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Aunt Jane’s Nieces by L. Frank Baum, CHAPTER XXIV. HOME AGAIN.


The Major was at the station to meet them. Uncle John had shyly suggested a telegram, and Patsy had decided they could stand the expense for the pleasure of seeing the old Dad an hour sooner.

The girl caught sight of him outside the gates, his face red and beaming as a poppy in bloom and his snowy moustache bristling with eagerness. At once she dropped her bundles and flew to the Major's arms, leaving the little man in her wake to rescue her belongings and follow after. He could hardly see Patsy at all, the Major wrapped her in such an ample embrace; but bye and bye she escaped to get her breath, and then her eyes fell upon the meek form holding her bundles.

"Oh, Dad," she cried, "here's Uncle John, who has come to live with us; and if you don't love him as much as I do I'll make your life miserable!" "On which account," said the Major, grasping the little man's hand most cordially, "I'll love Uncle John like my own brother. And surely," he added, his voice falling tenderly, "my dear Violet's brother must be my own. Welcome, sir, now and always, to our little home. It's modest, sir; but wherever Patsy is the sun is sure to shine." "I can believe that," said Uncle John, with a nod and smile. They boarded a car for the long ride up town, and as soon as they were seated Patsy demanded the story of the Major's adventures with his colonel, and the old fellow rattled away with the eagerness of a boy, telling every detail in the most whimsical manner, and finding something humorous in every incident. "Oh, but it was grand, Patsy!" he exclaimed, "and the Colonel wept on my neck when we parted and stained the collar of me best coat, and he give me a bottle of whiskey that would make a teetotaler roll his eyes in ecstacy. 'Twas the time of my life." "And you're a dozen years younger, Major!" she cried, laughing, "and fit to dig into work like a pig in clover." His face grew grave.

"But how about the money, Patsy dear?" he asked. "Did you get nothing out of Jane Merrick's estate?" "Not a nickle, Dad. 'Twas the best joke you ever knew. I fought with Aunt Jane like a pirate and it quite won her heart. When she died she left me all she had in the world." "Look at that, now!" said the Major, wonderingly.

"Which turned out to be nothing at all," continued Patsy. "For another will was found, made by Mr. Thomas Bradley, which gave the money to his own nephew after Aunt Jane died. Did you ever?" "Wonderful!" said the Major, with a sigh.

"So I was rich for half a day, and then poor as ever." "It didn't hurt you, did it?" asked the Major. "You weren't vexed with disappointment, were you, Patsy?" "Not at all, Daddy." "Then don't mind it, child. Like as not the money would be the ruination of us all. Eh, sir?" appealing to Uncle John.

"To be sure," said the little man. "Jane left five thousand to me, also, which I didn't get. But I'm not sorry at all." "Quite right, sir," approved the Major, sympathetically, "although it's easier not to expect anything at all, than to set your heart on a thing and then not get it. In your case, it won't matter. Our house is yours, and there's plenty and to spare." "Thank you," said Uncle John, his face grave but his eyes merry. "Oh, Major!" cried Patsy, suddenly. "There's Danny Reeves's restaurant. Let's get off and have our dinner now; I'm as hungry as a bear." So they stopped the car and descended, lugging all the parcels into the little restaurant, where they were piled into a chair while the proprietor and the waiters all gathered around Patsy to welcome her home.

My, how her eyes sparkled! She fairly danced for joy, and ordered the dinner with reckless disregard of the bill.

"Ah, but it's good to be back," said the little Bohemian, gleefully. "The big house at Elmhurst was grand and stately, Major, but there wasn't an ounce of love in the cupboard." "Wasn't I there. Patsy?" asked Uncle John, reproachfully.

"True, but now you're here; and our love, Uncle, has nothing to do with Elmhurst. I'll bet a penny you liked it as little as I did." "You'd win," admitted the little man. "And now," said the girl to the smiling waiter, "a bottle of red California wine for Uncle John and the Major, and two real cigars. We'll be merry tonight if it bankrupts the Doyle family entirely." But, after a merry meal and a good one, there was no bill at all when it was called for.

