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Spotlight October&November/2011, (Spotlight4787)Traditional Music in Indonesia 03 October, 2011

(Spotlight4787)Traditional Music in Indonesia 03 October, 2011

Voice 1

Hello and welcome to Spotlight.

I'm Christy VanArragon. Voice 2

And I'm Joshua Leo.

Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. Voice 1

The Republic of Indonesia is made up of more than 17,500 islands.

These islands are a home to more than 225 million people. There are 300 different ethnic groups in Indonesia. That is a lot of different cultures! It is hard to identify one particular style of music with that many different cultures. But there is one style of music that can be considered traditional in Indonesia. Today's Spotlight program is on Gamelan music. Voice 2

Gamelan music is a traditional form of music that is popular in the areas around Java and Bali in Indonesia. Gamelan music is influenced by many other cultures, including China, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and even parts of Europe. Voice 1

Gamelon music is played by groups of musicians – orchestras.

The root of the word gemalen is gamel. This means to hammer or hit with a mallet. Many of the instruments are round metal discs, or flat bars. A musician hits them with a stick - a mallet. Voice 2

Each gamelan orchestra is different from each other.

However they all still have the same organization. Each orchestra organizes the musicians in the same order, based on the kind of instruments. The music from the Javanese gamelan sounds a little different than the music from the Balinese gamelan. The areas of Java and Bali have a different history and culture, and this creates different kinds of music. Voice 1

The earliest evidence of Gamelan music and its many instruments is from about twelve hundred [1,200] years ago. The evidence includes stone pictures of the instruments in the Borobudur Buddhist temple in Java. Many of the instruments in the pictures are not used today. But they still played an important part in the earliest Gamelan music. Voice 2

One instrument that is missing from the pictures is the gong.

The gong is a very popular and important instrument in Gamelan music today. Gongs are usually flat metal discs or circles. A person hits the gong with a mallet. There are often different kinds of gongs. There are gongs that hang in the air. Some gongs sit on an open table. There are even hand held gongs. These different positions help to create many different sounds. Voice 1

Historical documents show that gongs first appeared in Indonesia around the ninth century. At this time, they were only a weapon for battle. The sound made enemies afraid. They did not appear as instruments until the thirteenth [13th] and fourteenth [14th] centuries. Historians date the gongs to this time because of pictures on temple walls. However, gongs probably did not come from Indonesia. There is no evidence of the bronze gongs in Indonesia before the ninth century. But gongs were common in surrounding countries before then. It is likely that these instruments were brought from other countries. Voice 2

During the Majapahit period, all the elements of gamelan music came together. This empire, or kingdom, covered most of Indonesia and some surrounding areas about seven hundred years ago. The music included the influences from China and Southeast Asia. Java became known as the birthplace of gamelan music. Voice 1

The Majapahit empire ended in the fourteenth century.

This led to the rise of the Mataram empire. The remaining Majapahit kingdoms moved to the island of Bali. This led to a cultural divide between Bali and the rest of Indonesia. Voice 2

The music you are listening to is Balinese gamelan music.

This music is still played today. It is very similar to the music of the Majapahit period. The music sounds similar because musicians play many of the same instruments as in the past. But while the instruments have remained similar, the style of music has changed. Each generation has added their own sound to the music. Voice 1

The music you are now hearing is Javanese gamelan music.

The rise of the Mataram empire here changed the music and the instruments in many important ways. Voice 2

For example, bronze metal workers of this period made bronze differently. The new techniques helped to make new bronze instruments, including very large gongs. Today, they are used in both Javanese and Balinese gamelan music. But Mataram bronze first made them possible. Voice 1

The use and purpose for the music also changed.

In the Majapahit period, gamelan music was played in open air temples. People believed that the music invited ancient spirits, and made evil spirits afraid. But the Mataram empire changed the way the people worshipped. The people had been Hindu. Now they were Muslim. Musicians did not play for worship. Instead, they played for important government events. Instead of the open air temples, the music was played inside. People used the music to meditate - to slow and direct their thoughts. Voice 2

The change of environment and purpose changed the sound of the music.

Because the Javanese music was played in buildings, the instruments had to change. The mallets and the gongs needed to be softer. This made the instruments a little more quiet. The softer vibrations made for more pleasing music for the ears. The music also slowed down to take advantage of the sound in the new buildings. Voice 1

Even during the past one hundred years, gamelan music has continued to change. Today, government performing arts schools are the future of gamelan music. Students create new music and dance with the gamelan music. They are influenced by Western music. But the students are also expanding the popularity and knowledge of gamelan music around the world. Voice 2

Gamelan music has been important in Indonesia for hundreds of years.

