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Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell), What’s Hiding at the Most Solitary Place on Earth? The Deep Sea

What's Hiding at the Most Solitary Place on Earth? The Deep Sea

Sometimes the world feels, hmm, boring.

We've visited all the remote islands, conquered the Arctic, and penetrated the deepest jungles.

But there is still one place to explore.

It's a wet and deadly desert inhabited by mysterious creatures living in total darkness.

The deep sea.

Let's dive down.

[♫ Catchy Intro Jingle ♫]

When we look at the sheer scale of the Earth's oceans,

It's hard to believe that less than 2% of all biomass on Earth lives here.

And of that small percentage, around 90% is located close to the surface in the first 200 meters.

This is where we begin our journey.

Here, light can still penetrate the water which allows photosynthesis to occur.

Phytoplankton, trillions and trillions of single-celled algae and bacteria make up the foundation

of the ocean's ecosystem, and they're consumed by bigger plankton, who are consumer by other species.

The seafloor at this depth is akin to the Amazon rainforest, and is often covered with coral reefs, algae,

and other sea plants that are home to a plethora of sea animals.

So far, we've focused most of our attention on this comparatively pleasant environment,

where we fish, swim, pollute, and do science.

So, let's dive deeper.

Moving from familiar coastal waters into deeper, more remote waters, we eventually reach the edge

of the continental shelf, where we're confronted with the continental slope,

the long descent down to the deep sea.

With every additional meter of water, light fades drastically, which means there are basically

no more plants, and the seemingly steep continental slope begins to remind us of the surface of the Moon.

Looking out we're faced by what seems to be endless open water.

Let's leave the slope behind us, and enter what's known as the Twilight Zone, the portal to the deep sea.

As we sink down further, the water pressure rises to deadly levels.

The deepest scuba dive ever came in at 332 meters.

At that depth, the pressure is like having 200 cars stacked on top of you.

Yet we've only completed 3% of our journey.

While this region seems pretty grim, many fish and other animals

actually spend at least half their lives down here.

During the day, it's a good place to rest and recover, hidden from predators in the vast dark waters.

At night, they can travel more safely into shallower zones to feed in the food-rich surface waters.

In this transition zone between Twilight and Darkness, light becomes a powerful tool.

Over 90% of the species indigenous to this deep environment

use bioluminescence chemicals to create light.

They do so as camouflage against the very faint sunlight, to send signals to potential mates,

or to confuse and scare attackers.

Or, they use lights to hunt.

Another tool for survival in the dark is teamwork.

At around 700 meters, we encounter a colony of siphonophores.

They can be up to 50 metres in length, but are only as wide as a broomstick.

To attract prey, a colony creates a tragically beautiful bright blue or red light,

and deploys a curtain of tentacles filled with toxic needles that kill anything that comes too close.

But most species living down here have to rely on an unlikely resource: Marine Snow.

White flaky stuff that constantly sinks from the surface to the bottom of the ocean.

It consists of dead plant or animal parts,

fecal matter,

shells, sand, or dust.

Even though this doesn't sound very tasty, without this crucial resource, life in the deep sea would starve.

It's in this area that the most fascinating battles between two unlikely enemies could happen.

Sperm whales hunt and attack giant squid the size of a house.

While the squid fight back ferociously, they probably don't stand a chance,

but they do leave permanent marks on their killer's skin.

As we reach 1,000 meters, deeper than the tallest structure built by humans, we need to be careful.

This is the Midnight Zone, a place of utter darkness.

A barely explored wet wasteland consisting of nothing but endless black open water.

At these depths, it's harder for a human to take a swim than to take a walk in space.

Finding food down here is really hard, so life had to adapt, and become extremely energy-efficient.

Like the 30-centimeter-long vampire squid that floats through the water without motion,

with long and slender catching arms extended.

They're covered in tiny stiff hairs, which brush food from the water.

This saves a lot of energy compared to actively catching food.

For carnivorous fish, it's much harder to find food since living prey is quite rare down here.

So the hunters have to get a perfect grip on their victim on first strike. Otherwise, it will escape into the dark.

Many deep-sea predators have several sets of long and deadly teeth.

Like the viperfish, which uses its long fangs to trap even large prey and swallow it whole.

Or the frilled shark, with its impressive set of 300 teeth,

which are curved backwards to hook their victims in their mouths.