Danny Reeves himself came instead, and made a nice little speech, saying that Patsy had always brought good luck to the place, and this dinner was his treat to welcome her home.

So the Major thanked him with gracious dignity and Patsy kissed Danny on his right cheek, and then they went away happy and content to find the little rooms up the second flight of the old tenement.

"It's no palace," said Patsy, entering to throw down the bundles as soon as the Major unlocked the door, "but there's a cricket in the hearth, and it's your home, Uncle John, as well as ours." Uncle John looked around curiously. The place was so plain after the comparative luxury of Elmhurst, and especially of the rose chamber Patsy had occupied, that the old man could not fail to marvel at the girl's ecstatic joy to find herself in the old tenement again. There was one good sized living-room, with an ancient rag-carpet partially covering the floor, a sheet-iron stove, a sofa, a table and three or four old-fashioned chairs that had probably come from a second-hand dealer.

Opening from this were two closet-like rooms containing each a bed and a chair, with a wash-basin on a bracket shelf. On the wails were a few colored prints from the Sunday newspapers and one large and fine photograph of a grizzled old soldier that Uncle John at once decided must represent "the Colonel." Having noted these details, Patsy's uncle smoothed back his stubby gray hair with a reflective and half puzzled gesture. "It's cozy enough, my child; and I thank you for my welcome," said he. "But may I enquire where on earth you expect to stow me in this rather limited establishment?" "Where? Have you no eyes, then?" she asked, in astonishment. "It's the finest sofa in the world, Uncle John, and you'll sleep there like a top, with the dear Colonel's own picture looking down at you to keep you safe and give you happy dreams. Where, indeed!" "Ah; I see," said Uncle John. "And you can wash in my chamber," added the Major, with a grand air, "and hang your clothes on the spare hooks behind my door." "I haven't many," said Uncle John, looking thoughtfully at his red bundle. The Major coughed and turned the lamp a little higher.

"You'll find the air fine, and the neighborhood respectable," he said, to turn the subject. "Our modest apartments are cool in summer and warm in winter, and remarkably reasonable in price. Patsy gets our breakfast on the stove yonder, and we buy our lunches down town, where we work, and then dine at Danny Reeves's place. A model home, sir, and a happy one, as I hope you'll find it." "I'm sure to be happy here," said Uncle John, taking out his pipe. "May I smoke?" "Of course; but don't spoil the lace curtains, dear," answered Patsy, mischievously. And then, turning to her father, she exclaimed: "Oh, daddy! What will the Uncle do all the day while we're at work?" "That's as he may choose," said the Major, courteously. "Couldn't we get him a job?" asked Patsy, wistfully. "Not where there'll be much work, you know, for the Uncle is old. But just to keep him out of mischief, and busy. He can't hang around all day and be happy, I suppose." "I'll look around," answered the Major, briskly, as if such a "job" was the easiest thing in the world to procure. "And meantime—" "Meantime," said Uncle John, smiling at them, "I'll look around myself." "To be sure," agreed the Major. "Between the two of us and Patsy, we ought to have no trouble at all." There was a moment of thoughtful silence after this, and then Patsy said:

"You know it won't matter, Uncle John, if you don't work. There'll easy be enough for all, with the Major's wages and my own." "By the bye," added the Major, "if you have any money about you, which is just possible, sir, of course, you'd better turn it over to Patsy to keep, and let her make you an allowance. That's the way I do—it's very satisfactory." "The Major's extravagant," exclaimed Patsy; "and if he has money he wants to treat every man he meets." Uncle John shook his head, reproachfully, at the Major.

