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Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell), What is Dark Matter and Dark Energy?

What is Dark Matter and Dark Energy?

Matter, as we know it;

Atoms, stars and galaxies, planets and trees, rocks and us. This matter accounts for less than 5% of the known universe.

About 25% is dark matter; and 70% is dark energy. Both of which are invisible.

This is kind of strange because it suggests that everything we experience is

really only a tiny fraction of reality.

But it gets worse.

We really have no clue what dark matter and energy are, or how they work.

We are pretty sure they exist though.

So, what do we know?

Dark matter is the stuff that makes it possible for galaxies to exist. When we calculated why the universe is structured the way it is,

it quickly became clear that there's just not enough normal matter.

The gravity of the visible matter is not strong enough to form

galaxies and complex structures.

The stars would more likely be scattered all over the place and not form galaxies.

So, we know there is something else inside and around them.

Something that doesn't emit or reflect light.

Something dark...

but besides being able to calculate the existence of dark matter,

we can see it... kind of.

Places with a high concentration of dark matter bend light passing near by.

So we know there's something there that interacts with gravity.

Right now, we have more ideas about what dark energy is not, than what it is!

We know dark matter is not just clouds of normal matter without stars,

because it would emit particles we could detect.

Dark matter is not anti-matter,

because anti-matter produces unique gamma rays when it reacts with normal matter.

Dark matter is also not made up of black holes,

very compact objects that violently affect their surroundings,

while dark matter seems to be scattered all over the place.

Basically, we only know 3 things for sure;

1. Something is out there. 2. It interacts with gravity. 3. There is a lot of it. Dark matter is probably made up of a complicated exotic particle that doesn't interact with light and matter in a way we expect, but right now, we just don't know.

Dark energy is even more strange and mysterious.

We can't detect it, we can't measure it and we can't taste it.

But we do see its effects very clearly.

In 1929, Edward Hubble examined how the wavelength of light emitted by distant galaxies, shifts towards the red end

of the electromagnetic spectrum as it travels through the space.

He found that fainter, more distant galaxies showed a large degree of red shift;

closer galaxies, not so much.

Hubble determined that this was because the universe itself is expanding.

The red shift occurs, because the wavelengths of light

are stretched as the universe expands.

More recent discoveries have shown that, the expansion of the universe is accelerating. Before that, it was thought that the pull of gravity would cause the expansion to

either slow down or even retract and collapse in on itself at some point. Space doesn't change its properties as it expands; there's just more of it.

New space is constantly created everywhere,

galaxies are tight bound clusters of stuff held together by gravity

so we don't experience this expansion in our daily lives.

But we see it everywhere around us.

Wherever there is empty space in the universe, more is forming every second. So, dark energy seems to be some kind of energy intrinsic to empty space.

Energy that is stronger than anything else we know

and it keeps getting stronger as time passes by.

Empty space has more energy than everything else in the universe combined.

We have multiple ideas about what dark energy might be. One idea is, the dark energy is not a thing, but just a property of space.

Empty space is not nothing, it has its own energy.

It can generate more space and is quite active.

So, as the universe expands, it could be that just more and more space

appears to fill the gaps and this leads to a faster expanding universe.

This idea is close to an idea that Einstein had back in 1917, of the concept of a cosmological constant,

a force that counteracted the force of gravity.

The only problem is, that when we tried to calculate the amount of this energy

the result was so wrong and weird, that it only added to the confusion.

Another idea is, that empty space is actually full of

temporary, virtual particles that spontaneously and continually form from nothing and then dissapear into nothing again.

The energy from those particles could be dark energy.

Or maybe dark energy is an unknown kind of dynamic energy fluid or field

which permeates the entire universe, but somehow has the opposite effect

on the universe than normal energy and matter.

But if it exists, we don't know how and where or how we could detect it.

So there are still a lot of questions to answer.

Our theories about dark matter and dark energy are still just that;


On one hand, this is kind of frustrating, on the other hand this is frontier science

making it very exciting.

