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Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell), What if We Nuke a City?

What if We Nuke a City?

Playing around with nuclear weapons in videos is fun.

There's a visceral joy in blowing things up,

and a horrifying fascination with things like fireballs, shockwaves, and radiation.

And while it does help put our destructive power in perspective,

it's not the best way of understanding the real impact of a nuclear explosion.

This isn't about silly stacks of TNT, or about how bright an explosion is. Nuclear weapons are about you.

So we've partnered with the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement

to explore what would really happen if a nuclear weapon were detonated in a major city today.

Not nuclear war, just one explosion.

*Kurzgesagt Intro Music*

We begin our story in the middle of downtown in a major city.

People are going to work, studying for exams, are lost in their thoughts and daily lives.

Right here a nuclear weapon is detonated and time freezes.

The first phase of the explosion happens within less than a second.

In a millisecond, a ball of plasma hotter than the Sun appears and grows in a fireball to more than 2 kilometres across.

Within this ball, everyone is just gone.

Think of water dripped on to a very hot pan.

A sizzle, and then there's nothing.

Most buildings, cars, trees, tacky sculptures and people...

... all evaporated.

First, the flash: an intense tsunami of light washes over the city in an instant.

If you happen to have your head pointed in the direction of the explosion,

it renders you blind for a few hours.

The heat of this light produces a thermal pulse,

so energetic and hot that it just burns everything as far as 13 kilometres from the detonation site.

What this means is that everything in an area of 500 square kilometres that is able to burn, starts burning.

Plastic, wood, fabric, hair, and skin.

If you happen to be in reach of the thermal pulse, one moment, you're on your way to work,

the next moment, you're on fire.

Now the second phase begins.

It happens in a few seconds.

Most people will now first notice that something is wrong,

but it's already too late for hundreds of thousands.

The flash is followed by the shockwave.

The heat and radiation of the fireball create a bubble of superheated and super-compressed air around it

that's now expanding explosively.

Faster than the speed of sound,

creating winds stronger than hurricanes and tornadoes.

Human infrastructure is no match for its power.

Most major buildings within a kilometre of the fireball are just ground up down to their base.

Only steel reinforced concrete is able to partially resist the pressure.

In the surrounding parks where retirees feed the ducks,

trees blackened and smoldering from the heat a second before snap like toothpicks.

If you're outside, you get tossed away like a grain of dust in a tornado.

The shockwave weakens as it travels outwards

but still, about 175 square kilometres of houses collapse like they're made of cards,

trapping tens of thousands of people who didn't have any time to react.

Gas stations explode and fire spread throughout the rubble.

A mushroom cloud made from the remains of the fireball, dust and ash

rises kilometres into the sky in the next few minutes and casts a dark shadow over the ruined city.

This violently pulls in fresh air surrounding the city,

destroying more buildings and providing an abundance of oxygen.

It depends on the city what happens next.

If there's enough fuel, fires may turn into a firestorm that burns the rubble, everybody trapped in it

and people trying to flee the devastation.

Up to 21 kilometres from the explosion, people just like you rush to their windows to take pictures of the mushroom cloud,

unaware that the shockwave is still coming at them,

about to shatter their windows and create a blizzard of sharp glass.

The third phase begins in the coming hours and days.

We're used to the idea that help will come, no matter the disaster.

This time is different: a nuclear explosion is like every natural disaster at once.

There are hundreds of thousands or millions of people with serious injuries:

lacerations, broken bones, serious burns.

In the next few minutes and hours, thousands more will die because of these injuries.

Countless people are trapped in collapsed buildings like in earthquakes or blinded by the flash,

deaf from the blast wave and unable to flee through streets impassable with rubble and debris.

They're terrified, confused, and don't know what's happened to them or why.

Most likely, many hospitals have been leveled along with all the other buildings

and most medical professionals are either dead or injured,

along with everyone else.

The survivors lucky enough to have been in metro tunnels or standing in the right place to be unburned and unhurt

won't have truly escaped harm yet.

Depending on the type of weapon, where it explodes and even the weather,

an awful black rain can begin,

with radioactive ash and dust descending on the city, covering everything and everyone.

The invisible, malicious, silent horror of radiation takes its turn.

Every breath carries poison to the lungs of the survivors.

Over the coming days, the people who receive the highest doses of radiation exposure will die.

There will be no help, not for hours or maybe even days.

Civilisation doesn't operate when there is a total breakdown of infrastructure.

Roads are blocked, train tracks warped, runways cluttered with rubble.

No water, no electricity,

no communication, no stores to replenish supplies from.

Help from surrounding cities will have a hard time entering the disaster zone

and even if they can, the radioactive contamination will make it risky to get too close.

After a nuclear attack, you're on your own.

So, bit by bit, people emerge from the rubble on foot,

contaminated with radioactive fallout, carrying what little they may have left.

They are slow, in pain, traumatized, and they all need food, water and medical treatment fast.

And the damage done by a nuclear weapon doesn't end when the fires burn out and the smoke clears.

The hospitals in the neighboring cities are under-equipped for a disaster of this scale

and overwhelmed with tens or hundreds of thousands of patients with serious injuries.

In the weeks, months and years to come,

many of those who survived will succumb to cancers like leukemia.

