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Spotlight October&November/2011, (Spotlight4796)Baby Sign Language 10 October, 2011

(Spotlight4796)Baby Sign Language 10 October, 2011

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Joshua Leo. Voice 2

And I'm Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Sounds of a baby crying

Have you ever heard this sound? Sometimes this sound can be very frustrating. You may wonder what a baby wants when he cries. You become tired or angry that you do not know. You may wish that you could communicate with a crying baby.

Voice 2

Many people believe that babies are too young to communicate. People may believe that babies can only cry when they need something. Then it is the job of the parent or caregiver to try and discover what the baby wants.

Voice 1

But experts say it is possible for babies to communicate their needs in ways other than crying. Babies can learn a very special language. This language does not use speech. Instead, it uses particular hand signs. This baby sign language is easy for young babies to learn and copy.

Voice 2

Today's Spotlight is on baby sign language. Using this special form of communication can help parents and caregivers of children.

Voice 1

It takes an average baby about a year before she can start using words to communicate. Even then, she usually can only say one or two words at a time. And she is often difficult to understand! So, it is true that young babies cannot communicate their needs verbally, that is, by talking. They simply lack the skills to form words with their mouths. They are not able to make the right sounds to speak their needs.

Voice 2

We already know that babies can communicate in some very simple physical ways. They do this by using their hands, eyes, feet, and yes, their cries to communicate. Babies learn that when they cry they usually get an answer. So, many times, a baby will cry when she needs to be fed. A baby will cry if she is wet or dirty. And, a baby will cry if she needs to be held. She knows no other way to communicate. When babies cry, adults feed them, clean them, and hold them.

Voice 1

But, there is another way for babies to communicate their needs. That is through baby sign language! Baby sign language can save a lot of tears, crying, and screaming - for babies and parents. Baby sign language uses the hands to communicate. At about six months old, babies are still not able to speak words. The muscles needed to speak are not yet developed. But, the muscles in their hands have developed much more quickly. So babies can then begin to use their hands to communicate.

Voice 2

Babies learn almost everything through observing. They especially observe the adults around them. They learn by copying what they see. Adults can teach babies special signs using their hands. The hand signs represent words. Adults can use hand signs for words that are important to babies. These words include, eat, drink, more, change, and sleep. The more that adults repeat or practice these hand signs, the quicker their baby will begin to understand. It may take a short time for the baby to learn to use his hands in the correct way. But soon, the baby will be able to communicate his needs, without crying. Instead he can use a special sign.

Voice 1

Not all adults use the same hand signs to represent words. Some adults create their own signs. And some babies even create their own signs that adults must learn! But many adults look in special books for guidance. There are many resources like books and websites to learn baby sign language. Many of the signs are for words that are important to babies. Here is one example.

Voice 2

Eating is important to babies. There is a special sign for the word "eat." To make the sign, put your thumb and the tops of your four fingers together. Move the fingers towards your mouth, like you are going to put food in your mouth. This is the sign for "eat." Voice 1

It is easy to teach a baby the sign for "eat." When talking to a baby, simply make the "eat" sign every time you say the word "eat." For example, you may ask your baby, "Are you hungry? Are you ready to EAT?" When you say the word "eat" remember to make the sign. The more you repeat the special sign, the easier it is for your baby to learn to copy it. Soon, when your baby is hungry, he will make the "eat" sign with his hands. Voice 2

Adults must learn to watch carefully for the special hand signs. When they see a hand sign they should try to reward their baby. That is, they should give the baby what he asked for. If a baby uses the sign for "eat," then the adult should feed him. If the baby uses the sign for "drink" then the adult should let him drink. The sign for "change wet clothes" should be rewarded with a clean, dry diaper. And, if a baby signs "sleep" then the adult should let the baby rest. Giving the baby a rest gives adults a rest too!

Voice 1

Here are a few more ideas to remember when teaching a baby sign language.

Voice 2

First, always give the sign when you say the word. If you SAY "eat" then SIGN "eat" too. Voice 1

Second, be patient. It can take a few months for a baby to use hand signs.

Voice 2

Third, share your special signs with family members or other caregivers. They can use signs with your baby too.

Voice 1

Fourth, start simple. Do not make signs very complex. Make signs only for words that are important to your baby's life, like "eat," "more," "finished," and "milk!" Voice 2

Finally, always praise your baby when he tries to use a sign. It will encourage him to try again!