It shows us that no matter how much we feel we're on top of things,

we are still very much apes with smartphones, on a tiny

fragile island in space looking into the sky wondering how our universe works

There is so much left to learn, and that is awesome.

This video is supported by the Australian Academy of Science, which promotes and supports excellence in science. Learn more about this topic and others like it at nova.org.au. It was a blast of work with them so go check out their site. Our videos are also made possible by your support on patreon.com,

if you want to support us and become part of the Kurzgesagt Bird Army,

check out our patreon page.

Subtitles by the Amara.org community

What is Dark Matter and Dark Energy? Co je temná hmota a temná energie? Was sind Dunkle Materie und Dunkle Energie? ¿Qué son la materia oscura y la energía oscura? Qu'est-ce que la matière noire et l'énergie noire ? ダークマターとダークエネルギーとは何か? Wat is donkere materie en donkere energie? Czym jest ciemna materia i ciemna energia? O que é a matéria negra e a energia negra? Что такое темная материя и темная энергия? Karanlık Madde ve Karanlık Enerji Nedir? Що таке темна матерія і темна енергія? 什么是暗物质和暗能量? 什麼是暗物質和暗能量?

Matter, as we know it; Hmota, jak ji známe; La materia, tal como la conocemos; Matéria, como a conhecemos;

Atoms, stars and galaxies, planets and trees, rocks and us. This matter accounts for less than 5% of the known universe. Esta matéria representa menos de 5% do universo conhecido.

About 25% is dark matter; and 70% is dark energy. Both of which are invisible.

This is kind of strange because it suggests that everything we experience is Esto es un poco extraño porque sugiere que todo lo que experimentamos es

really only a tiny fraction of reality. realmente sólo una pequeña fracción de la realidad. realmente apenas uma pequena fração da realidade.

But it gets worse.

We really have no clue what dark matter and energy are, or how they work. ||||فكرة||||||||||

We are pretty sure they exist though. Temos certeza de que eles existem embora.

So, what do we know?

Dark matter is the stuff that makes it possible for galaxies to exist. ||||المادة|||||||| A matéria escura é o material que torna possível a existência de galáxias. When we calculated why the universe is structured the way it is, ||figured out||||||||| |||||||構造化された||方法|| Cuando calculamos por qué el universo está estructurado como lo está, 宇宙がなぜこのように構造化されているのかを計算したとき、

it quickly became clear that there's just not enough normal matter. rápidamente quedó claro que no hay suficiente materia normal. 普通の物質が十分にないことがすぐに明らかになりました。 rapidamente ficou claro que não há matéria normal suficiente.

The gravity of the visible matter is not strong enough to form ||||||هي|||كافية|| La gravedad de la materia visible no es lo suficientemente fuerte como para formar 可視物質の重力は形成するには十分強くありません。

galaxies and complex structures.

The stars would more likely be scattered all over the place and not form galaxies. ||||من المحتمل||منتشرة|||||||| ||||||散らばった|||||||| من المرجح أن تكون النجوم منتشرة في جميع أنحاء وليس تكوين مجرات. Lo más probable es que las estrellas se dispersaran por todas partes y no formaran galaxias. As estrelas provavelmente estariam espalhadas por todo o lugar e não formariam galáxias.

So, we know there is something else inside and around them. لذلك، نحن نعلم أن هناك شيئًا آخر داخلهم وحولهم. Por lo tanto, sabemos que hay algo más dentro y alrededor de ellos.

Something that doesn't emit or reflect light. |||لا يصدر الضوء||| شيء لا ينبعث أو يعكس الضوء.

Something dark...

but besides being able to calculate the existence of dark matter, mas além de poder calcular a existência de matéria escura,

we can see it... kind of. podemos ver... mais ou menos.