We sink further.

Below the 3800 mark, as deep as the grave of the Titanic, we are now at abyssal depths.

Here, life happens in slow motion.

Preserving every last bit of energy is crucial for survival.

Everything down here hovers motionless, or swims in a slow, elegant fashion.

The only time the animals living in this zone move fast is when they have to escape danger.

Like the Dumbo octopod paddling with its ear-like fins, or the grenadiers fish with its slow eel-like tail beats.

At 4,000 meters, we've finally reached ground again. The Abyssal Plain.

It's covered in grey mud and rocks dusted with the remains of marine snow,

which is consumed by animals like sea cucumbers, shrimp, sea urchins, and sea worms.

In some regions of the seafloor, small dark mineral deposits can be seen.

These are manganese nodules.

Deep-sea corals and sponges use them to anchor themselves on the bottom of the sea.

Though life is sparse on the deep sea floor, even down here there are oases.

In the rift valleys, where tectonic plates are splitting apart, magma heats up seawater and creates dark jets

of water and minerals as hot as 400℃ (752℉), that form elaborate chimneys and towers.

Extremophile bacteria use the minerals to create organic substances, that are the bases for unique ecosystems.

As we descend further, we reach the deepest point of the abyssal plain at 6,000 meters.

For most of the seafloor, this is as deep as it gets, but if we want to get to the deepest point of the oceans,

we're actually only halfway there.

Let's enter the Hadal Zone, the underworld of the sea.

It consists of long narrow trenches that only make up around 0.25% of the oceans, and are among

the most extreme environments on Earth.

Only extremophiles exist down here, like the ethereal snailfish, that holds the record for deepest living fish

ever seen, at around 8,000 meters.

We see spiky and sharp black rocks rush by as we sink down to more than 10,000.

Until we reach the final slope, a trench inside the larger Mariana Trench with gently-sloping sides

that enframe a valley about 1.6 kilometers wide.

This is it. The deepest point, the Challenger Deep.

11,000 meters below the surface.

The water pressure here is 1,086 bar.

Taking a swim here is like having to balance 1,800 elephants on top of you.

But even here, life has found a way to thrive.

Next to sea cucumbers, white and light pink amphipods wiggle their way through the water.

Their size is astounding.

While their shallow-water cousins are maybe a few centimetres long, the deep-sea version

can reach up to 30 centimeters.

And there are other things floating elegantly through the water.

Plastic bags that were found by scientists in 2018.

Even the remotest place on Earth is not safe from human influence.

There's nothing left to do now and our oxygen is running out, so we begin our ascent.

[♪ Deep Sea Ambience ♪]

After hours of traveling through dark nothingness, we finally see a glimpse of light.

We arrive back at a calm surface.

The oceans are so deep. There is so much of them.

We owe it to ourselves and to our descendants to preserve them as well as we can.

There are still so many wondrous things left to be discovered.

So, you're all tingly now and want to go exploring.

Why not start off with some juicy science? You can use our friends from Brilliant

as your springboard for a knowledge deep dive.

Brilliant is a website that helps you approach science in a practical way through interactive courses

and daily problems in maths, science, and computer science.

Instead of simply flooding you with information,

you get the tools you need to untangle complex topics by yourself.

It's hands-on learning, instead of chalk and talk.

Plunge in and get to the bottom of courses about things like geometry, waves and light, gravitational physics

and many more.

Click the link in the description, or visit brilliant.org/nutshell to sign up for free

and learn more things than there are fish in the sea.

And there's an extra perk for Kurzgesagt viewers. The first 688 people to use the link

get 20% off their annual membership, which lets you view all the daily problems in the archives,

and unlock every course.

Brilliant helps you end your day a little smarter. Go ahead and take the plunge.

Do you need more vitamin C? We've also made an epic poster featuring some of the most fascinating creatures

we encountered on our dive.

It's much less work than an aquarium, but just as soothing and pretty.

