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The Beatles, From Liverpool to Hamburg

From Liverpool to Hamburg

One day, Paul showed John one of his own songs. After that, John began to write his own musical ideas, and soon the two young men were writing song after song. Sometimes they worked together, sometimes alone. But each of them pushed himself harder because of the other one. This was true during all the Beatles years.

Not long after Paul joined, he told John about his friend George. John wasn't sure - George was only fifteen. But George joined after John heard him play. They were on the top of a bus at the time!

Soon John, Paul and George were playing concerts in Liverpool, but there was a problem. They didn't have a drummer or a bass guitarist. One of John's art-school friends, Stu Sutcliffe, looked like James Dean and he was an artist. When he sold a painting, the boys in the band asked him to buy a bass guitar. Stu wanted to be in a band, but there was one small problem: he couldn't play. Stu often turned his back to the crowds in concerts because of this!

What's in a name? John and Stu probably thought of the name 'the Beatles', but there are other stories. John wrote that, at twelve years old, he was told the name by a little man. There was a more serious story, too: they heard it in a Marlon Brando film, The Wild One. But many years later, Paul McCartney named a 1997 album Flaming Pie, for the place where John saw his little man!

People were starting to like the band. The Beatles got a job playing with a rock and roll singer, Johnny Gentle. They toured Scotland under the name the Silver Beetles. For a time, Paul played drums because they couldn't find a drummer. Then, back in Liverpool, they were offered another job. Bands were needed to play in clubs in the German city of Hamburg. The band said yes - but first they needed a drummer. They asked Pete Best, the drummer in another local band (and the owner of some nice drums!). Pete agreed and the band travelled to Germany in the summer of 1960. To five boys from Liverpool, Hamburg was another world - a world of all-night bars and street crime. Concerts weren't always easy. On some nights, John had to push people off the stage. To keep audiences happy, bands had to play well for six or seven hours every night. With all this practice, the band became better and better.

Another of the Liverpool bands in Hamburg was called Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. The band was famous in Liverpool. The band's drummer loved to come and watch the Beatles. Sometimes, when Pete Best was ill, he even played with the band. His name was Ringo Starr.

The first trip to Hamburg ended suddenly. George was sent home by the police because he was too young to play in the clubs - he was only seventeen. But the Beatles returned often to Hamburg. Each time they played to bigger crowds in better clubs.

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From Liverpool to Hamburg Von Liverpool nach Hamburg De Liverpool a Hamburgo リバプールからハンブルグへ Від Ліверпуля до Гамбурга

One day, Paul showed John one of his own songs. After that, John began to write his own musical ideas, and soon the two young men were writing song after song. Sometimes they worked together, sometimes alone. But each of them pushed himself harder because of the other one. However||||||with more effort||||| But each of them pushed himself harder because of the other one. Але кожен з них підштовхував себе сильніше через іншого. 但是他們每個人都因為另一個人而更加努力地推動自己。 This was true during all the Beatles years. Так було протягом усіх років існування "Бітлз". 在披頭士樂隊的所有年代都是如此。

Not long after Paul joined, he told John about his friend George. Невдовзі після того, як Павло приєднався, він розповів Джону про свого друга Джорджа. John wasn't sure - George was only fifteen. But George joined after John heard him play. Але Джордж приєднався після того, як Джон почув його гру. 但是喬治在約翰聽到他的演奏後加入了。 They were on the top of a bus at the time! Вони були на даху автобуса в той час! 他們當時在公共汽車的頂部!

Soon John, Paul and George were playing concerts in Liverpool, but there was a problem. 很快,約翰、保羅和喬治在利物浦舉行了音樂會,但出現了一個問題。 They didn't have a drummer or a bass guitarist. One of John's art-school friends, Stu Sutcliffe, looked like James Dean and he was an artist. Один з друзів Джона по художній школі, Стю Саткліфф, був схожий на Джеймса Діна і був художником. 約翰在藝術學校的一位朋友斯圖·薩特克利夫(Stu Sutcliffe)長得像詹姆斯·迪恩(James Dean),他是一名藝術家。 When he sold a painting, the boys in the band asked him to buy a bass guitar. 當他賣掉一幅畫時,樂隊裡的男孩子要他買一把低音吉他。 Stu wanted to be in a band, but there was one small problem: he couldn't play. Stu often turned his back to the crowds in concerts because of this! Stuart|||||||||||| Через це Стю часто повертався спиною до натовпу на концертах! Stu經常因此在演唱會上背對人群!

