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Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell), The Fermi Paradox II — Solutions and Ideas – Where Are All The Aliens?

The Fermi Paradox II — Solutions and Ideas – Where Are All The Aliens?

There are probably 10,000 stars for every grain of sand on Earth, in the observable universe.

We know that there might be trillions of planets.

So where are all the aliens?

This is the Fermi Paradox.

If you want to know more about it, watch part one.

Here we look at possible solutions to the Fermi Paradox.

So will we be destroyed or does a glorious future await us?

Space travel is hard. Although possible, it's an enormous challenge to travel to other stars.

Massive amounts of materials have to be put into orbit and assembled.

A journey of maybe thousands of years needs to be survived by a population big enough to start from scratch.

And the planet might be not as hospitable as it seems from afar.

It was already extremely hard to set up a spaceship that could survive the trip.

An interstellar invasion might be impossible to pull off.

Also, consider time: the Universe is very old.

On Earth there's been life for at least 3.6 billion years.

Intelligent human life for about 250,000 years.

But only for about a century have we had the technology to communicate over great distances.

There might have been grand alien empires that stretched across thousands of systems

and existed for millions of years and we might just have missed them.

There might be grandiose ruins rotting away on distant worlds.

99% of all species on Earth have died out.

It's easy to argue that this will be our fate sooner or later.

Intelligent life may develop, spread over a few systems and die off, over and over again.

But galactic civilizations might never meet.

So maybe it's a unifying experience for life in the Universe to look at the stars and wonder "Where is everyone?"

But there is no reason to assume aliens are like us,

or that our logic applies to them.

It might just be that our means of communication are extremely primitive and outdated.

Imagine sitting in a house with a Morse code transmitter: you'd keep sending messages

but nobody would answer, and you would feel pretty lonely.

Maybe we're still undetectable for intelligent species

and we'll remain so until we learn to communicate properly.

And even if we met aliens we might be too different to be able to communicate with them in a meaningful way.

Imagine the smartest squirrel you can,

no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to explain our society to it.

After all, from the squirrel's perspective, a tree is all that a sophisticated intelligence like itself needs to survive.

So humans cutting down whole forests is madness; but we don't destroy forests because we hate squirrels.

We just want the resources.

The squirrel's wishes and the squirrel's survival are of no concern to us.

A Type 3 civilization in need of resources may treat us in a similar way.

They might just evaporate our oceans to make collecting whatever they need easier.

One of the aliens might think for a second "Oh, tiny little apes! They built really cute concrete structures, oh well now they're dead."

before activating warp speed.

But if there is a civilization out there that wants to eliminate other species,

it's far more likely that it will be motivated by culture rather than by economics.

And anyway it will be more effective to automate the process by constructing the perfect weapon,

a self replicating space probe made from nano-machines.

They operate on a molecular level: incredibly fast and deadly,

with the power to attack and dismantle anything in an instant.

You only need to give them four instructions.

One, find a planet with life.

Two, disassemble everything on this planet into its component parts.

Three, use the resources to build new space probes.

Four, repeat.

A doomsday machine like this could render a galaxy sterile in a few million years.

But why would you fly light years to gather resources or commit genocide?

The speed of light is actually... not very fast.

If someone could travel at the speed of light, it will still take 100,000 years to cross the milky way once,

and you'll probably travel way slower.

There might be way more enjoyable things than destroying civilizations and building empires.

An interesting concept is the Matrioshka Brain.

A mega-structure surrounding a star,

a computer of such computing power that an entire species could upload their consciousness and exist in a simulated universe.

Potentially, one could experience an eternity of pure ecstasies without ever being bored or sad, a perfect life.

If built around a red dwarf, this computer could be powered for up to ten trillion years.

Who would want to conquer the galaxy or make contact with other life forms, if this were an option?

All these solutions to the Fermi Paradox have one problem.

We don't know where the borders of technology are.

We could be close to the limit or nowhere near it.

And super technology awaits us,

granting us immortality, transporting us to other galaxies, elevating us to the level of gods.