[♫ Outro Tune ♫]

{Check out the Kurzgesagt Merch Shop!}

What’s Hiding at the Most Solitary Place on Earth? The Deep Sea |hiding||||solitario = solitary|||||| |||||孤独な|||||| Was verbirgt sich am einsamsten Ort der Erde? Die Tiefsee ¿Qué se esconde en el lugar más solitario de la Tierra? Las profundidades marinas Qu'est-ce qui se cache dans l'endroit le plus solitaire de la planète ? Les grands fonds marins Cosa si nasconde nel luogo più solitario della Terra? Il mare profondo 地球上で最も孤独な場所に、何が隠れているのか?深海 Kas slepiasi vienišiausioje Žemės vietoje? Jūros gelmėse Wat verbergt zich op de meest eenzame plek op aarde? De Diepe Zee Co kryje się w najbardziej odosobnionym miejscu na Ziemi? Głębiny morskie O que é que se esconde no local mais solitário da Terra? O Mar Profundo Что скрывается в самом уединенном месте на Земле? Глубокое море Dünyanın En Issız Yerinde Ne Saklanıyor? Derin Deniz Що ховається у найвідлюднішому місці на Землі? Морські глибини 地球上最孤独的地方隐藏着什么?深海 地球上最孤獨的地方隱藏著什麼?深海

Sometimes the world feels, hmm, boring. |||||boring

We've visited all the remote islands, conquered the Arctic, and penetrated the deepest jungles. ||||||conquered||Arctic||penetrato = penetrated|||jungles ||||||||polar region||explored thoroughly||| ||||||||||侵入した|||

But there is still one place to explore. |||still||||

It's a wet and deadly desert inhabited by mysterious creatures living in total darkness. ||||||inhabited||||||total| |||||arid wasteland|occupied by||||||| ||||||住む|||||||

The deep sea.

Let's dive down. Vamos mergulhar.

[♫ Catchy Intro Jingle ♫] ||jingle ||ジングル

When we look at the sheer scale of the Earth's oceans, |||||schiere||||| Quando olhamos para a escala dos oceanos da Terra,

It's hard to believe that less than 2% of all biomass on Earth lives here. |||||||||biomass = living matter|||| |||||||||total living matter|||| |||||||||生物量|||| É difícil acreditar que menos de 2% de toda a biomassa da Terra vive aqui.

And of that small percentage, around 90% is located close to the surface in the first 200 meters. |||||||is located||||||||meters = meters

This is where we begin our journey.

Here, light can still penetrate the water which allows photosynthesis to occur. ||||penetrate|the||||photosynthesis|| |||||||||light-driven production||

Phytoplankton, trillions and trillions of single-celled algae and bacteria make up the foundation phytoplankton||||||single-celled|algae|||||| Microscopic marine organisms|||||||microscopic aquatic plants|||||| ||||||単細胞|||||||

of the ocean's ecosystem, and they're consumed by bigger plankton, who are consumer by other species. |||ecosystem||||||plankton|||||| |||||||||プランクトン||||||

The seafloor at this depth is akin to the Amazon rainforest, and is often covered with coral reefs, algae, |seafloor = the floor of the sea|||||similar to||||||||||coral|barriere coralline| |ocean floor|||||similar to||||||||||marine invertebrates|coral formations| |海底||||||||||||||||| この深さの海底はアマゾンの熱帯雨林に似ており、サンゴ礁や藻類、

and other sea plants that are home to a plethora of sea animals. |||||||||a large number||| |||||||||abundance of||| そして多くの海の生物の住処となる他の海洋植物で覆われています。

So far, we've focused most of our attention on this comparatively pleasant environment, fino a questo punto||||||||||vergleichsweise|| これまでのところ、私たちはこの比較的快適な環境に最も注意を向けてきました。

where we fish, swim, pollute, and do science. ||||pollute||| ||||汚染する|||

So, let's dive deeper.

Moving from familiar coastal waters into deeper, more remote waters, we eventually reach the edge |||coastal = coastal||||||||||| |||near the shore|||||||||||

of the continental shelf, where we're confronted with the continental slope, ||continental|shelf|||confronted|||continental| ||landmass-related|underwater land extension||||||| ||||||直面している||||

the long descent down to the deep sea. ||descent||||| ||downward journey|||||

With every additional meter of water, light fades drastically, which means there are basically |||||||fades = it fades|||||| |||||||消える||||||

no more plants, and the seemingly steep continental slope begins to remind us of the surface of the Moon. |||||seemingly||||||ci ricorda||||||| ||||||sharp incline||||||||||||

Looking out we're faced by what seems to be endless open water. |||confronted||||||||

Let's leave the slope behind us, and enter what's known as the Twilight Zone, the portal to the deep sea. ||||||||||||Twilight|||portal|||| ||||||||||||Dusk transition zone|||gateway|||| ||||||||||||黄昏|||||||

As we sink down further, the water pressure rises to deadly levels. À medida que afundamos ainda mais, a pressão da água aumenta para níveis mortais.

