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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), What does 'clever clogs' mean? - YouTube

What does 'clever clogs' mean? - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak,

I'm Feifei… and you are?

Rob: I'm Rob!

Feifei: Yes, of course you are.

And what is the capital of Greenland?

Rob: Strange question.

Why are you asking?

Feifei: Well, somebody has sold me this pair of

‘clever clogs' and I'm trying them out.

But they don't seem to be working.

I don't feel any cleverer.

Rob: Well, they're nice shoes, Feifei,

but I'm afraid wearing them

won't improve your intelligence.

In fact,

buying them has made you look stupid, not clever.

Feifei: Oh! Thanks!

Rob: Clogs are interesting, though.

They're made of wood, and were first made in Holland.

They were used for farming,

but are also used for dancing and…

Feifei: Yes, Rob!

I know you're trying to show how clever you are,

but it's actually quite annoying.

Rob: Well, I'm just demonstrating what a 'clever clogs' is.

It's someone who is annoying

because they think they know more than everyone else.

Feifei: That sounds like you!

Let's hear some clever examples…

Examples: If you're such a clever clogs,

why don't you work out our accounts?

My brother's such a clever clogs.

He always comes first in the pub quiz.

We got lost in the city because Neil,

being such a clever clogs,

insisted he knew the right way to go.

He didn't!

Feifei: This is The English We Speak

from BBC Learning English

and we're talking about the expression ‘clever clogs',

which is used to describe someone who is annoying

because they think they know more than everyone else,

or they always think they're right.

Rob: Yes, and of course I'm right in saying

you were stupid to buy a pair of 'clever clogs'

to make you more intelligent.

You can't buy intelligence!

Feifei: Actually they're very comfortable

and ideal for wearing around the office.

But come on Mr Clever Clogs.

If you're so smart,

what is the capital of Greenland?

Rob: Well, it's Anchorage of course.

Feifei: Wrong!

The capital of Greenland is Nuuk.

Who's clever now?

Rob: Smart Alec!

Feifei: Smart Feifei, actually. Bye.

Rob: Goodbye.

What does 'clever clogs' mean? - YouTube Was bedeutet "clevere Clogs"? - YouTube ¿Qué significa "zuecos inteligentes"? - YouTube O que significa "tamancos inteligentes"? - YouTube 'Akıllı takunyalar' ne anlama geliyor? - YouTube Що таке "розумні бахіли"? - YouTube “聪明的木屐”是什么意思? - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak,

I'm Feifei… and you are?

Rob: I'm Rob!

Feifei: Yes, of course you are.

And what is the capital of Greenland?

Rob: Strange question.

Why are you asking?

Feifei: Well, somebody has sold me this pair of

‘clever clogs' and I'm trying them out.

But they don't seem to be working. しかし、うまくいっていないようだ。

I don't feel any cleverer.

Rob: Well, they're nice shoes, Feifei,

but I'm afraid wearing them

won't improve your intelligence.

In fact,

buying them has made you look stupid, not clever.

Feifei: Oh! Thanks!

Rob: Clogs are interesting, though.

They're made of wood, and were first made in Holland.

They were used for farming,

but are also used for dancing and…

Feifei: Yes, Rob!

I know you're trying to show how clever you are,

but it's actually quite annoying.

Rob: Well, I'm just demonstrating what a 'clever clogs' is.

It's someone who is annoying

because they think they know more than everyone else. 因为他们认为他们比其他人知道的更多。

Feifei: That sounds like you!

Let's hear some clever examples…

Examples: If you're such a clever clogs,

why don't you work out our accounts? 私たちの収支を計算したらどうだ?

My brother's such a clever clogs.

He always comes first in the pub quiz. パブクイズではいつも1位。 他总是在酒吧测验中排名第一。

We got lost in the city because Neil, 我们在城里迷路了,因为尼尔,

being such a clever clogs,

insisted he knew the right way to go.

He didn't!

Feifei: This is The English We Speak

from BBC Learning English

and we're talking about the expression ‘clever clogs',

which is used to describe someone who is annoying

because they think they know more than everyone else,

or they always think they're right.

Rob: Yes, and of course I'm right in saying

you were stupid to buy a pair of 'clever clogs' 你买了一双“聪明的木屐”是愚蠢的

to make you more intelligent. 让你更聪明。

You can't buy intelligence! 你买不到智慧!

Feifei: Actually they're very comfortable 菲菲:其实他们很舒服

and ideal for wearing around the office. 非常适合在办公室佩戴。

But come on Mr Clever Clogs. 但是来吧,聪明的木屐先生。

If you're so smart,

what is the capital of Greenland?

Rob: Well, it's Anchorage of course. Rob:嗯,当然是安克雷奇。

Feifei: Wrong!

The capital of Greenland is Nuuk.

Who's clever now? 现在谁聪明?

Rob: Smart Alec! 罗布:聪明的亚历克!

Feifei: Smart Feifei, actually. Bye.

Rob: Goodbye.