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Society and people, The Bachelorettte

The Bachelorettte

Wendi: I wanna know what goes on at the bachelorette party. Have you had to throw one - like having been a bridesmaid - have you ever thrown a bachelorette party for a girlfriend? Rachel: Yeah, but, I don't know if I want to talk about it. Wendi: I don't need any serious details, but maybe kind of like, what's the whole point of it and what typically goes on? Rachel: Oh, OK. Well, a bachelorette.... there's usually a bachelor party.That's usually what you hear about in movies and on television, where the guys go out for one last final night out and it's supposed to be really crazy, and I guess for many years it wasn't traditional to have a bachelorette party for the girls but then, I don't know, with trying to be on the same ground, and equal rights maybe bechelorette parties came out. Basically,... Wendi: The girls decided to kick their heels up too. Rachel: Yeah, exactly. So the girls have decided, "Yeah, OK, well if the guys can go out and party, the girls are going to go out and party too." And, usually it's a surprise. Usually there's a limo involved in picking everybody up and of course the bride can't look awful so she's gotta think something's going on. Maybe, she's going out to dinner with her husband or something, and yeah, the girls just all go out and usually drink a lot and I don't know, maybe go to places where there's a lot of good-looking guys, and yeah, it's supposed to - I guess - make the bride feel like she's lucky that she's getting married and doesn't have to deal with this crazy insanity of single life anymore. Wendi: I've definitely kind of experienced and seen at bachelorette parties - I've even been to a bachelore party as well but - that was strange, but I've seen... Rachel: Hopefully not the one jumping out of the cake. Wendi: No. No.

I've seen people, like, they kind of feel like it's like getting initiated onto a sports team. It's like, they feel the right to make the person do stupid things that they would never ask them to do any other day of the week. Rachel: It's kind of like a sorority type thing I think. Wendi: Yeah. It absolutely is. So have you ever kind of been at a bachelorette party where the girl getting married was asked to so something kind of strange or silly or foolish or just kind of off at all - or not so much? Rachel: I think all of my friends are kind of off, so nothing out of the ordinary but you know, my standards might not be your standards. Wendi: Fair enough. I think that's a good answer the question. So, I'll interpret that yes. Rachel: Hey, you know what, they say you can plead the fifth ammendment my friend. Wendi: You'll take the fifth? Rachel: Yeah. Wendi: OK. Fair enough.

The Bachelorettte |Bekarlığa Veda La solterona A solteirona Bachelorettte 单身女郎

Wendi: I wanna know what goes on at the bachelorette party. ||bilmek istiyorum|bilmek||||||| Bekarlığa veda partisinde neler olduğunu bilmek istiyorum. Have you had to throw one - like having been a bridesmaid - have you ever thrown a bachelorette party for a girlfriend? ||||||||||nedime|||||||||| 持った||||||||||花嫁の付き添い|持ったことがある|||開いた|||||| Mussten Sie schon einmal einen Junggesellinnenabschied für eine Freundin organisieren, weil Sie Brautjungfer waren? Nedimelik yapmış biri olarak hiç bir kız arkadaşınız için bekarlığa veda partisi düzenlediniz mi? Rachel: Yeah, but, I don’t know if I want to talk about it. Wendi: I don’t need any serious details, but maybe kind of like, what’s the whole point of it and what typically goes on? Wendi: Ich brauche keine ernsthaften Details, aber vielleicht so etwas wie, worum geht es überhaupt und was passiert normalerweise? Wendi: Ciddi detaylara ihtiyacım yok ama belki şöyle bir şey olabilir, bunun amacı nedir ve genellikle neler oluyor? Rachel: Oh, OK. Well, a bachelorette.... there’s usually a bachelor party.That’s usually what you hear about in movies and on television, where the guys go out for one last final night out and it’s supposed to be really crazy, and I guess for many years it wasn’t traditional to have a bachelorette party for the girls but then, I don’t know, with trying to be on the same ground, and equal rights maybe bechelorette parties came out. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Bekarlığa veda|bekarlığa veda|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||権利||||| Bekarlığa veda.... genellikle bir bekarlığa veda partisi vardır. Bu genellikle filmlerde ve televizyonda duyduğunuz şeydir, erkeklerin son bir gece için dışarı çıktıkları ve gerçekten çılgın olması beklenen şeydir ve sanırım uzun yıllar boyunca kızlar için bir bekarlığa veda partisi yapmak geleneksel değildi ama sonra, bilmiyorum, aynı zeminde olmaya çalışmakla ve eşit haklarla belki de bekarlığa veda partileri ortaya çıktı. Basically,... Wendi: The girls decided to kick their heels up too. |Kızlar||||eğlenmek||topuklu ayakkabılar|| |||||蹴る|||| Wendi: Die Mädchen haben auch beschlossen, ihre Fersen hochzulegen. Kızlar da topuklarını kaldırmaya karar verdiler. Rachel: Yeah, exactly. Evet, aynen. So the girls have decided, "Yeah, OK, well if the guys can go out and party, the girls are going to go out and party too." |||持っている|||||||||||||||||||||| Kızlar da "Evet, tamam, erkekler dışarı çıkıp parti yapabiliyorsa kızlar da dışarı çıkıp parti yapacak" diye karar verdiler. And, usually it’s a surprise. Usually there’s a limo involved in picking everybody up and of course the bride can’t look awful so she’s gotta think something’s going on. |||||||||||||gelin|||||||||| |||リムジン|||||||||||||ひどい|||しなければならない||何かがある|| Normalerweise werden alle mit einer Limousine abgeholt, und natürlich kann die Braut nicht schlecht aussehen, also muss sie denken, dass etwas vor sich geht. Genellikle herkesi bir limuzin alır ve tabii ki gelin berbat görünemez, bu yüzden bir şeyler olduğunu düşünmek zorundadır. Maybe, she’s going out to dinner with her husband or something, and yeah, the girls just all go out and usually drink a lot and I don’t know, maybe go to places where there’s a lot of good-looking guys, and yeah, it’s supposed to - I guess - make the bride feel like she’s lucky that she’s getting married and doesn’t have to deal with this crazy insanity of single life anymore. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||çılgınlık|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||狂気|||| Vielleicht geht sie mit ihrem Mann essen oder so, und ja, die Mädchen gehen einfach alle aus und trinken viel, und ich weiß nicht, gehen vielleicht an Orte, wo es viele gut aussehende Männer gibt, und ja, es soll - denke ich - der Braut das Gefühl geben, dass sie glücklich ist, dass sie heiratet und sich nicht mehr mit diesem verrückten Wahnsinn des Singlelebens herumschlagen muss. Belki de kocasıyla yemeğe falan çıkıyordur ve evet, kızların hepsi dışarı çıkar ve genellikle çok içerler ve bilmiyorum, belki de bir sürü yakışıklı erkeğin olduğu yerlere giderler ve evet, bunun - sanırım - geline evlendiği için şanslı olduğunu ve artık bekar hayatın bu çılgınlığıyla uğraşmak zorunda olmadığını hissettirmesi gerekiyordu. Wendi: I’ve definitely kind of experienced and seen at bachelorette parties - I’ve even been to a bachelore party as well but - that was strange, but I’ve seen... |||||||||bekarlığa veda partisi|||||||bekarlığa veda partisi|||||||||| |||||経験した||||||||||||||||||||| Wendi: Bekarlığa veda partilerinde kesinlikle deneyimledim ve gördüm - hatta bir bekarlığa veda partisinde de bulundum ama - bu garipti, ama gördüm... Rachel: Hopefully not the one jumping out of the cake. |願わくば|||||||| Umarım pastadan atlayan kişi değildir. Wendi: No. Hayır. No.