The reason no government wants you to think about all this is because there is no serious humanitarian response possible to a nuclear explosion.

There's no way to really help the immediate victims of a nuclear attack.

This is not a hurricane, wildfire or earthquake or nuclear accident.

It is all of these things at once, but worse.

No nation on earth is prepared to deal with it.

The world has changed in the past few years, with world leaders again

explicitly and publicly threatening each other with nuclear weapons.

Many experts think the danger of a nuclear strike is higher than it has been in decades.

Governments tell their citizens that it's good that we have nuclear weapons,

but it's bad when anyone else gets them.

That it's somehow necessary to threaten others with mass destruction to keep us safe.

But does this make you feel safe?

It only takes a small group of people with power to go crazy or rogue, a small misstep or a simple misunderstanding

to unleash a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions.

Exploding stuff in videos is fun.

Exploding things in real life, not so much.

There is a solution though!

Eliminating all nuclear weapons and vowing never to build them again.

In 2017, almost 2/3 of all the world's countries,

supported by hundreds of civil society organizations and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement

agreed to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons.

It's not about who has nuclear weapons and who doesn't. The weapons themselves are the problem.

They are deeply immoral and an existential threat to all of us.

No matter what country you come from, no matter what political side you find yourself on,

we need to demand that they disappear forever.

This will not happen without pressure.

If you want to be part of this pressure, there are things you personally can do too:

Visit notonukes.org to learn more about nuclear weapons and what you can do about them.

*Kurzgesagt Outro Music* [In space, nobody can hear you-


*Kurzgesagt Outro Music* S

What if We Nuke a City? |||核弹袭城|| Was wäre wenn|||Atomwaffe einsetzen|| |||Detonate a bomb|| |||核攻撃|| Was wäre, wenn wir eine Stadt atomar zerstören? What if We Nuke a City? ¿Y si bombardeamos una ciudad? Et si nous atomisions une ville ? 都市を核攻撃したらどうなるか? Ką daryti, jei bombarduosime miestą? Wat als we een stad bombarderen? Co się stanie, jeśli zniszczymy miasto? E se bombardearmos uma cidade? Что если мы нанесем ядерный удар по городу? Ya Bir Şehre Atom Bombası Atarsak? Що, якщо ми підірвемо місто? 如果我们用核武器摧毁一座城市怎么办? 如果我們用核武器攻擊一座城市怎麼辦?

Playing around with nuclear weapons in videos is fun. Es macht Spaß, in Videos mit Atomwaffen herumzuspielen. Jouer avec des armes nucléaires dans des vidéos est amusant. ビデオで核兵器を扱うのは楽しい。

There's a visceral joy in blowing things up, ||instinktive Freude|Freude||Dinge in die Luft jagen|| ||本能的な|爆発の快感|||| Es macht einfach Spaß, Dinge in die Luft zu jagen, Hay un placer visceral en volar cosas por los aires, Il y a une joie viscérale à faire exploser des choses, ものを爆破する中に本能的な喜びがあります。 Há uma alegria visceral em explodir coisas,

and a horrifying fascination with things like fireballs, shockwaves, and radiation. |||||||火球||| ||erschreckende|faszinierende Faszination||||Feuerbälle|Schockwellen|| |||魅了||||火の玉|衝撃波||放射能 und eine erschreckende Faszination für Dinge wie Feuerbälle, Schockwellen und Strahlung. y una horrible fascinación por cosas como las bolas de fuego, las ondas expansivas y la radiación. そして、火の玉、衝撃波、放射線などに対する恐ろしさを引き起こします。 e uma terrível fascinação por coisas como bolas de fogo, ondas de choque e radiação. и ужасающее увлечение такими вещами, как огненные шары, ударные волны и радиация.

And while it does help put our destructive power in perspective, Und während es|während|||||||||in Perspektive setzen そして|||||||破壊的な||| Und obwohl es hilft, unsere zerstörerische Kraft zu relativieren, 破壊力を理解するのに役立つ一方、 И хотя это помогает представить нашу разрушительную силу в перспективе,

it's not the best way of understanding the real impact of a nuclear explosion. Es ist nicht der beste Weg, um die tatsächlichen Auswirkungen einer Atomexplosion zu verstehen. これは核爆発の実際の影響を理解するための最良の方法ではありません。

This isn't about silly stacks of TNT, or about how bright an explosion is. Nuclear weapons are about you. Dies|||albern|||||||||||Nuklearwaffen|||| ||||||||||||爆発|||核兵器||| Hier geht es nicht um alberne Stapel von TNT oder darum, wie hell eine Explosion ist. Bei Nuklearwaffen geht es um Sie. これは愚かなTNTの山や爆発の明るさについてではありません。核兵器はあなたに関係しています。 Não se trata de pilhas bobas de TNT ou de quão brilhante é uma explosão. As armas nucleares são sobre você.

