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Andersen's Fairy Tales, The Old House, part 6

The Old House, part 6

"Yes, she could sing that!" said he, and nodded to the portrait, which he had bought at the broker's, and the old man's eyes shone so bright! "I will go to the wars! I will go to the wars!" shouted the pewter soldier as loud as he could, and threw himself off the drawers right down on the floor. What became of him? The old man sought, and the little boy sought; he was away, and he stayed away.

"I shall find him!" said the old man; but he never found him. The floor was too open--the pewter soldier had fallen through a crevice, and there he lay as in an open tomb.

That day passed, and the little boy went home, and that week passed, and several weeks too. The windows were quite frozen, the little boy was obliged to sit and breathe on them to get a peep-hole over to the old house, and there the snow had been blown into all the carved work and inscriptions; it lay quite up over the steps, just as if there was no one at home--nor was there any one at home--the old man was dead!

In the evening there was a hearse seen before the door, and he was borne into it in his coffin: he was now to go out into the country, to lie in his grave. He was driven out there, but no one followed; all his friends were dead, and the little boy kissed his hand to the coffin as it was driven away.

Some days afterwards there was an auction at the old house, and the little boy saw from his window how they carried the old knights and the old ladies away, the flower-pots with the long ears, the old chairs, and the old clothes-presses. Something came here, and something came there; the portrait of her who had been found at the broker's came to the broker's again; and there it hung, for no one knew her more--no one cared about the old picture.

The Old House, part 6 Das alte Haus, Teil 6 La vieille maison, partie 6 古い家 その6 Stary dom, część 6 A Casa Antiga, parte 6 Старый дом, часть 6 Старий дім, частина 6 老房子,第 6 部分 老房子,第 6 部分

"Yes, she could sing that!" "そう、彼女なら歌える!" said he, and nodded to the portrait, which he had bought at the broker's, and the old man's eyes shone so bright! |||asintió a|||||||||||||||||| 老人の目はとても輝いていた! "I will go to the wars! 「私は戦争に行く! I will go to the wars!" shouted the pewter soldier as loud as he could, and threw himself off the drawers right down on the floor. gritó||soldado de peltre||||||||||||||||| ピューターの兵士は大声で叫び、引き出しから身を投げ出して床に倒れこんだ。 What became of him? 彼はどうなったのか? The old man sought, and the little boy sought; he was away, and he stayed away. 老人は探し、少年は探した。

"I shall find him!" 「彼を見つける said the old man; but he never found him. The floor was too open--the pewter soldier had fallen through a crevice, and there he lay as in an open tomb. ||||||||||||grieta||||||||| 床はあまりに開いていて、ピューターの兵士が隙間から落ちてきたのだ。

That day passed, and the little boy went home, and that week passed, and several weeks too. その日は過ぎ、少年は家に帰り、その週も過ぎ、数週間が過ぎた。 The windows were quite frozen, the little boy was obliged to sit and breathe on them to get a peep-hole over to the old house, and there the snow had been blown into all the carved work and inscriptions; it lay quite up over the steps, just as if there was no one at home--nor was there any one at home--the old man was dead! 窓は完全に凍りつき、少年は古い家を覗き見るために、窓の上に座って息を吹きかけなければならなかった。雪は彫刻や碑文の中にまで吹き込まれ、まるで家に誰もいないかのように、階段の上まで積もっていた!

In the evening there was a hearse seen before the door, and he was borne into it in his coffin: he was now to go out into the country, to lie in his grave. ||||||Coche fúnebre|||||||||||||ataúd|||||||||||||| 夕方、玄関の前に霊柩車が現れ、彼は棺に入れられてその中に運ばれた。 He was driven out there, but no one followed; all his friends were dead, and the little boy kissed his hand to the coffin as it was driven away. 彼の友人たちは皆死んでいた。少年は棺桶に手を合わせ、追い立てられた。

Some days afterwards there was an auction at the old house, and the little boy saw from his window how they carried the old knights and the old ladies away, the flower-pots with the long ears, the old chairs, and the old clothes-presses. ||||||subasta|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| それから数日後、古い家で競売が行われ、少年は窓から、古い騎士や老婦人、長い穂のついた植木鉢、古い椅子、古い洋服箪笥が運び出される様子を見た。 Something came here, and something came there; the portrait of her who had been found at the broker's came to the broker's again; and there it hung, for no one knew her more--no one cared about the old picture. ||||||||Retrato||||||||||||||||||colgaba||||||||||||| ブローカーで発見された彼女の肖像画が、再びブローカーにやってきた。