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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), What does 'to have a soft spot' mean? - YouTube

What does 'to have a soft spot' mean? - YouTube

Feifei: Hello, this is The English We Speak

and I'm Feifei.

Rob: And hello, I'm Rob.

Feifei: Rob, didn't you know it's very rude

to eat while talking?

Rob: Sorry! It's just... somebody left these

doughnuts here and I had

to eat them - I have

a soft spot for doughnuts.

Feifei: Couldn't you wait?

Rob: No, sorry I can't - ooo, is that

chocolate I can see in your bag -

you couldn't spare

a few chunks could you? I have

a soft spot for chocolate as well.

Feifei: No Rob, you can't but can I assume

a 'soft spot' refers to your large and soft

belly you have as a result of eating

too many sweet things?

Rob: How dare you! Having a soft spot

does not mean having a fat belly -

not that I have one anyway.

If you have a soft spot for something,

it means you have the

feeling of really liking

something or someone.

Feifei: Right. And it's quite

a strong feeling?

Rob: It is. When you have a soft spot

for someone it means you

have a lot of affection

for them. Is there anyone you

have a soft spot for, Feifei?

Feifei: Hmmm. At the moment I just

have soft spot for some examples!

He always had a soft spot for the

woman in accounts - and guess what?

Now they're getting married!

She has a soft spot for designer shoes -

her cupboard is crammed with

hundreds of pairs,

some she's never even worn!

She's got a soft spot for her

English teacher and keeps buying him

presents - and she's

always the first to turn up for his lessons.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English and

we're learning about

the phrase 'to have a soft spot' - which is

a feeling of really liking something

or someone.

So Rob, you asked if I had a soft spot

for someone and I do!

Rob: Ooo, go on.

Feifei: He's tall and handsome...

Rob: Oh yes.

Feifei: A little beard...

Rob: Of course...

Feifei: And a natural performer.

Rob: I knew it! You only had to say, Feifei...

Feifei: Yes, it's the great actor, Scott Foley.

Rob: Oh I see. You have a soft spot

for him?

Feifei: I do. And how about you, Rob?

Rob: There's nobody - just doughnuts -

soft, round, sweet and squidgy

in the middle - what's

not to like?

Feifei: Ah, just like you then!

Rob: Time to go Feifei. Bye!

Feifei: Bye bye!

What does 'to have a soft spot' mean? - YouTube |||||blanda|debilidad|| Was bedeutet "eine Schwäche haben"? - YouTube ¿Qué significa "tener un punto débil"? - YouTube Cosa significa "avere un debole"? - YouTube ソフト・スポットを持つ」とは?- YouTube '부드러워지다'의 뜻은 무엇인가요? - YouTube O que significa "ter um ponto fraco"? - YouTube Что означает "иметь нежные места"? - YouTube 'Yumuşak bir noktaya sahip olmak' ne anlama gelir? - YouTube Що означає "мати м'яке місце"? - YouTube “有软肋”是什么意思? - YouTube 「有軟肋」是什麼意思? - Youtube

Feifei: Hello, this is The English We Speak

and I'm Feifei.

Rob: And hello, I'm Rob.

Feifei: Rob, didn't you know it's very rude

to eat while talking?

Rob: Sorry! It's just... somebody left these

doughnuts here and I had ciambelle||||

to eat them - I have

a soft spot for doughnuts.

Feifei: Couldn't you wait?

Rob: No, sorry I can't - ooo, is that

chocolate I can see in your bag -

you couldn't spare ||risparmiare ||no podías permitir no podías prescindir 惜しい

a few chunks could you? I have ||fragmentos|||| 少し塊を取ってくれないか?私は

a soft spot for chocolate as well.

Feifei: No Rob, you can't but can I assume

a 'soft spot' refers to your large and soft

belly you have as a result of eating

too many sweet things?

Rob: How dare you! Having a soft spot ロブ:よく言うよ!優しいところ

does not mean having a fat belly -

not that I have one anyway. 私は持っていないけど

If you have a soft spot for something,

it means you have the

feeling of really liking

something or someone.

Feifei: Right. And it's quite

a strong feeling?

Rob: It is. When you have a soft spot

for someone it means you

have a lot of affection

for them. Is there anyone you

have a soft spot for, Feifei?

Feifei: Hmmm. At the moment I just 菲菲:うーん。今のところ

have soft spot for some examples!

He always had a soft spot for the

woman in accounts - and guess what? ||contabilità||| 経理担当の女性だ。

Now they're getting married!

She has a soft spot for designer shoes -

her cupboard is crammed with |armadio||stracolmo|

hundreds of pairs,

some she's never even worn! ||||indossati 一度も着たことのないものもある!

She's got a soft spot for her

English teacher and keeps buying him 英語教師を買収し続ける

presents - and she's そして彼女は

always the first to turn up for his lessons.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English and

we're learning about

the phrase 'to have a soft spot' - which is

a feeling of really liking something

or someone.

So Rob, you asked if I had a soft spot

for someone and I do! 誰かのために!

Rob: Ooo, go on.

Feifei: He's tall and handsome...

Rob: Oh yes.

Feifei: A little beard... |||barba

Rob: Of course...

Feifei: And a natural performer.

Rob: I knew it! You only had to say, Feifei...

Feifei: Yes, it's the great actor, Scott Foley.

Rob: Oh I see. You have a soft spot

for him?

Feifei: I do. And how about you, Rob?

Rob: There's nobody - just doughnuts -

soft, round, sweet and squidgy ||||morbido e gommoso 柔らかくて、丸くて、甘くて、イカっぽい

in the middle - what's 真ん中

not to like? 気に入らない?

Feifei: Ah, just like you then! 菲菲:じゃあ、あなたみたい!

Rob: Time to go Feifei. Bye!

Feifei: Bye bye!