So we've partnered with the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement ||zusammengearbeitet|||||||| |||||||||赤新月| Deshalb haben wir uns mit dem Roten Kreuz und dem Roten Halbmond zusammengetan. Así que nos hemos asociado con el movimiento de la Cruz Roja y la Media Luna Roja 私たちは赤十字と赤新月運動と提携しています Então fizemos uma parceria com o movimento da Cruz Vermelha e do Crescente Vermelho Поэтому мы сотрудничаем с движением Красного Креста и Красного Полумесяца.

to explore what would really happen if a nuclear weapon were detonated in a major city today. |探る||||||||||||||| um herauszufinden, was wirklich passieren würde, wenn heute in einer Großstadt eine Atomwaffe gezündet würde. 今日、大都市で核兵器が爆発した場合に実際に何が起こるかを探求するために。 para explorar o que realmente aconteceria se uma arma nuclear fosse detonada em uma grande cidade hoje.

Not nuclear war, just one explosion. Kein Atomkrieg, nur eine Explosion. 核戦争ではなく、ただ一つの爆発。

*Kurzgesagt Intro Music*

We begin our story in the middle of downtown in a major city. Wir beginnen unsere Geschichte mitten im Stadtzentrum einer Großstadt. 物語は大都市の繁華街のど真ん中から始まる。 Começamos nossa história no meio do centro de uma grande cidade. Мы начинаем нашу историю в центре большого города.

People are going to work, studying for exams, are lost in their thoughts and daily lives. ||||||||sind||||||| ||||||||いる||の中で||||| Die Menschen gehen zur Arbeit, lernen für Prüfungen, sind in ihren Gedanken und ihrem Alltag versunken. 人々は働いたり、試験勉強をしていたり、日常生活や考え事に没頭しています。

Right here a nuclear weapon is detonated and time freezes. |||||||||einfriert |||核兵器|||爆発した|||凍りつく Genau hier wird eine Atomwaffe gezündet und die Zeit eingefroren. ここで核兵器が爆発し、時間が停止します。

The first phase of the explosion happens within less than a second. 最初の||||||||||| Die erste Phase der Explosion erfolgt in weniger als einer Sekunde. 爆発の最初の段階は1秒未満で起こります。

In a millisecond, a ball of plasma hotter than the Sun appears and grows in a fireball to more than 2 kilometres across. ||毫秒||||||||||||||||||| ||Millisekunde||||||||||||||||||| ||ミリ秒||||||||||||||||||| In einer Millisekunde entsteht ein Plasmaball, der heißer als die Sonne ist und in einem Feuerball auf mehr als 2 km Durchmesser anwächst. ミリ秒の間に太陽よりも熱いプラズマの球が現れ、火球となって2キロメートル以上の大きさに成長する。

Within this ball, everyone is just gone. |||alle||| In diesem Ball sind einfach alle weg. このボールの中では、みんないなくなってしまう。

Think of water dripped on to a very hot pan. |||滴落|||||| |||tropfte||||||Pfanne |||||||||フライパン Denken Sie an Wasser, das auf eine sehr heiße Pfanne tropft. 非常に熱いフライパンに落とされた水を思い浮かべてみてください。 Pense na água pingando em uma panela muito quente. Представьте себе воду, капнувшую на очень горячую сковороду.

A sizzle, and then there's nothing. |滋滋声,然后什么都没有。|||| |Ein Zischen, und dann nichts.|||| |hiss or crackle|||| |ジュッという音|||| Ein Zischen, und dann ist da nichts mehr. シュッと音がして、それから何もない。 Um chiado, e então não há nada. Шипение, а потом ничего.

Most buildings, cars, trees, tacky sculptures and people... ||||俗气的||| |Gebäude|||kitschige|Skulpturen|| ||||in poor taste||| ||||けばけばしい|彫刻作品|| Die meisten Gebäude, Autos, Bäume, kitschigen Skulpturen und Menschen... ほとんどの建物、車、木々、ダサい彫刻、人々... De meeste gebouwen, auto's, bomen, plakkerige sculpturen en mensen ... A maioria dos prédios, carros, árvores, esculturas cafonas e pessoas... Большинство зданий, автомобилей, деревьев, безвкусных скульптур и людей...

... all evaporated. |... alles verdampft. |すべて蒸発した ... alles verdunstet. ... все испарилось.

First, the flash: an intense tsunami of light washes over the city in an instant. ||Blitz|||Tsunami|||überflutet|||||| ||||強烈な|津波|||洗い流す|||||| Zuerst der Blitz: Ein intensiver Tsunami aus Licht überschwemmt die Stadt in einem Augenblick. まず閃光。強烈な光の津波が一瞬にして街を覆う。 Primeiro, o flash: um intenso tsunami de luz inunda a cidade em um instante. Во-первых, вспышка: мощное цунами света накрывает город в одно мгновение.

If you happen to have your head pointed in the direction of the explosion, |||||||gerichtet|||||| Wenn Sie Ihren Kopf zufällig in Richtung der Explosion gerichtet haben,

it renders you blind for a few hours. |使你失明|||||| |macht dich blind||es macht blind|||| |makes|||||| |盲目にする||目が見えなくなる|||| es macht Sie für einige Stunden blind. deixa você cego por algumas horas. ослепляет на несколько часов.