One thing we do have to acknowledge is that we really don't know anything.

Humans have spent more than 90% of their existence as hunter-gatherers.

500 years ago we thought we were the center of the universe.

200 years ago we stopped using human labors as the main source of the energy.

30 years ago we had apocalyptic weapons pointed at each other because of political disagreements.

In the galactic time scale we are embryos.

We've come far, but still have a long way to go.

The mindset that we really are the center of the universe is still strong in humans,

so it's easy to make arrogant assumptions about life in the universe.

But in the end, there's only one way to find out, right?

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The Fermi Paradox II — Solutions and Ideas – Where Are All The Aliens? |||II|||||||| Das Fermi-Paradoxon II - Lösungen und Ideen - Wo sind all die Außerirdischen? Το Παράδοξο του Φέρμι ΙΙ - Λύσεις και ιδέες - Πού είναι όλοι οι εξωγήινοι; La paradoja de Fermi II - Soluciones e ideas - ¿Dónde están los extraterrestres? Le paradoxe de Fermi II - Solutions et idées - Où sont tous les extraterrestres ? Il paradosso di Fermi II - Soluzioni e idee - Dove sono tutti gli alieni? フェルミのパラドックスII - 解決策とアイデア - 宇宙人はどこにいるのか? Fermio paradoksas II - Sprendimai ir idėjos - Kur visi ateiviai? Paradoks Fermiego II - rozwiązania i pomysły - Gdzie są wszyscy kosmici? O Paradoxo de Fermi II - Soluções e ideias - Onde estão os extraterrestres? Парадокс Ферми II - Решения и идеи - Где все инопланетяне? Fermi Paradoksu II - Çözümler ve Fikirler - Uzaylılar Nerede? Парадокс Фермі II - Рішення та ідеї - Де всі інопланетяни? 费米悖论 II — 解决方案和想法 — 外星人都在哪里? 費米悖論 II — 解決方案與想法 — 外星人都在哪裡?

There are probably 10,000 stars for every grain of sand on Earth, in the observable universe. Es gibt|||||||||||||| هناك على الأرجح 10،000 نجم لكل حبة رمل على الأرض، في الكون المرئي.

We know that there might be trillions of planets. ||dass|dort|könnte|||| نحن نعلم أن هناك ربما تريليون كوكب.

So where are all the aliens? إذا، أين جميع الكائنات الفضائية؟

This is the Fermi Paradox.

If you want to know more about it, watch part one.

Here we look at possible solutions to the Fermi Paradox. هنا نلقي نظرة على الحلول المحتملة للمعضلة الفيرمي.

So will we be destroyed or does a glorious future await us? ||||||||||erwarten| فهل سنُدمر أم أن مستقبلًا مجيدًا ينتظرنا؟ Allons-nous être détruits ou un avenir glorieux nous attend-il ? Então seremos destruídos ou um futuro glorioso nos espera?

Space travel is hard. Although possible, it's an enormous challenge to travel to other stars. ||||obwohl|möglich||||||||| السفر الفضائي صعب. على الرغم من كونه ممكنًا، إلا أن السفر إلى النجوم الأخرى يمثل تحديًا هائلًا.

Massive amounts of materials have to be put into orbit and assembled. |Mengen||||||||||montiert يجب وضع كميات ضخمة من المواد في مدار الأرض وتجميعها. Grandes quantidades de materiais precisam ser colocadas em órbita e montadas.

A journey of maybe thousands of years needs to be survived by a population big enough to start from scratch. يجب على سكان يبلغ عددهم ربما آلاف السنين البقاء على قيد الحياة من مسافة كبيرة كافية للبدء من جديد. Eine Reise, die vielleicht Tausende von Jahren dauert, muss von einer Bevölkerung überlebt werden, die groß genug ist, um bei Null anzufangen. Uma jornada de talvez milhares de anos precisa ser sobrevivida por uma população grande o suficiente para começar do zero.