The deepest scuba dive ever came in at 332 meters. ||scuba|||||| ||underwater breathing apparatus|||||| ||スキューバダイビング||||||

At that depth, the pressure is like having 200 cars stacked on top of you.

Yet we've only completed 3% of our journey.

While this region seems pretty grim, many fish and other animals |||||bleak||||| |||||厳しい||||| Embora esta região pareça bastante sombria, muitos peixes e outros animais

actually spend at least half their lives down here.

During the day, it's a good place to rest and recover, hidden from predators in the vast dark waters. ||||||||||recover||||||||

At night, they can travel more safely into shallower zones to feed in the food-rich surface waters. ||||||||meno profonde||||||||| ||||||||less deep areas||||||||| ||||||||浅い||||||||| 夜になると、彼らは食豊富な表層水で餌を食べるために浅いゾーンにより安全に移動できる。

In this transition zone between Twilight and Darkness, light becomes a powerful tool. この黄昏と暗闇の移行ゾーンでは、光が強力なツールになります。

Over 90% of the species indigenous to this deep environment ||||native to|||| この深い環境に固有の種の90%以上 Mais de 90% das espécies indígenas deste ambiente profundo

use bioluminescence chemicals to create light. |bioluminescence|||| |Glow-producing substances|||| |生物発光||||

They do so as camouflage against the very faint sunlight, to send signals to potential mates, ||||camouflage||||schwaches|||||||mates = partners ||||blend in||||||||||| |||||||||||||||仲間 彼らは非常に微弱な日光に対するカモフラージュとしてそうすることで、潜在的な交配相手に信号を送ったり、 Fazem-no como camuflagem contra a luz solar muito ténue, para enviar sinais aos potenciais parceiros,

or to confuse and scare attackers. ||to confuse|||attackers 攻撃者を混乱させて恐れさせたりします。

Or, they use lights to hunt. |||lights||cacciare また、彼らは狩りのために光を使います。

Another tool for survival in the dark is teamwork. ||||||||teamwork ||||||||チームワーク

At around 700 meters, we encounter a colony of siphonophores. ||||||||siphonophores ||||||group of organisms||marine organisms colony ||||||||ウミトリイソギンチャク 約700メートルの地点で、深海生物のコロニーに出会います。

They can be up to 50 metres in length, but are only as wide as a broomstick. |||||meters||||||||||broomstick |||||||||||||||thin cylindrical object |||||||||||||||ほうきの柄 彼らの長さは最大50メートルにもなりますが、幅はほうきの棒ほどしかありません。 Podem atingir 50 metros de comprimento, mas têm apenas a largura de um cabo de vassoura.

To attract prey, a colony creates a tragically beautiful bright blue or red light, |to attract|prey|||||tragically|||||| |||||||sadly captivating|||||| 獲物を引き寄せるために、コロニーは悲しげに美しい鮮やかな青または赤の光を作り出します。

and deploys a curtain of tentacles filled with toxic needles that kill anything that comes too close. |it deploys||curtain||tentacles||||||||||| |||barrier||poisonous appendages||||||||||| |||||触手||||||||||| 并展开一层充满毒针的触手幕,杀死任何靠近的生物。

But most species living down here have to rely on an unlikely resource: Marine Snow. |||||||||||||Marine|Marine Snow Mas a maioria das espécies que vivem aqui em baixo têm de contar com um recurso improvável: A neve marinha.

White flaky stuff that constantly sinks from the surface to the bottom of the ocean. |scaglie||||||||||||| |Fragile, thin layers||||||||||||| |フレーク状||||||||||||| Uma substância branca e escamosa que se afunda constantemente da superfície para o fundo do oceano.