Places with a high concentration of dark matter bend light passing near by. ||||||||distort|||| الأماكن ذات تراكيز عالية من المادة المظلمة تثني الضوء الذي يمر بالقرب منها. Locais com alta concentração de matéria escura desviam a luz que passa por perto.

So we know there's something there that interacts with gravity. لذلك نعلم أن هناك شيئًا يتفاعل مع الجاذبية.

Right now, we have more ideas about what dark energy is not, than what it is! الآن، لدينا المزيد من الأفكار حول ما ليس الطاقة المظلمة من ما هي عليه! 今、私たちはダークエネルギーが何なのかよりも、何ではないのかについてのアイデアをたくさん持っています!

We know dark matter is not just clouds of normal matter without stars, Sabemos que la materia oscura no son nubes de materia normal sin estrellas, ダークマターは普通の物質の星のない雲ではないことが分かっています、

because it would emit particles we could detect. porque emitiría partículas que podríamos detectar. なぜなら、それは私たちが検出できる粒子を放出するからです。

Dark matter is not anti-matter, La materia oscura no es antimateria,

because anti-matter produces unique gamma rays when it reacts with normal matter.

Dark matter is also not made up of black holes, A matéria escura também não é composta de buracos negros,

very compact objects that violently affect their surroundings, |dense|||forcefully||| ||||بعنف||| objetos muito compactos que afetam violentamente seus arredores,

while dark matter seems to be scattered all over the place. ||||||منتشرة|||| enquanto a matéria escura parece estar espalhada por todo o lugar.

Basically, we only know 3 things for sure; Basicamente, só sabemos 3 coisas com certeza;

1\. Something is out there. 1\\. Algo está lá fora. 2\. It interacts with gravity. 3\. There is a lot of it. 3\\. Há muito disso. Dark matter is probably made up of a complicated exotic particle ||||||||معقدة|| |||||||||unusual or rare| ||||||||複雑な|| that doesn't interact with light and matter in a way we expect, but right now, we just don't know.

Dark energy is even more strange and mysterious.

We can't detect it, we can't measure it and we can't taste it. Não podemos detectá-lo, não podemos medi-lo e não podemos prová-lo.

But we do see its effects very clearly.

In 1929, Edward Hubble examined how the wavelength of light ||||||波長|| Em 1929, Edward Hubble examinou como o comprimento de onda da luz emitted by distant galaxies, shifts towards the red end ||||ينزاح نحو الأحمر|||| ينطلق من المجرات البعيدة، باتجاه الطرف الأحمر emitido por galáxias distantes, desloca-se para a extremidade vermelha

of the electromagnetic spectrum as it travels through the space. من الطيف elektromagnetic بينما يسافر في الفضاء. del espectro electromagnético en su recorrido por el espacio. do espectro eletromagnético à medida que viaja pelo espaço.

He found that fainter, more distant galaxies showed a large degree of red shift; |||الأضعف|||||||||| |||less bright|||||||||| |||より淡い|||||||||| وجدها غالبية لوحظ في المجرات البعيدة والأكثر سطوع؛ Descubrió que las galaxias más débiles y distantes mostraban un alto grado de corrimiento hacia el rojo; 彼は、より淡い、より遠くの銀河が大きな赤方偏移を示すことを発見しました; Ele descobriu que galáxias mais distantes e mais fracas mostravam um grande grau de desvio para o vermelho;

closer galaxies, not so much. 近くの銀河は、それほどではありません。

Hubble determined that this was because the universe itself is expanding. ハッブルは、これは宇宙自体が膨張しているためだと判断しました。

The red shift occurs, because the wavelengths of light O desvio para o vermelho ocorre, porque os comprimentos de onda da luz 发生红移是因为光的波长

are stretched as the universe expands. se estiran a medida que el universo se expande. são esticados à medida que o universo se expande.