The heat of this light produces a thermal pulse, |Die Hitze||||||thermischen Impuls|thermischer Impuls |||||||熱の|熱パルス Die Wärme dieses Lichts erzeugt einen thermischen Impuls, O calor desta luz produz um pulso térmico, Тепло этого света производит тепловой импульс,

so energetic and hot that it just burns everything as far as 13 kilometres from the detonation site. |||||||||||||||爆炸点| |so energiereich||||||verbrennt||||||von der Detonationsstelle||Detonationsexplosion| |||||||燃え尽くす||||||||爆発地点| die so energiereich und heiß ist, dass sie bis zu 13 Kilometer vom Ort der Detonation entfernt alles verbrennt. zo energiek en heet dat het alles gewoon verbrandt tot wel 13 kilometer van de ontploffingsplaats. tão enérgico e quente que queima tudo até 13 quilômetros do local da detonação.

What this means is that everything in an area of 500 square kilometres that is able to burn, starts burning. ||||||||Gebiet|||||||||| Das bedeutet, dass in einem Gebiet von 500 Quadratkilometern alles, was brennen kann, zu brennen beginnt.

Plastic, wood, fabric, hair, and skin. Kunststoff||||| ||布||| Kunststoff, Holz, Stoff, Haare und Haut.

If you happen to be in reach of the thermal pulse, one moment, you're on your way to work, Wenn Sie sich zufällig in Reichweite des Wärmepulses befinden, sind Sie auf dem Weg zur Arbeit,

the next moment, you're on fire. und im nächsten Moment brennt es schon wieder. 次の瞬間、火事になる。

Now the second phase begins. Nun beginnt die zweite Phase. そして、2つ目のフェーズが始まる。

It happens in a few seconds. Das geschieht in wenigen Sekunden. 数秒でそれが起こります。

Most people will now first notice that something is wrong, Die meisten Menschen werden jetzt erst merken, dass etwas nicht stimmt,

but it's already too late for hundreds of thousands. aber für Hunderttausende ist es bereits zu spät.

The flash is followed by the shockwave. ||||||Druckwelle ||||||衝撃波が続く Auf den Blitz folgt die Schockwelle.

The heat and radiation of the fireball create a bubble of superheated and super-compressed air around it ||||||火球|||||过热的|||||| |||||||||Blase||überhitzten|||komprimiert||| |||放射能||||||泡||過熱した|||圧縮された||| Die Hitze und die Strahlung des Feuerballs erzeugen eine Blase aus überhitzter und stark komprimierter Luft um ihn herum.

that's now expanding explosively. |||爆炸性地 |||explosionsartig ||爆発的に拡大している|爆発的に die sich jetzt explosionsartig ausbreitet.

Faster than the speed of sound, Schneller als Schall|||Geschwindigkeit|| Schneller als die Geschwindigkeit des Schalls,

creating winds stronger than hurricanes and tornadoes. ||||||龙卷风 ||||Hurrikane||Tornados |風力|||ハリケーン||竜巻やハリケーン Sie erzeugen Winde, die stärker sind als Wirbelstürme und Tornados.

Human infrastructure is no match for its power. Menschliche Infrastruktur|||kein|||| |人的インフラ|||||| Die menschliche Infrastruktur ist seiner Macht nicht gewachsen. A infraestrutura humana não é páreo para o seu poder.

Most major buildings within a kilometre of the fireball are just ground up down to their base. |||||Kilometer||||||Erdboden|||||Fundament |||||キロメートル以内||||||||||| Die meisten größeren Gebäude im Umkreis von einem Kilometer um den Feuerball sind bis auf ihre Grundmauern zerstört. 火球の1キロ圏内にあるほとんどの主要なビルは、根元まで粉々になった。 A maioria dos grandes edifícios dentro de um quilômetro da bola de fogo são apenas triturados até sua base.

Only steel reinforced concrete is able to partially resist the pressure. |Stahl|bewehrt|Beton||||teilweise|widerstehen|| 唯一の|鋼鉄|強化された|コンクリート||||部分的に|耐える||圧力 Nur Stahlbeton ist in der Lage, dem Druck teilweise zu widerstehen. 鉄筋コンクリートだけが部分的に圧力に耐えることができる。 Apenas o concreto armado com aço é capaz de resistir parcialmente à pressão.

In the surrounding parks where retirees feed the ducks, |||||退休人员||| |||Parks||Rentner|||Enten füttern |||公園||退職者たち|||カモを In den umliegenden Parks, wo die Rentner die Enten füttern, 周辺の公園では、定年退職者たちがアヒルに餌をやっている、 Nos parques circundantes onde os aposentados alimentam os patos,

trees blackened and smoldering from the heat a second before snap like toothpicks. |烧焦的||阴燃|||||||||牙签般 |geschwärzt||schwelend|||||||knicken||Zahnstocher |||burning without flames||||||||| |||くすぶる|||||||||爪楊枝のように Bäume, die von der Hitze geschwärzt und schwelend sind, brechen eine Sekunde vorher wie Zahnstocher. 楊枝のようにポキッと折れる一瞬前に、木々は熱で黒くなり、くすぶっている。 árvores enegrecidas e fumegando pelo calor um segundo antes de estalar como palitos de dente.

If you're outside, you get tossed away like a grain of dust in a tornado. |||||抛飞||||||||| |||||weggeweht||||||Staubkorn|||Tornado |||||吹き飛ばされる|||||||||竜巻 Wenn du draußen bist, wirst du weggeschleudert wie ein Staubkorn in einem Tornado. Se você estiver do lado de fora, será jogado fora como um grão de poeira em um tornado.