And the planet might be not as hospitable as it seems from afar. |||||||gastfreundlich||||von| ولعل الكوكب لا يكون بيئة حسنة كما يبدو من بعيد. Und der Planet ist vielleicht nicht so gastfreundlich, wie er aus der Ferne scheint. E o planeta pode não ser tão hospitaleiro quanto parece de longe. 这颗行星也许并不像从远处看上去那么适宜居住。

It was already extremely hard to set up a spaceship that could survive the trip. |||||||einrichten||||||| كان من الصعب بالفعل إعداد مركبة فضائية يمكنها البقاء على قيد الحياة في الرحلة. Já era extremamente difícil montar uma nave espacial que pudesse sobreviver à viagem.

An interstellar invasion might be impossible to pull off. |interstellaren||||||durchführen| قد يكون الغزو بين النجوم من المستحيل تنفيذه. Eine interstellare Invasion könnte unmöglich durchzuführen sein. Une invasion interstellaire pourrait être impossible à réaliser. Een interstellaire invasie is misschien niet haalbaar. Uma invasão interestelar pode ser impossível de realizar. Межзвездное вторжение может оказаться невозможным. 星际入侵也许无法实现。

Also, consider time: the Universe is very old. كما يجب أن ننظر إلى الوقت: الكون قديم جدًا. Betrachten Sie auch die Zeit: Das Universum ist sehr alt.

On Earth there's been life for at least 3.6 billion years. على الأرض كانت هناك حياة لمدة تزيد عن 3.6 مليار سنة. Auf der Erde gibt es seit mindestens 3,6 Milliarden Jahren Leben. Sur Terre, la vie existe depuis au moins 3,6 milliards d'années.

Intelligent human life for about 250,000 years. |||für|| الحياة البشرية الذكية لمدة حوالي 250،000 سنة.

But only for about a century have we had the technology to communicate over great distances. ولكن فقط منذ حوالي قرن من الزمان ولدينا التكنولوجيا للتواصل عبر مسافات بعيدة. Aber erst seit etwa einem Jahrhundert haben wir die Technologie, um über große Entfernungen zu kommunizieren.

There might have been grand alien empires that stretched across thousands of systems |könnte gegeben haben|haben||große|||||||| قد تكون هناك إمبراطوريات فضائية ضخمة امتدت عبر آلاف الأنظمة Il aurait pu y avoir de grands empires extraterrestres s'étendant sur des milliers de systèmes Pode ter havido grandes impérios alienígenas que se estendiam por milhares de sistemas 可能存在横跨数千个系统的庞大外星帝国

and existed for millions of years and we might just have missed them. |||||||||||verpasst| وقامت بالوجود لملايين السنين قد نكون قد فوتنا فقط. e existiram por milhões de anos e nós poderíamos ter perdido eles.

There might be grandiose ruins rotting away on distant worlds. |||großartige|Ruinen|verfallend|||| قد تكون هناك أطلال باهرة تتعفن في عوالم بعيدة. Pode haver ruínas grandiosas apodrecendo em mundos distantes. 遥远的世界里可能有宏伟的废墟正在腐烂。

99% of all species on Earth have died out. ||||||gestorben| توفي 99 ٪ من جميع الأنواع على الأرض. 99 % de toutes les espèces de la planète ont disparu. 99% de todas as espécies da Terra morreram.

It's easy to argue that this will be our fate sooner or later. من السهل الجدل بأن هذا سيكون مصيرنا في وقت ما. Il est facile d'affirmer que ce sera notre destin tôt ou tard. É fácil argumentar que este será o nosso destino mais cedo ou mais tarde.

Intelligent life may develop, spread over a few systems and die off, over and over again. قد تنمو الحياة الذكية وتنتشر عبر عدة أنظمة وتنقرض مرارًا وتكرارًا. Une vie intelligente peut se développer, se répandre dans quelques systèmes et s'éteindre, encore et encore.

But galactic civilizations might never meet. ولكن قد لا تلتقي الحضارات الكونية أبدًا.

