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The Hyacinth Disaster, The Hyacinth Disaster E1P3

The Hyacinth Disaster E1P3

On my mark… 5, 4, 3… [closes channel to all] *comms power down, fade to silence* (as the Squealer is activated, a vicious screech of static and electronic interference permeates the ​Hyacinth​) END EPISODE 1 35

The Hyacinth Disaster E1P3 Die Hyazinthenkatastrophe E1P3 El desastre del jacinto E1P3 ヒヤシンスの災難 E1P3 Hiacintų katastrofa E1P3 Hiacyntowa katastrofa E1P3 O desastre do jacinto E1P3 Гиацинтовая катастрофа E1P3 Sümbül Felaketi E1P3 风信子灾难E1P3

On my mark… 5, 4, 3… [closes channel to all] *comms power down, fade to silence* (as the Squealer is activated, a vicious screech of static and electronic interference permeates the ​Hyacinth​) END EPISODE 1 35