It is not the same as it was eight hundred years ago. But it continues to be important today. Change in music is something every culture experiences. Each culture changes with each generation. These changes keep culture alive and important to the people. With the interest of the Indonesian people, Gamelan music will continue to live for many centuries more. Voice 1

To hear more gamelan music, visit the links on our website at http://www.radio.english.net.

Voice 2

The writer of this program was Erin Layman.

The producer was Joshua Leo. The voices were from the United States. This program is called 'Traditional Music in Indonesia'. Voice 1

If you have a comment or question you can email us.

Our email address is radio@english.net. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter. Just search for Spotlight Radio. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.

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(Spotlight4787)Traditional Music in Indonesia 03 October, 2011 (Spotlight4787)Traditionelle Musik in Indonesien 03 Oktober, 2011 (Spotlight4787)Música tradicional en Indonesia 03 octubre, 2011 (Spotlight4787)Musique traditionnelle en Indonésie 03 October, 2011 (Spotlight4787)インドネシアの伝統音楽 2011年10月03日 (스포트라이트4787)인도네시아의 전통 음악 2011년 10월 03일 (Spotlight4787)Muzyka tradycyjna w Indonezji 03 Październik, 2011 (Spotlight4787)Música tradicional na Indonésia 03 outubro, 2011 (Spotlight4787)Традиционная музыка в Индонезии 03 октября, 2011 (Spotlight4787)Endonezya'da Geleneksel Müzik 03 Ekim, 2011 (Spotlight4787)印度尼西亚的传统音乐 2011 年 10 月 3 日

Voice 1 Voz 1

Hello and welcome to Spotlight. Hello and welcome to Spotlight. Hola y bienvenido a Spotlight.

I’m Christy VanArragon. Soy Christy VanArragon. Voice 2 Voz 2

And I’m Joshua Leo. Y yo soy Joshua Leo.

Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. Spotlight utiliza un método especial de transmisión en inglés. Spotlight 使用特殊的英文廣播方式。 It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. Es más fácil de entender para las personas, sin importar en qué parte del mundo vivan. 人們更容易理解,無論他們生活在世界的哪個地方。 Voice 1 Voz 1

The Republic of Indonesia is made up of more than 17,500 islands. |nation||The archipelago||||||| La República de Indonesia está formada por más de 17.500 islas. Republika Indonezji składa się z ponad 17 500 wysp. 印度尼西亞共和國由 17,500 多個島嶼組成。

These islands are a home to more than 225 million people. Estas islas albergan a más de 225 millones de personas. これらの島々には2億2500万人以上の人々が住んでいます。 這些島嶼是超過 2.25 億人口的家園。 There are 300 different ethnic groups in Indonesia. |||ethnischen||| |||cultural communities||| |||étnica||| Hay 300 grupos étnicos diferentes en Indonesia. 印尼有 300 個不同的民族。 That is a lot of different cultures! ¡Eso es muchas culturas diferentes! It is hard to identify one particular style of music with that many different cultures. ||||identifizieren|||||||||| ||||identificar|||||||||| Es difícil identificar un estilo de música en particular con tantas culturas diferentes. Trudno jest zidentyfikować jeden konkretny styl muzyczny z tak wieloma różnymi kulturami. 很難將特定的音樂風格與多種不同的文化區分開來。 在這麼多不同的文化中,要確定一種特定的音樂風格是困難的。 But there is one style of music that can be considered traditional in Indonesia. |||||||which|||||| Pero hay un estilo de música que puede considerarse tradicional en Indonesia. Jest jednak jeden styl muzyczny, który można uznać za tradycyjny w Indonezji. 但有一種音樂風格可以被認為是印尼的傳統音樂。 Today’s Spotlight program is on Gamelan music. |||||Gamelan| |||||Indonesian traditional ensemble| |||||Gamelan| Voice 2

Gamelan music is a traditional form of music that is popular in the areas around Java and Bali in Indonesia. |||||||||||||||Java|||| 加麥蘭音樂是一種傳統音樂形式,流行於印尼爪哇島和峇裡島週邊地區。 Gamelan music is influenced by many other cultures, including China, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and even parts of Europe. ||||||||||sudeste asiático||||||||| 加麥蘭音樂受到許多其他文化的影響,包括中國、東南亞、中東甚至歐洲部分地區。 Voice 1

Gamelon music is played by groups of musicians – orchestras. Gamelon|||||||| ||||||||orquestras La música de Gamelon es interpretada por grupos de músicos: orquestas. Muzyka gamelonowa jest wykonywana przez grupy muzyków - orkiestry. 加美隆音樂由音樂家團體-管弦樂團演奏。