It consists of dead plant or animal parts,

fecal matter, fecal| Excrement-related| 糞便|

shells, sand, or dust. 贝壳、沙子或者灰尘。

Even though this doesn't sound very tasty, without this crucial resource, life in the deep sea would starve. |||||||||||||||||to starve |||||||||||||||||perish from hunger |||||||||||||||||飢える Embora isto não pareça muito saboroso, sem este recurso crucial, a vida nas profundezas do mar passaria fome. 虽然这听起来不太美味,但如果没有这种关键资源,深海生物就会挨饿。

It's in this area that the most fascinating battles between two unlikely enemies could happen. ||||||||battles|||||| ||||||||conflicts||||||

Sperm whales hunt and attack giant squid the size of a house. Sperm||||||Riesenkalmar||||| Sperm whales|||||enormous|large sea creature||||| Os cachalotes caçam e atacam lulas gigantes do tamanho de uma casa.

While the squid fight back ferociously, they probably don't stand a chance, |||||with great intensity|they||||| |||||with intense aggression|||||| |||||激しく|||||| イカは凄まじく反撃するが、多分彼らはチャンスがないだろう、 Embora as lulas ripostem ferozmente, provavelmente não têm qualquer hipótese, Хотя кальмары яростно сопротивляются, у них, скорее всего, нет шансов,

but they do leave permanent marks on their killer's skin. ||||||||殺人者の| しかし、彼らは殺人者の肌に永続的な痕跡を残す。 但它们却在凶手的皮肤上留下了永久的痕迹。

As we reach 1,000 meters, deeper than the tallest structure built by humans, we need to be careful. |||||||tallest||||||||| 私たちが1,000メートルに達すると、人間が建設した tallest な構造物よりも深くなるので、注意が必要です。

This is the Midnight Zone, a place of utter darkness. ||||||||total| ||||||||完全な|

A barely explored wet wasteland consisting of nothing but endless black open water. ||||desolate water expanse|||||||| Um deserto húmido pouco explorado que consiste em nada mais do que água negra e aberta sem fim.

At these depths, it's harder for a human to take a swim than to take a walk in space. ||profondità|||||||||||||||| ||深さ||||||||||||||||

Finding food down here is really hard, so life had to adapt, and become extremely energy-efficient.

Like the 30-centimeter-long vampire squid that floats through the water without motion, ||||vampire|||||||| ||||deep-sea creature|||||||| ||||バンパイア|||||||| 就像那只 30 厘米长的吸血乌贼一动不动地漂浮在水中,

with long and slender catching arms extended. |||schlank||| ||||grasping|| |||細長い||| com os braços longos e finos estendidos.

They're covered in tiny stiff hairs, which brush food from the water. ||||stiff||||||| ||||rigid||||||| ||||硬い|||||||

This saves a lot of energy compared to actively catching food.

For carnivorous fish, it's much harder to find food since living prey is quite rare down here. |carnivorous||||||||||||||| |meat-eating||||||||||||||| |肉食性の|||||||||||||||

So the hunters have to get a perfect grip on their victim on first strike. Otherwise, it will escape into the dark. ||cacciatori||||||grip||||||||||||| ||||||||firm hold||||||||||||| ||||||||しっかりつかむ|||||||||||||

Many deep-sea predators have several sets of long and deadly teeth. ||||||sets|||||

Like the viperfish, which uses its long fangs to trap even large prey and swallow it whole. ||pesce viperina|||||fangs||||||||| |||||||sharp teeth||||||||| ||バイパーフィッシュ|||||||||||||| 就像蝰鱼一样,它利用长长的毒牙捕获甚至较大的猎物并将其整个吞下。

Or the frilled shark, with its impressive set of 300 teeth, ||frilled|shark|||||| ||ruffled or edged||||||| ||フリルの|||||||

which are curved backwards to hook their victims in their mouths. ||curved|||to hook||||| |||||フック状の|||||

We sink further. Afundamo-nos ainda mais.

Below the 3800 mark, as deep as the grave of the Titanic, we are now at abyssal depths. |||||||grave|||Titanic|||||abyssal| |||||||ocean floor||||||||very deep| ||||||||||タイタニック||||||

Here, life happens in slow motion.

Preserving every last bit of energy is crucial for survival. preserving|||||||||

Everything down here hovers motionless, or swims in a slow, elegant fashion. |||hovers|motionless||swims||||| |||floats in place|||||||| |||浮遊する|||泳ぐ||||| Tudo aqui embaixo paira imóvel, ou nada de forma lenta e elegante.