"A very bad habit, sir," he said. "I acknowledge it, Mr. Merrick," responded the Major. "But Patsy is fast curing me. And, after all, it's a wicked city to be carrying a fat pocketbook around in, as I've often observed." "My pocketbook is not exactly fat," remarked Uncle John. "But you've money, sir, for I marked you squandering it on the train," said Patsy, severely. "So out with it, and we'll count up, and see how much of an allowance I can make you 'till you get the job." Uncle John laughed and drew his chair up to the table. Then he emptied his trousers' pockets upon the cloth, and Patsy gravely separated the keys and jackknife from the coins and proceeded to count the money. "Seven dollars and forty-two cents," she announced. "Any more?" Uncle John hesitated a moment, and then drew from an inner pocket of his coat a thin wallet. From this, when she had received it from his hand, the girl abstracted two ten and one five dollar bills, all crisp and new.

"Good gracious!" she cried, delightedly. "All this wealth, and you pleading poverty?" "I never said I was a pauper," returned Uncle John, complacently. "You couldn't, and be truthful, sir," declared the girl. "Why, this will last for ages, and I'll put it away safe and be liberal with your allowance. Let me see," pushing the coins about with her slender fingers, "you just keep the forty-two cents, Uncle John. It'll do for car-fare and a bit of lunch now and then, and when you get broke you can come to me." "He smokes," observed the Major, significantly. "Bah! a pipe," said Patsy. "And Bull Durham is only five cents a bag, and a bag ought to last a week. And every Saturday night, sir, you shall have a cigar after dinner, with the Major. It's it our regular practice." "Thank you, Patsy," said Uncle John, meekly, and gathered up his forty-two cents. "You've now a home, and a manager, sir, with money in the bank of Patsy & Company, Limited," announced the Major. "You ought to be very contented, sir." "I am," replied Uncle John.

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The Major was at the station to meet them. Uncle John had shyly suggested a telegram, and Patsy had decided they could stand the expense for the pleasure of seeing the old Dad an hour sooner. |||сором'язливо|порадив|||||||||витримати|||||||||||||

The girl caught sight of him outside the gates, his face red and beaming as a poppy in bloom and his snowy moustache bristling with eagerness. ||побачила||||||||||||||мак червоний|||||||||прагнення At once she dropped her bundles and flew to the Major's arms, leaving the little man in her wake to rescue her belongings and follow after. ||||||||||||||||||||врятувати||речі її||| Aussitôt, elle lâcha ses ballots et s'envola dans les bras du major, laissant le petit homme dans son sillage pour récupérer ses affaires et le suivre. He could hardly see Patsy at all, the Major wrapped her in such an ample embrace; but bye and bye she escaped to get her breath, and then her eyes fell upon the meek form holding her bundles. |||||||||обіймав||||||обійми||||||вибралася||||||||||||||||пакунки Він майже не бачив Петсі, настільки міцно майор обіймав її, але, прощаючись, вона виривалася, щоб віддихатися, а потім її погляд падав на покірну постать, що тримала її згортки.

"Oh, Dad," she cried, "here's Uncle John, who has come to live with us; and if you don't love him as much as I do I'll make your life miserable!" |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||нещасливим "On which account," said the Major, grasping the little man's hand most cordially, "I'll love Uncle John like my own brother. |||||майор|потискаючи|||||||||||||| "C'est pourquoi, dit le major en saisissant chaleureusement la main du petit homme, j'aimerai l'oncle John comme mon propre frère. And surely," he added, his voice falling tenderly, "my dear Violet's brother must be my own. |адже||||||ніжно|||||||| Et sûrement, ajouta-t-il, la voix tendrement baissée, le frère de ma chère Violette doit être le mien. Welcome, sir, now and always, to our little home. It's modest, sir; but wherever Patsy is the sun is sure to shine." |скромно||||||||||| C'est modeste, monsieur, mais partout où se trouve Patsy, le soleil est sûr de briller." "I can believe that," said Uncle John, with a nod and smile. They boarded a car for the long ride up town, and as soon as they were seated Patsy demanded the story of the Major's adventures with his colonel, and the old fellow rattled away with the eagerness of a boy, telling every detail in the most whimsical manner, and finding something humorous in every incident. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||старий|||||завзятіст||||||||||досить кум||||||||інциденті "Oh, but it was grand, Patsy!" he exclaimed, "and the Colonel wept on my neck when we parted and stained the collar of me best coat, and he give me a bottle of whiskey that would make a teetotaler roll his eyes in ecstacy. |||||||||||||||комір|||||||||||||||||||||| Le colonel a pleuré sur mon cou lorsque nous nous sommes quittés et a taché le col de mon meilleur manteau. Il m'a donné une bouteille de whisky qui aurait fait rouler les yeux d'un abstinent en extase. 'Twas the time of my life." Це була||||| "And you're a dozen years younger, Major!" |||дюжина||| she cried, laughing, "and fit to dig into work like a pig in clover." His face grew grave. |||серйозним