The root of the word gemalen is gamel. |||Die||gemalt|| gemalen 這個字的字根是 gamel。 This means to hammer or hit with a mallet. |||hämmern|||||Hammer ||||||||Strike with mallet. |||martelar|||||martelo de borracha Oznacza to wbijanie lub uderzanie młotkiem. 這意味著用木槌錘擊或敲擊。 Many of the instruments are round metal discs, or flat bars. |||Instrumente||||Scheiben||| |||||||discos|||barras planas Wiele instrumentów to okrągłe metalowe tarcze lub płaskowniki. 許多樂器是圓形金屬盤或扁條。 A musician hits them with a stick - a mallet. 一位音樂家用一根棍子──木槌──敲擊他們。 Voice 2

Each gamelan orchestra is different from each other. ||Orchester||||| 每個加美蘭管弦樂團都彼此不同。

However they all still have the same organization. |||||||organização 然而,他們仍然擁有相同的組織。 Each orchestra organizes the musicians in the same order, based on the kind of instruments. ||ordnet|||||||||||| |orquestra||||||||||||| Każda orkiestra organizuje muzyków w tej samej kolejności, w oparciu o rodzaj instrumentów. 每個管弦樂團根據樂器的種類,以相同的順序組織音樂家。 每個管弦樂團都根據樂器的種類以相同的順序安排音樂家。 The music from the Javanese gamelan sounds a little different than the music from the Balinese gamelan. ||||javanesisch|||||||||||balinesischen| |||||||||||||||balinesa| 爪哇加美蘭的音樂聽起來與峇裡島加美蘭的音樂有些不同。 The areas of Java and Bali have a different history and culture, and this creates different kinds of music. 爪哇和峇裡島地區有不同的歷史和文化,這創造了不同類型的音樂。 Voice 1

The earliest evidence of Gamelan music and its many instruments is from about twelve hundred [1,200] years ago. |früheste||||||||||||||| |mais antiga||||||||||||||| Najwcześniejsze dowody na istnienie muzyki Gamelan i jej wielu instrumentów pochodzą sprzed około dwustu [1200] lat. 加美蘭音樂及其多種樂器的最早證據可以追溯到大約一千二百 [1,200] 年前。 The evidence includes stone pictures of the instruments in the Borobudur Buddhist temple in Java. ||||||||||Borobudur-Temp|||| ||||||||||Borobudur|||| 證據包括爪哇婆羅浮屠佛教寺廟中法器的石畫。 Many of the instruments in the pictures are not used today. Wiele z instrumentów na zdjęciach nie jest obecnie używanych. 圖片中的許多儀器如今已不再使用。 But they still played an important part in the earliest Gamelan music. Wciąż jednak odgrywały one ważną rolę w najwcześniejszej muzyce Gamelan. 但它們仍然在最早的甘美蘭音樂中發揮著重要作用。 Voice 2

One instrument that is missing from the pictures is the gong. ||||||||||Gong ||||||||||percussion musical instrument ||||||||||o gongue Jednym z instrumentów, którego brakuje na zdjęciach jest gong. 圖片中缺少的一種樂器是鑼。

The gong is a very popular and important instrument in Gamelan music today. 鑼是當今加美蘭音樂中非常流行且重要的樂器。 Gongs are usually flat metal discs or circles. Gongs|||||||Kreise |||||||círculos 鑼通常是扁平的金屬圓盤或圓形。 A person hits the gong with a mallet. There are often different kinds of gongs. 通常有不同種類的鑼。 There are gongs that hang in the air. Some gongs sit on an open table. There are even hand held gongs. Są nawet ręczne gongi. 甚至還有手持鑼。 These different positions help to create many different sounds. 這些不同的位置有助於產生許多不同的聲音。 Voice 1