The only time the animals living in this zone move fast is when they have to escape danger. |||||||||||||||||threat or harm

Like the Dumbo octopod paddling with its ear-like fins, or the grenadiers fish with its slow eel-like tail beats. ||Dumbo|octopus|paddling|||||fins|||grenadiers|||||like||tail| ||Disney elephant character||||||||||deep-sea fish|||||snake-like fish||elongated rear appendage|tail movements |||オクトポッド|パドリング|||||ひれ|||グレナディア魚|||||ウナギ||| Como o polvo Dumbo, que rema com as suas barbatanas em forma de orelha, ou o peixe granadeiro com as suas lentas batidas de cauda em forma de enguia.

At 4,000 meters, we've finally reached ground again. The Abyssal Plain. |||||||||plain ||||||||Deep ocean floor|

It's covered in grey mud and rocks dusted with the remains of marine snow, |||grigio||||spruzzati|||||| ||||||stone fragments||||||| |||||||覆われた|||||| 它被灰色的泥土和岩石覆盖,上面还残留着海雪,

which is consumed by animals like sea cucumbers, shrimp, sea urchins, and sea worms. |||||||cetrioli|shrimp|Meer|urchins||| ||||||||small marine crustacean||marine creatures||| |||||||海のきゅうり|||||| 海参、虾、海胆和海虫等动物都会吃它。

In some regions of the seafloor, small dark mineral deposits can be seen. ||||||||mineral|||| |||||ocean bottom||||||| ||||||||鉱物||||

These are manganese nodules. ||manganese|noduli ||metallic element|mineral deposits ||マンガン| これらはマンガンの結節です。

Deep-sea corals and sponges use them to anchor themselves on the bottom of the sea. ||corals||spugne||||||||||| ||||marine organisms||||||||||| ||サンゴ||||||||||||| 深海のサンゴやスポンジは、自分自身を海底に固定するためにそれらを使用します。

Though life is sparse on the deep sea floor, even down here there are oases. ||||||||floor||||||oases |||scarce or limited|||||||||||fertile areas ||||||||||||||オアシス 深海底では生命はまばらですが、ここにもオアシスがあります。

In the rift valleys, where tectonic plates are splitting apart, magma heats up seawater and creates dark jets ||Grabenbruch|valli||tectonic|plates = tectonic plates||splitting||magma|||seawater||||jets ||narrow gap|||Earth's crustal|||Tearing apart||Molten rock||||||| |||||地殻の|||||マグマ|||||||噴出

of water and minerals as hot as 400℃ (752℉), that form elaborate chimneys and towers. |||||||||elaborate = intricate|chimneys||towers |||||||||complex and intricate|vent structures|| ||||||||||煙突||

Extremophile bacteria use the minerals to create organic substances, that are the bases for unique ecosystems. extremophile||||||||||||the bases|||ecosistemi Extreme environment-loving||||||||||||||| 極限微生物|||||||||||||||

As we descend further, we reach the deepest point of the abyssal plain at 6,000 meters. ||descend|||||||||||| |||||||||||oceanic deep|||

For most of the seafloor, this is as deep as it gets, but if we want to get to the deepest point of the oceans, 对于大部分海底来说,这已经是极限深度了,但如果我们想到达海洋的最深处,

we're actually only halfway there. |||a metà|

Let's enter the Hadal Zone, the underworld of the sea. |||Hadal|||underworld||| |||Deep oceanic zone|||||| |||深海の|||||| 让我们进入深海地带,即海洋的地下世界。

It consists of long narrow trenches that only make up around 0.25% of the oceans, and are among |||||trenches|||||||||||

the most extreme environments on Earth. |||environments||

Only extremophiles exist down here, like the ethereal snailfish, that holds the record for deepest living fish |extremophiles||||||heavenly|snailfish|||||||| |||||||delicate and ghostly|deep-sea fish|||||||| |極限生物|||||||||||||||

ever seen, at around 8,000 meters. jamais visto, a cerca de 8.000 metros.