"But how about the money, Patsy dear?" he asked. "Did you get nothing out of Jane Merrick's estate?" "Not a nickle, Dad. 'Twas the best joke you ever knew. I fought with Aunt Jane like a pirate and it quite won her heart. |бився|||||||||||| Je me suis battu avec tante Jane comme un pirate et cela lui a permis de gagner son cœur. When she died she left me all she had in the world." "Look at that, now!" said the Major, wonderingly. |||з подивом

"Which turned out to be nothing at all," continued Patsy. "For another will was found, made by Mr. Thomas Bradley, which gave the money to his own nephew after Aunt Jane died. Did you ever?" Tu l'as déjà fait ?" "Wonderful!" said the Major, with a sigh.

"So I was rich for half a day, and then poor as ever." "It didn't hurt you, did it?" ||боліло||| asked the Major. "You weren't vexed with disappointment, were you, Patsy?" ||||розчарування||| "Vous n'étiez pas vexée par la déception, n'est-ce pas, Patsy ?" "Not at all, Daddy." "Then don't mind it, child. Like as not the money would be the ruination of us all. Comme d'habitude, l'argent serait la ruine de tous. Eh, sir?" appealing to Uncle John. привабливий|||

"To be sure," said the little man. "Jane left five thousand to me, also, which I didn't get. But I'm not sorry at all." "Quite right, sir," approved the Major, sympathetically, "although it's easier not to expect anything at all, than to set your heart on a thing and then not get it. ||||||з співчутт|||||||||||||||||||||| "Il est vrai qu'il est plus facile de ne rien attendre du tout que de vouloir faire quelque chose et de ne pas l'obtenir. In your case, it won't matter. |||||мати значення Our house is yours, and there's plenty and to spare." |||||||||і з надлишком "Thank you," said Uncle John, his face grave but his eyes merry. "Merci", dit l'oncle John, le visage grave mais les yeux joyeux. "Oh, Major!" cried Patsy, suddenly. "There's Danny Reeves's restaurant. Let's get off and have our dinner now; I'm as hungry as a bear." |||||||||||||ведмідь So they stopped the car and descended, lugging all the parcels into the little restaurant, where they were piled into a chair while the proprietor and the waiters all gathered around Patsy to welcome her home. ||||||||||посилки|||||||||||||||||||||||||

My, how her eyes sparkled! She fairly danced for joy, and ordered the dinner with reckless disregard of the bill. |досить||||||||||ігноруючи|||

"Ah, but it's good to be back," said the little Bohemian, gleefully. "The big house at Elmhurst was grand and stately, Major, but there wasn't an ounce of love in the cupboard." "Wasn't I there. "Je n'étais pas là. Patsy?" asked Uncle John, reproachfully. |||з докором

"True, but now you're here; and our love, Uncle, has nothing to do with Elmhurst. I'll bet a penny you liked it as little as I did." |поставлю|||||||||| "You'd win," admitted the little man. "And now," said the girl to the smiling waiter, "a bottle of red California wine for Uncle John and the Major, and two real cigars. We'll be merry tonight if it bankrupts the Doyle family entirely." ||||||||сім'я Д||повністю Nous serons heureux ce soir si cela met la famille Doyle en faillite." But, after a merry meal and a good one, there was no bill at all when it was called for.