Historical documents show that gongs first appeared in Indonesia around the ninth century. |||||||||||neunten| 歷史文獻顯示,鑼最早於九世紀左右出現在印尼。 At this time, they were only a weapon for battle. |||||||Waffe|| |||||||arma de combate|| W tym czasie były one jedynie bronią do walki. 此時,它們只是戰鬥的武器。 The sound made enemies afraid. El sonido atemorizó a los enemigos. Dźwięk sprawił, że wrogowie zaczęli się bać. 這聲音讓敵人感到害怕。 They did not appear as instruments until the thirteenth [13th] and fourteenth [14th] centuries. ||||||||dreizehnten|||vierzehnten||Jahrhunderte No aparecieron como instrumentos hasta los siglos XIII [XIII] y XIV [XIV]. 直到十三世紀和十四世紀,它們才以樂器出現。 Historians date the gongs to this time because of pictures on temple walls. Historiker|||||||||||| Historycy datują gongi na ten okres ze względu na malowidła na ścianach świątyń. 歷史學家根據寺廟牆上的圖畫將鑼的年代定為這個時期。 However, gongs probably did not come from Indonesia. 然而,鑼可能不是來自印尼。 There is no evidence of the bronze gongs in Indonesia before the ninth century. ||||||Bronzeglocken||||||| 印尼沒有九世紀以前的青銅鑼的證據。 But gongs were common in surrounding countries before then. Ale gongi były powszechne w okolicznych krajach już wcześniej. 但在此之前鑼在周邊國家就已經很常見了。 It is likely that these instruments were brought from other countries. Prawdopodobnie instrumenty te zostały przywiezione z innych krajów. 這些儀器很可能是從其他國家帶來的。 Voice 2

During the Majapahit period, all the elements of gamelan music came together. ||Majapahit-Zeit||||||||| W okresie Majapahit wszystkie elementy muzyki gamelan połączyły się. 在滿者伯夷時期,加美蘭音樂的所有元素都聚集在一起。 This empire, or kingdom, covered most of Indonesia and some surrounding areas about seven hundred years ago. To imperium lub królestwo obejmowało większość Indonezji i niektóre okoliczne obszary około siedemset lat temu. 大約七百年前,這個帝國或王國覆蓋了印尼的大部分地區和一些週邊地區。 The music included the influences from China and Southeast Asia. ||||Einflüsse||||| La música incluyó las influencias de China y el sudeste asiático. Muzyka zawierała wpływy z Chin i Azji Południowo-Wschodniej. Java became known as the birthplace of gamelan music. |||||Wiege||| |||||origin of||| Java se hizo conocido como el lugar de nacimiento de la música gamelán. 爪哇被稱為加美蘭音樂的發源地。 Voice 1 Voz 1

The Majapahit empire ended in the fourteenth century.

This led to the rise of the Mataram empire. |||||||Mataram-Reich| Doprowadziło to do powstania imperium Mataram. 這導致了馬塔蘭帝國的崛起。 The remaining Majapahit kingdoms moved to the island of Bali. |verbleibenden||Königreiche|||||| 其餘的滿者伯夷王國遷至峇裡島。 This led to a cultural divide between Bali and the rest of Indonesia. |||||Kluft||||||| 這導致了巴厘島和印度尼西亞其他地區之間的文化鴻溝。 Voice 2

The music you are listening to is Balinese gamelan music. 您正在聽的音樂是峇裡島加美蘭音樂。

This music is still played today. 這首音樂至今仍在演奏。 It is very similar to the music of the Majapahit period. The music sounds similar because musicians play many of the same instruments as in the past. 音樂聽起來很相似,因為音樂家演奏的許多樂器與過去相同。 But while the instruments have remained similar, the style of music has changed. Podczas gdy instrumenty pozostały podobne, zmienił się styl muzyki. 但是,儘管樂器保持相似,音樂風格卻發生了變化。 Each generation has added their own sound to the music. 每一代人都在音樂中加入了自己的聲音。 Voice 1

The music you are now hearing is Javanese gamelan music. 您現在聽到的音樂是爪哇加美蘭音樂。

The rise of the Mataram empire here changed the music and the instruments in many important ways. Powstanie imperium Mataram zmieniło muzykę i instrumenty na wiele ważnych sposobów. 馬塔蘭帝國的崛起在許多重要方面改變了音樂和樂器。 Voice 2

For example, bronze metal workers of this period made bronze differently. Na przykład, brązownicy z tego okresu wytwarzali brąz w inny sposób. 例如,這段時期的青銅金屬工人以不同的方式製造青銅。 The new techniques helped to make new bronze instruments, including very large gongs. 新技術有助於製造新的青銅樂器,包括非常大的鑼。 Today, they are used in both Javanese and Balinese gamelan music. 如今,它們被用於爪哇和巴厘島加美蘭音樂。 But Mataram bronze first made them possible. 但馬塔蘭青銅首先使它們成為可能。 Voice 1 Voz 1

The use and purpose for the music also changed. El uso y el propósito de la música también cambiaron. Zmieniło się również zastosowanie i cel muzyki. 音樂的用途和目的也改變了。