What's in a name? 名字裡有什麼? John and Stu probably thought of the name 'the Beatles', but there are other stories. Джон і Стю, ймовірно, придумали назву "Бітлз", але є й інші історії. 約翰和斯圖可能想到了“披頭士”這個名字,但還有其他故事。 John wrote that, at twelve years old, he was told the name by a little man. Іван писав, що коли йому було дванадцять років, маленький чоловічок назвав йому це ім'я. 約翰寫道,在他十二歲的時候,一個小人告訴他這個名字。 There was a more serious story, too: they heard it in a Marlon Brando film, The Wild One. Була й більш серйозна історія: вони почули її у фільмі Марлона Брандо "Дикий". 還有一個更嚴肅的故事:他們在馬龍白蘭度的電影《狂野者》中聽到了它。 But many years later, Paul McCartney named a 1997 album Flaming Pie, for the place where John saw his little man! |||||||||Палаючий пиріг|Пиріг||||||||| しかし、その何年も後、ポール・マッカートニーは1997年のアルバムに、ジョンが小さな男を見た場所にちなんで「フレーミング・パイ」と名付けた! Але через багато років Пол Маккартні назвав альбом 1997 року Flaming Pie, на честь місця, де Джон побачив свого маленького чоловічка! 但多年後,保羅·麥卡特尼將 1997 年的專輯命名為 Flaming Pie,以紀念約翰看到他的小男人的地方!

People were starting to like the band. Людям починав подобатися гурт. The Beatles got a job playing with a rock and roll singer, Johnny Gentle. 披頭士樂隊找到了一份與搖滾歌手約翰尼·金特爾(Johnny Gentle)一起演奏的工作。 They toured Scotland under the name the Silver Beetles. 他們以“銀甲蟲”的名義遊覽了蘇格蘭。 For a time, Paul played drums because they couldn't find a drummer. Then, back in Liverpool, they were offered another job. 然後,回到利物浦,他們得到了另一份工作。 Bands were needed to play in clubs in the German city of Hamburg. The band said yes - but first they needed a drummer. They asked Pete Best, the drummer in another local band (and the owner of some nice drums!). 他們詢問了另一支當地樂隊的鼓手皮特·貝斯特(Pete Best)(以及一些不錯的鼓的擁有者!)。 Pete agreed and the band travelled to Germany in the summer of 1960. To five boys from Liverpool, Hamburg was another world - a world of all-night bars and street crime. 對於利物浦的五個男孩來說,漢堡是另一個世界——一個通宵酒吧和街頭犯罪的世界。 Concerts weren't always easy. On some nights, John had to push people off the stage. To keep audiences happy, bands had to play well for six or seven hours every night. 為了讓觀眾開心,樂隊必須每晚演奏六七個小時。 With all this practice, the band became better and better. 通過所有這些練習,樂隊變得越來越好。

Another of the Liverpool bands in Hamburg was called Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. Інший ліверпульський гурт у Гамбурзі називався Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. The band was famous in Liverpool. Гурт був відомим у Ліверпулі. The band's drummer loved to come and watch the Beatles. Барабанщик гурту любив приходити і дивитися на "Бітлз". Sometimes, when Pete Best was ill, he even played with the band. Іноді, коли Піт Бест хворів, він навіть грав з групою. His name was Ringo Starr. Його звали Рінго Старр.

The first trip to Hamburg ended suddenly. Перша поїздка до Гамбурга закінчилася несподівано. George was sent home by the police because he was too young to play in the clubs - he was only seventeen. Поліція відправила Джорджа додому, тому що він був занадто молодий, щоб грати в клубах - йому було лише сімнадцять. But the Beatles returned often to Hamburg. Але "Бітлз" часто поверталися до Гамбурга. Each time they played to bigger crowds in better clubs. Щоразу вони грали для більшої публіки в кращих клубах.