We see spiky and sharp black rocks rush by as we sink down to more than 10,000. ||spigoloso||||||||||||| ||jagged and pointed||||||||||||| ||とげのある||||||||||||| 私たちは、1万メートル以上の深さに沈むと、尖った黒い岩が急速に通り過ぎるのを見ます。

Until we reach the final slope, a trench inside the larger Mariana Trench with gently-sloping sides |||||||trincea||||Mariana|||gentle|sloping| |||||||submarine valley||||||||| |||||||||||マリアナ||||傾斜の| 最終的な斜面、緩やかな傾斜を持つより大きなマリアナ海溝内の溝に到達するまで。

that enframe a valley about 1.6 kilometers wide. |they frame||valle||| |surround or border||||| |囲む||||| それは約1.6キロメートルの幅の谷を囲んでいます。

This is it. The deepest point, the Challenger Deep. |||||||Challenger| |||||||チャレンジャー|

11,000 meters below the surface.

The water pressure here is 1,086 bar. |||||bar |||||unit of pressure |||||バール

Taking a swim here is like having to balance 1,800 elephants on top of you.

But even here, life has found a way to thrive.

Next to sea cucumbers, white and light pink amphipods wiggle their way through the water. |||||||light pink|amphipods|wiggle||||| ||||||||small crustaceans|move with twists||||| ||||||||エビの仲間|もぞもぞ動く|||||

Their size is astounding. |||incredibile |||Remarkably large |||驚くべき

While their shallow-water cousins are maybe a few centimetres long, the deep-sea version ||flach|||||||centimetres||||| ||浅い水域の||||||||||||

can reach up to 30 centimeters.

And there are other things floating elegantly through the water. e||||||with grace|||

Plastic bags that were found by scientists in 2018. |sacche|||||| Synthetic material|||||||

Even the remotest place on Earth is not safe from human influence. ||most distant|||||||||

There's nothing left to do now and our oxygen is running out, so we begin our ascent. ||||||||||||||||ascent ||||||||||||||||climb upward journey もう何もすることがなくなり、酸素がなくなりそうなので、我々は上昇を始めます。

[♪ Deep Sea Ambience ♪] ||ambiente ||雰囲気 [♪ 深海の雰囲気 ♪]

After hours of traveling through dark nothingness, we finally see a glimpse of light. ||||||nothingness||||||| ||||||無ness||||||| 何時間もの間、暗い無の中を旅した後、ついに光のひと筋を見ます。 Depois de horas de viagem através do nada escuro, vemos finalmente um vislumbre de luz.

We arrive back at a calm surface.

The oceans are so deep. There is so much of them.

We owe it to ourselves and to our descendants to preserve them as well as we can. |debemos|||||||descendants||bewahren||||||

There are still so many wondrous things left to be discovered. |||||wonderful||||| |||||amazing||||| |||||驚くべき|||||

So, you're all tingly now and want to go exploring. ||||at this moment||||| Então, agora estás todo arrepiado e queres ir explorar.

Why not start off with some juicy science? You can use our friends from Brilliant ||||||full of interesting details|science|||||||

as your springboard for a knowledge deep dive. ||springboard||||| ||starting point||||| ||出発点|||||

Brilliant is a website that helps you approach science in a practical way through interactive courses ||||||||||||||interactive|

and daily problems in maths, science, and computer science.

Instead of simply flooding you with information, |||inondando|||

you get the tools you need to untangle complex topics by yourself. |||||||untangle||||

It's hands-on learning, instead of chalk and talk. Es ist||||||chalk|| É uma aprendizagem prática, em vez de ser uma conversa de giz.

Plunge in and get to the bottom of courses about things like geometry, waves and light, gravitational physics plunge||||||||||||geometry||||| 飛び込む|||||||||||||||||

and many more.

Click the link in the description, or visit brilliant.org/nutshell to sign up for free ||||||||||Nuss|||||

and learn more things than there are fish in the sea.

And there's an extra perk for Kurzgesagt viewers. The first 688 people to use the link ||||benefit|||||||||| ||||特典||||||||||

get 20% off their annual membership, which lets you view all the daily problems in the archives, |||||||||||||||archives |||||||||||||||アーカイブ

and unlock every course.

Brilliant helps you end your day a little smarter. Go ahead and take the plunge. ||||||||more intelligently||||||

Do you need more vitamin C? We've also made an epic poster featuring some of the most fascinating creatures ||||||||||||featuring|||||| ||||||||||||を特集した||||||

we encountered on our dive.

It's much less work than an aquarium, but just as soothing and pretty. ||||||Aquarium||||beruhigend||

[♫ Outro Tune ♫]

{Check out the Kurzgesagt Merch Shop!} ||||Merchandise|