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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), What does 'hard-nosed' mean? - YouTube

What does 'hard-nosed' mean? - YouTube

Feifei: Hello, welcome to The English

We Speak, with me, Feifei

Rob: And me, Rob. Now Feifei, would you

call yourself hard-nosed?

Feifei: Oh here we go again - you're trying

to insult me. Can we leave my nose out of

the conversation please?

Rob: I was starting to compliment you.

Feifei: Go on - why is having

a hard nose a compliment?

Rob: Not having a hard nose but

being hard-nosed describes

someone who is practical...

Feifei: OK.

Rob: ...someone who is determined

and tough-minded. That's you, isn't it?

Feifei: Hmmm maybe. Well, yes I suppose

that could describe me.

Rob: I thought so. Let's hear some more

examples of this word 'hard-nosed'...

She's a hard-nosed reporter - she got

the scoop that none of the other

TV channels managed to get.

When my son was ill I asked

my boss for time off but he's so

hard-nosed he said 'no'!

Our company is in financial trouble,

we need a hard-nosed business person

to come in and

save us from closing.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English and

we're learning about

the word 'hard-nosed', which describes

someone who is practical,

determined and tough-minded.

But hold on, Rob...

Rob: Yes?

Feifei: I've been researching this word

and understand that being hard-nosed

also describes

someone who is stubborn,

unforgiving and insensitive!

Erm, Rob, can we talk about this please?

Rob: I was trying to be nice!

Feifei: I don't care. I will not forgive you.

Rob: What about if I called you


Feifei: No. From now on I'm only going to

present with Neil. Now, I've got a pile of

work to do so I'm off

to write some scripts.

Rob: There you go - hard-nosed - practical,

determined, stubborn and unforgiving.

Feifei: Goodbye!

Rob: What did I say?

What does 'hard-nosed' mean? - YouTube Was bedeutet "hartnäckig"? - YouTube ¿Qué significa "duro"? - YouTube Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire "intransigeant" ? - Youtube Che cosa significa "a muso duro"? - YouTube ハードノーズ」とは?- ユーチューブ '하드코즈'의 뜻은 무엇인가요? - YouTube Co oznacza słowo "twardy"? - YouTube O que significa "hard-nosed"? - YouTube Что означает "непримиримый"? - YouTube 'Hard-nosed' ne anlama geliyor? - YouTube Що означає "жорсткий"? - YouTube “铁石心肠”是什么意思- YouTube 「鐵石心腸」是什麼意思? - Youtube

Feifei: Hello, welcome to The English Feifei : Bonjour, bienvenue sur The English

We Speak, with me, Feifei Nous parlons, avec moi, Feifei

Rob: And me, Rob. Now Feifei, would you Rob : Et moi, Rob. Maintenant Feifei, voudriez-vous

call yourself hard-nosed? appelez-vous dur? nazywać siebie twardym?

Feifei: Oh here we go again - you're trying

to insult me. Can we leave my nose out of pour m'insulter. Pouvons-nous laisser mon nez hors de beni aşağılamak için. Burnumu

the conversation please? la conversation s'il vous plait?

Rob: I was starting to compliment you. Rob : Je commençais à te complimenter. Rob: Zacząłem prawić ci komplementy.

Feifei: Go on - why is having Feifei : Allez, pourquoi avoir

a hard nose a compliment? un nez dur un compliment? twardy nos to komplement?

Rob: Not having a hard nose but

being hard-nosed describes

someone who is practical...

Feifei: OK.

Rob: ...someone who is determined

and tough-minded. That's you, isn't it?

Feifei: Hmmm maybe. Well, yes I suppose

that could describe me.

Rob: I thought so. Let's hear some more

examples of this word 'hard-nosed'...

She's a hard-nosed reporter - she got

the scoop that none of the other

TV channels managed to get.

When my son was ill I asked

my boss for time off but he's so

hard-nosed he said 'no'!

Our company is in financial trouble,

we need a hard-nosed business person

to come in and

save us from closing.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English and

we're learning about

the word 'hard-nosed', which describes

someone who is practical,

determined and tough-minded.

But hold on, Rob...

Rob: Yes?

Feifei: I've been researching this word

and understand that being hard-nosed

also describes

someone who is stubborn,

unforgiving and insensitive!

Erm, Rob, can we talk about this please?

Rob: I was trying to be nice!

Feifei: I don't care. I will not forgive you.

Rob: What about if I called you


Feifei: No. From now on I'm only going to

present with Neil. Now, I've got a pile of

work to do so I'm off

to write some scripts.

Rob: There you go - hard-nosed - practical,

determined, stubborn and unforgiving.

Feifei: Goodbye!

Rob: What did I say?