So maybe it's a unifying experience for life in the Universe to look at the stars and wonder "Where is everyone?" ||||vereinigend||||||||||||||||alle Leute ربما يكون من الخبرات الموحدة للحياة في الكون أن تنظر إلى النجوم وتتساءل: "أين الجميع؟" C'est donc peut-être une expérience unificatrice pour la vie dans l'Univers que de regarder les étoiles et de se demander "Où est tout le monde ?". Então, talvez seja uma experiência unificadora para a vida no Universo olhar para as estrelas e se perguntar "Onde estão todos?"

But there is no reason to assume aliens are like us, ولكن ليس هناك سبب للافتراض أن الكائنات الفضائية مثلنا

or that our logic applies to them. ou que nossa lógica se aplica a eles.

It might just be that our means of communication are extremely primitive and outdated. |könnte||||||||||primitiv||veraltet قد يكون فقط أن وسائل التواصل لدينا بدائية للغاية ومتقادمة. Il se peut que nos moyens de communication soient extrêmement primitifs et dépassés.

Imagine sitting in a house with a Morse code transmitter: you'd keep sending messages |||||||Morsecode||Sender|||| تخيل أنك جالس في منزل مع جهاز إرسال برقية مورس: ستواصل إرسال الرسائل Imaginez que vous soyez assis dans une maison équipée d'un émetteur de code morse : vous ne cesseriez d'envoyer des messages Imagine-se sentado em uma casa com um transmissor de código Morse: você continuaria enviando mensagens 想象一下,坐在一间有莫尔斯电码发射器的房子里:你会不断发送信息

but nobody would answer, and you would feel pretty lonely. لكن لا أحد سيجيبك، وستشعر بالوحدة.

Maybe we're still undetectable for intelligent species Nous sommes peut-être encore indétectables pour les espèces intelligentes.

and we'll remain so until we learn to communicate properly. |||||||zu||richtig وسنظل كذلك حتى نتعلم كيف نتواصل بشكل صحيح. et nous le resterons tant que nous n'aurons pas appris à communiquer correctement.

And even if we met aliens we might be too different to be able to communicate with them in a meaningful way. وحتى لو التقينا بالكائنات الفضائية قد نكون مختلفين جدا لا نستطيع التواصل معهم بشكل معنوي. Et même si nous rencontrions des extraterrestres, nous serions trop différents pour pouvoir communiquer avec eux de manière significative.

Imagine the smartest squirrel you can, ||schlauste||| تخيل أذكى سنجاب يمكنك تخيله, Imaginez l'écureuil le plus intelligent possible, Imagine o esquilo mais inteligente que puder,

no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to explain our society to it.

After all, from the squirrel's perspective, a tree is all that a sophisticated intelligence like itself needs to survive. ||||Eichhörnchens|||||||||||||| على الأخير، من وجهة نظر السنجاب، الشجرة هي كل ما يحتاجه نفسه ذات الذكاء المتطور للبقاء. Après tout, du point de vue de l'écureuil, un arbre est tout ce dont une intelligence sophistiquée comme la sienne a besoin pour survivre. Afinal, do ponto de vista do esquilo, uma árvore é tudo o que uma inteligência sofisticada como ela precisa para sobreviver. 毕竟,从松鼠的角度来看,一棵树就是像它一样的复杂智慧生物生存所需要的全部。

So humans cutting down whole forests is madness; but we don't destroy forests because we hate squirrels. |||||||Wahnsinn||||||||hassen|Eichhörnchen إذا كانت البشر يقطعون الغابات بأكملها فهو جنون؛ ولكننا لا ندمر الغابات لأننا نكره السناجب. Die Menschen, die ganze Wälder abholzen, ist Wahnsinn; aber wir zerstören Wälder nicht, weil wir Eichhörnchen hassen. L'abattage de forêts entières par l'homme est donc une folie, mais nous ne détruisons pas les forêts parce que nous détestons les écureuils.

We just want the resources. نحن نريد فقط الموارد. Wir wollen einfach die Ressourcen.

