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The Adventures of Paddy Beaver by Thornton W. Burgess, VII


ACROSS the Old Pasture to the foot of the Mountain back of the Green Forest tramped Farmer Brown's boy. Ahead of him trotted Bowser the Hound, sniffing and snuffing for the tracks of Reddy or Granny Fox. Of course he didn't find them, for Reddy and Granny hadn't been up in the Old Pasture for a long time. But he did find old Jed Thumper, the big gray Rabbit who had made things so uncomfortable for Peter Rabbit once upon a time, and gave him such a fright that old Jed didn't look where he was going and almost ran headfirst into Farmer Brown's boy. "Hi, there, you old cottontail!" yelled Farmer Brown's boy, and this frightened Old Jed still more, so that he actually ran right past his own castle of bullbriars without seeing it. Farmer Brown's boy kept on his way, laughing at the fright of old Jed Thumper. Presently he reached the springs from which came the water that made the very beginning of the Laughing Brook. He expected to find them dry, for way down on the Green Meadows the Smiling Pool was nearly dry, and the Laughing Brook was nearly dry, and he had supposed that of course the reason was that the springs where the Laughing Brook started were no longer bubbling.

But they were! The clear cold water came bubbling up out of the ground just as it always had, and ran off down into the Green Forest in a little stream that would grow and grow as it ran and become the Laughing Brook. Farmer Brown's boy took off his ragged old straw hat and scowled down at the bubbling water just as if he thought it had no business to be bubbling there. Of course, he didn't think just that. The fact is, he didn't know just what he did think. Here were the springs bubbling away just as they always had. There was the little stream starting off down into the Green Forest with a gurgle that by and by would become a laugh, just as it always had. And yet down on the Green Meadows on the other side of the Green Forest there was no longer a Laughing Brook or a Smiling Pool. He felt as if he ought to pinch himself to make sure that he was awake and not dreaming.

"I don't know what it means," said he, talking out loud. "No, Sir, I don't know what it means at all, but I'm going to find out. There's a cause for everything in this world, and when a fellow doesn't know a thing, it is his business to find out all about it. I'm going to find out what has happened to the Laughing Brook, if it takes me a year!" With that he started to follow the little stream which ran gurgling down into the Green Forest. He had followed that little stream more than once, and now he found it just as he remembered it. The farther it ran, the larger it grew, until at last it became the Laughing Brook, merrily tumbling over rocks and making deep pools in which the trout loved to hide. At last he came to the edge of a little open hollow in the very heart of the Green Forest. He knew what splendid deep holes there were in the Laughing Brook here, and how the big trout loved to lie in them because they were deep and cool. He was thinking of these trout now and wishing that he had brought along his fishing-rod. He pushed his way through a thicket of alders and then—Farmer Brown's boy stopped suddenly and fairly gasped! He had to stop because there right in front of him was a pond!

He rubbed his eyes and looked again. Then he stooped down and put his hand in the water to see if it was real. There was no doubt about it. It was real water,—a real pond where there never had been a pond before. It was very still there in the heart of the Green Forest. It was always very still there, but it seemed stiller than usual as he tramped around the edge of this strange pond. He felt as if it were all a dream. He wondered if pretty soon he wouldn't wake up and find it all untrue. But he didn't, and so he kept on tramping until presently he came to a dam,—a splendid dam of logs and sticks and mud. Over the top of it the water was running, and down in the Green Forest below he could hear the Laughing Brook just beginning to laugh once more. Farmer Brown's boy sat down with his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands. He was almost too much surprised to even think.


ACROSS the Old Pasture to the foot of the Mountain back of the Green Forest tramped Farmer Brown's boy. Через Старе Пасовище до підніжжя гори в глибині Зеленого Лісу тупцював син фермера Брауна. Ahead of him trotted Bowser the Hound, sniffing and snuffing for the tracks of Reddy or Granny Fox. Попереду нього біг риссю пес Баузер, винюхуючи і винюхуючи сліди Рудого або Бабці Лисиці. Of course he didn't find them, for Reddy and Granny hadn't been up in the Old Pasture for a long time. But he did find old Jed Thumper, the big gray Rabbit who had made things so uncomfortable for Peter Rabbit once upon a time, and gave him such a fright that old Jed didn't look where he was going and almost ran headfirst into Farmer Brown's boy. Але він знайшов старого Джеда Тампера, великого сірого Кролика, який колись так нашкодив Пітеру Кролику, і так його налякав, що старий Джед не дивився, куди йде, і мало не зіткнувся лоб у лоб із сином фермера Брауна. "Hi, there, you old cottontail!" yelled Farmer Brown's boy, and this frightened Old Jed still more, so that he actually ran right past his own castle of bullbriars without seeing it. закричав син фермера Брауна, і це ще більше налякало Старого Джеда, так що він пробіг повз власний замок з шипшини, не помітивши його. Farmer Brown's boy kept on his way, laughing at the fright of old Jed Thumper. Син фермера Брауна продовжив свій шлях, сміючись над переляком старого Джеда Тампера. Presently he reached the springs from which came the water that made the very beginning of the Laughing Brook. Нарешті він дійшов до джерел, з яких витікала вода, що утворила початок Сміховинного струмка. He expected to find them dry, for way down on the Green Meadows the Smiling Pool was nearly dry, and the Laughing Brook was nearly dry, and he had supposed that of course the reason was that the springs where the Laughing Brook started were no longer bubbling. Він очікував, що вони висохнуть, бо внизу, на Зелених Луках, Усміхнений Басейн майже висох, і Сміхотливий Струмок майже висох, і він припустив, що, звичайно ж, причина в тому, що джерела, звідки б'є Сміхотливий Струмок, більше не дзюрчать.

