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Go For It (Basic), Lesson 26 - Past Routines

Lesson 26 - Past Routines

I know many people who like having a routine,

they say it's better to have the same thing every day than not knowing what their days will be like.

That's not for me; I used to work for a multinational and my routine there used to be extremely stressful.

So, one day I decided to quit and open my own business.

I don't miss the way things used to be at all because now I can manage my own time, the way I want.

I don't wanna go back to the routine I used to have anymore!

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Lesson 26 - Past Routines ||日常活动 Μάθημα 26 - Προηγούμενες ρουτίνες Lección 26 - Rutinas pasadas Lição 26 - Rotinas passadas Урок 26 - Прошедшие маршруты Ders 26 - Geçmiş Rutinler 第 26 课 - 过去的惯例

I know many people who like having a routine, 私はルーチンを持つのが好きな多くの人々を知っています、

they say it's better to have the same thing every day dicen que es mejor comer lo mismo todos los días 彼らは毎日同じものを持っている方が良いと言います họ nói rằng tốt hơn là nên có cùng một thứ mỗi ngày than not knowing what their days will be like. que no saber cómo serán sus días. 彼らの日々がどのようになるかわからないよりも。 còn hơn là không biết ngày của họ sẽ như thế nào.

That's not for me; I used to work for a multinational ||||||||||跨国公司 ||||||||||global corporation それは私には向いていません。私は多国籍企業で働いていました and my routine there used to be extremely stressful. ||||||||压力很大 そこの私のルーチンは、以前は非常にストレスが多かったです。

So, one day I decided to quit and open my own business. それで、ある日、私は自分のビジネスをやめて、開くことに決めました。

I don't miss the way things used to be at all 私は物事がかつてあった方法をまったく見逃しません because now I can manage my own time, the way I want. 自分の時間を好きなように管理できるようになったからです。

I don't wanna go back to the routine I used to have anymore! もう昔のルーティンには戻りたくない!