Danny Reeves himself came instead, and made a nice little speech, saying that Patsy had always brought good luck to the place, and this dinner was his treat to welcome her home. ||||||||||промову||||||||||||||||||||| Danny Reeves lui-même est venu à la place et a fait un beau petit discours, disant que Patsy avait toujours porté chance à l'endroit, et que ce dîner était sa façon de lui souhaiter la bienvenue.

So the Major thanked him with gracious dignity and Patsy kissed Danny on his right cheek, and then they went away happy and content to find the little rooms up the second flight of the old tenement.

"It's no palace," said Patsy, entering to throw down the bundles as soon as the Major unlocked the door, "but there's a cricket in the hearth, and it's your home, Uncle John, as well as ours." ||||||||||пакунки||||||||||||||||||||||||| "Ce n'est pas un palais", dit Patsy, entrant pour jeter les paquets dès que le major ouvrit la porte, "mais il y a un grillon dans l'âtre, et c'est votre maison, oncle John, aussi bien que la nôtre". Uncle John looked around curiously. The place was so plain after the comparative luxury of Elmhurst, and especially of the rose chamber Patsy had occupied, that the old man could not fail to marvel at the girl's ecstatic joy to find herself in the old tenement again. ||||проста||||||||||||кімната||||||||||не міг не||||||екстатичній||||||||| L'endroit était si simple après le luxe comparatif d'Elmhurst, et surtout de la chambre rose que Patsy avait occupée, que le vieil homme ne pouvait manquer de s'étonner de la joie extatique de la jeune fille de se retrouver à nouveau dans le vieil immeuble. There was one good sized living-room, with an ancient rag-carpet partially covering the floor, a sheet-iron stove, a sofa, a table and three or four old-fashioned chairs that had probably come from a second-hand dealer. |||||||||старовинний|||частково|||||||пічка||||||||||||||||||||торговець в Il y avait une salle de séjour de bonne taille, avec un vieux tapis de chiffons recouvrant partiellement le sol, un poêle en tôle, un canapé, une table et trois ou quatre chaises démodées qui avaient probablement été achetées chez un brocanteur.

Opening from this were two closet-like rooms containing each a bed and a chair, with a wash-basin on a bracket shelf. De là s'ouvrent deux pièces semblables à des placards, contenant chacune un lit et une chaise, ainsi qu'un lavabo sur une étagère. On the wails were a few colored prints from the Sunday newspapers and one large and fine photograph of a grizzled old soldier that Uncle John at once decided must represent "the Colonel." ||стінках||||||||||||||||||сірий|||||||||||| Sur les gémissements se trouvaient quelques tirages en couleur des journaux du dimanche et une grande et belle photographie d'un vieux soldat aux cheveux grisonnants qui, selon l'oncle John, devait représenter "le colonel". Having noted these details, Patsy's uncle smoothed back his stubby gray hair with a reflective and half puzzled gesture. |зазначивши||||||||||||||||задумливий|жест Après avoir noté ces détails, l'oncle de Patsy lissa ses cheveux grisonnants d'un geste réfléchi et à moitié perplexe. "It's cozy enough, my child; and I thank you for my welcome," said he. "But may I enquire where on earth you expect to stow me in this rather limited establishment?" ||||||||||||||||закладі "Mais puis-je vous demander où diable vous comptez me loger dans cet établissement plutôt limité ?" "Where? Have you no eyes, then?" she asked, in astonishment. |||подивування "It's the finest sofa in the world, Uncle John, and you'll sleep there like a top, with the dear Colonel's own picture looking down at you to keep you safe and give you happy dreams. "C'est le plus beau canapé du monde, oncle John, et vous y dormirez comme un chef, avec la photo du cher colonel qui vous regarde pour vous protéger et vous faire faire de beaux rêves. Where, indeed!" "Ah; I see," said Uncle John. "And you can wash in my chamber," added the Major, with a grand air, "and hang your clothes on the spare hooks behind my door." ||||||кімната||||||||||||||додаткові|||| "Et vous pourrez vous laver dans ma chambre, ajouta le major avec un grand air, et accrocher vos vêtements aux crochets qui se trouvent derrière ma porte. "I haven't many," said Uncle John, looking thoughtfully at his red bundle. |||||||замислено||||пакунок The Major coughed and turned the lamp a little higher. |||||||||вищу

