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Learn English With Videos (Mario Vergara), 022: Dean Ornish: The World’s Killer Diet

022: Dean Ornish: The World's Killer Diet

With all the legitimate concerns about AIDS and avian flu, and we'll hear about that from the brilliant Dr. Brilliant later today, I want to talk about the other pandemic, which is cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, all of which are completely preventable for at least 95 percent of people just by changing diet and lifestyle.

And what's happening is that there's a globalization of illness occurring, that people are starting to eat like us, and live like us, and die like us. And in one generation, for example, Asia's gone from having one of the lowest rates of heart disease and obesity and diabetes to one of the highest. And in Africa, cardiovascular disease equals the HIV and AIDS deaths in most countries. So there's a critical window of opportunity we have to make an important difference that can affect the lives of literally millions of people, and practice preventive medicine on a global scale.

Heart and blood vessel diseases still kill more people, not only in this country, but also worldwide, than everything else combined, and yet it's completely preventable for almost everybody. It's not only preventable; it's actually reversible. And for the last almost 29 years, we've been able to show that by simply changing diet and lifestyle, using these very high-tech, expensive, state-of-the-art measures to prove how powerful these very simple and low-tech and low-cost interventions can be like. Quantitative arteriography, before and after a year, and cardiac PET scans.

We showed a few months ago, we published the first study showing you can actually stop or reverse the progression of prostate cancer by making changes in diet and lifestyle, and 70 percent regression in the tumor growth, or inhibition of the tumor growth, compared to only nine percent in the control group. And in the MRI and MR spectroscopy here, the prostate tumor activity is shown in red, you can see it diminishing after a year.

Now there is an epidemic of obesity: two-thirds of adults and 15 percent of kids. What's really concerning to me is that diabetes has increased 70 percent in the past 10 years, and this may be the first generation in which our kids live a shorter life span than we do. That's pitiful, and it's preventable. Now these are not election returns, these are the people, the number of the people who are obese by state, beginning in '85, '86, '87, these are from the CDC website, '88, '89, '90, '91, you get a new category, '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, 2000, 2001, it gets worse. We're kind of devolving.

Now what can we do about this? Well, you know, the diet that we've found that can reverse heart disease and cancer is an Asian diet. But the people in Asia are starting to eat like we are, which is why they're starting to get sick like we are. So I've been working with a lot of the big food companies. They can make it fun and sexy and hip and crunchy and convenient to eat healthier foods, like, I chair the advisory boards to McDonald's, and PepsiCo, and ConAgra, and Safeway, and soon Del Monte, and they're finding that it's good business. The salads that you see at McDonald's came from the work, they're going to have an Asian salad. At Pepsi, two-thirds of their revenue growth came from their better foods.

And so if we can do that, then we can free up resources for buying drugs that you really do need for treating AIDS and HIV and malaria and for preventing avian flu. Thank you.

022: Dean Ornish: The World’s Killer Diet 022: Dean Ornish: Die tödlichste Diät der Welt 022: Dean Ornish: La dieta asesina del mundo 022 : Dean Ornish : Le régime le plus efficace au monde 022: Dean Ornish: Diet Pembunuh Dunia 022: Dean Ornish: La dieta più micidiale del mondo 022: ディーン・オーニッシュ世界のキラー・ダイエット 022: 딘 오니쉬: 세계의 킬러 다이어트 022: Dean Ornish: zabójcza dieta świata 022: Dean Ornish: A Dieta Assassina do Mundo 022: Дин Орниш: Убийственная диета мира 022: Dean Ornish: Dünyanın Katil Diyeti 022: Дін Орніш: Найубивчіша у світі дієта 022:Dean Ornish:世界杀手饮食 022:Dean Ornish:世界殺手飲食

With all the legitimate concerns about AIDS and avian flu, and we'll hear about that from the brilliant Dr. Brilliant later today, I want to talk about the other pandemic, which is cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, all of which are completely preventable for at least 95 percent of people just by changing diet and lifestyle. |||||||||||||||||parlak|||||||||||||||kardiyovasküler|hastalık||||||||önlenebilir||||yüzde|||||||| エイズと鳥インフルエンザに関する正当な懸念があり、ブリリアント博士から本日後半にそのことを聞く予定ですが、心臓血管疾患、糖尿病、高血圧である他のパンデミックについて話したいと思います。食事とライフスタイルを変えるだけで、少なくとも95%の人が予防できます。 Com todas as preocupações legítimas sobre AIDS e gripe aviária, e ouviremos sobre isso do brilhante Dr. Brilliant ainda hoje, quero falar sobre a outra pandemia, que é doença cardiovascular, diabetes, hipertensão, todas as quais são completamente evitável para pelo menos 95% das pessoas apenas mudando a dieta e o estilo de vida. AIDS ve kuş gribi ile ilgili tüm haklı endişeler bir yana, ki bu konuları bugün ilerleyen saatlerde Sayın Dr. Brilliant'dan dinleyeceğiz, ben diğer salgın olan kardiyovasküler hastalıklar, diyabet ve hipertansiyondan bahsetmek istiyorum; bunların hepsi insanların en az yüzde 95'i için sadece beslenme ve yaşam tarzını değiştirerek tamamen önlenebilir hastalıklardır.

