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The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk by Thornton W. Burgess, XII. JIMMY SKUNK AND UNC' BILLY POSSUM MEET


Jimmy Skunk ambled along down the Lone Little Path through the Green Forest. He didn't hurry. Jimmy never does hurry. Hurrying and worrying are two things he leaves for his neighbors. Now and then Jimmy stopped to turn over a bit of bark or a stick, hoping to find some fat beetles. But it was plain to see that he had something besides fat beetles on his mind.

Up the Lone Little Path through the Green Forest shuffled Unc' Billy Possum. He didn't hurry. It was too warm to hurry. Unlike Jimmy Skunk, he does hurry sometimes, does Unc' Billy, especially when he suspects that Bowser the Hound is about. And sometimes Unc' Billy does worry. You see, there are people who think that Unc' Billy would make a very good dinner. Unc' Billy doesn't think he would. Anyway, he has no desire to have the experiment tried. So occasionally, when he discovers one of these people who think he would make a good dinner, he worries a little.

But just now Unc' Billy was neither hurrying nor worrying. There was no need of doing either, and Unc' Billy never does anything that there is no need of doing. So Unc' Billy shuffled up the Lone Little Path, and Jimmy Skunk ambled down the Lone Little Path, and right at a bend in the Lone Little Path they met. Jimmy Skunk grinned. "Hello, Unc' Billy!" said he.

"Have you seen any fat beetles this morning?" Unc' Billy grinned. "Good mo'nin', Brer Skunk," he replied. "Ah can't rightly say Ah have. Ah had it on mah mind to ask yo' the same thing." Jimmy sat down and looked at Unc' Billy with twinkling eyes. His grin grew broader and became a chuckle. "Unc' Billy," said he, "have you ever in your life combed your hair or brushed your coat?" You know Unc' Billy usually looks as if every hair was trying to point in a different direction from every other hair, while Jimmy Skunk always appears as neat as if he spent half his time brushing and smoothing his handsome black and white coat. Unc' Billy's eyes twinkled. "Ah reckons Ah did such a thing once or twice when Ah was very small, Brer Skunk," said he, without a trace of a smile. "But it seems to me a powerful waste of time. Ah have mo' important things to worry about. By the way, Brer Skunk, did yo' ever run away from anybody in all your life?" Jimmy looked surprised at the question. He scratched his head thoughtfully. "Not that I remember of," said he after a little. "Most folks run away from me," he added with a little throaty chuckle. "Those who don't run away always are polite and step aside. It may be that when I was a very little fellow and didn't know much about the Great World and the people who live in it, I might have run away from some one, but if I did, I can't remember it. Why do you ask, Unc' Billy?" "Oh, no reason in particular, Brer Skunk. No reason in particular. Only Ah wonder sometimes if yo' ever realize how lucky yo' are. If Ah never had to worry about mah hungry neighbors, Ah reckons perhaps Ah might brush mah coat oftener." Unc' Billy's eyes twinkled more than ever. "Worry," replied Jimmy Skunk sagely, "is the result of being unprepared. Anybody who is prepared has no occasion to worry. Just think it over, Unc' Billy." It was Unc' Billy's turn to scratch his head thoughtfully. "Ah fear Ah don't quite get your meaning, Brer Skunk," said he. "Sit down, Unc' Billy, and I'll explain," replied Jimmy.


Jimmy Skunk ambled along down the Lone Little Path through the Green Forest. He didn't hurry. Jimmy never does hurry. Hurrying and worrying are two things he leaves for his neighbors. Now and then Jimmy stopped to turn over a bit of bark or a stick, hoping to find some fat beetles. Час від часу Джиммі зупинявся, щоб перевернути шматок кори або палицю, сподіваючись знайти жирних жуків. But it was plain to see that he had something besides fat beetles on his mind. Але було видно, що у нього на думці було щось більше, ніж товсті жуки.

