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developing tactics for listening, 6- pronunciation

6- pronunciation

1. It's Brian's birthday next week.

2. What are you getting for Rose?

3. I'm buying a pen for Christopher.

4. Let's get Hannah some flowers.

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6- pronunciation 6- Aussprache 6- pronunciación 6- la prononciation 6- 発音 6- 발음 6- wymowa 6- pronúncia 6- произношение 6-发音 6-發音

1. It's Brian's birthday next week. |布莱恩的||| 1. La semana que viene es el cumpleaños de Brian.

2. What are you getting for Rose? |||||玫瑰花 |||||a person's name 2. ¿Qué vas a recibir por Rose? 2. 为罗斯买什么?

3. 3. I'm buying a pen for Christopher. Voy a comprar un bolígrafo para Christopher. 我给克里斯托弗买了支笔。

4. Let's get Hannah some flowers. Llevémosle flores a Hannah.