And what's happening is that there's a globalization of illness occurring, that people are starting to eat like us, and live like us, and die like us. |||||||küreselleşme||hastalık|olan||||başlıyor|||||||||||| そして、起こっていることは、病気のグローバル化が起こっていること、人々が私たちのように食べ始め、私たちのように生活し、私たちのように死ぬことです。 E o que está acontecendo é que está ocorrendo uma globalização da doença, que as pessoas estão começando a comer como nós, viver como nós e morrer como nós. Происходит глобализация болезней, люди начинают есть, как мы, и жить, как мы, и умирать, как мы. Ve olan şey, hastalığın küreselleşmesi, insanların bizim gibi yemeye, bizim gibi yaşamaya ve bizim gibi ölmeye başlamasıdır. And in one generation, for example, Asia's gone from having one of the lowest rates of heart disease and obesity and diabetes to one of the highest. |||||||||||||en düşük|oranlar|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||ожиріння||||||| たとえば、ある世代では、アジアは、心臓病、肥満、糖尿病の発生率が最も低いものから、最も高いものになっています。 E em uma geração, por exemplo, a Ásia passou de uma das taxas mais baixas de doenças cardíacas, obesidade e diabetes para uma das mais altas. И за одно поколение, например, Азия перешла от одного из самых низких показателей сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, ожирения и диабета к одному из самых высоких. Örneğin bir nesil içinde Asya, kalp hastalığı, obezite ve diyabet oranlarının en düşük olduğu bölgelerden birinden en yüksek olduğu bölgelere dönüştü. And in Africa, cardiovascular disease equals the HIV and AIDS deaths in most countries. |||kardiyovasküler|||||||||| そしてアフリカでは、心血管疾患はほとんどの国でHIVとAIDSによる死亡と同等です。 E na África, as doenças cardiovasculares equivalem às mortes por HIV e AIDS na maioria dos países. А в Африке сердечно-сосудистые заболевания равны смертности от ВИЧ и СПИДа в большинстве стран. Afrika'da kardiyovasküler hastalıklar çoğu ülkede HIV ve AIDS ölümlerine eşittir. So there's a critical window of opportunity we have to make an important difference that can affect the lives of literally millions of people, and practice preventive medicine on a global scale. ||||||||||||||||||||kelimenin tam anlamıyla||||||önleyici|||||ölçek したがって、文字通り何百万人もの人々の生活に影響を与える可能性のある重要な違いを生み出し、世界規模で予防医学を実践しなければならない重要な機会の窓があります。 Portanto, temos uma janela de oportunidade crítica para fazer uma diferença importante que pode afetar a vida de literalmente milhões de pessoas e praticar a medicina preventiva em escala global. Таким образом, у нас есть критическая возможность, чтобы внести важные изменения, которые могут повлиять на жизнь буквально миллионов людей, и практиковать профилактическую медицину в глобальном масштабе. Dolayısıyla, kelimenin tam anlamıyla milyonlarca insanın hayatını etkileyebilecek önemli bir fark yaratmak ve küresel ölçekte önleyici tıp uygulamak için sahip olduğumuz kritik bir fırsat penceresi var.

Heart and blood vessel diseases still kill more people, not only in this country, but also worldwide, than everything else combined, and yet it's completely preventable for almost everybody. |||damar|hastalıkları||||||||||||dünyada||||bir araya getirildiğinde|||||||| 心臓と血管の病気は、この国だけでなく世界中で、他のすべてのものを組み合わせた場合よりも多くの人をなお殺していますが、それでもほとんどすべての人が完全に予防できます。 As doenças do coração e dos vasos sanguíneos ainda matam mais pessoas, não apenas neste país, mas também no mundo todo, do que tudo o mais combinado, e ainda assim é completamente evitável para quase todo mundo. It's not only preventable; it's actually reversible. 予防できるだけではありません。実際にはリバーシブルです。 Não é apenas evitável; é realmente reversível. Это не только предотвратимо; это на самом деле обратимо. And for the last almost 29 years, we've been able to show that by simply changing diet and lifestyle, using these very high-tech, expensive, state-of-the-art measures to prove how powerful these very simple and low-tech and low-cost interventions can be like. そして過去29年間、ダイエットとライフスタイルを変えるだけで、これらの非常にハイテクで高価で最先端の手段を使用して、これらの非常にシンプルで低ハイテクと低コストの介入は似ていることができます。 E nos últimos quase 29 anos, conseguimos mostrar isso simplesmente mudando a dieta e o estilo de vida, usando essas medidas de alta tecnologia, caras e de última geração para provar o quão poderosas essas medidas muito simples e de baixo custo intervenções tecnológicas e de baixo custo podem ser semelhantes. Ve neredeyse son 29 yıldır, bu çok basit, düşük teknolojili ve düşük maliyetli müdahalelerin ne kadar güçlü olabileceğini kanıtlamak için bu çok yüksek teknolojili, pahalı, son teknoloji ürünü önlemleri kullanarak, sadece diyet ve yaşam tarzını değiştirerek bunu gösterebildik. Quantitative arteriography, before and after a year, and cardiac PET scans. Arteriografia quantitativa, antes e após um ano, e PETs cardíacos. Количественная артериография до и через год и ПЭТ сердца.

