, that's what I like about him. In fact, he's coming over this afternoon to help me with my math assignment.

B: Lucky you!

3. A: I can't stand that Terry Dey.

B: Really?

A: Yeah, The other day, we were walking down the street past this homeless man who asked us for money. His clothes were torn and dirty.

B: Yeah?

A: Well, as soon as we walked past him, Terry made jokes about his clothes.

B: No way! That's terrible.

4. A: Are you going to Tony's party on Friday night?

B: Yeah, Are you?

A: Of course. He has great parties, don't you think?

B: Definitely. It's because he gets so excited about everything. Everyone sees him laughing and having fun. and then they start enjoying themselves, too.

A: You're right. He's an amazing guy.

5. A: Have you seen Patrick recently?

B: No, I haven't. We were supposed to go to a concert last weekend, but he said he was too sick to go.

A: Oh, that's too bad.

B: The thing is, he didn't tell me the truth. B: Lo que pasa es que no me dijo la verdad. My brother saw him at a party the same night, having a good time.

A: Oh! I really hate it when people lie like that.

B: Me. too.

6. A: I just talked to Chuck.

B: How is he today?

A: The same as usual. He's always in a bad mood. Talking to him is really difficult. It's easy to say something that really upsets him.

B: I know. I wonder why he's like that.

A: I think it's because he isn't doing well at school this year.