The shockwave weakens as it travels outwards ||schwächt sich ab||||nach außen その||弱まる|||| Die Schockwelle schwächt sich ab, wenn sie sich nach außen bewegt 衝撃波は外側に向かって弱まる A onda de choque enfraquece à medida que viaja para fora

but still, about 175 square kilometres of houses collapse like they're made of cards, aber dennoch||||||Häuser||||||Kartenhäuser |||||||崩壊する||||| Dennoch stürzen auf einer Fläche von 175 Quadratkilometern Häuser ein, als ob sie aus Karten gemacht wären, しかし、それでも約175平方キロメートルの家屋がトランプで作られたように倒壊している、 mas ainda assim, cerca de 175 quilômetros quadrados de casas desmoronam como se fossem feitas de cartas,

trapping tens of thousands of people who didn't have any time to react. einschließen|||||Menschen||||||| 閉じ込める|||||||||||| Zehntausende von Menschen, die keine Zeit zum Reagieren hatten, wurden eingeschlossen. 反応する暇もなかった何万人もの人々が閉じ込められた。 prendendo dezenas de milhares de pessoas que não tiveram tempo de reagir.

Gas stations explode and fire spread throughout the rubble. ||||||||瓦砾堆 |Tankstellen|||||||Trümmer ||||||||debris and remains |ガソリンスタンド|爆発する|||広がる|全体に||瓦礫の中 Postos de gasolina explodem e o fogo se espalha pelos escombros.

A mushroom cloud made from the remains of the fireball, dust and ash |キノコ雲||||||||||| Eine Pilzwolke aus den Überresten des Feuerballs, Staub und Asche 火の玉、塵、灰から成るキノコ雲が形成されている

rises kilometres into the sky in the next few minutes and casts a dark shadow over the ruined city. |||||||||||wirft|||Schatten|||zerstörte| 上昇する|||||||||||||||||廃墟となった| steigt in den nächsten Minuten kilometerhoch in den Himmel und wirft einen dunklen Schatten über die zerstörte Stadt. 数分後、数キロメートルの高さまで上昇し、壊滅した街に暗い影を投げかける sobe quilômetros no céu nos próximos minutos e lança uma sombra escura sobre a cidade em ruínas.

This violently pulls in fresh air surrounding the city, |heftig|zieht an|||||| Dadurch wird die frische Luft in der Umgebung der Stadt heftig angesaugt, これにより、市の周囲に新鮮な空気が激しく吸い込まれる Isso puxa violentamente o ar fresco ao redor da cidade, Это яростно втягивает свежий воздух, окружающий город,

destroying more buildings and providing an abundance of oxygen. ||||||||Sauerstoff 破壊する||||供給する||||酸素の供給 mehr Gebäude zu zerstören und für reichlich Sauerstoff zu sorgen. より多くの建物を破壊し、豊富な酸素を供給する。 разрушая больше зданий и обеспечивая изобилие кислорода.

It depends on the city what happens next. Es||||||| Es hängt von der Stadt ab, wie es weitergeht.

If there's enough fuel, fires may turn into a firestorm that burns the rubble, everybody trapped in it |||||||||火风暴|||||||| |||||||||Feuersturm|||||||| |||||||||火災旋風|||||||| Wenn genügend Brennstoff vorhanden ist, können sich die Brände zu einem Feuersturm entwickeln, der die Trümmer und alle darin eingeschlossenen Personen verbrennt. もし十分な燃料があれば、火災は瓦礫を燃やし、その中に閉じ込められた人々をも焼き尽くすだろう。 Se houver combustível suficiente, os incêndios podem se transformar em uma tempestade de fogo que queima os escombros, todos presos nele

and people trying to flee the devastation. ||||||灾难 ||||fliehen vor der||Verwüstung ||||逃げる|| und Menschen, die versuchen, vor der Verwüstung zu fliehen. そして壊滅的な被害から逃れようとする人々。 e pessoas tentando fugir da devastação.

Up to 21 kilometres from the explosion, people just like you rush to their windows to take pictures of the mushroom cloud, |||||||||||||Fenster||||||| Bis zu 21 Kilometer von der Explosion entfernt eilen Menschen wie Sie zu ihren Fenstern, um Fotos von der Pilzwolke zu machen, 爆発から21キロも離れたところでは、あなたと同じようにキノコ雲の写真を撮ろうと窓際に殺到する人々がいる、 Até 21 quilômetros da explosão, pessoas como você correm para suas janelas para tirar fotos da nuvem de cogumelo,

unaware that the shockwave is still coming at them, nicht bewusst|||||||| 気づかずに|||||||| ohne zu wissen, dass die Schockwelle immer noch auf sie zukommt,

about to shatter their windows and create a blizzard of sharp glass. ||||||||暴风雪||| ||zerschmettern||||||Sturm aus Glas.|||Scherben ||||||||storm of shards||| ||||||||吹雪||| um ihre Fenster zu zertrümmern und einen Schneesturm aus scharfem Glas zu erzeugen. 窓ガラスが砕け散り、鋭利なガラス吹雪が吹き荒れる。 prestes a quebrar suas janelas e criar uma nevasca de vidro afiado.

