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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), Mardy: The English We Speak - YouTube

Mardy: The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak. I'm Feifei.

Rob: And hi, I'm Rob. Hey, Feifei.

Why the long face?

Feifei: What's wrong with my face?

Rob: I mean, why are you looking so...


Feifei: Grumpy!?

Rob: Yes... moody.

Feifei: Moody! There is nothing wrong -

this is my normal face. Why are you

throwing so many insults at me?

Rob: Oh come on, you do look

a bit bad-tempered.

Feifei: I'm not bad-tempered.

But I'm getting angry now.

Rob: Oh great! Then I can describe you

as mardy.

Feifei: Mardy? I hope that's not

another insult.

Rob: It's not an insult - but 'mardy' does

describe someone who is in a bad mood,

moans a lot and gets annoyed easily.

So, thanks for demonstrating that, Feifei!

Feifei: My pleasure!

Let's hear some examples...

There are no desks for Pedro to work at

today so he has to sit on the sofa -

no wonder he is so mardy.

My boyfriend is always so mardy - nothing

seems to please him. Maybe I shouldn't

have come home drunk last night!

Steer clear of me today.

I only had four hours sleep last night

and I'm really mardy today.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English and we're talking

about the word 'mardy', which describes

someone in a bad mood. As I was saying, Rob,

I am not mardy!

Rob: If you say so, Feifei.

Feifei: But I know something

to make you mardy.

Rob: Oh yes?

Feifei: You're going to have to record

this programme again.

Rob: What? Again? Why?

Feifei: You forgot to explain that 'mardy'

also describes someone who is

sulky or grumpy.

Rob: Hmm, you're just being awkward.

I'm not going to start this programme

again - I'm too busy.

Right, I'm off to get a coffee. Goodbye!

Feifei: Who's mardy now?

Or he is just acting? Bye!

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Mardy: The English We Speak - YouTube капризный||||| mürrisch||||| Scontroso, irritabile, lagnoso||||| Mardy: Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube Mardy: The English We Speak - YouTube Mardy: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube Mardy : L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube Mardy: L'inglese che parliamo - YouTube マーディ私たちが話す英語 - YouTube Mardy: 우리가 말하는 영어 - YouTube Mardy: The English We Speak - "YouTube Mardy: Het Engels dat wij spreken - YouTube Mardy: The English We Speak - YouTube Mardy: O inglês que falamos - YouTube Марди: Английский, на котором мы говорим - YouTube Mardy: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Марді: Англійська, якою ми говоримо - YouTube 马迪:我们说的英语 - YouTube 馬迪:我們說的英語 - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English Feifei: Witam i zapraszam na The English Feifei: Olá e bem-vindos ao The English

We Speak. I'm Feifei. Nós falamos. Chamo-me Feifei.

Rob: And hi, I'm Rob. Hey, Feifei.

Why the long face? |||Gesicht Warum das lange Gesicht? Dlaczego długa twarz? Porquê essa cara comprida? Neden yüzün asık? 为什么不开心?

Feifei: What's wrong with my face? Feifei: Yüzümün nesi var? 菲菲:我的脸怎么了?

Rob: I mean, why are you looking so... ||||||staring at me| 罗布:我的意思是,你为什么看起来那么……

grumpy? grimmig Huysuz mu? Tečen? mürrisch? 不機嫌?

Feifei: Grumpy!? 菲菲:脾气暴躁!?

Rob: Yes... moody. ||launisch ||huysuz ||umorale ||Rob: Ja... razpoložen. Rob: Ja... launisch. Rob: Tak... nastrojowy. Rob:是的……喜怒无常。

Feifei: Moody! There is nothing wrong - |moody|||| |||||narobe 飞飞:喜怒无常!没有任何错误 -

this is my normal face. Why are you 这是我正常的脸。你为什么

throwing so many insults at me? werfen|||Beleidigungen|| |||insulti|| metati|||žalitve|| mich mit so vielen Beleidigungen zu überhäufen? rzucając we mnie tyle obelg?

Rob: Oh come on, you do look Rob: Daj spokój, wyglądasz Роб: Та годі, ти справді виглядаєш Rob:哦拜托,你确实看起来

a bit bad-tempered. ||schlecht gelaunt|schlecht gelaunt |||huysuz |||un po' irasc ||malo slabe volje|slabe volje ein bisschen schlecht gelaunt. trochę zły humor. трохи не в гуморі. 脾气有点暴躁。

Feifei: I'm not bad-tempered. |||schlecht|temperamentvoll ||||di cattivo umore Feifei: Ich bin nicht schlecht gelaunt.

But I'm getting angry now. Aber jetzt werde ich sauer.