Voice 1

Research shows that baby sign language is very good for a baby. Sign language encourages babies to communicate earlier. They become active communicators. That is, they can begin communication with another person. Babies who know sign language can also communicate their needs easier. They feel understood. This makes them happier.

Voice 2

Babies are a special gift. It is a wonderful miracle when any baby is born. And each baby needs to receive lots of love and care. Learning the best way to communicate with a baby is just one way to show love.

Voice 1

The writer of today's program was Rebekah Schipper. The producer was Liz Waid. The voices you heard were from the United States. Computer users can hear our programs, read our scripts, and see our word list on our website athttp://www.radio.english.net. This program is called 'Baby Sign Language'. Voice 2

Tell us your opinions about baby sign language. Have you used this method? Email us your comments and questions. Our email address is radio @ english . net. you can also find us on Facebook. Just search for "Spotlight Radio." We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye!

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(Spotlight4796)Baby Sign Language 10 October, 2011 enfoque|||| (Spotlight4796) لغة الإشارة للأطفال 10 أكتوبر 2011 (Spotlight4796)Babyzeichensprache 10 Oktober, 2011 (Spotlight4796)Lenguaje de signos para bebés 10 octubre, 2011 (Spotlight4796)Langue des signes pour bébés 10 octobre, 2011 (Spotlight4796)Il linguaggio dei segni dei bambini 10 ottobre, 2011 (Spotlight4796)ベビー手話 2011年10月10日 (스포트라이트4796)아기 수화 2011년 10월 10일 (Spotlight4796)Kūdikių gestų kalba 10 spalio, 2011 (Spotlight4796)Język migowy dla niemowląt 10 października 2011 r. (Spotlight4796)Linguagem gestual para bebés 10 outubro, 2011 (Spotlight4796)Детский язык жестов 10 октября, 2011 (Spotlight4796)Bebek İşaret Dili 10 Ekim, 2011 (Spotlight4796) Дитяча жестова мова 10 жовтня, 2011 (Spotlight4796)婴儿手语 2011 年 10 月 10 日 (Spotlight4796)嬰兒手語 2011 年 10 月 10 日

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. ||ışık merkezi I'm Joshua Leo. Voice 2

And I'm Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Sounds of a baby crying 赤ちゃんの泣き声

Have you ever heard this sound? Sometimes this sound can be very frustrating. ||||||令人沮喪 時々、この音は非常にイライラすることがあります。 You may wonder what a baby wants when he cries. |||||||||哭泣時 You become tired or angry that you do not know. You may wish that you could communicate with a crying baby. ||希望|||||||| Sen|||||||||| 泣いている赤ちゃんとコミュニケーションが取れたらいいのにと思うかもしれません。 Pode desejar poder comunicar com um bebé que chora. 也許你希望自己能與一個哭泣的嬰兒溝通。

Voice 2 聲音 2

Many people believe that babies are too young to communicate. 多くの人は、赤ちゃんは幼すぎて意思疎通ができないと考えています。 Muitas pessoas acreditam que os bebés são demasiado novos para comunicar. 許多人認為嬰兒太小無法溝通。 People may believe that babies can only cry when they need something. As pessoas podem pensar que os bebés só choram quando precisam de alguma coisa. 人們可能認為嬰兒只有在需要東西時才會哭泣。 Then it is the job of the parent or caregiver to try and discover what the baby wants. |||||||||照顧者|||||||| |||||||||Betreuer|||||||| |||||||||bakıcı|||||||| 次に、赤ちゃんが何を望んでいるのかを見つけようとするのは、親または介護者の仕事です。 Depois, cabe aos pais ou à pessoa que cuida dele tentar descobrir o que o bebé quer. 然後父母或照顧者的工作就是嘗試找出嬰兒想要什麼。

Voice 1 聲音 1

But experts say it is possible for babies to communicate their needs in ways other than crying. |||||||嬰兒|||他們的需求||以|||| しかし、専門家は、赤ちゃんが泣く以外の方法で自分のニーズを伝えることは可能だと言います. Mas os especialistas dizem que é possível que os bebés comuniquem as suas necessidades de outras formas que não o choro. 但專家表示,嬰兒可以用其他方式表達需求,而不是哭泣。 Babies can learn a very special language. 赤ちゃんはとても特別な言語を学ぶことができます。 Os bebés podem aprender uma linguagem muito especial. 嬰兒可以學習一種非常特殊的語言。 This language does not use speech. |dil|||| この言語は音声を使用しません。 這種語言不使用言語。 Instead, it uses particular hand signs. |bunun yerine|||| 代わりに、特定のハンド サインを使用します。 Em vez disso, utiliza sinais manuais específicos. This baby sign language is easy for young babies to learn and copy. ||||||||||||模仿 このベビーサイン言語は、幼い赤ちゃんが学び、コピーするのが簡単です。

