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expanding tactics for listening, 23- listening 2

23- listening 2

1. I was looking at some dishes in a department store yesterday when I dropped and broke one. I thought for sure they'd ask me to pay for it, but the salesclerk was nice and said I didn't have to.

2. I went out for dinner with my fiancee last night at this Italian restaurant. When I checked the bill, they had charged us for things we hadn't even ordered. I talked to the waiter about it. He apologized and said I didn't have to pay for the things we didn't order. In fact, we got the whole meal for free!

3. I had a meeting with my fiancee last night, but on the way there I got stuck in a traffic jam. I got to the movie theater nearly half an hour late. When I finally arrived, my fiancee was very upset with me. and we both went home without seeing the movie.

4. A funny thing happened to me yesterday. This girl came up to me on the street and thought I was the actor Tom Cruise. She even asked me for my autograph. I wasn't really sure what to do! I didn't want to disappoint her, so I went ahead and signed Tom Cruise's name. I hope I did the right thing.

5. When I got home on Friday, all my friends were waiting inside my apartment. My brother let them in because they wanted to have a surprise party for me to celebrate my birthday. Unfortunately, my apartment was a mess. Can you imagine how I felt? My brother told me they had to spend a half an hour cleaning up when they got there.

6. There was this guy who sat behind me in class. I'm sure he cheated whenever we had a test. He was always looking over my shoulder. I didn't know what to do about it. Finally, I asked the teacher if I could sit in a different seat. I felt a lot better after that.

23- listening 2 23-聽力 2

1. I was looking at some dishes in a department store yesterday when I dropped and broke one. I thought for sure they'd ask me to pay for it, but the salesclerk was nice and said I didn't have to.

2. I went out for dinner with my fiancee last night at this Italian restaurant. When I checked the bill, they had charged us for things we hadn't even ordered. I talked to the waiter about it. He apologized and said I didn't have to pay for the things we didn't order. In fact, we got the whole meal for free!

3. I had a meeting with my fiancee last night, but on the way there I got stuck in a traffic jam. I got to the movie theater nearly half an hour late. When I finally arrived, my fiancee was very upset with me. and we both went home without seeing the movie.

4. A funny thing happened to me yesterday. This girl came up to me on the street and thought I was the actor Tom Cruise. She even asked me for my autograph. I wasn't really sure what to do! I didn't want to disappoint her, so I went ahead and signed Tom Cruise's name. I hope I did the right thing.

5. When I got home on Friday, all my friends were waiting inside my apartment. My brother let them in because they wanted to have a surprise party for me to celebrate my birthday. Unfortunately, my apartment was a mess. Can you imagine how I felt? My brother told me they had to spend a half an hour cleaning up when they got there.

6. There was this guy who sat behind me in class. I'm sure he cheated whenever we had a test. He was always looking over my shoulder. I didn't know what to do about it. Finally, I asked the teacher if I could sit in a different seat. I felt a lot better after that.