The third phase begins in the coming hours and days. Die dritte Phase beginnt in den nächsten Stunden und Tagen. 第3段階は数時間後、数日後に始まる。

We're used to the idea that help will come, no matter the disaster. |||||||wird||||| Wir haben uns an die Vorstellung gewöhnt, dass Hilfe kommen wird, egal wie groß die Katastrophe ist. 私たちは、どんな災害でも助けが来るという考えに慣れている。

This time is different: a nuclear explosion is like every natural disaster at once. Diesmal ist es anders: Eine Atomexplosion ist wie jede Naturkatastrophe auf einmal. 核爆発は、あらゆる自然災害を一度に引き起こすようなものだ。

There are hundreds of thousands or millions of people with serious injuries: |||||||||||Verletzungen Es gibt Hunderttausende oder Millionen von Menschen mit schweren Verletzungen: 何十万、何百万という人々が重傷を負っている:

lacerations, broken bones, serious burns. 撕裂伤|||| Schnittwunden||Knochen|| Deep cuts|||| 裂傷||骨折|| 裂傷、骨折、重度の火傷。 lacerações, ossos quebrados, queimaduras graves.

In the next few minutes and hours, thousands more will die because of these injuries.

Countless people are trapped in collapsed buildings like in earthquakes or blinded by the flash, |||||||||||失明||| |||||eingestürzten||||||geblendet||| |||||||||地震のように||目が見えない||| 地震のように倒壊した建物に閉じ込められたり、フラッシュで目が見えなくなったりした人は数え切れないほどいる、

deaf from the blast wave and unable to flee through streets impassable with rubble and debris. |||||||||||||瓦砾||碎片 taub|||||||||||unpassierbar|||| |||||||||||blocked with obstacles|||| 爆風で耳が聞こえない|||||||||||通行不能な||||瓦礫や破片 爆風で耳が聞こえなくなり、瓦礫で通れなくなった通りを逃げることもできなくなった。 surdos da onda de choque e incapazes de fugir por ruas intransitáveis com escombros e escombros.

They're terrified, confused, and don't know what's happened to them or why. |verängstigt|||||||||| 彼らは恐怖に怯え、混乱し、何が起こったのか、なぜなのかわからない。 Eles estão aterrorizados, confusos e não sabem o que aconteceu com eles ou por quê.

Most likely, many hospitals have been leveled along with all the other buildings ||||||夷为平地|||||| ||||||dem Erdboden gleichgemacht|||||| ||||||destroyed|||||| ||||||破壊された|||||| おそらく、多くの病院が他の建物と一緒に破壊されたことだろう Muito provavelmente, muitos hospitais foram nivelados junto com todos os outros edifícios

and most medical professionals are either dead or injured, |||Fachkräfte||entweder|||verletzt |||医療専門家||||| そして、ほとんどの医療関係者が死亡または負傷している、 e a maioria dos profissionais médicos estão mortos ou feridos,

along with everyone else. みんなと一緒にね。

The survivors lucky enough to have been in metro tunnels or standing in the right place to be unburned and unhurt ||||||||||||||||||未被烧伤||未受伤害 Die|Überlebende|glücklich genug||||||U-Bahn|U-Bahn-Tunnel|||||||||unverbrannt||unverletzt ||||||||||||||||||焼けずに||無傷 地下鉄のトンネル内にいた、あるいは適切な場所に立っていた幸運な生存者たちは、焼けずに無事だった。

won't have truly escaped harm yet. |||entkommen|Schaden| noch nicht wirklich dem Schaden entkommen. ainda não terá escapado do mal.

Depending on the type of weapon, where it explodes and even the weather, Je nach|||||||||||| ||||||||爆発する場所|||| 武器の種類や爆発する場所、天候にもよる、

an awful black rain can begin, |ein schrecklicher|||| ひどい黒い雨が降り始める、 uma terrível chuva negra pode começar,

with radioactive ash and dust descending on the city, covering everything and everyone. |||||herabfallend||||||| 放射能に汚染された灰と塵が街に降り注ぎ、あらゆるものを覆い尽くした。 com cinzas e poeiras radioativas descendo sobre a cidade, cobrindo tudo e todos.

The invisible, malicious, silent horror of radiation takes its turn. ||恶意的||||||| ||bösartig|stille|unsichtbare, bösartige, stille|||übernimmt|| ||Harmful and malevolent||||||| ||||恐怖||||| Der unsichtbare, bösartige, stille Schrecken der Strahlung nimmt seinen Lauf. 目に見えず、悪意があり、沈黙を守る放射線の恐怖。 O horror invisível, malicioso e silencioso da radiação tem sua vez.

Every breath carries poison to the lungs of the survivors. |Atemzug||Giftstoff|||||| |息|||||肺||| すべての呼吸が、生存者の肺に毒を運ぶ。 Cada respiração leva veneno para os pulmões dos sobreviventes. 每一次呼吸都将毒物带入幸存者的肺部。

Over the coming days, the people who receive the highest doses of radiation exposure will die. ||||||||||Dosen||||| ||||||||||線量|||被ばく|| 今後数日間で、最も高線量の放射線を浴びた人々が死ぬだろう。

There will be no help, not for hours or maybe even days. 何時間も、あるいは何日も、助けはない。

Civilisation doesn't operate when there is a total breakdown of infrastructure. Zivilisation funktioniert nicht||||||||Zusammenbruch|| 文明||機能しない|||||||| インフラが完全に崩壊した状態では、文明は機能しない。 A civilização não funciona quando há um colapso total da infraestrutura.