Voice 2

Today's Spotlight is on baby sign language. O Spotlight de hoje é sobre a linguagem gestual para bebés. Using this special form of communication can help parents and caregivers of children. |||||溝通方式|||||照顧者|| ||||||||||Betreuer|| ||||||||||bakıcılar|| この特別な形式のコミュニケーションを使用すると、親や子供の世話をする人を助けることができます。 使用這種特殊的溝通方式可以幫助兒童的父母和照顧者。

Voice 1 聲音 1

It takes an average baby about a year before she can start using words to communicate. |||平均|嬰兒||||||||||| 赤ちゃんが言葉を使ってコミュニケーションを取れるようになるまでには、平均で約1年かかります。 平均來說,嬰兒需要約一年的時間才能開始使用詞語進行溝通。 Even then, she usually can only say one or two words at a time. Bile||||||||||||| それでも、彼女は通常、一度に 1 つまたは 2 つの単語しか言えません。 Mesmo assim, normalmente só consegue dizer uma ou duas palavras de cada vez. And she is often difficult to understand! そして、彼女はしばしば理解するのが難しいです! So, it is true that young babies cannot communicate their needs verbally, that is, by talking. ||是|||||||||口頭|||| |||||||||||verbal kommunikation|||| |||||||||||sözlü olarak|||| ですから、幼い赤ちゃんが自分のニーズを口頭で、つまり話すことで伝えることができないのは事実です。 所以,年幼的嬰兒無法用口語來表達他們的需求,這是真的。 They simply lack the skills to form words with their mouths. ||缺乏|||||||| ||carecen de|||||||| 彼らは単に口で言葉を作るスキルを欠いている. 他們只是缺乏用嘴巴形成單詞的技能。 They are not able to make the right sounds to speak their needs. ||不|||||||||| 彼らは自分のニーズを話すのに適切な音を出すことができません。 他們無法發出正確的聲音來表達他們的需求。

Voice 2

We already know that babies can communicate in some very simple physical ways. 赤ちゃんが非常に単純な物理的な方法でコミュニケーションできることはすでにわかっています。 Já sabemos que os bebés podem comunicar de formas físicas muito simples. 我們已經知道嬰兒可以用一些非常簡單的身體方式來交流。 They do this by using their hands, eyes, feet, and yes, their cries to communicate. ||||||||||是的||||溝通 他們通過使用手、眼睛、腳,還有他們的哭聲來交流。 Babies learn that when they cry they usually get an answer. 赤ちゃんは、泣くと答えが返ってくることを学びます。 嬰兒學會了當他們哭的時候,他們通常會得到回應。 So, many times, a baby will cry when she needs to be fed. そのため、多くの場合、赤ちゃんは授乳が必要なときに泣きます。 Por isso, muitas vezes, um bebé chora quando precisa de ser alimentado. 所以,很多時候,嬰兒會在需要餵食時哭泣。 A baby will cry if she is wet or dirty. |||||||||髒的 嬰兒如果濕了或髒了也會哭。 And, a baby will cry if she needs to be held. ||||||||||被抱 ||||||||||sostenida en brazos そして、赤ちゃんは抱っこが必要になると泣きます。 而且,如果嬰兒需要被抱也會哭。 She knows no other way to communicate. ||||||溝通 彼女は他のコミュニケーション方法を知りません。 她不知道其他溝通方式。 When babies cry, adults feed them, clean them, and hold them. 當嬰兒哭泣時,成人會餵他們、幫他們清理,並抱著他們。

