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PHILOSOPHY & FUN OF ALGEBRA, Chapter 7, How to Choose Our Hypotheses, part 1

Chapter 7, How to Choose Our Hypotheses, part 1

The faculties by means of which we get our positive data are called the senses (sight, hearing, etc.). The faculty by means of which we get our hypothetical data is called the Imagination. Some persons are prone to warn young people against what they call an excessive exercise of the imagination. Of course, to say that “excessive” anything is too much is a mere truism, but nobody knows yet what is the proper amount of use for the imagination. What we do know is that there is a good deal of excessive mis-use of the imagination, by which I mean that there is a frightful amount of using it contrary to the laws of its normal action. A kind of use of it, such as, when we find a child doing it with its eyes, we say, “Do not learn the habit of squinting”; or if it does the analogous thing with its legs, we say, “Go and run about, or do some gymnastics; do not stand there lolloping crooked against the wall.” Squinting and lolloping crooked are things that it is best to avoid doing much of with any part of one's self. Moreover, it is bad to spend too many hours over either a microscope or a telescope, or in gazing fixedly at some one-distance range. The eyes need change of focus. So does the imagination. There has been in modern Europe a shocking riot in mis-use of the imagination. The remedy is to learn to use it. But the same kind of people who would like to bandage a child's eyes lest it should learn to squint, like to bandage the imagination lest it should wear itself out by squinting. In a school which professes to be conducted on hygienic principles, we have nothing to do with that sort of pessimistic quackery. We use the imagination as freely as the hands and eyes.

Chapter 7, How to Choose Our Hypotheses, part 1 Capítulo 7, Como escolher nossas hipóteses, parte 1 Bölüm 7, Hipotezlerimizi Nasıl Seçeriz, kısım 1

The faculties by means of which we get our positive data are called the senses (sight, hearing, etc.). As faculdades por meio das quais obtemos nossos dados positivos são chamadas de sentidos (visão, audição, etc.). 我们用来获得积极数据的能力称为感觉(视觉,听觉等)。 The faculty by means of which we get our hypothetical data is called the Imagination. A faculdade por meio da qual obtemos nossos dados hipotéticos é chamada de Imaginação. Some persons are prone to warn young people against what they call an excessive exercise of the imagination. Algumas pessoas tendem a alertar os jovens contra o que chamam de exercício excessivo da imaginação. Of course, to say that “excessive” anything is too much is a mere truism, but nobody knows yet what is the proper amount of use for the imagination. Claro, dizer que algo “excessivo” é demais é um mero truísmo, mas ninguém sabe ainda qual é a quantidade adequada de uso para a imaginação. What we do know is that there is a good deal of excessive mis-use of the imagination, by which I mean that there is a frightful amount of using it contrary to the laws of its normal action. O que sabemos é que há muito uso excessivo da imaginação, o que quero dizer que há uma quantidade assustadora de uso contrário às leis de sua ação normal. 我们所知道的是,大量滥用想象力,这就是说,违背其正常行为的法令的行为令人生畏。 A kind of use of it, such as, when we find a child doing it with its eyes, we say, “Do not learn the habit of squinting”; or if it does the analogous thing with its legs, we say, “Go and run about, or do some gymnastics; do not stand there lolloping crooked against the wall.” Squinting and lolloping crooked are things that it is best to avoid doing much of with any part of one's self. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||lolling|||||||||are|||||||||||||||| Uma espécie de uso dele, como, quando encontramos uma criança fazendo isso com os olhos, dizemos: “Não aprenda o hábito de estrabismo”; ou se ele faz algo análogo com as pernas, dizemos: “Vá e corra ou faça ginástica; não fique aí balançando torto contra a parede. Apertar os olhos e ficar torto são coisas que é melhor evitar fazer com qualquer parte de si mesmo. Moreover, it is bad to spend too many hours over either a microscope or a telescope, or in gazing fixedly at some one-distance range. Além disso, é ruim passar muitas horas em um microscópio ou telescópio, ou olhando fixamente para alguma distância de uma distância. 而且,在显微镜或望远镜上花费太多时间,或者固定地注视某个距离范围是很不好的。 The eyes need change of focus. Os olhos precisam de mudança de foco. So does the imagination. Assim como a imaginação. There has been in modern Europe a shocking riot in mis-use of the imagination. Tem havido na Europa moderna um tumulto chocante no uso indevido da imaginação. The remedy is to learn to use it. O remédio é aprender a usá-lo. But the same kind of people who would like to bandage a child's eyes lest it should learn to squint, like to bandage the imagination lest it should wear itself out by squinting. Mas o mesmo tipo de pessoa que gostaria de enfaixar os olhos de uma criança para que ela não aprendesse a estrabismo, gostaria de enfaixar a imaginação para que ela não se desgastasse ao estrabismo. 但是,那种想包扎孩子的眼睛,以免孩子应该学会斜视的人,喜欢包扎想象力的东西,以免孩子因斜视而疲惫不堪。 In a school which professes to be conducted on hygienic principles, we have nothing to do with that sort of pessimistic quackery. Em uma escola que professa ser conduzida segundo princípios higiênicos, não temos nada a ver com esse tipo de charlatanismo pessimista. 在一所声称要按照卫生原则进行教学的学校中,我们与那种悲观的夸克无关。 We use the imagination as freely as the hands and eyes. Usamos a imaginação tão livremente quanto as mãos e os olhos. 我们像手和眼睛一样自由地使用想象力。