Roads are blocked, train tracks warped, runways cluttered with rubble. Straßen||||Gleise|verzogen|Start- und Landebahnen|überfüllt|| |||||bent out of shape|aircraft landing strips|filled with debris|| ||||線路|歪んだ|滑走路|散乱している|| 道路は封鎖され、線路はゆがみ、滑走路は瓦礫で散らかっている。 Estradas estão bloqueadas, trilhos de trem empenados, pistas cheias de escombros.

No water, no electricity, |||Kein Wasser, kein Strom. 水も電気もない、

no communication, no stores to replenish supplies from. |Kommunikation||Geschäfte||auffüllen|| |||||補充する|| keine Kommunikation, keine Vorräte, die aufgefüllt werden könnten. 通信手段もなければ、物資を補給する店もない。 sem comunicação, sem lojas para reabastecer suprimentos.

Help from surrounding cities will have a hard time entering the disaster zone |||||||||入る|||災害地域 周辺都市からの救援が被災地に入りにくくなる

and even if they can, the radioactive contamination will make it risky to get too close. |||||||radioaktive Verstrahlung||||riskant|||| |||||||放射能汚染||||危険な||||

After a nuclear attack, you're on your own. 核攻撃の後は、自分ひとりでやるしかない。 Depois de um ataque nuclear, você está sozinho.

So, bit by bit, people emerge from the rubble on foot, |||||auftauchen||||| |少しずつ||||||||| So kommen die Menschen nach und nach zu Fuß aus den Trümmern heraus, そうして少しずつ、瓦礫の中から人々が歩いて出てくる、 Assim, pouco a pouco, as pessoas emergem dos escombros a pé,

contaminated with radioactive fallout, carrying what little they may have left. kontaminiert||||tragend|||||| 放射性降下物で汚染された||||||わずかな|||| 放射性降下物で汚染され、わずかに残ったものを運ぶ。 contaminados com precipitação radioativa, carregando o pouco que lhes restava. загрязнены радиоактивными осадками, унося с собой то немногое, что у них могло остаться.

They are slow, in pain, traumatized, and they all need food, water and medical treatment fast. |||||受创伤的|||||||||| |||||traumatisiert|||||||||| |||||トラウマを受けた|||||||||治療| 彼らは足が遅く、痛みに苦しみ、トラウマを抱えている。 Они медлительны, страдают от боли, травмированы, и всем им срочно нужна еда, вода и медицинская помощь.

And the damage done by a nuclear weapon doesn't end when the fires burn out and the smoke clears. |||||||||||||||||Rauch|sich verzieht ||||||||||||||||||消える Und der Schaden, den eine Atombombe anrichtet, endet nicht, wenn die Brände erlöschen und der Rauch sich legt. 核兵器による被害は、火が燃え尽きて煙が消えても終わるものではない。 E o dano causado por uma arma nuclear não termina quando os incêndios se apagam e a fumaça se dissipa.

The hospitals in the neighboring cities are under-equipped for a disaster of this scale ||||邻近的|||||||||| ||||benachbarten|||||||||| ||||隣接する|||||||||| Die Krankenhäuser in den benachbarten Städten sind für eine Katastrophe in diesem Ausmaß unterausgestattet 近隣都市の病院は、この規模の災害に対する設備が不十分だ Os hospitais das cidades vizinhas estão mal equipados para um desastre dessa escala Больницы в соседних городах недостаточно оборудованы для стихийного бедствия такого масштаба.

and overwhelmed with tens or hundreds of thousands of patients with serious injuries. und überlastet mit Zehntausenden oder Hunderttausenden von Patienten mit schweren Verletzungen. e sobrecarregado com dezenas ou centenas de milhares de pacientes com ferimentos graves.

In the weeks, months and years to come, これから数週間、数カ月、数年、

many of those who survived will succumb to cancers like leukemia. ||||||屈服于||||白血病 ||||||erliegen||Krebserkrankungen||Leukämie ||||生き残った||||||白血病 生き残った人々の多くは、白血病のようなガンで命を落とすことになる。

The reason no government wants you to think about all this is because there is no serious humanitarian response possible to a nuclear explosion. |||||||||||||||||humanitäre Hilfe|humanitäre Reaktion||||| |||||||||||||||||人道的な|||||| Der Grund dafür, dass keine Regierung möchte, dass Sie über all dies nachdenken, ist, dass es keine ernsthafte humanitäre Reaktion auf eine nukleare Explosion gibt. どの政府もこのようなことを考えさせたがらないのは、核爆発に対する深刻な人道的対応が不可能だからである。

There's no way to really help the immediate victims of a nuclear attack. |||||||unmittelbaren|Opfer|||| |||||||即時の||||| Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, den unmittelbaren Opfern eines Atomangriffs wirklich zu helfen. 核攻撃の直接的な被害者を本当に助ける方法はない。

This is not a hurricane, wildfire or earthquake or nuclear accident. |||||Waldbrand||Erdbeben|||Unfall |||||山火事||||| これはハリケーンでも山火事でも地震でも原発事故でもない。 Este não é um furacão, incêndio florestal ou terremoto ou acidente nuclear.

