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Go For It (Basic), Lesson 12 - A few questions

Lesson 12 - A few questions

Hey you! Yeah, you over there from Brazil!

I'd like to ask you a few questions, is that alright? Great! Let's do this! Tell me, what do you do in your free time?

Do you have a busy routine? And what do you do for a living?

In case you're a student, what do you study? Now, I've got some questions about your best friend: Does he or she like learning about diferent cultures?

Does he or she talk about traveling abroad?

That's it! Keep studying hard and never give up!

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Lesson 12 - A few questions Μάθημα 12 - Μερικές ερωτήσεις Lección 12 - Algunas preguntas 第12課 いくつかの質問 Lekcja 12 - Kilka pytań Урок 12 - Несколько вопросов 第 12 课 - 几个问题

Hey you! Yeah, you over there from Brazil! |||那边|来自|巴西 ええ、あなたはブラジルから来ました!

I'd like to ask you a few questions, is that alright? いくつか質問したいのですが、大丈夫ですか? Great! 素晴らしい! Let's do this! これをやろう! Tell me, what do you do in your free time? 教えてください、あなたはあなたの自由な時間に何をしますか?

Do you have a busy routine? |||||日常安排 And what do you do for a living? そして、あなたは生計を立てるために何をしますか?

In case you're a student, what do you study? あなたが学生の場合、あなたは何を勉強しますか? Now, I've got some questions about your best friend: 今、私はあなたの親友についていくつか質問があります: Does he or she like learning about diferent cultures? |||||||不同的| 彼または彼女は異なる文化について学ぶのが好きですか?

Does he or she talk about traveling abroad? ||||||旅行| 彼または彼女は海外旅行について話しますか?

That's it! それでおしまい! Keep studying hard and never give up!