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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Are smartphones killing cameras? Watch 6 Minute English - YouTube

Are smartphones killing cameras? Watch 6 Minute English - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute

English. I'm Neil.

Catherine: And I'm Catherine. Hello!

Neil: Now, Catherine, say cheese.

Catherine: Cheeeese.

Neil: [takes photo on smartphone] Thank

you, a little souvenir of our time together.

Catherine: Let's have a look... Hang on a

minute. You just took a selfie, I wasn't

even in the picture.

Neil: Ah, well, that's the magic of the

smartphone, two cameras! You know,

that's not something you can do with a

traditional camera. I mean, do you even

have a separate camera these days?

Catherine: I do actually. It's in a cupboard

somewhere at home.

Neil: Well, that is the topic of this

programme. Have traditional cameras been

completely replaced by

smartphones, or to put it another way,

have cameras been made obsolete

by the smartphone?

Catherine: Interesting question.

But before we get into this topic, how

about a question for our listeners?

Neil: Of course. We are certainly in the

digital age of photography but when was

the first digital camera phone released?

Was it: a) 2000, b) 2004 or c) 2007?

What do you think?

Catherine: Well, I actually know this one,

so I'm going to be fair

and keep it to myself.

Neil: OK, well, listen out for the answer at

the end of the programme. There are

different kinds of cameras available today.

There are compact cameras, which

are small and mostly automatic and

usually come with a fixed lens.

Catherine: That's right. And then there are

SLRs and DSLRs which are bigger, and

you can change the lenses on these

cameras and they

allow for a lot of manual control.

Neil: And there are also mirrorless

cameras, which are a cross between

compact cameras and DSLRs.

They are small like a compact camera

but you can also use the same lenses on

them that you can use on DSLRs.

Catherine: And of course, there are the

cameras on smartphones, and these are

convenient and they're becoming

increasingly sophisticated.

Neil: Phil Hall is the editor of Tech Radar

magazine. He was asked on the BBC

programme You and Yours if he thought

smartphones would make other cameras

obsolete. What is his opinion?

Phil Hall: I don't think so. I think while

compact camera sales have really sort of

dropped off a cliff, it's the lower end,

cheap compacts where people have

opted for a smartphone and I think

manufacturers are looking at the more

higher end premium cameras, high-end

compacts, DSLRs, which are the ones

you can attach lenses to, mirrorless

cameras. So, the market's changing.

And I don't think there'll be a time soon,

yet, that... the smartphone will take over

the camera completely.

Neil: So does Phil think smartphones will

kill the camera?

Catherine: In a word, no. He does say that

sales of cheap compact cameras have

dropped off a cliff. This rather dramatic

expression describes a very big fall in sales.

Neil: This is because the kind of

consumers who would choose a compact

camera are now opting for the camera

on their smartphone. When you opt for

something you choose it rather

than something else.

Catherine: For people who want a quick,

easy to use and convenient way to take

reasonable quality photos, compact

cameras used to be the best choice - but

now it's a smartphone.

Neil: So camera makers are now moving

to the more high-end market, the DSLRs

and mirrorless cameras. So who is still

buying these more expensive cameras?

Here's Phil Hall again.

Phil Hall: I think it's... some of it is people

who are picking up a smartphone and

sort of getting into photography that way

and that's a really great first step into

photography and I think people are

probably, sometimes getting a bit

frustrated with the quality once they sort of

start pushing their creative skills and then

looking to see what's the next rung up so

it's people wanting to broaden

their creative skills a bit.

Neil: Who does he say might be

buying cameras?

Catherine: He says that people who are

getting into photography might get

frustrated with the quality

of smartphones.

Neil: Getting into something means

becoming very interested in it.

Catherine: And if you are frustrated with

something it means you are disappointed

with it. You are not happy with it.

Neil: So people who have got into

photography with a smartphone but are

frustrated with its limitations and want to

be more creative are going to the next

level. They are moving up, they are, as

Phil said 'taking the next rung up'.

Catherine: Now, a rung is the horizontal

step of a ladder, so the expression taking

the next rung up is a way to describe

doing something at a higher level.

Neil: Now, talking of higher levels, did you

get this week's quiz question right?

The question was: When was the first

phone with a digital camera released?

