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Go For It (Basic), Lesson 22 - An angry wife

Lesson 22 - An angry wife

I don't know what to do with my husband anymore! He's so forgetful!

He never does anything and he's full of excuses!

Let me give you a few examples of how bad his memory is:

He didn't take out the trash this morning, he didn't call the plumber

and he also didn't remember to pick up Mike, our son, from school!

You're probably thinking I'm angry because he left our kid

waiting at school for over an hour on a Saturday morning, right?

But the real reason I'm angry is because he didn't even say “I love you”

on the day of our anniversary, can you believe it?

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Lesson 22 - An angry wife Μάθημα 22 - Μια θυμωμένη σύζυγος Lección 22 - Una esposa enfadada 第22課 怒れる妻 Lekcja 22 - Rozgniewana żona Lição 22 - Uma esposa zangada

I don't know what to do with my husband anymore! もう夫とどうしたらいいのかわからない! He's so forgetful!

He never does anything and he's full of excuses! ||||||||借口连篇 彼は決して何もしません、そして彼は言い訳でいっぱいです!

Let me give you a few examples of how bad his memory is: |||||||||||记忆力| 彼の記憶がいかに悪いかについて、いくつか例を挙げましょう。

He didn't take out the trash this morning, he didn't call the plumber |||||垃圾|||||||水管工人 彼は今朝ゴミを出さなかった、彼は配管工を呼ばなかった

and he also didn't remember to pick up Mike, our son, from school! 彼はまた、私たちの息子であるマイクを学校から迎えに行くことを覚えていませんでした!

You're probably thinking I'm angry because he left our kid 彼が私たちの子供を残したので私が怒っているとあなたはおそらく思っているでしょう

waiting at school for over an hour on a Saturday morning, right? 土曜日の朝、学校で1時間以上待っていましたよね?

But the real reason I'm angry is because he didn't even say “I love you”

on the day of our anniversary, can you believe it? |||||纪念日|||| 私たちの記念日に、あなたはそれを信じることができますか?