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Andersen's Fairy Tales, The Swineherd, part 4

The Swineherd, part 4

"Oh--but we should not like that at all!" said they. "What are you muttering?" asked the Princess. "If I can kiss him, surely you can. Remember that you owe everything to me." So the ladies were obliged to go to him again.

"A hundred kisses from the Princess," said he, "or else let everyone keep his own!" "Stand round!" said she; and all the ladies stood round her whilst the kissing was going on.

"What can be the reason for such a crowd close by the pigsty?" said the Emperor, who happened just then to step out on the balcony; he rubbed his eyes, and put on his spectacles. "They are the ladies of the court; I must go down and see what they are about!" So he pulled up his slippers at the heel, for he had trodden them down.

As soon as he had got into the court-yard, he moved very softly, and the ladies were so much engrossed with counting the kisses, that all might go on fairly, that they did not perceive the Emperor. He rose on his tiptoes.

"What is all this?" said he, when he saw what was going on, and he boxed the Princess's ears with his slipper, just as the swineherd was taking the eighty-sixth kiss. "March out!" said the Emperor, for he was very angry; and both Princess and swineherd were thrust out of the city.

The Princess now stood and wept, the swineherd scolded, and the rain poured down.

"Alas! Unhappy creature that I am!" said the Princess. "If I had but married the handsome young Prince! Ah! how unfortunate I am!" And the swineherd went behind a tree, washed the black and brown color from his face, threw off his dirty clothes, and stepped forth in his princely robes; he looked so noble that the Princess could not help bowing before him.

"I am come to despise thee," said he. "Thou would'st not have an honorable Prince! Thou could'st not prize the rose and the nightingale, but thou wast ready to kiss the swineherd for the sake of a trumpery plaything. Thou art rightly served." He then went back to his own little kingdom, and shut the door of his palace in her face. Now she might well sing,

"Ach! du lieber Augustin,

Alles ist weg, weg, weg!"

The Swineherd, part 4 Der Schweinehirt, Teil 4 El porquero, parte 4 O pastor de porcos, parte 4 Свинопас, часть 4 Свинопас, частина 4 猪倌》,第 4 部分 猪倌》,第 4 部分

"Oh--but we should not like that at all!" "Ah, mas não deveríamos gostar nada disso!" said they. disseram eles. "What are you muttering?" "O que você está murmurando?" asked the Princess. perguntou a princesa. "If I can kiss him, surely you can. "Se eu posso beijá-lo, com certeza você pode. Remember that you owe everything to me." Lembre-se que você deve tudo a mim." So the ladies were obliged to go to him again. ||||required||||| Então as senhoras foram obrigadas a ir até ele novamente.

"A hundred kisses from the Princess," said he, "or else let everyone keep his own!" "Cem beijos da princesa", disse ele, "ou então que cada um fique com o seu!" "Stand round!" "Fique de pé!" said she; and all the ladies stood round her whilst the kissing was going on. disse ela; e todas as senhoras a rodearam enquanto os beijos continuavam.

"What can be the reason for such a crowd close by the pigsty?" ||||||||||||pig enclosure "Qual pode ser o motivo de tanta multidão perto do chiqueiro?" said the Emperor, who happened just then to step out on the balcony; he rubbed his eyes, and put on his spectacles. |||||||||||the definite article|||||||||| disse o imperador, que naquele momento saiu na sacada; esfregou os olhos e pôs os óculos. "They are the ladies of the court; I must go down and see what they are about!" "São as damas da corte; preciso descer e ver do que se trata!" So he pulled up his slippers at the heel, for he had trodden them down. ||||||||back of foot||||stepped on|| Então ele puxou os chinelos no calcanhar, pois os havia pisado.

As soon as he had got into the court-yard, he moved very softly, and the ladies were so much engrossed with counting the kisses, that all might go on fairly, that they did not perceive the Emperor. ||||||||||||||||||||deeply absorbed||||||||||||||||| Assim que ele entrou no pátio, ele se moveu muito suavemente, e as damas estavam tão absortas em contar os beijos, para que tudo corresse bem, que não perceberam o imperador. He rose on his tiptoes. ||||stood on toes Ele se levantou na ponta dos pés.

"What is all this?" "O que é tudo isso?" said he, when he saw what was going on, and he boxed the Princess's ears with his slipper, just as the swineherd was taking the eighty-sixth kiss. |||||||||||||of the Princess|||||||||||||| disse ele, ao ver o que se passava, e deu um tapa nas orelhas da princesa com o chinelo, no momento em que o porqueiro dava o octogésimo sexto beijo. "March out!" "Marchar!" said the Emperor, for he was very angry; and both Princess and swineherd were thrust out of the city. ||||||||||||pig caretaker||forced out|||| disse o Imperador, pois estava muito zangado; e tanto a princesa quanto o porqueiro foram expulsos da cidade.

The Princess now stood and wept, the swineherd scolded, and the rain poured down. |||||cried with tears|||reprimanded||||| A princesa agora se levantou e chorou, o porqueiro repreendeu e a chuva caiu.

"Alas! "Ai! Unhappy creature that I am!" Infeliz criatura que sou!" said the Princess. disse a princesa. "If I had but married the handsome young Prince! "Se eu tivesse me casado com o belo e jovem príncipe! Ah! Ah! how unfortunate I am!" And the swineherd went behind a tree, washed the black and brown color from his face, threw off his dirty clothes, and stepped forth in his princely robes; he looked so noble that the Princess could not help bowing before him. E o porqueiro foi para trás de uma árvore, lavou a cor preta e marrom de seu rosto, tirou suas roupas sujas e saiu em suas vestes principescas; ele parecia tão nobre que a princesa não pôde deixar de se curvar diante dele.

"I am come to despise thee," said he. ||||"I am come to loathe thee," said he.|you|| "Vim para te desprezar", disse ele. "Seni hor görmeye geldim," dedi. “我是來鄙視你的,”他說。 "Thou would'st not have an honorable Prince! You|would not||||| "Você não teria um príncipe honrado! “你不會有一個尊貴的王子! Thou could'st not prize the rose and the nightingale, but thou wast ready to kiss the swineherd for the sake of a trumpery plaything. You|could not|||||||songbird||You|were|||||||||||Worthless object|worthless toy Você não pôde apreciar a rosa e o rouxinol, mas estava pronto para beijar o porqueiro por causa de um brinquedo de tromba. 你不能珍視玫瑰和夜鶯,但你卻準備為了一個誇張的玩物而親吻豬倌。 Thou art rightly served." Tu és bem servido." 你得到了應有的服務。” He then went back to his own little kingdom, and shut the door of his palace in her face. Ele então voltou para seu próprio pequeno reino e fechou a porta de seu palácio na cara dela. Now she might well sing, Agora ela pode muito bem cantar, 現在她可能會唱歌,

"Ach! "Ah! du lieber Augustin, du lieber Agostinho,

Alles ist weg, weg, weg!" Alles ist weg, weg, weg!"