Up the Lone Little Path through the Green Forest shuffled Unc' Billy Possum. Самотньою маленькою стежкою через Зелений Ліс походжав дядько Біллі Опосум. He didn't hurry. It was too warm to hurry. Unlike Jimmy Skunk, he does hurry sometimes, does Unc' Billy, especially when he suspects that Bowser the Hound is about. На відміну від Джиммі Скунса, він іноді поспішає, як і дядько Біллі, особливо коли підозрює, що мова йде про пса Баузера. And sometimes Unc' Billy does worry. You see, there are people who think that Unc' Billy would make a very good dinner. Unc' Billy doesn't think he would. Anyway, he has no desire to have the experiment tried. So occasionally, when he discovers one of these people who think he would make a good dinner, he worries a little. Тому іноді, коли він виявляє одного з цих людей, які думають, що з нього вийшов би гарний обід, він трохи хвилюється.

But just now Unc' Billy was neither hurrying nor worrying. There was no need of doing either, and Unc' Billy never does anything that there is no need of doing. So Unc' Billy shuffled up the Lone Little Path, and Jimmy Skunk ambled down the Lone Little Path, and right at a bend in the Lone Little Path they met. Тож дядько Біллі попрямував вгору Самотньою стежкою, а Джиммі Скунс - вниз, і на повороті самотньої стежки вони зустрілися. Jimmy Skunk grinned. "Hello, Unc' Billy!" said he.

"Have you seen any fat beetles this morning?" Unc' Billy grinned. "Good mo'nin', Brer Skunk," he replied. "Ah can't rightly say Ah have. "Ах не може правильно сказати Ах має. Ah had it on mah mind to ask yo' the same thing." Jimmy sat down and looked at Unc' Billy with twinkling eyes. His grin grew broader and became a chuckle. "Unc' Billy," said he, "have you ever in your life combed your hair or brushed your coat?" "Дядьку Біллі, - запитав він, - ти коли-небудь у своєму житті розчісувався чи чистив пальто?" You know Unc' Billy usually looks as if every hair was trying to point in a different direction from every other hair, while Jimmy Skunk always appears as neat as if he spent half his time brushing and smoothing his handsome black and white coat. Знаєте, дядько Біллі зазвичай виглядає так, ніби кожна волосинка намагається вказати в інший бік, тоді як Джиммі Сканк завжди виглядає так охайно, ніби він витрачає половину свого часу на розчісування та розгладжування свого гарного чорно-білого пальта. Unc' Billy's eyes twinkled. Дядьку, - очі Біллі заблищали. "Ah reckons Ah did such a thing once or twice when Ah was very small, Brer Skunk," said he, without a trace of a smile. "А, здається, А робив таке раз чи двічі, коли був зовсім маленьким, брате Скунс", - сказав він без жодної усмішки. "But it seems to me a powerful waste of time. Ah have mo' important things to worry about. By the way, Brer Skunk, did yo' ever run away from anybody in all your life?" Jimmy looked surprised at the question. He scratched his head thoughtfully. "Not that I remember of," said he after a little. "Most folks run away from me," he added with a little throaty chuckle. "Those who don't run away always are polite and step aside. "Той, хто не тікає, завжди ввічливий і відходить убік. It may be that when I was a very little fellow and didn't know much about the Great World and the people who live in it, I might have run away from some one, but if I did, I can't remember it. Why do you ask, Unc' Billy?" "Oh, no reason in particular, Brer Skunk. No reason in particular. Only Ah wonder sometimes if yo' ever realize how lucky yo' are. If Ah never had to worry about mah hungry neighbors, Ah reckons perhaps Ah might brush mah coat oftener." Якби Ах ніколи не турбувався про своїх голодних сусідів, то, можливо, він би частіше чистив свою шерсть". Unc' Billy's eyes twinkled more than ever. "Worry," replied Jimmy Skunk sagely, "is the result of being unprepared. "Хвилювання, - мудро відповів Джиммі Сканк, - це результат непідготовленості. Anybody who is prepared has no occasion to worry. Той, хто підготувався, не має причин хвилюватися. Just think it over, Unc' Billy." It was Unc' Billy's turn to scratch his head thoughtfully. "Ah fear Ah don't quite get your meaning, Brer Skunk," said he. "Боюся, я не зовсім зрозумів, що ти маєш на увазі, брате Скунс", - сказав він. "Sit down, Unc' Billy, and I'll explain," replied Jimmy.