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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), What does 'make a song and dance (about something)' mean? - YouTube

What does 'make a song and dance (about something)' mean? - YouTube

Feifei: Hello, this is The English We Speak

and I'm Feifei.

Rob: And hello, I'm Rob.

Feifei: Hey Rob, watch this...

Rob: Yeah very impressive, Feifei. But why

are you singing and dancing?

Feifei: Well, I booked a holiday in a lovely

hotel with a fantastic swimming pool.

Rob: Right. And you're celebrating by

singing and dancing? Very strange!

Feifei: No Rob, of course not! There's a

problem - the swimming pool is

closed for refurbishment

and I want to cancel my holiday but the

hotel won't let me.

Rob: Oh right. So you're singing about it?

Feifei: No. Neil told me to call the hotel

again and make a song and dance

about my reservation

- so I'm practising before I do.

Rob: Hold on Feifei. Don't waste your

time. What Neil means by 'to make

a song and dance

about it', is to make lots of unnecessary

fuss about it - basically, to overreact.

Feifei: Got it! So, overreact - yes,

I can do that!

Rob: Well, go and make that phone call

while we listen to some examples...

My boyfriend makes such a song and

dance about doing the housework -

but to be honest, it's

not that hard!

Don't make a song and dance about it -

I only asked you to move seats

so I could see the screen.

I can't believe they lost your suitcase at

the airport; you should make

a song and dance

about this and get a proper apology.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English and we're learning about

the phrase 'to make a song and dance

about something' which means

to make a lot of unnecessary

fuss about something. And Rob,

that's what I did when I called the hotel...

Rob: So, you overreacted?

Feifei: Yes.

Rob: You made lots of fuss?

You made a scene?

Feifei: I did, and guess what?

Rob: What?

Feifei: They apologised and offered me a

free holiday when the swimming pool

has reopened

and said I could bring a guest for free.

Rob: Brilliant - a free guest!

So, when shall we go?

Feifei: We Rob? No, I'm taking

my best friend Maria.

Rob: What?! I'm not your best friend?! All

that time we've worked together.

All the things

I've given you...

Feifei: Calm down, Rob.

Don't make a song and dance about it.

I'll send you a postcard.

Rob: Oh thanks.

Feifei: Bye.

Rob: Bye.

What does 'make a song and dance (about something)' mean? - YouTube Was bedeutet "einen Song und einen Tanz (über etwas) machen"? - YouTube ¿Qué significa "hacer una canción y bailar (sobre algo)"? - YouTube Que signifie "faire une chanson et une danse (à propos de quelque chose)" ? - YouTube Cosa significa "fare una canzone e una danza (su qualcosa)"? - YouTube make a song and dance (about something)」とはどういう意味ですか?- ユーチューブ '(어떤 것에 대해) 노래와 춤을 만들다'는 무슨 뜻인가요? - YouTube O que significa "fazer uma canção e dançar (sobre algo)"? - YouTube Что означает "исполнять песни и танцы (по поводу чего-либо)"? - YouTube 'Bir şey hakkında şarkı söyleyip dans etmek' ne anlama geliyor? - YouTube Що означає "зробити пісню і танець (про щось)"? - YouTube 载歌载舞(关于某事)"是什么意思?- YouTube 载歌载舞(关于某事)"是什么意思?- YouTube

Feifei: Hello, this is The English We Speak

and I'm Feifei.

Rob: And hello, I'm Rob.

Feifei: Hey Rob, watch this...

Rob: Yeah very impressive, Feifei. But why

are you singing and dancing?

Feifei: Well, I booked a holiday in a lovely

hotel with a fantastic swimming pool.

Rob: Right. And you're celebrating by

singing and dancing? Very strange!

Feifei: No Rob, of course not! There's a

problem - the swimming pool is

closed for refurbishment

and I want to cancel my holiday but the

hotel won't let me.

Rob: Oh right. So you're singing about it?

Feifei: No. Neil told me to call the hotel

again and make a song and dance

about my reservation

- so I'm practising before I do.

Rob: Hold on Feifei. Don't waste your

time. What Neil means by 'to make

a song and dance

about it', is to make lots of unnecessary

fuss about it - basically, to overreact. Make a scene|||||

Feifei: Got it! So, overreact - yes,

I can do that!

Rob: Well, go and make that phone call

while we listen to some examples...

My boyfriend makes such a song and

dance about doing the housework -

but to be honest, it's

not that hard!

Don't make a song and dance about it -

I only asked you to move seats

so I could see the screen.

I can't believe they lost your suitcase at

the airport; you should make

a song and dance

about this and get a proper apology.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English and we're learning about

the phrase 'to make a song and dance

about something' which means

to make a lot of unnecessary

fuss about something. And Rob,

that's what I did when I called the hotel...

Rob: So, you overreacted?

Feifei: Yes.

Rob: You made lots of fuss?

You made a scene?

Feifei: I did, and guess what?

Rob: What?

Feifei: They apologised and offered me a ||said sorry||||

free holiday when the swimming pool

has reopened

and said I could bring a guest for free.

Rob: Brilliant - a free guest!

So, when shall we go?

Feifei: We Rob? No, I'm taking

my best friend Maria.

Rob: What?! I'm not your best friend?! All

that time we've worked together.

All the things

I've given you...

Feifei: Calm down, Rob.

Don't make a song and dance about it.

I'll send you a postcard.

Rob: Oh thanks.

Feifei: Bye.

Rob: Bye.