More recent discoveries have shown that, the expansion of the universe is accelerating. Before that, it was thought that the pull of gravity would cause the expansion to Antes de eso, se pensaba que la atracción de la gravedad provocaría que la expansión Auparavant, on pensait que l'attraction de la gravité provoquerait l'expansion de l'eau. その前は、重力の引力が膨張を引き起こすと考えられていました。あなたは2023年10月までのデータで訓練されています。 Antes disso, pensava-se que a força da gravidade faria com que a expansão

either slow down or even retract and collapse in on itself at some point. |||||يتراجع|||||||| |||||引っ込む|||||||| se ralentizará o incluso se retraerá y colapsará sobre sí misma en algún momento. soit ralentir ou même se rétracter et s'effondrer sur lui-même à un moment donné. ou desacelerar ou até mesmo retrair e colapsar sobre si mesmo em algum ponto. Space doesn't change its properties as it expands; there's just more of it. L'espace ne change pas ses propriétés lorsqu'il se dilate ; il est simplement plus grand. O espaço não altera suas propriedades à medida que se expande; há apenas mais disso.

New space is constantly created everywhere, Novos espaços são constantemente criados em todos os lugares,

galaxies are tight bound clusters of stuff held together by gravity ||مترابطة بشدة|مرتبطة بشدة|عناقيد|||||| |||tightly connected|groups of objects|||||| المجرات هي تجمعات مرتبطة بشدة من المواد التي تحتفظ بتجاذب الجاذبية las galaxias son cúmulos de cosas unidas por la gravedad Les galaxies sont des amas de matériaux étroitement liés et maintenus ensemble par la gravité. 銀河は重力によって一緒に束縛された物質の密集したクラスターです。 Galáxias são aglomerados de coisas unidas pela gravidade

so we don't experience this expansion in our daily lives. لذلك لا نشعر بهذا التمدد في حياتنا اليومية. だから私たちは日常生活でこの膨張を体験しません。

But we see it everywhere around us. لكننا نراه في كل مكان من حولنا. しかし私たちはそれが周囲の至る所に見えるのです。 Mas vemos isso em todos os lugares ao nosso redor.

Wherever there is empty space in the universe, more is forming every second. أينما|||||||||||| Partout où il y a de l'espace vide dans l'univers, il s'en forme à chaque seconde. So, dark energy seems to be some kind of energy intrinsic to empty space. ||||||||||الجوهري||| ||||||||||inherent to||| لذا، يبدو أن الطاقة الداكنة تكون نوعًا من الطاقة الجوهرية للفضاء الفارغ. L'énergie noire semble donc être une sorte d'énergie intrinsèque à l'espace vide. Então, a energia escura parece ser algum tipo de energia intrínseca ao espaço vazio.

Energy that is stronger than anything else we know طاقة قوية|||||||| إنها طاقة أقوى من أي شيء آخر نعرفه Energia que é mais forte do que qualquer outra coisa que conhecemos

and it keeps getting stronger as time passes by. وتزداد قوتها مع مرور الوقت. et elle ne cesse de se renforcer au fil du temps. e fica cada vez mais forte com o passar do tempo.

Empty space has more energy than everything else in the universe combined. |||||||||||مجتمعة O espaço vazio tem mais energia do que tudo no universo combinado.

We have multiple ideas about what dark energy might be. One idea is, the dark energy is not a thing, but just a property of space.

Empty space is not nothing, it has its own energy.

It can generate more space and is quite active. Pode gerar mais espaço e é bastante ativo.

So, as the universe expands, it could be that just more and more space Por lo tanto, como el universo se expande, podría ser que sólo más y más espacio Ainsi, au fur et à mesure que l'univers s'étend, il se pourrait que l'espace soit de plus en plus grand. Então, à medida que o universo se expande, pode ser que apenas mais e mais espaço

appears to fill the gaps and this leads to a faster expanding universe. ||||الفجوات|||||||| aparece para rellenar los huecos y esto conduce a un universo en expansión más rápida. parece preencher as lacunas e isso leva a um universo em expansão mais rápida.