Voice 1 聲音 1

But, there is another way for babies to communicate their needs. ||||||||溝通|| 但是,寶寶還有另一種表達需求的方式。 That is through baby sign language! それがベビーサイン言語です! 那就是寶寶手語! Baby sign language can save a lot of tears, crying, and screaming - for babies and parents. |||||||||||尖叫|||| |||||||||||Schreien|||| 赤ちゃんの手話は、赤ちゃんと親にとって、涙、泣き声、叫び声の多くを救うことができます。 寶寶手語可以幫助節省很多眼淚、哭鬧和尖叫 - 對於寶寶和父母來說。 Baby sign language uses the hands to communicate. |||||||溝通 嬰兒手語利用手來溝通。 At about six months old, babies are still not able to speak words. 在大約六個月大的時候,嬰兒仍然無法說出單詞。 The muscles needed to speak are not yet developed. |||||||還沒有| ||necesarias|||||| 話すために必要な筋肉はまだ発達していません。 說話所需的肌肉尚未發展。 But, the muscles in their hands have developed much more quickly. 但是,他們手中的肌肉發展得更快。 So babies can then begin to use their hands to communicate. ||||||||||溝通 所以嬰兒可以開始用手來溝通。

Voice 2 聲音 2

Babies learn almost everything through observing. |||||觀察 |||||Beobachtung 赤ちゃんは観察することでほとんどすべてのことを学びます。 嬰兒幾乎所有的東西都是通過觀察學習的。 They especially observe the adults around them. ||觀察|||| ||beobachten|||| 他們特別觀察周圍的成年人。 They learn by copying what they see. |||複製||| 他們透過模仿所看到的來學習。 Adults can teach babies special signs using their hands. 成年人可以用雙手教嬰兒特別的手勢。 The hand signs represent words. |||代表| ハンドサインは言葉を表しています。 手勢代表著單詞。 Adults can use hand signs for words that are important to babies. 大人は、赤ちゃんにとって重要な言葉にハンドサインを使用できます。 成年人可以使用手勢來表達對嬰兒重要的單詞。 These words include, eat, drink, more, change, and sleep. これらの言葉には、食べる、飲む、もっと、変える、寝るなどがあります。 這些單詞包括,吃、喝、更多、換尿布和睡覺。 The more that adults repeat or practice these hand signs, the quicker their baby will begin to understand. 大人がこれらのハンドサインを繰り返したり、練習すればするほど、赤ちゃんはより早く理解し始めます。 成年人重複或練習這些手勢的次數越多,他們的寶寶開始理解的速度就會越快。 It may take a short time for the baby to learn to use his hands in the correct way. 赤ちゃんが正しい方法で手を使うことを学ぶには、少し時間がかかるかもしれません。 寶寶可能需要一段時間才能學會正確地使用雙手。 But soon, the baby will be able to communicate his needs, without crying. ||||||||溝通|||| 但很快,寶寶就能在不哭的情況下表達他的需求。 Instead he can use a special sign. 代替|||||| 相反,他可以使用一個特殊的符號。

Voice 1 聲音 1

Not all adults use the same hand signs to represent words. |||||||||表示| すべての大人が同じ手のサインを使って言葉を表すわけではありません。 並不是所有的成人都使用相同的手勢來代表詞語。 Some adults create their own signs. And some babies even create their own signs that adults must learn! また、一部の赤ちゃんは、大人が学ばなければならない独自のサインを作成することさえあります! 有些嬰兒甚至會創造自己的手勢,讓成人必須學習! But many adults look in special books for guidance. ||||||||指導 ||||||||Rat しかし、多くの大人は、ガイダンスのために特別な本を探します。 但是許多成年人會在特殊書籍中尋求指導。 There are many resources like books and websites to learn baby sign language. ベビーサインを学ぶための本やウェブサイトなど、多くのリソースがあります。 有許多資源,例如書籍和網站,可以學習嬰兒手語。 Many of the signs are for words that are important to babies. 標識の多くは、赤ちゃんにとって重要な言葉です。 許多手勢是針對對嬰兒來說重要的詞語。 Here is one example.

Voice 2

Eating is important to babies. There is a special sign for the word "eat." 「食べる」という言葉には特別な記号があります。 To make the sign, put your thumb and the tops of your four fingers together. ||||||拇指|||||||| ||||||Daumen|||Spitzen||||| ||||||pulgar|||||||| サインを作るには、親指と 4 本の指の頭を合わせます。 要做這個手勢,將你的拇指和四個手指的指尖放在一起。 Move the fingers towards your mouth, like you are going to put food in your mouth. 食べ物を口に入れるように、指を口に近づけます。 將手指移向你的嘴巴,就像要將食物放進嘴裡一樣。 This is the sign for "eat." これが「食べる」のサインです。 這是"吃"的手勢。 Voice 1