I’ve seen people, like, they kind of feel like it’s like getting initiated onto a sports team. ||||||||||||başlatılmak|||| ||||||||||||入団した|||| Ich habe erlebt, dass die Leute das Gefühl hatten, in ein Sportteam aufgenommen zu werden. Bunun bir spor takımına kabul edilmek gibi bir şey olduğunu düşünen insanlar gördüm. It’s like, they feel the right to make the person do stupid things that they would never ask them to do any other day of the week. Es ist so, als ob sie das Recht hätten, die Person zu dummen Dingen zu zwingen, die sie an einem anderen Tag der Woche nie von ihr verlangen würden. Sanki haftanın başka bir günü asla yapmasını istemeyecekleri aptalca şeyleri o kişiye yaptırma hakkını kendilerinde görüyorlar. Rachel: It’s kind of like a sorority type thing I think. ||gibi bir şey||||kız öğrenci birliği|||| ||||||女子学生団体|||| Rachel: Ich glaube, es ist so etwas wie eine Schwesternschaft. Rachel: Sanırım kız öğrenci birliği gibi bir şey. Wendi: Yeah. Evet. It absolutely is. Kesinlikle öyle. So have you ever kind of been at a bachelorette party where the girl getting married was asked to so something kind of strange or silly or foolish or just kind of off at all - or not so much? ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||tuhaf veya garip|||||| Warst du schon einmal auf einem Junggesellinnenabschied, bei dem das Mädchen, das heiraten will, um etwas gebeten wurde, das irgendwie seltsam oder albern oder dumm oder einfach nur irgendwie daneben war - oder auch nicht so sehr? Peki siz hiç evlenecek kızdan garip, aptalca ya da saçma bir şey istendiği bir bekarlığa veda partisinde bulundunuz mu? Rachel: I think all of my friends are kind of off, so nothing out of the ordinary but you know, my standards might not be your standards. Rachel: Ich glaube, alle meine Freunde sind irgendwie daneben, also nichts Ungewöhnliches, aber weißt du, meine Standards sind vielleicht nicht deine Standards. Rachel: Sanırım tüm arkadaşlarım biraz uçuk, yani sıra dışı bir şey yok ama bilirsiniz, benim standartlarım sizin standartlarınız olmayabilir. Wendi: Fair enough. Wendi: Na gut. Yeterince adil. I think that’s a good answer the question. So, I’ll interpret that yes. Rachel: Hey, you know what, they say you can plead the fifth ammendment my friend. |||||||||susma hakkı|||beşinci değişiklik|| Rachel: Hey, weißt du was, man sagt, du kannst dich auf den fünften Verfassungszusatz berufen, mein Freund. Hey, biliyor musun, beşinci maddeyi savunabileceğini söylüyorlar dostum. 瑞秋:嘿,你知道吗,他们说你可以援引第五修正案,我的朋友。 Wendi: You’ll take the fifth? Wendi: Du nimmst den Fünften? Beşinciyi kabul ediyor musun? 温迪:你要选第五个吗? Rachel: Yeah. Wendi: OK. Fair enough. 很公平。