"You'll find the air fine, and the neighborhood respectable," he said, to turn the subject. ||||||||поважний|||||| "Vous trouverez l'air pur et le quartier respectable", dit-il pour détourner l'attention. "Our modest apartments are cool in summer and warm in winter, and remarkably reasonable in price. ||||||||||||надзвичайно роз||| Patsy gets our breakfast on the stove yonder, and we buy our lunches down town, where we work, and then dine at Danny Reeves's place. Patsy prépare notre petit-déjeuner sur le poêle là-bas, et nous achetons nos déjeuners en ville, là où nous travaillons, puis nous dînons chez Danny Reeves. A model home, sir, and a happy one, as I hope you'll find it." "I'm sure to be happy here," said Uncle John, taking out his pipe. "May I smoke?" "Of course; but don't spoil the lace curtains, dear," answered Patsy, mischievously. ||||псуй||мереживо||||| "Bien sûr, mais ne gâche pas les rideaux de dentelle, ma chère, répondit Patsy avec malice. And then, turning to her father, she exclaimed: "Oh, daddy! What will the Uncle do all the day while we're at work?" "That's as he may choose," said the Major, courteously. "C'est comme il veut", dit courtoisement le major. "Couldn't we get him a job?" asked Patsy, wistfully. ||з ностальгі "Not where there'll be much work, you know, for the Uncle is old. "Ce n'est pas là qu'il y aura beaucoup de travail, vous savez, car l'oncle est vieux. But just to keep him out of mischief, and busy. |||||||непристойності|| Mais c'est juste pour qu'il ne fasse pas de bêtises et qu'il soit occupé. He can't hang around all day and be happy, I suppose." "I'll look around," answered the Major, briskly, as if such a "job" was the easiest thing in the world to procure. ||||||жваво|||||||||||||| "Je vais me renseigner", répondit le major, d'un ton vif, comme si un tel "travail" était la chose la plus facile au monde à obtenir. "And meantime—" "Meantime," said Uncle John, smiling at them, "I'll look around myself." тим часом|||||||||| "To be sure," agreed the Major. "Between the two of us and Patsy, we ought to have no trouble at all." ||||||||повинні|||||| "A nous deux et Patsy, nous ne devrions pas avoir de problème." There was a moment of thoughtful silence after this, and then Patsy said:

"You know it won't matter, Uncle John, if you don't work. ||||мати значення|||||| There'll easy be enough for all, with the Major's wages and my own." "By the bye," added the Major, "if you have any money about you, which is just possible, sir, of course, you'd better turn it over to Patsy to keep, and let her make you an allowance. "D'ailleurs, ajouta le major, si vous avez de l'argent sur vous, ce qui est tout à fait possible, monsieur, vous feriez mieux de le confier à Patsy et de la laisser vous verser une rente. That's the way I do—it's very satisfactory." "The Major's extravagant," exclaimed Patsy; "and if he has money he wants to treat every man he meets." "Le major est extravagant", s'exclame Patsy, "et s'il a de l'argent, il veut traiter tous les hommes qu'il rencontre". Uncle John shook his head, reproachfully, at the Major. |||||з докором||| L'oncle John secoua la tête, d'un air de reproche, à l'adresse du major.