The squirrel's wishes and the squirrel's survival are of no concern to us. ||Wünsche|||||||||| أماني السنجاب وبقاء السنجاب ليست من اهتمامنا. Die Wünsche des Eichhörnchens und sein Überleben sind uns egal. Os desejos do esquilo e a sobrevivência do esquilo não nos interessam.

A Type 3 civilization in need of resources may treat us in a similar way. حضارة من النوع 3 بحاجة إلى موارد قد تعاملنا بنفس الطريقة. Uma civilização do Tipo 3 que precisa de recursos pode nos tratar de maneira semelhante.

They might just evaporate our oceans to make collecting whatever they need easier. قد يقومون بتبخير محيطاتنا فقط لجعل جمع ما يحتاجون إليه أسهل. Sie könnten unsere Ozeane einfach verdampfen lassen, um das, was sie brauchen, leichter einsammeln zu können. Eles podem simplesmente evaporar nossos oceanos para facilitar a coleta de tudo o que precisam.

One of the aliens might think for a second "Oh, tiny little apes! They built really cute concrete structures, oh well now they're dead." ||||||||||||||||niedlich||||||| قد يفكر أحد الكائنات الفضائية للحظة "أوه، قردة صغيرة جميلة! بنوا هياكل خرسانية جميلة حقًا، حسنًا الآن هم ميتون". L'un des extraterrestres pourrait penser pendant une seconde : "Oh, les petits singes ! Ils ont construit des structures en béton très mignonnes, eh bien maintenant ils sont morts." Um dos alienígenas pode pensar por um segundo "Oh, macaquinhos minúsculos! Eles construíram estruturas de concreto realmente fofas, oh bem, agora eles estão mortos."

before activating warp speed. ||Warp| قبل تفعيل سرعة الانتقال الطويل. avant d'activer la vitesse de distorsion. antes de ativar a velocidade de dobra. 在启动曲速之前。

But if there is a civilization out there that wants to eliminate other species, ولكن إذا كانت هناك حضارة ترغب في القضاء على الأنواع الأخرى،

it's far more likely that it will be motivated by culture rather than by economics. ||||||||||||||Wirtschaftlichkeit فمن المرجح أن تكون دوافعها ثقافية بدلاً من اقتصادية. il est beaucoup plus probable qu'elle soit motivée par la culture que par l'économie. é muito mais provável que seja motivado pela cultura e não pela economia.

And anyway it will be more effective to automate the process by constructing the perfect weapon, ||||||||automatisieren||||konstruieren||| على أي حال سيكون أكثر فعالية أتمتة العملية عن طريق بناء السلاح المثالي، Et de toute façon, il sera plus efficace d'automatiser le processus en construisant l'arme parfaite, E de qualquer forma será mais eficaz automatizar o processo construindo a arma perfeita,

a self replicating space probe made from nano-machines. ||sich selbst replizierend||Sonde|||| وهو مسبار فضائي قابل للتكرار يتكون من النانو ماشين. une sonde spatiale autoreproductrice composée de nanomachines. uma sonda espacial auto-replicante feita de nanomáquinas. 由纳米机器制成的自我复制太空探测器。

They operate on a molecular level: incredibly fast and deadly, ||||molekular||||| إنها تعمل على مستوى جزيئي: سريعة بشكل لا يصدق وقاتلة. Ils opèrent au niveau moléculaire : ils sont incroyablement rapides et mortels,

with the power to attack and dismantle anything in an instant. ||||||zerstören|||| بقدرة على الهجوم وتفكيك أي شيء في لحظة واحدة. com o poder de atacar e desmantelar qualquer coisa em um instante. 拥有瞬间攻击并拆除任何事物的力量。

You only need to give them four instructions. تحتاج فقط إلى إعطائهم أربع تعليمات. Il suffit de leur donner quatre instructions.

One, find a planet with life. الأولى، العثور على كوكب يحتوي على حياة.

Two, disassemble everything on this planet into its component parts. |zerlegen|||||||| الثانية، تفكيك كل شيء على هذا الكوكب إلى أجزائه المكونة. Deuxièmement, désassembler tout ce qui existe sur cette planète en ses éléments constitutifs. Dois, desmonte tudo neste planeta em suas partes componentes. Во-вторых, разобрать все на этой планете на составные части.