Was it 2000, 2004 or 2007?

The first phone with a digital camera was

released in 2000. Now, to take us up to

the end of the programme, let's look at

the vocabulary again.

Catherine: First we had the adjective

obsolete which describes something that's

been replaced

and is no longer the first choice.

Neil: When the expression to drop off a

cliff is used about, for example, sales

numbers, it means sales have fallen

significantly over a short period of time.

Catherine: To opt for something means to

choose something and when you become

very interested in an activity you can say

that you get into it.

Neil: If you are trying to do something and

you can't do it because you don't have the

skill or the equipment you are using is not

right or not good enough, you can

become frustrated.

Catherine: And developing your skills to a

higher level can be described as taking

the next rung up.

Neil: Right, that's all from us from us in

this programme. Do join us again next

time and don't forget that in the meantime

you can find us on Instagram, Facebook,

Twitter, YouTube and of course our

website bbclearningenglish.com.

See you soon. Goodbye.

Catherine: Bye!

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Are smartphones killing cameras? Watch 6 Minute English - YouTube Sind Smartphones das Aus für Kameras? 6 Minuten Englisch ansehen - YouTube Les smartphones sont-ils en train de tuer les appareils photo ? Regarder 6 minutes en anglais - YouTube Gli smartphone stanno uccidendo le fotocamere? Guarda 6 minuti in inglese - YouTube Czy smartfony zabijają aparaty fotograficzne? Oglądaj 6 minut po angielsku - YouTube Os smartphones estão a matar as câmaras? Ver 6 Minutos em Inglês - YouTube Смартфоны убивают фотоаппараты? Смотрите 6-минутный английский - YouTube Akıllı telefonlar kameraları öldürüyor mu? 6 Dakika İngilizce izle - YouTube 智能手机正在杀死相机吗?观看 6 分钟英语 - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute ||そして|||

English. I'm Neil.

Catherine: And I'm Catherine. Hello!

Neil: Now, Catherine, say cheese.

Catherine: Cheeeese. |queijo

Neil: [takes photo on smartphone] Thank

you, a little souvenir of our time together. |||小纪念品|||| 你,我们在一起时光的小纪念品。

Catherine: Let's have a look... Hang on a |||||wait a|| |||||підожди||

minute. You just took a selfie, I wasn't |||||selfie just now||was not |||||селфі||

even in the picture. 甚至|||

Neil: Ah, well, that's the magic of the

smartphone, two cameras! You know, 智能手机,两个摄像头!你懂,

that's not something you can do with a

traditional camera. I mean, do you even

have a separate camera these days? ||отдельную||| ||独立的||| ||окрему||| 这些天有单独的相机吗?

Catherine: I do actually. It's in a cupboard |||||||шкафу |||||||橱柜里 |||||||шафі |||||||armário

somewhere at home.

Neil: Well, that is the topic of this |||||тема|| Ніл||||||| Neil: No, to je téma tohoto článku.

programme. Have traditional cameras been program. Byly tradiční kamery

completely replaced by |Fully substituted by| zcela nahrazeny

smartphones, or to put it another way, смартфони|||||| smartphony, nebo jinak řečeno,

have cameras been made obsolete ||||устаревшими ||||out of date |||作られた|時代遅れの |камери|||застарілими ||||przestarzały byly fotoaparáty zastaralé

by the smartphone? chytrým telefonem?

Catherine: Interesting question. |Цікаве|

But before we get into this topic, how

about a question for our listeners?

Neil: Of course. We are certainly in the |||||определенно|| 尼尔:当然。 我们肯定在这里.

digital age of photography but when was 摄影的数字化时代是什么时候开始的?

the first digital camera phone released? |||||made available |||||lançada 第一部数字相机电话是什么时候发布的?

Was it: a) 2000, b) 2004 or c) 2007? 是:a) 2000年,b) 2004年还是c) 2007年?

What do you think?

Catherine: Well, I actually know this one,

so I'm going to be fair |||||impartial

and keep it to myself.