"A very bad habit, sir," he said. "I acknowledge it, Mr. Merrick," responded the Major. "Je le reconnais, M. Merrick", répond le major. "But Patsy is fast curing me. ||||швидко лікує| "Mais Patsy me soigne rapidement. And, after all, it's a wicked city to be carrying a fat pocketbook around in, as I've often observed." Et, après tout, c'est une bien mauvaise ville pour se promener avec un gros portefeuille, comme je l'ai souvent observé." "My pocketbook is not exactly fat," remarked Uncle John. "But you've money, sir, for I marked you squandering it on the train," said Patsy, severely. |||||||||||||||суворо "Mais vous avez de l'argent, monsieur, car je vous ai vu le gaspiller dans le train", dit Patsy avec sévérité. "So out with it, and we'll count up, and see how much of an allowance I can make you 'till you get the job." "Alors, allez-y, nous ferons le compte et nous verrons quelle allocation je peux vous verser jusqu'à ce que vous obteniez le poste." Uncle John laughed and drew his chair up to the table. L'oncle John rit et rapproche sa chaise de la table. Then he emptied his trousers' pockets upon the cloth, and Patsy gravely separated the keys and jackknife from the coins and proceeded to count the money. ||вивернув|||||||||серйозно|відокремила||||||||||||| Puis il vida les poches de son pantalon sur le tissu, et Patsy sépara gravement les clés et le canif des pièces de monnaie et procéda au comptage de l'argent. "Seven dollars and forty-two cents," she announced. "Any more?" Uncle John hesitated a moment, and then drew from an inner pocket of his coat a thin wallet. ||||||||||внутрішній|||||||гаманець L'oncle John hésite un instant, puis tire d'une poche intérieure de son manteau un mince portefeuille. From this, when she had received it from his hand, the girl abstracted two ten and one five dollar bills, all crisp and new. Lorsqu'elle l'a reçu de sa main, la jeune fille en a extrait deux billets de dix dollars et un de cinq dollars, tous neufs et impeccables.

"Good gracious!" |боже ж мій she cried, delightedly. ||задоволено "All this wealth, and you pleading poverty?" ||багатство|||прикидаючись| "Toute cette richesse, et vous plaidez la pauvreté ?" "I never said I was a pauper," returned Uncle John, complacently. "You couldn't, and be truthful, sir," declared the girl. "Vous ne pourriez pas, et vous êtes sincère, monsieur", a déclaré la jeune fille. "Why, this will last for ages, and I'll put it away safe and be liberal with your allowance. "Mais cela durera longtemps, je le mettrai à l'abri et je serai généreux avec votre argent de poche. Let me see," pushing the coins about with her slender fingers, "you just keep the forty-two cents, Uncle John. |||||||||стрункі|||||||||| Voyons voir", dit-elle en poussant les pièces avec ses doigts fins, "tu gardes les quarante-deux cents, oncle John. It'll do for car-fare and a bit of lunch now and then, and when you get broke you can come to me." C'est suffisant pour payer la voiture et un peu de nourriture de temps en temps, et quand tu seras fauché, tu pourras venir me voir". "He smokes," observed the Major, significantly. |||||знаменно "Il fume", observe le major de manière significative. "Bah! a pipe," said Patsy. "And Bull Durham is only five cents a bag, and a bag ought to last a week. ||||||||||||повинна|||| "Et Bull Durham ne coûte que 5 cents le sac, et un sac devrait durer une semaine. And every Saturday night, sir, you shall have a cigar after dinner, with the Major. It's it our regular practice." "Thank you, Patsy," said Uncle John, meekly, and gathered up his forty-two cents. "You've now a home, and a manager, sir, with money in the bank of Patsy & Company, Limited," announced the Major. |||||||||||||||||оголосив|| "Vous avez maintenant une maison et un directeur, monsieur, avec de l'argent à la banque de Patsy & Company, Limited", annonce le major. "You ought to be very contented, sir." |||||задоволений| "I am," replied Uncle John.