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PHILOSOPHY & FUN OF ALGEBRA, Chapter 6, The First Hebrew Algebra, part 3

Chapter 6, The First Hebrew Algebra, part 3

Never be satisfied with being up-to-date. Think, in your slack time, of how people before you did things. While you are at school my little book, Logic of Arithmetic, will help you to find out many things about your ancestors which may amuse and interest you; but, as soon as you leave school and choose your own reading, take care to read up the histories of the struggles and difficulties of the people who formerly dealt with your own subject (whatever that may be).

If you find the whole of the data too complicated to deal with, and judge that it is necessary to eliminate one or more of them, in order to reduce your material within the compass of your own power to manage, do it as a provisional necessity. Take care to register the fact that you have done so, and to arrange your mind, from the first, on the understanding that the eliminated data will have to come back. Forget them during the working out of your experimental equation; but never give way to the feeling that they are got rid of and done with. Be very careful not to disturb other people's relationships to each other. For instance, if a teacher is explaining something to another pupil, never speak till she has done. Beware of the sentimental craving to be “in it.” Any studying-group profits by right working relations being set up between any two members; and ultimately each member profits. The whole group suffers from any distraction between any two. Therefore listen and learn what you can; but never disturb or distract. Take care not to become a parasite; do not lazily appropriate the results of other people's labour, but learn and labour truly to get your own living. Take care that everything you possess, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, shall be the result of your own toil as well as other people's; and remember that you are bound to pay, in some shape or way, everyone who helps you.

Chapter 6, The First Hebrew Algebra, part 3 Kapitel 6, Die erste hebräische Algebra, Teil 3 Capítulo 6, La primera álgebra hebrea, parte 3 Chapitre 6, La première algèbre hébraïque, partie 3 Capitolo 6, La prima algebra ebraica, parte 3 第6章 最初のヘブライ語代数 その3 6 skyrius, Pirmoji hebrajų algebra, 3 dalis Rozdział 6, Pierwsza hebrajska algebra, część 3 Capítulo 6, A Primeira Álgebra Hebraica, parte 3 Глава 6, Первая еврейская алгебра, часть 3 Bölüm 6, İlk İbrani Cebiri, kısım 3 Розділ 6, Перша єврейська алгебра, частина 3 第 6 章,第一个希伯来代数,第 3 部分 第 6 章,第一個希伯來代數,第 3 部分

Never be satisfied with being up-to-date. Nunca fique satisfeito em estar atualizado. Think, in your slack time, of how people before you did things. Pense, em seu tempo livre, em como as pessoas antes de você faziam as coisas. While you are at school my little book, Logic of Arithmetic, will help you to find out many things about your ancestors which may amuse and interest you; but, as soon as you leave school and choose your own reading, take care to read up the histories of the struggles and difficulties of the people who formerly dealt with your own subject (whatever that may be). |||||||||||will|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Enquanto você estiver na escola, meu pequeno livro Lógica da Aritmética o ajudará a descobrir muitas coisas sobre seus ancestrais que podem diverti-lo e interessá-lo; mas, assim que você sair da escola e escolher sua própria leitura, tenha o cuidado de ler as histórias de lutas e dificuldades das pessoas que anteriormente lidaram com seu próprio assunto (seja ele qual for). 当您在学校读书时,我的小书《算术逻辑》将帮助您发现许多有关祖先的事情,这些事情可能会引起您的兴趣和兴趣。但是,一旦您离开学校并选择自己的阅读方式,请小心阅读以前处理您自己主题的人们的奋斗和困境的历史(无论可能是什么)。

If you find the whole of the data too complicated to deal with, and judge that it is necessary to eliminate one or more of them, in order to reduce your material within the compass of your own power to manage, do it as a provisional necessity. Se você achar o conjunto de dados muito complicado de lidar e julgar necessário eliminar um ou mais deles, a fim de reduzir seu material ao alcance de seu próprio poder de gerenciamento, faça-o como uma necessidade provisória. . 如果您发现所有数据过于复杂以至于无法处理,并且判断有必要消除其中的一个或多个数据,以便在您自己的管理能力范围内减少材料,那么这是暂时的必要。 Take care to register the fact that you have done so, and to arrange your mind, from the first, on the understanding that the eliminated data will have to come back. Take|||||fact|||||||to|||||||||||||||||| Tome cuidado para registrar o fato de que você o fez e para organizar sua mente, desde o início, no entendimento de que os dados eliminados terão que voltar. Forget them during the working out of your experimental equation; but never give way to the feeling that they are got rid of and done with. Esqueça-os durante o desenvolvimento de sua equação experimental; mas nunca ceda à sensação de que eles se livraram e acabaram. 在计算实验方程式时忘记它们;但绝不让他们被抛弃和处理完的感觉让步。 Be very careful not to disturb other people's relationships to each other. Tenha muito cuidado para não perturbar o relacionamento de outras pessoas. 要非常小心,不要打扰别人的关系。 For instance, if a teacher is explaining something to another pupil, never speak till she has done. ||if|||||||||||||| Por exemplo, se um professor está explicando algo para outro aluno, nunca fale até que ela tenha terminado. Beware of the sentimental craving to be “in it.” Any studying-group profits by right working relations being set up between any two members; and ultimately each member profits. ||||||||||||profits|||||||||||||||| Cuidado com o desejo sentimental de estar “nele”. Qualquer grupo de estudos lucra com o estabelecimento de relações de trabalho corretas entre quaisquer dois membros; e, finalmente, cada membro lucra. The whole group suffers from any distraction between any two. |||suffre = it suffers|||||| Todo o grupo sofre de qualquer distração entre quaisquer dois. Therefore listen and learn what you can; but never disturb or distract. Portanto, ouça e aprenda o que puder; mas nunca perturbe ou distraia. Take care not to become a parasite; do not lazily appropriate the results of other people's labour, but learn and labour truly to get your own living. Take|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Tome cuidado para não se tornar um parasita; não se aproprie preguiçosamente dos resultados do trabalho de outras pessoas, mas aprenda e trabalhe verdadeiramente para ganhar a sua própria vida. Take care that everything you possess, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, shall be the result of your own toil as well as other people's; and remember that you are bound to pay, in some shape or way, everyone who helps you. Take|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Tome cuidado para que tudo o que você possui, seja físico, mental ou espiritual, seja resultado de seu próprio trabalho, assim como de outras pessoas; e lembre-se de que você é obrigado a pagar, de alguma forma ou maneira, todos que o ajudarem.