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expanding tactics for listening, 17- listening 2

17- listening 2

1. Some friends and I were in the elevator going up to my apartment when suddenly the elevator stopped between floors and wouldn't move. We were able to open the doors a little, but we were still stuck!

2. I went to the airport to pick up my boss. I was so nervous that I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. After I met him at the arrival terminal, I realized I couldn't remember where I had parked my car. I couldn't believe it! With my boss there and all.. .1 felt so stupid.

3. When I left for work on Monday morning. I realized I had to walk because I didn't have a dollar bill for the bus. My boss gets angry if I'm late, so I really had to hurry. I was afraid of being fired. Well, I'd gotten about two blocks from my house when all of a sudden I felt something blow onto my leg. I looked down, and it was a dollar bill!

4. I wanted to go sailing. but just as I arrived at the lake, a"storm broke out and it started to rain. It wasn't a very strong storm, but it was much too cold for sailing.

5. I was driving down Pleasant Street yesterday. I was singing along with a song on the radio and probably wasn't paying as much attention as I should have been. All of a sudden, a deer ran out in front of my car.

6. Last weekend, I went out on a date with a friend from my history class. We were at this really nice restaurant, and when the check came, I realized that my wallet was missing. I guess I left it in the taxi after I paid the taxi driver. I didn't know what to do! The check was really expensive!

17- listening 2 17- escucha 2 17- 听力 2

1. Some friends and I were in the elevator going up to my apartment when suddenly the elevator stopped between floors and wouldn't move. We were able to open the doors a little, but we were still stuck!

2. I went to the airport to pick up my boss. I was so nervous that I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. After I met him at the arrival terminal, I realized I couldn't remember where I had parked my car. I couldn't believe it! With my boss there and all.. .1 felt so stupid.

3. When I left for work on Monday morning. I realized I had to walk because I didn't have a dollar bill for the bus. My boss gets angry if I'm late, so I really had to hurry. I was afraid of being fired. Well, I'd gotten about two blocks from my house when all of a sudden I felt something blow onto my leg. I looked down, and it was a dollar bill!

4. I wanted to go sailing. but just as I arrived at the lake, a"storm broke out and it started to rain. It wasn't a very strong storm, but it was much too cold for sailing.

5. I was driving down Pleasant Street yesterday. I was singing along with a song on the radio and probably wasn't paying as much attention as I should have been. All of a sudden, a deer ran out in front of my car.

6. Last weekend, I went out on a date with a friend from my history class. We were at this really nice restaurant, and when the check came, I realized that my wallet was missing. I guess I left it in the taxi after I paid the taxi driver. I didn't know what to do! The check was really expensive!