We showed a few months ago, we published the first study showing you can actually stop or reverse the progression of prostate cancer by making changes in diet and lifestyle, and 70 percent regression in the tumor growth, or inhibition of the tumor growth, compared to only nine percent in the control group. Mostramos há alguns meses, publicamos o primeiro estudo mostrando que você pode realmente parar ou reverter a progressão do câncer de próstata fazendo mudanças na dieta e estilo de vida, e 70 por cento de regressão no crescimento do tumor, ou inibição do crescimento do tumor, em comparação com apenas nove por cento no grupo de controle. And in the MRI and MR spectroscopy here, the prostate tumor activity is shown in red, you can see it diminishing after a year. E na espectroscopia de ressonância magnética e ressonância magnética aqui, a atividade do tumor de próstata é mostrada em vermelho, você pode vê-la diminuindo após um ano. А вот на МРТ и МР спектроскопии активность опухоли предстательной железы показана красным цветом, видно, как она снижается через год.

Now there is an epidemic of obesity: two-thirds of adults and 15 percent of kids. Agora há uma epidemia de obesidade: dois terços dos adultos e 15% das crianças. Сейчас идет эпидемия ожирения: две трети взрослых и 15 процентов детей. What's really concerning to me is that diabetes has increased 70 percent in the past 10 years, and this may be the first generation in which our kids live a shorter life span than we do. That's pitiful, and it's preventable. Это жалко, и это можно предотвратить. Now these are not election returns, these are the people, the number of the people who are obese by state, beginning in '85, '86, '87, these are from the CDC website, '88, '89, '90, '91, you get a new category, '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, 2000, 2001, it gets worse. Agora, estes não são resultados eleitorais, são as pessoas, o número de pessoas obesas por estado, começando em 85, 86, 87, são do site do CDC, 88, 89, 90, '91, você ganha uma nova categoria, '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, 2000, 2001, fica pior. Şimdi bunlar seçim sonuçları değil, bunlar insanlar, eyaletlere göre obez olan insanların sayısı, '85, '86, '87'den başlayarak, bunlar CDC web sitesinden, '88, '89, '90, '91, yeni bir kategori alıyorsunuz, '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, 2000, 2001, daha da kötüye gidiyor. We're kind of devolving. Estamos meio que evoluindo. Мы как бы деградируем.

Now what can we do about this? Теперь, что мы можем сделать по этому поводу? Well, you know, the diet that we've found that can reverse heart disease and cancer is an Asian diet. Bem, você sabe, a dieta que descobrimos que pode reverter doenças cardíacas e câncer é uma dieta asiática. Ну, вы знаете, диета, которую мы обнаружили, которая может обратить вспять сердечные заболевания и рак, — это азиатская диета. But the people in Asia are starting to eat like we are, which is why they're starting to get sick like we are. Но люди в Азии начинают есть так же, как и мы, поэтому они начинают болеть, как и мы. Ama Asya'daki insanlar da bizim gibi yemeye başladılar, bu yüzden onlar da bizim gibi hastalanmaya başladılar. So I've been working with a lot of the big food companies. Então, tenho trabalhado com muitas das grandes empresas de alimentos. Так что я работал со многими крупными пищевыми компаниями. They can make it fun and sexy and hip and crunchy and convenient to eat healthier foods, like, I chair the advisory boards to McDonald's, and PepsiCo, and ConAgra, and Safeway, and soon Del Monte, and they're finding that it's good business. Eles podem tornar divertido, sexy, moderno, crocante e conveniente comer alimentos mais saudáveis, como, eu presido os conselhos consultivos do McDonald's, da PepsiCo, da ConAgra, da Safeway e em breve da Del Monte, e eles estão descobrindo que é bom negócios. Они могут сделать употребление здоровой пищи веселым, сексуальным, модным, хрустящим и удобным, например, я возглавляю консультативные советы McDonald's, PepsiCo, ConAgra, Safeway, а вскоре и Del Monte, и они приходят к выводу, что это хороший бизнес. The salads that you see at McDonald's came from the work, they're going to have an Asian salad. As saladas que você vê no McDonald's vieram do trabalho, eles vão ter uma salada asiática. Салаты, которые вы видите в Макдональдсе, пришли с работы, там будет азиатский салат. McDonald's'ta gördüğünüz salatalar işten geliyor, Asya salatası yapacaklar. At Pepsi, two-thirds of their revenue growth came from their better foods. Na Pepsi, dois terços do crescimento de sua receita vieram de seus melhores alimentos. В Pepsi две трети прироста выручки приходится на лучшую еду.

And so if we can do that, then we can free up resources for buying drugs that you really do need for treating AIDS and HIV and malaria and for preventing avian flu. E se pudermos fazer isso, podemos liberar recursos para a compra de medicamentos que você realmente precisa para tratar a AIDS, o HIV e a malária e para prevenir a gripe aviária. Thank you. Спасибо.