Three, use the resources to build new space probes. В-третьих, использовать полученные ресурсы для создания новых космических зондов.

Four, repeat.

A doomsday machine like this could render a galaxy sterile in a few million years. |Weltuntergangsmaschine|||||unfruchtbar machen|||sterilisiert||||| آلة القيامة مثل هذه يمكن أن تجعل المجرة عاقرة في غضون بضعة ملايين من السنين. Eine solche Weltuntergangsmaschine könnte eine Galaxie in ein paar Millionen Jahren steril machen. Uma máquina apocalíptica como essa poderia tornar uma galáxia estéril em alguns milhões de anos.

But why would you fly light years to gather resources or commit genocide? ||||||||||||Völkermord ولكن لماذا تطير عبر سنوات الضوء لجمع الموارد أو ارتكاب الإبادة الجماعية؟ Mais pourquoi voler à des années-lumière pour collecter des ressources ou commettre un génocide ?

The speed of light is actually... not very fast. سرعة الضوء في الواقع... ليست سريعة جدًا.

If someone could travel at the speed of light, it will still take 100,000 years to cross the milky way once, Si quelqu'un pouvait voyager à la vitesse de la lumière, il lui faudrait tout de même 100 000 ans pour traverser une fois la voie lactée,

and you'll probably travel way slower. ومن المحتمل أن تسافر ببطء أكبر. e você provavelmente viajará muito mais devagar.

There might be way more enjoyable things than destroying civilizations and building empires. قد تكون هناك أشياء أكثر متعة من تدمير الحضارات وبناء الإمبراطوريات. Il y a peut-être des choses bien plus agréables que de détruire des civilisations et de construire des empires. Pode haver coisas muito mais agradáveis do que destruir civilizações e construir impérios.

An interesting concept is the Matrioshka Brain. |||||Matrioshka Gehirn| مفهوم مثير للاهتمام هو الدماغ ماتريوشكا. Le cerveau de Matrioshka est un concept intéressant. Um conceito interessante é o Cérebro Matrioshka. 一个有趣的概念是“Matrioshka Brain”。

A mega-structure surrounding a star, Une méga-structure entourant une étoile,

a computer of such computing power that an entire species could upload their consciousness and exist in a simulated universe. ||||Rechen|||||||||Bewusstsein|||||simulierten| un ordinateur d'une puissance telle qu'une espèce entière pourrait télécharger sa conscience et exister dans un univers simulé. um computador de tal poder computacional que uma espécie inteira poderia carregar sua consciência e existir em um universo simulado.

Potentially, one could experience an eternity of pure ecstasies without ever being bored or sad, a perfect life. |||||Ewigkeit|||Ekstasen||||||traurig||| Potenziell könnte man eine Ewigkeit reiner Ekstasen erleben, ohne jemals gelangweilt oder traurig zu sein - ein perfektes Leben. Potencialmente, pode-se experimentar uma eternidade de puro êxtase sem nunca ficar entediado ou triste, uma vida perfeita.

If built around a red dwarf, this computer could be powered for up to ten trillion years. ||||||||||betrieben|||||| إذا تم بناؤه حول قزم أحمر، يمكن تشغيل هذا الكمبيوتر لمدة تصل إلى عشرة تريليون عام. S'il est construit autour d'une naine rouge, cet ordinateur pourrait être alimenté pendant dix billions d'années. Se construído em torno de uma anã vermelha, este computador poderia ser alimentado por até dez trilhões de anos.

Who would want to conquer the galaxy or make contact with other life forms, if this were an option? ||||erobern|||||Kontakt herstellen||||||||| من يرغب في السيطرة على المجرة أو التواصل مع أشكال حياة أخرى، إذا كانت هذه خيارًا؟ Quem gostaria de conquistar a galáxia ou fazer contato com outras formas de vida, se isso fosse uma opção?