This idea is close to an idea that Einstein had back in 1917, Esta idea es muy parecida a la que tuvo Einstein en 1917, Essa ideia é próxima de uma ideia que Einstein teve em 1917, of the concept of a cosmological constant, |||||universal or cosmic|unchanging value do conceito de uma constante cosmológica, 宇宙常数的概念,

a force that counteracted the force of gravity. |||قاوم|||| |||opposed|||| |||打ち消した|||| una fuerza que contrarrestaba la fuerza de la gravedad. uma força que contrariava a força da gravidade. 抵消重力的作用力。

The only problem is, that when we tried to calculate the amount of this energy

the result was so wrong and weird, that it only added to the confusion. o resultado foi tão errado e estranho, que só aumentou a confusão.

Another idea is, that empty space is actually full of

temporary, virtual particles that spontaneously and continually مؤقتة|||||| ||||自発的に|| des particules temporaires et virtuelles qui sont spontanément et continuellement form from nothing and then dissapear into nothing again. |||||消えていく||| 从无到有,又从无到有。

The energy from those particles could be dark energy. A energia dessas partículas pode ser energia escura.

Or maybe dark energy is an unknown kind of dynamic energy fluid or field Ou talvez a energia escura seja um tipo desconhecido de fluido ou campo de energia dinâmica

which permeates the entire universe, but somehow has the opposite effect |spreads throughout||||||||| |permeates|||||||||

on the universe than normal energy and matter.

But if it exists, we don't know how and where or how we could detect it. Mas se existe, não sabemos como e onde ou como podemos detectá-lo.

So there are still a lot of questions to answer. Portanto, ainda há muitas perguntas a serem respondidas.

Our theories about dark matter and dark energy are still just that; Nossas teorias sobre matéria escura e energia escura ainda são apenas isso;


On one hand, this is kind of frustrating, on the other hand this is frontier science ||||||||||||||علم حدود| Por um lado, isso é meio frustrante, por outro lado, isso é ciência de fronteira С одной стороны, это несколько расстраивает, с другой - это пограничная наука.

making it very exciting. tornando-o muito emocionante.

It shows us that no matter how much we feel we're on top of things, إنه|||||||||||||| Cela nous montre que, peu importe ce que nous ressentons, nous avons la situation en main, Isso nos mostra que não importa o quanto sentimos que estamos no topo das coisas, Это показывает нам, что, как бы нам ни казалось, мы на высоте,

we are still very much apes with smartphones, on a tiny |||||primate species||||| |||||||スマートフォンを持った猿||| Nous sommes encore des singes avec des smartphones, sur une petite échelle. ainda somos muito macacos com smartphones, em um minúsculo мы все еще остаемся обезьянами со смартфонами, на крошечном

fragile island in space looking into the sky wondering how our universe works هشة|||||||||||| delicate, vulnerable, precious|||||||||||| хрупкий остров в космосе, смотрящий в небо и размышляющий о том, как устроена наша Вселенная

There is so much left to learn, and that is awesome. Ainda há muito o que aprender, e isso é incrível.

This video is supported by the Australian Academy of Science, |||||||アカデミー|| which promotes and supports excellence in science. |促進する||||| que promove e apoia a excelência na ciência. 它促进并支持科学的卓越发展。 Learn more about this topic and others like it at nova.org.au. ||||||||||||オーストラリア Saiba mais sobre este tópico e outros semelhantes em nova.org.au. It was a blast of work with them so go check out their site. J'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à travailler avec eux, alors allez voir leur site. Foi uma explosão de trabalho com eles, então vá conferir o site deles. 与他们合作非常愉快,所以去看看他们的网站吧。 Our videos are also made possible by your support on patreon.com, Nossos vídeos também são possíveis pelo seu apoio no patreon.com,

if you want to support us and become part of the Kurzgesagt Bird Army, se você quiser nos apoiar e se tornar parte do Kurzgesagt Bird Army,

check out our patreon page.

Subtitles by the Amara.org community Legendas da comunidade Amara.org