Neil: OK, well, listen out for the answer at 奈尔:好的,听好,答案是在...

the end of the programme. There are

different kinds of cameras available today. |разные виды||||

There are compact cameras, which ||компактные|| ||small and portable|| ||câmaras compactas||

are small and mostly automatic and ||||self-operating|

usually come with a fixed lens. |||||объектив ||||固定的|fixed glass element

Catherine: That's right. And then there are

SLRs and DSLRs which are bigger, and беззеркальные камеры||Цифровые зерк|||| Single-lens reflex||digital single-lens reflex|||| зеркальні камери||Цифрові дз|||| câmaras SLR||as DSLRs||||

you can change the lenses on these ||||lenses|| ||||об'єктиви||

cameras and they

allow for a lot of manual control. |||||ручного|

Neil: And there are also mirrorless |||||беззеркальные ||在那儿|||无反光镜 |||||sem espelho |||||bezlusterkowy |||||бездзеркальні Neil: A existují také bezzrcadlovky.

cameras, which are a cross between ||||смешение| |||一種の|| fotoaparáty, které jsou křížencem

compact cameras and DSLRs.

They are small like a compact camera |||||small and portable|

but you can also use the same lenses on

them that you can use on DSLRs. ||||||digital cameras

Catherine: And of course, there are the

cameras on smartphones, and these are

convenient and they're becoming удобные||| handy||| a stávají se praktisch und sie werden immer

increasingly sophisticated. всё более|сложный 日益|越来越复杂 все більш|все більш складний cada vez mais| sophisticated. 日益精湛。

Neil: Phil Hall is the editor of Tech Radar ||||||||Radar Neil: Phil Hall ist der Chefredakteur von Tech Radar 尼尔:菲尔·霍尔是Tech Radar杂志的编辑

magazine. He was asked on the BBC журнал|||||| časopis. V pořadu BBC byl dotázán 。他在BBC节目中被问及

programme You and Yours if he thought program Ty a Tvoji, kdyby si myslel.

smartphones would make other cameras chytré telefony by z ostatních fotoaparátů

obsolete. What is his opinion? устаревший|||| outdated|||| застарілий|||| zastaralé. Jaký je jeho názor?

Phil Hall: I don't think so. I think while ||||||||поки Phil Hall: Phil Hall: Myslím, že ne. Myslím, že zatímco

compact camera sales have really sort of ||||действительно|sort| |||||kind of| prodeje kompaktních fotoaparátů se opravdu jakoby

dropped off a cliff, it's the lower end, упал||||||| plummeted|||Steep decline|||| звалився||||||| spadl z útesu, je to dolní konec, 从悬崖边掉了下来,这是下端,

cheap compacts where people have |компактные автомобили||| |компактні автомоб||| levné kompakty, kde lidé mají 廉价小型汽车,在那里人们

opted for a smartphone and I think выбрал|||||| 选择了|||||| обрав|||||| escolheu|||||| 选择了智能手机,我认为

manufacturers are looking at the more производители|||||

higher end premium cameras, high-end ||High-quality||Top-tier|

compacts, DSLRs, which are the ones

you can attach lenses to, mirrorless ||прикреплять|||

cameras. So, the market's changing. |||ринок|

And I don't think there'll be a time soon, A nemyslím si, že to bude brzy, 我认为手机还需要一段时间才能完全取代相机。

yet, that... the smartphone will take over ||||||власть 尽管如此,我认为不久的将来也不会出现这种情况。

the camera completely. 我认为手机不会完全取代相机。

Neil: So does Phil think smartphones will |||菲尔|||

kill the camera?

Catherine: In a word, no. He does say that Catherine: Jedním slovem ne. Říká, že

sales of cheap compact cameras have

dropped off a cliff. This rather dramatic |||||довольно| |||fell sharply||| 掉下了悬崖。这相当戏剧性的表达

expression describes a very big fall in sales. резкое падение||||||| 形容销售额急剧下降。

Neil: This is because the kind of 尼尔:这是因为这种情况

consumers who would choose a compact потребители||||| car buyers|||||

camera are now opting for the camera |||выбирают||| |||choosing||| |||обирають||| |||escolhendo|||

on their smartphone. When you opt for |||||выбираете| |||||choose| |||||escolher|

something you choose it rather

than something else.

