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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), What does 'to play a blinder' mean? - YouTube

What does 'to play a blinder' mean? - YouTube

Rob: Welcome to The English We Speak.

I'm Rob and I'm live here with the hero of

the day, Feifei.

Feifei: Thanks Rob. Hello everyone.

Rob: Now, let's talk about that fantastic


BBC Learning English FC were two goals

down, and then you came along and

scored three times in the last ten

minutes. How do you feel?

Feifei: Well, it was really all down to the


I was just the right person in the right

place today.

Rob: A very modest answer, but the crowd

are going wild about you. Just listen…

It's fair to say Feifei, you played a blinder!

Feifei: Just doing my job. Though, as a

proud BBC Learning English FC player,

there is one thing I would like to say to the


Rob: Of course, go ahead.

Feifei: I'd like to explain that phrase you

used - ‘to play a blinder'. ‘To play a blinder'

is a phrase used to describe an amazing

display of skill, usually in sports, but also

in other areas in life.

Rob: Yes, not only did you play a blinder in

the football game today, Feifei, you

played a blinder with that definition!

Listen to the crowd…

Feifei: I'd like to add a little more, Rob.

Why do we use the word ‘blinder'?

Well, imagine you're watching a dazzling

performance – something so good it

seems to shine brightly. The idea

is that it's so shiny, so dazzling, it could

cause someone watching to go blind.

Rob: Like looking at the sun. Thankfully,

it's just an expression. If you're watching

or listening to this show, we're sure your

eyesight won't be affected! Let's have

some more examples.

Theresa played a blinder today in the final.

What a simply amazing performance on

the tennis court.

Did you see Mexico beating Germany in

the World Cup? Mexican forward

Hirving Lozano played an absolute


Darren, what an awesome presentation!

You played a blinder. I'm pretty sure we've

just won some new clients.

Rob: You are listening to the English We

Speak from BBC Learning English. Please

notice that in the last example, we weren't

talking about sport. You can also play a

blinder in a work or business context, or

anything that involves skill and


Feifei: Well, Rob, I think we've both played

a blinder today.

Rob: Thank you, thank you. Which

reminds me…

Hang on a second…

let's bring back the cheering crowd!

Feifei: I love it. Wouldn't it be great if we

could have people cheering us just like

that in real life?

Rob: And wouldn't it be fantastic if, in real

life, you were actually good at football!

Feifei: Hey, come on! We both know

I played a blinder – at least in the


Rob: OK.

Both: Bye.

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What does 'to play a blinder' mean? - YouTube |||||partita eccezionale|| Was bedeutet "einen Blender spielen"? - YouTube ¿Qué significa "jugar un cegador"? - YouTube Que signifie "jouer un coup de poker" ? - YouTube Che cosa significa "giocare un colpo di fortuna"? - YouTube ブラインダーのプレー」とは?- YouTube O que significa "to play a blinder"? - YouTube 'Bir blinder oynamak' ne anlama geliyor? - YouTube Що означає "грати в сліпу"? - YouTube “装瞎子”是什么意思? - YouTube

Rob: Welcome to The English We Speak.

I'm Rob and I'm live here with the hero of ||||||||eroe|

the day, Feifei.

Feifei: Thanks Rob. Hello everyone.

Rob: Now, let's talk about that fantastic


BBC Learning English FC were two goals BBCラーニング・イングリッシュ FCは2つのゴールを決めた

down, and then you came along and そして君がやってきて

scored three times in the last ten 直近の10試合で3得点

minutes. How do you feel?

Feifei: Well, it was really all down to the 菲菲:そうだね。


I was just the right person in the right

place today.

Rob: A very modest answer, but the crowd |||||||folla

are going wild about you. Just listen…

It's fair to say Feifei, you played a blinder! |giusto||||||| 菲菲のプレーは素晴らしかった!

Feifei: Just doing my job. Though, as a

proud BBC Learning English FC player,

there is one thing I would like to say to the


Rob: Of course, go ahead.

Feifei: I'd like to explain that phrase you

used - ‘to play a blinder'. ‘To play a blinder'

is a phrase used to describe an amazing

display of skill, usually in sports, but also

in other areas in life.

Rob: Yes, not only did you play a blinder in

the football game today, Feifei, you

played a blinder with that definition!

Listen to the crowd…

Feifei: I'd like to add a little more, Rob.

Why do we use the word ‘blinder'?

Well, imagine you're watching a dazzling |||||abbagliante

performance – something so good it

seems to shine brightly. The idea

is that it's so shiny, so dazzling, it could

cause someone watching to go blind.

Rob: Like looking at the sun. Thankfully,

it's just an expression. If you're watching

or listening to this show, we're sure your

eyesight won't be affected! Let's have vista||||| 視力に影響はないそれでは

some more examples.

Theresa played a blinder today in the final.

What a simply amazing performance on

the tennis court.

Did you see Mexico beating Germany in

the World Cup? Mexican forward

Hirving Lozano played an absolute


Darren, what an awesome presentation!

You played a blinder. I'm pretty sure we've

just won some new clients.

Rob: You are listening to the English We

Speak from BBC Learning English. Please

notice that in the last example, we weren't

talking about sport. You can also play a

blinder in a work or business context, or

anything that involves skill and


Feifei: Well, Rob, I think we've both played

a blinder today.

Rob: Thank you, thank you. Which

reminds me…

Hang on a second…

let's bring back the cheering crowd!

Feifei: I love it. Wouldn't it be great if we

could have people cheering us just like

that in real life?

Rob: And wouldn't it be fantastic if, in real

life, you were actually good at football!

Feifei: Hey, come on! We both know

I played a blinder – at least in the


Rob: OK.

Both: Bye.