It is all of these things at once, but worse. これらのことが一度に起こっているが、もっと悪い。

No nation on earth is prepared to deal with it. |||||vorbereitet|||| |国||||||||

The world has changed in the past few years, with world leaders again |||||||||mit||| Die Welt hat sich in den letzten Jahren verändert, und die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Welt haben wieder ここ数年、世界は変化している。

explicitly and publicly threatening each other with nuclear weapons. 明确地|||||||| explizit||öffentlich|||||| 明確に||公然と|公然と脅迫||||| sich gegenseitig ausdrücklich und öffentlich mit Atomwaffen zu drohen. 互いに核兵器で脅し合っている。

Many experts think the danger of a nuclear strike is higher than it has been in decades. ||||Gefahr|||||||||||| ||||||||核攻撃|||||||| 多くの専門家は、核攻撃の危険性はここ数十年で最も高まっていると考えている。 Muitos especialistas acham que o perigo de um ataque nuclear é maior do que em décadas.

Governments tell their citizens that it's good that we have nuclear weapons, |||Bürgerinnen und Bürger|||||||| |||市民|||||||| 政府は国民に、核兵器を持つことは良いことだと言う、

but it's bad when anyone else gets them. aber es ist schlimm, wenn jemand anderes sie bekommt. でも、他の誰かがそれを手にしたら最悪だ。

That it's somehow necessary to threaten others with mass destruction to keep us safe. ||irgendwie|||bedrohen|||Massenvernichtung||||| |||||脅迫する|||||||| 私たちの安全を守るためには、大量破壊で他者を脅すことが必要なのだと。 Что каким-то образом необходимо угрожать другим массовым уничтожением, чтобы обезопасить себя.

But does this make you feel safe? Aber||||||

It only takes a small group of people with power to go crazy or rogue, a small misstep or a simple misunderstanding |||||||||||||||||失误|||| ||||||||||||verrückt werden||außer Kontrolle geraten|||Fehltritt||||Missverständnis ||||||||||||||unpredictably rebellious||||||| |||||||||||||||||小さな過ち|||| 権力を持つ小さな集団が狂ったり、不正を働いたりするのは、小さな不注意や単純な誤解があるだけだ。 Basta um pequeno grupo de pessoas com poder para enlouquecer ou desonesto, um pequeno passo em falso ou um simples mal-entendido Достаточно небольшой группы людей, обладающих властью, чтобы сойти с ума или сойти с ума, небольшой оплошности или простого недоразумения.

to unleash a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions. ||||||规模 |entfesseln||eine Katastrophe entfesseln||unvorstellbar|Ausmaßes |||||想像を絶する| 想像を絶する大災害を引き起こす。 desencadear uma catástrofe de proporções inimagináveis. развязать катастрофу невообразимых масштабов.

Exploding stuff in videos is fun. Explodierende|||||

Exploding things in real life, not so much.

There is a solution though! Es gibt|||Es gibt jedoch eine Lösung!| 解決策はあります!

Eliminating all nuclear weapons and vowing never to build them again. |||||誓言||||| Abschaffung|||||schwören||||| |||||誓う||||| すべての核兵器を廃棄し、二度と建造しないと誓うことです。 Eliminando todas as armas nucleares e prometendo nunca mais construí-las. Ликвидация всего ядерного оружия и клятва никогда не создавать его снова.

In 2017, almost 2/3 of all the world's countries, 2017年、世界の国々のほぼ2/3が、

supported by hundreds of civil society organizations and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement ||||||組織団体|||||||||

agreed to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons. vereinbart||verbieten|||| ||禁止する||廃絶する|| 核兵器の禁止と廃絶に合意した。

It's not about who has nuclear weapons and who doesn't. The weapons themselves are the problem. 核兵器そのものが問題なのだ。

They are deeply immoral and an existential threat to all of us. ||||||生存威胁||||| |||tief unmoralisch|||existenzielle Bedrohung|Bedrohung|||| 彼らは深く不道徳であり、我々全員にとって存亡の危機である。 Ze zijn zeer immoreel en een existentiële bedreiging voor ons allemaal.

No matter what country you come from, no matter what political side you find yourself on, |どの国から|||||||||||||| どんな国の出身であろうと、どんな政治的立場であろうと、

we need to demand that they disappear forever. |||fordern|||verschwinden| |||要求する|||| 私たちは、彼らが永遠にいなくなるよう要求する必要がある。

This will not happen without pressure. これは圧力がなければ実現しない。

If you want to be part of this pressure, there are things you personally can do too:

Visit notonukes.org to learn more about nuclear weapons and what you can do about them. |无核组织|||||||||||||| |keine Atomwaffen|Besuchen Sie notonukes.org||||||||||||| |No to nukes|||||||||||||| |核兵器反対||||||||||||||

*Kurzgesagt Outro Music* [In space, nobody can hear you- |||||niemand|||

*QUACK*] <嘎嘎> <QUAK> Duck sound effect

*Kurzgesagt Outro Music* S