Catherine: For people who want a quick,

easy to use and convenient way to take ||||удобный|||

reasonable quality photos, compact приемлемого качества||| Decent||| přiměřená kvalita fotografií, kompaktní

cameras used to be the best choice - but

now it's a smartphone.

Neil: So camera makers are now moving

to the more high-end market, the DSLRs na špičkový trh, digitální zrcadlovky. 到更高端市场,单反相机

and mirrorless cameras. So who is still

buying these more expensive cameras?

Here's Phil Hall again.

Phil Hall: I think it's... some of it is people

who are picking up a smartphone and kteří berou do ruky smartphone a

sort of getting into photography that way tak nějak se dostávám k fotografování

and that's a really great first step into

photography and I think people are

probably, sometimes getting a bit pravděpodobně, někdy se trochu

frustrated with the quality once they sort of разочарованный каче||||||| disappointed with||||||| frustrovaní z kvality, jakmile se nějak

start pushing their creative skills and then |challenging||||| začít rozvíjet své tvůrčí schopnosti a pak 开始发挥他们的创意技能,然后

looking to see what's the next rung up so ||||||ступенька|выше| ||||||Next level up|| ||||||degrau|| hledat, co je další příčka nahoře, takže и посмотреть, что находится на следующей ступеньке, так что 看看接下来的提升是什么

it's people wanting to broaden ||||расширить ||||expand horizons ||||розширити ||||ampliar seus horizontes lidé chtějí rozšířit 这些人想拓展

their creative skills a bit. |创造力|||

Neil: Who does he say might be

buying cameras?

Catherine: He says that people who are

getting into photography might get začít fotografovat může

frustrated with the quality 不满质量||| frustrován kvalitou

of smartphones.

Neil: Getting into something means |Becoming involved||| Neil: Dostat se do něčeho znamená Neil: Getting into something means 成为对它非常感兴趣。

becoming very interested in it. becoming very interested in it.

Catherine: And if you are frustrated with Catherine: And if you are frustrated with 如果你对此感到沮丧

something it means you are disappointed

with it. You are not happy with it.

Neil: So people who have got into

photography with a smartphone but are

frustrated with its limitations and want to разочарованный огранич|||ограничениями||| |||局限性|||

be more creative are going to the next

level. They are moving up, they are, as úroveň. Pohybují se nahoru, jak 水平移动

Phil said 'taking the next rung up'. Phil řekl "na další příčku". 他们正如Phil所说的“向上爬”,

Catherine: Now, a rung is the horizontal ||||||水平的 ||||||horizontalmente Catherine: Příčka je vodorovná rovina. 凯瑟琳:现在,一个梯级指的是水平的

step of a ladder, so the expression taking |||Rung|||| |||сходинка драб||||

the next rung up is a way to describe その|||||||| ||ступінь|||||| na další příčce je způsob, jak popsat

doing something at a higher level.

Neil: Now, talking of higher levels, did you

get this week's quiz question right?

The question was: When was the first

phone with a digital camera released? |||||launched

Was it 2000, 2004 or 2007?

The first phone with a digital camera was

released in 2000. Now, to take us up to Released|||in order to||||

the end of the programme, let's look at

the vocabulary again.

Catherine: First we had the adjective

obsolete which describes something that's устаревший|||| outdated|||| застарілий|||| przestarzały||||

been replaced

and is no longer the first choice. a již není první volbou.

Neil: When the expression to drop off a

cliff is used about, for example, sales declínio||||||

numbers, it means sales have fallen

significantly over a short period of time. значительно||||||

Catherine: To opt for something means to ||выбрать что-то|||| ||choose||||

choose something and when you become

very interested in an activity you can say

that you get into it.

Neil: If you are trying to do something and

you can't do it because you don't have the

skill or the equipment you are using is not Not proficient||||||utilizing||

right or not good enough, you can

become frustrated. |get discouraged

Catherine: And developing your skills to a ||развивая||||

higher level can be described as taking

the next rung up.

Neil: Right, that's all from us from us in

this programme. Do join us again next this show||||||

time and don't forget that in the meantime |||||||тем временем Time period||||||| |||||||entretanto

you can find us on Instagram, Facebook,

Twitter, YouTube and of course our Твіттер|||||

website bbclearningenglish.com.

See you soon. Goodbye.

Catherine: Bye!