It is easy to teach a baby the sign for "eat." 赤ちゃんに「食べる」というサインを教えるのは簡単です。 教一個嬰兒學習「吃」的手勢是很容易的。 When talking to a baby, simply make the "eat" sign every time you say the word "eat." 赤ちゃんに話しかけるときは、「食べる」という言葉を言うたびに「食べる」のサインを作るだけです。 當與嬰兒交談時,每次說到「吃」這個詞時,簡單地做出「吃」的手勢。 For example, you may ask your baby, "Are you hungry? 例如,你可以問你的嬰兒:「你餓嗎?」 Are you ready to EAT?" When you say the word "eat" remember to make the sign. 「食べる」という言葉を言うときは、合図をすることを忘れないでください。 The more you repeat the special sign, the easier it is for your baby to learn to copy it. 特別なサインを繰り返せば繰り返すほど、赤ちゃんはそれをコピーすることを学びやすくなります. Soon, when your baby is hungry, he will make the "eat" sign with his hands. 赤ちゃんはお腹がすいたら、すぐに手で「食べる」サインを出します。 Voice 2

Adults must learn to watch carefully for the special hand signs. When they see a hand sign they should try to reward their baby. ハンドサインが見えたら、赤ちゃんにご褒美をあげようとします。 That is, they should give the baby what he asked for. つまり、彼らは赤ちゃんが求めたものを赤ちゃんに与えるべきです。 If a baby uses the sign for "eat," then the adult should feed him. 赤ちゃんが「食べる」というサインを使用する場合、大人は彼に食事を与える必要があります. If the baby uses the sign for "drink" then the adult should let him drink. The sign for "change wet clothes" should be rewarded with a clean, dry diaper. ||||||||belohnt werden||||| 「濡れた服を着替える」という合図は、清潔で乾いたおむつで報われるべきです. And, if a baby signs "sleep" then the adult should let the baby rest. そして、赤ちゃんが「寝る」とサインしたら、大人は赤ちゃんを休ませるべきです。 Giving the baby a rest gives adults a rest too! 赤ちゃんを休めば大人も休める!

Voice 1

Here are a few more ideas to remember when teaching a baby sign language. ベビーサインを教えるときに覚えておくべきいくつかのアイデアを次に示します。

Voice 2

First, always give the sign when you say the word. If you SAY "eat" then SIGN "eat" too. Voice 1

Second, be patient. 第二に、我慢してください。 It can take a few months for a baby to use hand signs. 赤ちゃんがハンドサインを使えるようになるまでには、数か月かかることがあります。

Voice 2

Third, share your special signs with family members or other caregivers. They can use signs with your baby too. 彼らはあなたの赤ちゃんにもサインを使うことができます。

Voice 1

Fourth, start simple. Do not make signs very complex. 記号を非常に複雑にしないでください。 Make signs only for words that are important to your baby's life, like "eat," "more," "finished," and "milk!" 「食べる」「もっと」「終わった」「ミルク! Voice 2

Finally, always praise your baby when he tries to use a sign. ||loben||||||||| 最後に、赤ちゃんがサインを使おうとするときは、必ず褒めてください。 It will encourage him to try again!

Voice 1

Research shows that baby sign language is very good for a baby. Sign language encourages babies to communicate earlier. They become active communicators. |||Kommunikatoren 彼らは積極的なコミュニケーターになります。 That is, they can begin communication with another person. つまり、彼らは他の人とのコミュニケーションを開始できます。 Babies who know sign language can also communicate their needs easier. 手話を知っている赤ちゃんは、自分のニーズをより簡単に伝えることができます。 They feel understood. 彼らは理解されていると感じます。 This makes them happier.

Voice 2

Babies are a special gift. It is a wonderful miracle when any baby is born. And each baby needs to receive lots of love and care. Learning the best way to communicate with a baby is just one way to show love.

Voice 1

The writer of today's program was Rebekah Schipper. ||||||Rebekah Schipper|Schipper The producer was Liz Waid. The voices you heard were from the United States. Computer users can hear our programs, read our scripts, and see our word list on our website athttp://www.radio.english.net. This program is called 'Baby Sign Language'. Voice 2

Tell us your opinions about baby sign language. Have you used this method? Email us your comments and questions. Our email address is radio @ english . net. you can also find us on Facebook. Just search for "Spotlight Radio." We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye!