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Spotlight Broadcasts, Easter Island

Easter Island

Voice 1

Thank you for joining us for today's Spotlight. I'm Rebekah Schipper. Voice 2

And I'm Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Can one small island serve as a model for all of planet earth? Today's Spotlight will look at the history of Easter Island. This small island experienced the fall of a very special culture. Could what happened to the people of Easter Island happen to us?

Voice 2

Easter Island is in the South Pacific. It is the loneliest piece of populated land in the world. It sits in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, all by itself. The closest people live over one thousand six hundred [1600] kilometres away.

Voice 1

But Easter Island's distance from other land did not keep people from populating it. In the middle of the first millennium the first people arrived on Easter Island. They settled there. And their population began to grow.

Voice 2

For many years, Easter Island was a perfect place to live. It was beautiful. Clear blue water surrounded it. A thick palm forest offered many resources. There was a wide coastal plain with rich soil. The people could grow their main vegetables: sweet potatoes and yams. And more than thirty [30] different kinds of seabirds made the island their home. The birds' songs filled the air with music. Voice 1

The people of Easter Island, the Rapanui, created wonderful stone structures that still stand on Easter Island today. In fact, Easter Island is known for these structures. They are called “Moai.” Moai look like large stone heads. There are hundreds of Moai on the island. They face the land. Their backs are turned away from the sea. The Moai served as the peoples' gods. Voice 2

Over the years the Rapanui created a complex social system. They became one of Polynesia's most advanced cultures. Different chiefs led eleven [11] different Rapanui tribes. The tribes lived together peacefully. But, over time something started to threaten that peace.

Voice 1

At first the Rapanui population grew slowly. And then it began to grow more quickly. The Rapanui population reached its highest around the middle of the second [2nd] millennium. There were between ten thousand [10,000] and twenty thousand [20,000] Rapanui people at this time. But, beginning around the year 1600 their culture began to fall apart. And by the middle of the nineteenth century the Rapanui had almost disappeared completely!

Voice 2

Many scientists have studied Easter Island. They had many questions about the Rapanui people. The scientists did not understand how such a complex society could just disappear. But now, after many years of research, scientists believe they have solved the mystery. They have theories about what happened to the Rapanui people.

Voice 1

No one can be completely sure what happened to the people on Easter Island. But, the scientists' theories may be important to our world today. In effect, the scientists believe that Easter Island may serve as a small model. What happened on Easter Island may represent what could happen to our planet.

Voice 2

The scientists believe that the Rapanui culture rose and fell with the island's trees. You see, the Rapanui used the same word for “tree” as for “riches” or “wealth.” Scientists studied the remains of trees on the island. And they found that the Rapanui used the island's trees for everything. They ate the fruit the trees produced. They also ate the birds that lived in the trees. They used the leaves to build the tops of their houses. They used the trees' outer parts to make clothes. They burned the wood to cook their food and to keep warm. They used the trees tall centres to make small boats for fishing in deep water. And they used fibre from the wood to create ropes. The Rapanui used every part of the island's trees. Voice 1

Scientists believe the Rapunui soon started clearing the tree forest. They cut many trees down all at once to make room for their crops. The theory is that the lack of trees soon had a serious effect on the island and its people.

Voice 2

Scientists think that without trees the Rapanui suffered greatly. The food from the trees disappeared. And the Rapanui could no longer make wood boats to hunt big fish in deep water. Instead, they had to eat the smaller fish they found closer to land. After a short time, they had eaten most of those small fish. The people became very hungry.

Voice 1

The lack of trees may have also changed the climate on the island. Fewer trees meant less rain fall. Soon, the Rapanui's crops started to die from lack of rain. And the soil became hard and dry.

Voice 2

The chiefs believed building more Moai structures would save their people. Their gods would surely help them. But the people were too tired. They did not have enough to eat. They could not build more Moai. And their old stone gods did nothing for them. Scientists say that a civil war began on Easter Island. The Rapanui tribes began to fight each other for resources.

Voice 1

During this time, explorers from different nations also came to Easter Island. They brought new diseases with them. The people were not used to these diseases. And, by 1872, the number of Rapanui fell to just one hundred eleven [111] individuals.

Voice 2

So, can Easter Island serve as a model for the future of our planet? Does what happened on the island represent what could happen to us? Many situations on Earth today are similar to the situations on Easter Island. For example, the earth's population is rising. Some of the earth's resources are starting to disappear. Many of the earth's animals are dying out. Too many people in the world do not have enough food to eat. And war threatens to destroy many societies. Will we soon start to lose whole cultures?

Voice 1

Scientists believe that people should think seriously about the events on Easter Island. Jared Diamond, a scientist, has studied the history of Easter Island. He said,

Voice 3

"Thanks to globalization, international trade, airplanes, and the Internet, all countries on Earth today share resources. [We] affect each other, just [like] Easter Island's eleven [11] tribes. Polynesian Easter Island was as [lonely] in the Pacific Ocean as the Earth is today in space. When the Easter Islanders got into difficult times, there was nowhere they could go, or [nowhere] they could turn for help. Nor [will] we modern [people on Earth] have a place to go for help. Those are the reasons why people see the fall of Easter Island society as a [model], a worst-case [situation] for what may lie ahead of us in our own future [on Earth]." Voice 1

Jared Diamond believes people today may experience something similar to Easter Island. That is, unless we can learn from the Rapanui people. It is important to remember that the Earth cannot be replaced. It is important to take care of its resources. And, it is important that we, as people, take care of each other.

Voice 2

Thank you for joining us for today's Spotlight. Rebekah Schipper wrote and produced this program. It is called “Easter Island.” For more information and to hear more Spotlight programs please visit our website at www.radio.english.net.

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Easter Island Osterinsel Νησί του Πάσχα Isla de Pascua Pulau Paskah Isola di Pasqua イースター島 이스터 섬 Wyspa Wielkanocna Ilha de Páscoa Остров Пасхи Paskalya Adası Острів Пасхи 复活节岛 复活节岛 復活節島

Voice 1

Thank you for joining us for today's Spotlight. |||||||enfoque 感谢您加入我们今天的聚焦。 I'm Rebekah Schipper. 我是丽贝卡·席珀。 Voice 2 语音 2

And I'm Liz Waid. 我是丽兹·韦德。 Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. O Spotlight utiliza um método especial de transmissão em inglês. Spotlight 使用一种特殊的英语广播方式。 It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. É mais fácil para as pessoas compreenderem, independentemente do sítio do mundo onde vivam. 人们更容易理解,无论他们生活在世界的哪个角落。

Voice 1 语音 1

Can one small island serve as a model for all of planet earth? Poderá uma pequena ilha servir de modelo para todo o planeta Terra? Küçük bir ada tüm dünya gezegeni için bir model oluşturabilir mi? 一个小岛可以作为整个地球的模型吗? Today's Spotlight will look at the history of Easter Island. O Spotlight de hoje debruça-se sobre a história da Ilha da Páscoa. 今天的聚焦将回顾复活节岛的历史。 This small island experienced the fall of a very special culture. Esta pequena ilha viveu a queda de uma cultura muito especial. Bu küçük ada çok özel bir kültürün çöküşünü yaşadı. 这个小岛经历了一种非常特殊的文化的衰落。 Could what happened to the people of Easter Island happen to us? Paskalya Adası'ndaki insanların başına gelenler bizim de başımıza gelebilir mi? 发生在复活节岛人民身上的事会发生在我们身上吗?

Voice 2 语音 2

Easter Island is in the South Pacific. A Ilha da Páscoa situa-se no Pacífico Sul. 复活节岛位于南太平洋。 It is the loneliest piece of populated land in the world. إنها قطعة واحدة من الأراضي المأهولة بالسكان في العالم. É o pedaço de terra povoada mais solitário do mundo. 它是世界上最孤独的一块有人居住的土地。 It sits in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, all by itself. Está situada no meio do Oceano Pacífico, sozinha. 它独自坐落在太平洋中部。 The closest people live over one thousand six hundred [1600] kilometres away. As pessoas mais próximas vivem a mais de mil e seiscentos [1600] quilómetros de distância. 最近的人住在一千六百 [1600] 公里之外。

Voice 1

But Easter Island's distance from other land did not keep people from populating it. Mas a distância da Ilha da Páscoa de outras terras não impediu que as pessoas a povoassem. 但是复活节岛与其他土地的距离并没有阻止人们在岛上居住。 In the middle of the first millennium the first people arrived on Easter Island. 在第一个千年中期,第一批人到达了复活节岛。 They settled there. Instalaram-se aí. 他们在那里定居。 And their population began to grow. E a sua população começou a crescer. 他们的人口开始增长。

Voice 2

For many years, Easter Island was a perfect place to live. 多年来,复活节岛一直是一个完美的居住地。 It was beautiful. 它过去挺美。 Clear blue water surrounded it. 清澈湛蓝的海水环绕着它。 A thick palm forest offered many resources. Uma densa floresta de palmeiras oferecia muitos recursos. 茂密的棕榈林提供了许多资源。 There was a wide coastal plain with rich soil. |||amplia|costera|llanura||suelo fértil|suelo fértil Havia uma vasta planície costeira com um solo rico. 那里有广阔的沿海平原,土壤肥沃。 The people could grow their main vegetables: sweet potatoes and yams. ||||||||||yams variety ||||||||||ñames As pessoas podiam cultivar os seus principais produtos hortícolas: batata-doce e inhame. 人们可以种植他们的主要蔬菜:红薯和山药。 And more than thirty [30] different kinds of seabirds made the island their home. |||||||aves marinas||||| E mais de trinta [30] tipos diferentes de aves marinhas fizeram da ilha a sua casa. 超过三十 [30] 种不同的海鸟以该岛为家。 The birds' songs filled the air with music. Os cantos dos pássaros enchiam o ar de música. 鸟儿的歌声让空气充满了音乐。 Voice 1

The people of Easter Island, the Rapanui, created wonderful stone structures that still stand on Easter Island today. O povo da Ilha de Páscoa, os Rapanui, criou maravilhosas estruturas de pedra que ainda hoje se encontram na Ilha de Páscoa. 复活节岛的人民 Rapanui 创造了美妙的石头结构,至今仍矗立在复活节岛上。 In fact, Easter Island is known for these structures. De facto, a Ilha de Páscoa é conhecida por estas estruturas. 事实上,复活节岛以这些建筑而闻名。 They are called “Moai.” Moai look like large stone heads. São chamados de "Moai". Os moais parecem grandes cabeças de pedra. 他们被称为“摩艾”。 Moai 看起来像大石头头。 There are hundreds of Moai on the island. Existem centenas de Moai na ilha. 岛上有数百个摩艾石像。 They face the land. |miran hacia|| Estão virados para a terra. 他们面向陆地。 Their backs are turned away from the sea. |espaldas|||||| As suas costas estão viradas para o mar. 他们背对着大海。 The Moai served as the peoples' gods. ||sirvieron como|||| Os Moai serviam como deuses dos povos. Moai 是人民的神。 Voice 2

Over the years the Rapanui created a complex social system. Ao longo dos anos, os Rapanui criaram um sistema social complexo. 多年来,Rapanui 创造了一个复杂的社会系统。 They became one of Polynesia's most advanced cultures. ||||Polinesia||| Tornaram-se uma das culturas mais avançadas da Polinésia. 他们成为波利尼西亚最先进的文化之一。 Different chiefs led eleven [11] different Rapanui tribes. |jefes|dirigieron|||| Diferentes chefes lideravam onze [11] tribos Rapanui diferentes. 不同的酋长领导着十一 [11] 个不同的拉帕努伊部落。 The tribes lived together peacefully. As tribos conviviam pacificamente. 各部落和平共处。 But, over time something started to threaten that peace. ||||||amenazar|| Mas, com o tempo, algo começou a ameaçar essa paz. 但是,随着时间的推移,一些事情开始威胁到这种和平。

Voice 1

At first the Rapanui population grew slowly. 起初,拉帕努伊人口增长缓慢。 And then it began to grow more quickly. E depois começou a crescer mais rapidamente. 然后它开始增长得更快。 The Rapanui population reached its highest around the middle of the second [2nd] millennium. |||alcanzó|||||||||| A população Rapanui atingiu o seu máximo em meados do segundo [2º] milénio. 拉帕努伊人口在第二 [2nd] 千年中期达到了最高点。 There were between ten thousand [10,000] and twenty thousand [20,000] Rapanui people at this time. Nessa época, havia entre dez mil [10.000] e vinte mil [20.000] Rapanui. 当时有一万 [10,000] 到两万 [20,000] 拉帕努伊人。 But, beginning around the year 1600 their culture began to fall apart. Mas, a partir do ano 1600, a sua cultura começou a desmoronar-se. 但是,从 1600 年左右开始,他们的文化开始瓦解。 And by the middle of the nineteenth century the Rapanui had almost disappeared completely! E, em meados do século XIX, os Rapanui tinham quase desaparecido completamente! 到十九世纪中叶,拉帕努伊人几乎完全消失了!

Voice 2

Many scientists have studied Easter Island. Muitos cientistas estudaram a Ilha da Páscoa. 许多科学家研究过复活节岛。 They had many questions about the Rapanui people. Eles tinham muitas perguntas sobre o povo Rapanui. 他们对拉帕努伊人有很多疑问。 The scientists did not understand how such a complex society could just disappear. Os cientistas não compreendiam como é que uma sociedade tão complexa podia simplesmente desaparecer. 科学家们不明白这样一个复杂的社会怎么会消失。 But now, after many years of research, scientists believe they have solved the mystery. ||||||investigación científica||||||| Mas agora, após muitos anos de investigação, os cientistas acreditam ter resolvido o mistério. 但是现在,经过多年的研究,科学家们相信他们已经解开了这个谜团。 They have theories about what happened to the Rapanui people. Eles têm teorias sobre o que aconteceu com o povo Rapanui. 他们对发生在拉帕努伊人身上的事情有自己的理论。

Voice 1

No one can be completely sure what happened to the people on Easter Island. Ninguém sabe ao certo o que aconteceu aos habitantes da Ilha da Páscoa. 没有人能完全确定复活节岛上的人们发生了什么事。 But, the scientists' theories may be important to our world today. Mas as teorias dos cientistas podem ser importantes para o nosso mundo atual. 但是,科学家的理论可能对我们今天的世界很重要。 In effect, the scientists believe that Easter Island may serve as a small model. De facto, os cientistas acreditam que a Ilha da Páscoa pode servir como um pequeno modelo. 实际上,科学家们认为复活节岛可以作为一个小模型。 What happened on Easter Island may represent what could happen to our planet. 复活节岛上发生的事情可能代表我们星球可能发生的事情。

Voice 2

The scientists believe that the Rapanui culture rose and fell with the island's trees. |||||||surgió y cayó|||||| Os cientistas acreditam que a cultura Rapanui subiu e desceu com as árvores da ilha. 科学家们认为,拉帕努伊文化随着岛上的树木一起兴衰。 You see, the Rapanui used the same word for “tree” as for “riches” or “wealth.” Scientists studied the remains of trees on the island. ||||||||||||riquezas||riquezas||||||||| Os Rapanui usavam a mesma palavra para "árvore" e para "riquezas" ou "riqueza". Os cientistas estudaram os restos de árvores na ilha. And they found that the Rapanui used the island's trees for everything. E descobriram que os Rapanui usavam as árvores da ilha para tudo. They ate the fruit the trees produced. Comiam os frutos que as árvores produziam. They also ate the birds that lived in the trees. Também comiam os pássaros que viviam nas árvores. They used the leaves to build the tops of their houses. |||hojas||||||| Utilizavam as folhas para construir os topos das suas casas. They used the trees' outer parts to make clothes. ||||externas|||| Utilizavam as partes exteriores das árvores para fazer roupa. They burned the wood to cook their food and to keep warm. They used the trees tall centres to make small boats for fishing in deep water. ||||altos troncos|||||||||| Utilizavam os centros altos das árvores para fazer pequenos barcos para pescar em águas profundas. And they used fibre from the wood to create ropes. |||fibra||||||cuerdas E utilizavam a fibra da madeira para criar cordas. The Rapanui used every part of the island's trees. Os Rapanui utilizavam todas as partes das árvores da ilha. Voice 1

Scientists believe the Rapunui soon started clearing the tree forest. ||||||despejando el bosque||| Os cientistas acreditam que os Rapunui logo começaram a derrubar a floresta de árvores. They cut many trees down all at once to make room for their crops. |||||||||||||cultivos Cortam muitas árvores de uma só vez para dar lugar às suas culturas. The theory is that the lack of trees soon had a serious effect on the island and its people. A teoria é que a falta de árvores teve rapidamente um efeito grave na ilha e na sua população.

Voice 2

Scientists think that without trees the Rapanui suffered greatly. ||||||||en gran medida Os cientistas acreditam que, sem árvores, os Rapanui sofreram muito. The food from the trees disappeared. A comida das árvores desapareceu. And the Rapanui could no longer make wood boats to hunt big fish in deep water. ||||||||||cazar||||| E os Rapanui não podiam mais fazer barcos de madeira para caçar peixes grandes em águas profundas. Instead, they had to eat the smaller fish they found closer to land. en su lugar|||||||||||| Em vez disso, tinham de comer os peixes mais pequenos que encontravam mais perto de terra. After a short time, they had eaten most of those small fish. Passado pouco tempo, tinham comido a maior parte dos peixes pequenos. The people became very hungry. As pessoas ficaram com muita fome.

Voice 1

The lack of trees may have also changed the climate on the island. Fewer trees meant less rain fall. menos||||| Menos árvores significava menos chuva. Soon, the Rapanui's crops started to die from lack of rain. Logo, as plantações dos Rapanui começaram a morrer por falta de chuva. And the soil became hard and dry. E o solo tornou-se duro e seco.

Voice 2

The chiefs believed building more Moai structures would save their people. Os chefes acreditavam que a construção de mais estruturas Moai salvaria o seu povo. Their gods would surely help them. Os seus deuses ajudá-los-iam certamente. But the people were too tired. They did not have enough to eat. Não tinham o suficiente para comer. They could not build more Moai. Não podiam construir mais Moai. And their old stone gods did nothing for them. E os seus velhos deuses de pedra nada fizeram por eles. Scientists say that a civil war began on Easter Island. Os cientistas dizem que uma guerra civil começou na Ilha de Páscoa. The Rapanui tribes began to fight each other for resources. As tribos Rapanui começaram a lutar entre si pelos recursos.

Voice 1

During this time, explorers from different nations also came to Easter Island. Durante este período, exploradores de diferentes nações também chegaram à Ilha de Páscoa. They brought new diseases with them. The people were not used to these diseases. As pessoas não estavam habituadas a estas doenças. And, by 1872, the number of Rapanui fell to just one hundred eleven [111] individuals. E, em 1872, o número de Rapanui caiu para apenas cento e onze [111] indivíduos.

Voice 2

So, can Easter Island serve as a model for the future of our planet? Então, poderá a Ilha da Páscoa servir de modelo para o futuro do nosso planeta? Does what happened on the island represent what could happen to us? O que aconteceu na ilha representa o que nos pode acontecer a nós? Many situations on Earth today are similar to the situations on Easter Island. For example, the earth's population is rising. Some of the earth's resources are starting to disappear. Many of the earth's animals are dying out. Muitos dos animais da Terra estão a morrer. Too many people in the world do not have enough food to eat. Há demasiadas pessoas no mundo que não têm comida suficiente para comer. And war threatens to destroy many societies. ||amenaza|||| E a guerra ameaça destruir muitas sociedades. Will we soon start to lose whole cultures? Será que em breve começaremos a perder culturas inteiras?

Voice 1

Scientists believe that people should think seriously about the events on Easter Island. Os cientistas acreditam que as pessoas devem refletir seriamente sobre os acontecimentos na Ilha de Páscoa. Jared Diamond, a scientist, has studied the history of Easter Island. He said, Ele disse,

Voice 3

"Thanks to globalization, international trade, airplanes, and the Internet, all countries on Earth today share resources. ||||comercio internacional||||||||||| "Graças à globalização, ao comércio internacional, aos aviões e à Internet, todos os países da Terra partilham atualmente recursos. [We] affect each other, just [like] Easter Island's eleven [11] tribes. [Afectamo-nos uns aos outros, tal como as onze [11] tribos da Ilha da Páscoa. Polynesian Easter Island was as [lonely] in the Pacific Ocean as the Earth is today in space. A Ilha de Páscoa polinésia estava tão [solitária] no Oceano Pacífico como a Terra está hoje no espaço. When the Easter Islanders got into difficult times, there was nowhere they could go, or [nowhere] they could turn for help. Quando os habitantes das Ilhas de Páscoa passavam por momentos difíceis, não havia nenhum sítio para onde pudessem ir, ou [nenhum sítio] onde pudessem pedir ajuda. Nor [will] we modern [people on Earth] have a place to go for help. Nem nós, os modernos [habitantes da Terra], teremos um lugar onde pedir ajuda. Those are the reasons why people see the fall of Easter Island society as a [model], a worst-case [situation] for what may lie ahead of us in our own future [on Earth]." São estas as razões pelas quais as pessoas vêem a queda da sociedade da Ilha de Páscoa como um [modelo], um pior caso [situação] para o que nos pode esperar no nosso próprio futuro [na Terra]". Voice 1

Jared Diamond believes people today may experience something similar to Easter Island. That is, unless we can learn from the Rapanui people. It is important to remember that the Earth cannot be replaced. It is important to take care of its resources. And, it is important that we, as people, take care of each other. E é importante que nós, como pessoas, cuidemos uns dos outros.

Voice 2

Thank you for joining us for today's Spotlight. Rebekah Schipper wrote and produced this program. It is called “Easter Island.” For more information and to hear more Spotlight programs please visit our website at www.radio.english.net.