But they were! Але вони були! The clear cold water came bubbling up out of the ground just as it always had, and ran off down into the Green Forest in a little stream that would grow and grow as it ran and become the Laughing Brook. Прозора холодна вода, як і завжди, виривалася з-під землі і збігала в Зелений Ліс маленьким струмочком, який розростався і розростався, поки не перетворився на Сміхотливий Струмочок. Farmer Brown's boy took off his ragged old straw hat and scowled down at the bubbling water just as if he thought it had no business to be bubbling there. Син фермера Брауна зняв свого старого солом'яного капелюха і насупився, дивлячись на булькаючу воду, так, наче вважав, що їй нема чого там булькати. Of course, he didn't think just that. The fact is, he didn't know just what he did think. Справа в тому, що він сам не знав, що саме він думав. Here were the springs bubbling away just as they always had. Тут, як і завжди, дзюрчали джерела. There was the little stream starting off down into the Green Forest with a gurgle that by and by would become a laugh, just as it always had. And yet down on the Green Meadows on the other side of the Green Forest there was no longer a Laughing Brook or a Smiling Pool. He felt as if he ought to pinch himself to make sure that he was awake and not dreaming. Йому здавалося, що він має вщипнути себе, щоб переконатися, що він не спить, а не бачить сон.

"I don't know what it means," said he, talking out loud. "No, Sir, I don't know what it means at all, but I'm going to find out. There's a cause for everything in this world, and when a fellow doesn't know a thing, it is his business to find out all about it. Усьому в цьому світі є причина, і коли людина чогось не знає, її справа - дізнатися про це все. I'm going to find out what has happened to the Laughing Brook, if it takes me a year!" With that he started to follow the little stream which ran gurgling down into the Green Forest. З цими словами він попрямував до маленького струмочка, що дзюркотливо збігав у Зелений Ліс. He had followed that little stream more than once, and now he found it just as he remembered it. Він не раз ходив цим потічком, і тепер знайшов його таким, яким він його пам'ятав. The farther it ran, the larger it grew, until at last it became the Laughing Brook, merrily tumbling over rocks and making deep pools in which the trout loved to hide. Чим далі він біг, тим більшим ставав, поки нарешті не перетворився на Сміхотливий струмок, весело перекидаючись через каміння і утворюючи глибокі вирви, в яких полюбляла ховатися форель. At last he came to the edge of a little open hollow in the very heart of the Green Forest. He knew what splendid deep holes there were in the Laughing Brook here, and how the big trout loved to lie in them because they were deep and cool. He was thinking of these trout now and wishing that he had brought along his fishing-rod. He pushed his way through a thicket of alders and then—Farmer Brown's boy stopped suddenly and fairly gasped! Він продирався крізь зарості вільхи, а потім - хлопчик фермера Брауна раптово зупинився і неабияк задихався! He had to stop because there right in front of him was a pond!

He rubbed his eyes and looked again. Then he stooped down and put his hand in the water to see if it was real. There was no doubt about it. It was real water,—a real pond where there never had been a pond before. It was very still there in the heart of the Green Forest. It was always very still there, but it seemed stiller than usual as he tramped around the edge of this strange pond. Там завжди було дуже тихо, але коли він тупцював по краю цього дивного ставка, здавалося, що ще тихіше, ніж зазвичай. He felt as if it were all a dream. Він відчував себе так, ніби все це було сном. He wondered if pretty soon he wouldn't wake up and find it all untrue. Він замислився, чи не прокинеться він незабаром і не виявить, що все це неправда. But he didn't, and so he kept on tramping until presently he came to a dam,—a splendid dam of logs and sticks and mud. Over the top of it the water was running, and down in the Green Forest below he could hear the Laughing Brook just beginning to laugh once more. Над ним бігла вода, а внизу, в Зеленому лісі, він чув, як Сміхотливий струмок тільки-но починав знову сміятися. Farmer Brown's boy sat down with his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands. Син фермера Брауна сів, поклавши лікті на коліна і заховавши підборіддя в долоні. He was almost too much surprised to even think. Він був надто здивований, щоб навіть думати.