All these solutions to the Fermi Paradox have one problem. جميع هذه الحلول للغموض الفيرمي لها مشكلة واحدة. Toutes ces solutions au paradoxe de Fermi présentent un problème.

We don't know where the borders of technology are. |||||Grenzen||| لا نعرف أين حدود التكنولوجيا. Não sabemos onde estão as fronteiras da tecnologia.

We could be close to the limit or nowhere near it. قد نكون قريبين من الحد الأقصى أو لا نقترب منه على الإطلاق. Wir könnten nahe an der Grenze sein oder weit davon entfernt. Nous pourrions être proches de la limite ou loin de celle-ci. Podemos estar perto do limite ou longe disso.

And super technology awaits us, |||erwartet| والتكنولوجيا الخارقة تنتظرنا. E super tecnologia nos espera,

granting us immortality, transporting us to other galaxies, elevating us to the level of gods. ||Unsterblichkeit|transportierend|||||erheben|||||| تمنحنا خلوداً، تنقلنا إلى مجرات أخرى، ترفعنا إلى مستوى الآلهة. concedendo-nos a imortalidade, transportando-nos para outras galáxias, elevando-nos ao nível dos deuses.

One thing we do have to acknowledge is that we really don't know anything. شيء واحد يجب علينا الاعتراف به هو أننا حقًا لا نعرف شيئًا. Uma coisa que temos que reconhecer é que realmente não sabemos nada.

Humans have spent more than 90% of their existence as hunter-gatherers. ||verbrachten||||||||Sammler قضى البشر أكثر من 90٪ من وجودهم كمقاتلين وجامعين. Os humanos passaram mais de 90% de sua existência como caçadores-coletores.

500 years ago we thought we were the center of the universe. قبل 500 عام كنا نعتقد أننا مركز الكون.

200 years ago we stopped using human labors as the main source of the energy. ||||||Arbeiten||||||| قبل 200 عام توقفنا عن استخدام العمالة البشرية كمصدر رئيسي للطاقة. Il y a 200 ans, nous avons cessé d'utiliser le travail humain comme principale source d'énergie. Há 200 anos deixamos de usar o trabalho humano como principal fonte de energia. 200年前我们就不再使用人力作为能源的主要来源。

30 years ago we had apocalyptic weapons pointed at each other because of political disagreements. |||||||||||||Meinungsverschiedenheiten قبل 30 عامًا كانت لدينا أسلحة نهاية العالم موجهة نحو بعضها البعض بسبب الخلافات السياسية. Há 30 anos tínhamos armas apocalípticas apontadas umas para as outras por causa de divergências políticas.

In the galactic time scale we are embryos. |||||||Embryos في مقياس الزمن الكوني نحن أجنة. À l'échelle du temps galactique, nous sommes des embryons. Na escala de tempo galáctica somos embriões.

We've come far, but still have a long way to go. Wir haben|||||||||| لقد قطعنا مسافة طويلة، ولكن لا زلنا بحاجة إلى قطع مسافة طويلة أخرى. Nous avons beaucoup progressé, mais il nous reste encore beaucoup de chemin à parcourir. Chegamos longe, mas ainda temos um longo caminho a percorrer.

The mindset that we really are the center of the universe is still strong in humans, |Denkweise|||||||||||immer noch||| العقلية التي ترى أننا حقًا نحن المركز في الكون لا تزال قوية لدى البشر، L'idée que nous sommes vraiment le centre de l'univers est encore très présente chez les humains, A mentalidade de que realmente somos o centro do universo ainda é forte nos humanos,

so it's easy to make arrogant assumptions about life in the universe. ||||||Annahmen||||| لذلك من السهل أن نقوم بعمل افتراضات متغطرسة عن الحياة في الكون. Il est donc facile de faire des suppositions arrogantes sur la vie dans l'univers. então é fácil fazer suposições arrogantes sobre a vida no universo.

But in the end, there's only one way to find out, right? Mais en fin de compte, il n'y a qu'une seule façon de le savoir, n'est-ce pas ? Mas no final, só há uma maneira de descobrir, certo?

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