Rob: Oh great! Then I can describe you ||||||opisati tebe|

as mardy. |schmollig |huysuz |Come scontroso. |kot godrnjav |sulky wie Mardy.

Feifei: Mardy? I hope that's not |schmollig|||| |||upam da|| Фейфей: Марді? Сподіваюся, це не 菲菲:玛蒂?我希望那不是

another insult. |Beleidigung še ena žalitev|I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that request. eine weitere Beleidigung. ще одна образа.

Rob: It's not an insult - but 'mardy' does ||||beleidigung||| Роб: Это не оскорбление - но "mardy" - да.

describe someone who is in a bad mood, |||||||mood |nekdo slabe volje||||||slabe volje

moans a lot and gets annoyed easily. stöhnt|||||verärgert| "si lamenta"|||||| "stoka"||||se razjezi|razdražljiv|zlahka stöhnt viel und wird leicht ärgerlich. dużo jęczy i łatwo się denerwuje. много стонет и легко раздражается. 经常呻吟,很容易生气。

So, thanks for demonstrating that, Feifei! |||demonstrieren|| |||dimostrare|| |||pokazati|| 所以,感谢你证明这一点,飞飞!

Feifei: My pleasure! ||gern geschehen ||Moje veselje!

Let's hear some examples... Slišimo nekaj primerov...|slišimo||primeri Let's hear some examples... 让我们听一些例子...

There are no desks for Pedro to work at ||keine|Schreibtische||Pedro|zu|arbeiten|bei |||pisalne mize||za Pedra||| Es gibt keine Schreibtische, an denen Pedro arbeiten könnte 佩德罗没有办公桌可以工作

today so he has to sit on the sofa - heute||||||||Sofa сьогодні, тому йому доводиться сидіти на дивані -

no wonder he is so mardy. |||||mürrisch |ni čudno|||| Kein Wunder, dass er so mardy ist. не дивно, що він такий похмурий. 难怪他这么狂热。

My boyfriend is always so mardy - nothing Mein Freund ist immer so mürrisch - nichts Мій хлопець завжди такий похмурий - нічого

seems to please him. Maybe I shouldn't ||||||sollte nicht zdi se||||||morda ne bi smel 彼は喜んでいるようだ。もしかしたら、私は Może nie powinnam. здається, йому подобається. Може, мені не варто 似乎取悦他。也许我不应该

have come home drunk last night! |gekommen|nach Hause|betrunken|| 昨夜は酔っ払って帰ってきた! wrócili wczoraj pijani do domu! прийшли вчора додому п'яні! 昨晚喝醉了回家!

Steer clear of me today. meide|clear||| Stai lontano|||| Izogibaj se me danes.|Izogibaj se||| Halten Sie sich heute von mir fern. Omijaj mnie dzisiaj z daleka. 今天离我远点。

I only had four hours sleep last night ||sem imel||||| 我昨晚只睡了四个小时

and I'm really mardy today. |||schmollig|

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from 飞飞:This is The English We Speak 来自

BBC Learning English and we're talking

about the word 'mardy', which describes ||||ki|opisuje

someone in a bad mood. As I was saying, Rob, ||||Stimmung||||| nekdo slabe volje||||||||Kot sem rekel|

I am not mardy!

Rob: If you say so, Feifei.

Feifei: But I know something Feifei||||

to make you mardy.

Rob: Oh yes? Rob||

Feifei: You're going to have to record ||||||to record ||||||posneti 菲菲:你得录

this programme again. |ta program spet|

Rob: What? Again? Why?

Feifei: You forgot to explain that 'mardy' ||vergessen||||grumpy Feifei|||||| ||||pojasniti, da|| 飞飞:你忘了解释那个'mardy'

also describes someone who is prav tako|opisuje tudi||| 也形容某人是

sulky or grumpy. schmollig||schwermütig Imbronciato o scontroso.|| užaljen ali godrnjav||čemeren ali godrnjav

Rob: Hmm, you're just being awkward. |||||awkward ||||essendo|imbarazzante ||||se obnašaš|neroden, čuden Rob: Hmm, du bist einfach nur ungeschickt.

I'm not going to start this programme 我不会开始这个程序

again - I'm too busy. again|||

Right, I'm off to get a coffee. Goodbye! ||weg||||| ||grem||||| So, ich gehe jetzt einen Kaffee trinken. Auf Wiedersehen! 好吧,我要去喝杯咖啡了。再见!

Feifei: Who's mardy now? ||schmollig| |Kdo je|| 飞飞:现在谁是mardy?

Or he is just acting? Bye! |||nur|spielen| ||||recitando| |||samo|Ali samo igra? Adijo!| Oder schauspielert er nur? Auf Wiedersehen! 还是他只是在演戏?再见!