In the Majapahit period, gamelan music was played in open air temples. |||||||||||sacred outdoor structures En el período Majapahit, la música gamelán se tocaba en los templos al aire libre. W okresie Majapahit muzyka gamelan była odtwarzana w świątyniach na świeżym powietrzu. 在滿者伯夷時期,露天寺廟演奏加美蘭音樂。 People believed that the music invited ancient spirits, and made evil spirits afraid. ||||||very old|||||| La gente creía que la música invitaba a los espíritus antiguos y atemorizaba a los espíritus malignos. Ludzie wierzyli, że muzyka zapraszała starożytne duchy i sprawiała, że złe duchy bały się. 人們相信音樂會邀請遠古的神靈,使惡靈感到害怕。 But the Mataram empire changed the way the people worshipped. |||||||||anbeteten Pero el imperio Mataram cambió la forma en que la gente adoraba. Ale imperium Mataram zmieniło sposób, w jaki ludzie oddawali cześć. 但馬塔蘭帝國改變了人們的崇拜方式。 The people had been Hindu. ||||Hinduistisch Ludzie byli Hindusami. 這裡的人都是印度教徒。 Now they were Muslim. Teraz byli muzułmanami. Musicians did not play for worship. Muzycy nie grali dla kultu. 音樂家演奏並不是為了崇拜。 Instead, they played for important government events. 相反,他們參加重要的政府活動。 Instead of the open air temples, the music was played inside. Zamiast świątyń na świeżym powietrzu, muzyka była odtwarzana wewnątrz. 音樂不是在露天寺廟播放,而是在裡面播放。 People used the music to meditate - to slow and direct their thoughts. |||||meditar||||guiar|| 人們用音樂來冥想——放慢並引導他們的思想。 Voice 2

The change of environment and purpose changed the sound of the music. Zmiana otoczenia i celu zmieniła brzmienie muzyki. 環境和目的的改變改變了音樂的聲音。

Because the Javanese music was played in buildings, the instruments had to change. |||||||edifícios||||| Debido a que la música javanesa se tocaba en los edificios, los instrumentos tuvieron que cambiar. The mallets and the gongs needed to be softer. ||||||||weicher |os maços|||||||mais suaves This made the instruments a little more quiet. 這使得儀器變得更加安靜。 The softer vibrations made for more pleasing music for the ears. ||||||angenehm|||| ||vibrações||||agradável|||| 更柔和的振動讓耳朵聽到更悅耳的音樂。 The music also slowed down to take advantage of the sound in the new buildings. |||diminuía de velocidade||||tirar proveito||||||| Muzyka również zwolniła, aby wykorzystać dźwięk w nowych budynkach. 音樂也放慢了速度,以利用新建築中的聲音。 Voice 1

Even during the past one hundred years, gamelan music has continued to change. Nawet w ciągu ostatnich stu lat muzyka gamelanowa wciąż się zmieniała. 即使在過去的一百年裡,加美蘭音樂也在不斷變化。 Today, government performing arts schools are the future of gamelan music. Obecnie rządowe szkoły sztuk performatywnych są przyszłością muzyki gamelan. 如今,政府表演藝術學校是加美蘭音樂的未來。 Students create new music and dance with the gamelan music. They are influenced by Western music. 他們受到西方音樂的影響。 But the students are also expanding the popularity and knowledge of gamelan music around the world. |||||||Beliebtheit|||||||| 但學生們也在全世界擴大加美蘭音樂的知名度和知識。 Voice 2

Gamelan music has been important in Indonesia for hundreds of years. 數百年來,甘美蘭音樂在印尼一直很重要。

It is not the same as it was eight hundred years ago. To nie to samo, co osiemset lat temu. 這和八百年前不一樣了。 But it continues to be important today. 但今天它仍然很重要。 Change in music is something every culture experiences. |||||||erlebt Zmiany w muzyce to coś, czego doświadcza każda kultura. 音樂的變化是每種文化都會經歷的事情。 Each culture changes with each generation. 每種文化隨著每一代的發展而改變。 These changes keep culture alive and important to the people. 這些變化使文化保持活力並且對人們很重要。 With the interest of the Indonesian people, Gamelan music will continue to live for many centuries more. |||||indonesischen Bevölkerung||||||||||| Dzięki zainteresowaniu Indonezyjczyków muzyka Gamelan będzie żyła jeszcze przez wiele stuleci. 隨著印尼人民的興趣,甘美蘭音樂將繼續存在幾個世紀。 Voice 1

To hear more gamelan music, visit the links on our website at http://www.radio.english.net.

Voice 2

The writer of this program was Erin Layman. ||||||Erin Layman|Layman

The producer was Joshua Leo. The voices were from the United States. This program is called 'Traditional Music in Indonesia'. Voice 1

If you have a comment or question you can email us.

Our email address is radio@english.net. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter. Just search for Spotlight Radio. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.