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BBC - English In A Minute (YouTube), 3 uses of 'can' - English In A Minute - YouTube

3 uses of 'can' - English In A Minute - YouTube

Welcome back to English In A Minute.

I'm James and today we're going to talk about a word

with lots of different uses: can.

I can play the guitar.

This is the first way that we can use 'can'

– to talk about ability.

For example:

I can speak Spanish, but I can't fly.

Let's look at another use of 'can'.

Can I open the window, Elly?

Elly: No, you can't! It's too cold!

James: Oh, OK!

In this example, 'can' is used to ask for or give

permission to do something.

Can I go for lunch, Elly?

Elly: Yes, of course you can, James!

James: Oh, thank you!

Learning a language can be difficult.

In this final example,

'can' is used to talk about possibility.

Elly take a jacket. It can get cold at night!

Elly: OK! Thanks, James!

James: This means that sometimes it is cold,

but sometimes it isn't.

So there we have it.

'Can' can be used for ability, permission and possibility.

Now you, can use 'can' too.

See you next time!

3 uses of 'can' - English In A Minute - YouTube 3 Verwendungen von 'can' - English In A Minute - YouTube 3 usos de 'can' - English In A Minute - YouTube 3 utilisations de "can" - English In A Minute - YouTube can」の3つの用法 - English In A Minute - YouTube 'can'의 3가지 용도 - 1분 안에 영어 - YouTube 3 zastosowania 'can' - Angielski w minutę - YouTube 3 usos de 'can' - Inglês Num Minuto - YouTube 3 варианта использования "can" - Английский за минуту - YouTube 'can' kelimesinin 3 kullanımı - English In A Minute - YouTube 3 способи вживання слова "can" - English In A Minute - YouTube “can”的 3 种用法 - 一分钟英语 - YouTube “can”的 3 種用法 - 一分鍾英語 - YouTube

Welcome back to English In A Minute. Willkommen zurück zu English In A Minute. Bem-vindo de volta ao Inglês Num Minuto. Bir Dakikada İngilizce'ye tekrar hoş geldiniz.

I'm James and today we're going to talk about a word Ich bin James und heute werden wir über ein Wort sprechen Ben James ve bugün bir kelime hakkında konuşacağız

with lots of different uses: can. mit vielen verschiedenen Anwendungen: can. birçok farklı kullanım alanı olan: can.

I can play the guitar. Ich kann Gitarre spielen. Gitar çalabilirim.

This is the first way that we can use 'can' Dies ist die erste Möglichkeit, wie wir 'can' verwenden können Bu, 'can' kelimesini kullanabileceğimiz ilk yoldur

– to talk about ability. – über Können sprechen. – to talk about ability. - yetenek hakkında konuşmak için.

For example: Örneğin:

I can speak Spanish, but I can't fly. Ich kann Spanisch sprechen, aber ich kann nicht fliegen. İspanyolca konuşabiliyorum ama uçamıyorum.

Let's look at another use of 'can'. Schauen wir uns eine andere Verwendung von „can“ an. Şimdi 'can' kelimesinin başka bir kullanımına bakalım.

Can I open the window, Elly? Kann ich das Fenster öffnen, Elly? Pencereyi açabilir miyim, Elly?

Elly: No, you can't! It's too cold! Elly: Nein, das kannst du nicht! Es ist zu kalt! Elly: Hayır, yapamazsın! Hava çok soğuk!

James: Oh, OK! James: Oh, okay!

In this example, 'can' is used to ask for or give In diesem Beispiel wird „kann“ verwendet, um zu bitten oder zu geben 이 예에서 'can'은 다음을 요청하거나 제공할 때 사용됩니다. Bu örnekte, 'can' istemek veya vermek için kullanılmıştır

permission to do something. Erlaubnis, etwas zu tun. 무언가를 할 수 있는 권한을 부여합니다. bir şey yapmak için izin.

Can I go for lunch, Elly? Kann ich zum Mittagessen gehen, Elly? Öğle yemeğine gidebilir miyim, Elly?

Elly: Yes, of course you can, James! Elly: Ja, natürlich kannst du das, James!

James: Oh, thank you! James: Oh, danke!

Learning a language can be difficult. Eine Sprache zu lernen kann schwierig sein.

In this final example, In diesem letzten Beispiel Bu son örnekte,

'can' is used to talk about possibility. 'can' wird verwendet, um über Möglichkeiten zu sprechen. 'can' olasılık hakkında konuşmak için kullanılır.

Elly take a jacket. It can get cold at night! Elly, nimm eine Jacke. Nachts kann es kalt werden! Elly weź kurtkę. W nocy może być zimno! Elly bir ceket al. Geceleri soğuk olabilir!

Elly: OK! Thanks, James! Elli: Okay! Danke, James! Elly: TAMAM! Teşekkürler, James!

James: This means that sometimes it is cold, James: Das bedeutet, dass es manchmal kalt ist, James: Bu, bazen havanın soğuk olduğu anlamına gelir,

but sometimes it isn't. aber manchmal ist es nicht. але іноді це не так.

So there we have it. Da haben wir es also. 여기까지입니다. İşte bu kadar.

'Can' can be used for ability, permission and possibility. „Kann“ kann für Fähigkeit, Erlaubnis und Möglichkeit verwendet werden.

Now you, can use 'can' too. Jetzt können Sie auch 'can' verwenden.

See you next time! Bis zum nächsten Mal! Bir dahaki sefere görüşürüz!