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The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, Chapter 5. The Marriage-Feast (5)

Chapter 5. The Marriage-Feast (5)

"That's right!" exclaimed a multitude of voices, "go, and return as quickly as you can!" This second departure was followed by a long and fearful state of terrified silence on the part of those who were left behind. The old father and Mercedes remained for some time apart, each absorbed in grief; but at length the two poor victims of the same blow raised their eyes, and with a simultaneous burst of feeling rushed into each other's arms. Meanwhile Fernand made his appearance, poured out for himself a glass of water with a trembling hand; then hastily swallowing it, went to sit down at the first vacant place, and this was, by mere chance, placed next to the seat on which poor Mercedes had fallen half fainting, when released from the warm and affectionate embrace of old Dantes. Instinctively Fernand drew back his chair.

"He is the cause of all this misery--I am quite sure of it," whispered Caderousse, who had never taken his eyes off Fernand, to Danglars. "I don't think so," answered the other; he's too stupid to imagine such a scheme. I only hope the mischief will fall upon the head of whoever wrought it." "You don't mention those who aided and abetted the deed," said Caderousse. "Surely," answered Danglars, "one cannot be held responsible for every chance arrow shot into the air." "You can, indeed, when the arrow lights point downward on somebody's head." Meantime the subject of the arrest was being canvassed in every different form.

"What think you, Danglars," said one of the party, turning towards him, "of this event?" "Why," replied he, "I think it just possible Dantes may have been detected with some trifling article on board ship considered here as contraband." "But how could he have done so without your knowledge, Danglars, since you are the ship's supercargo?" "Why, as for that, I could only know what I was told respecting the merchandise with which the vessel was laden. I know she was loaded with cotton, and that she took in her freight at Alexandria from Pastret's warehouse, and at Smyrna from Pascal's; that is all I was obliged to know, and I beg I may not be asked for any further particulars." "Now I recollect," said the afflicted old father; "my poor boy told me yesterday he had got a small case of coffee, and another of tobacco for me!" "There, you see," exclaimed Danglars. "Now the mischief is out; depend upon it the custom-house people went rummaging about the ship in our absence, and discovered poor Dantes' hidden treasures." Mercedes, however, paid no heed to this explanation of her lover's arrest. Her grief, which she had hitherto tried to restrain, now burst out in a violent fit of hysterical sobbing.

"Come, come," said the old man, "be comforted, my poor child; there is still hope!" "Hope!" repeated Danglars.

"Hope!" faintly murmured Fernand, but the word seemed to die away on his pale agitated lips, and a convulsive spasm passed over his countenance.

"Good news! good news!" shouted forth one of the party stationed in the balcony on the lookout. "Here comes M. Morrel back. No doubt, now, we shall hear that our friend is released!" Mercedes and the old man rushed to meet the shipowner and greeted him at the door. He was very pale.

"What news?" exclaimed a general burst of voices.

"Alas, my friends," replied M. Morrel, with a mournful shake of his head, "the thing has assumed a more serious aspect than I expected." "Oh, indeed--indeed, sir, he is innocent!" sobbed forth Mercedes.

"That I believe!" answered M. Morrel; "but still he is charged"-- "With what?" inquired the elder Dantes.

"With being an agent of the Bonapartist faction!" Many of our readers may be able to recollect how formidable such an accusation became in the period at which our story is dated.

A despairing cry escaped the pale lips of Mercedes; the old man sank into a chair.

"Ah, Danglars!" whispered Caderousse, "you have deceived me--the trick you spoke of last night has been played; but I cannot suffer a poor old man or an innocent girl to die of grief through your fault. I am determined to tell them all about it." "Be silent, you simpleton!" cried Danglars, grasping him by the arm, "or I will not answer even for your own safety. Who can tell whether Dantes be innocent or guilty? The vessel did touch at Elba, where he quitted it, and passed a whole day in the island. Now, should any letters or other documents of a compromising character be found upon him, will it not be taken for granted that all who uphold him are his accomplices?" With the rapid instinct of selfishness, Caderousse readily perceived the solidity of this mode of reasoning; he gazed, doubtfully, wistfully, on Danglars, and then caution supplanted generosity.

"Suppose we wait a while, and see what comes of it," said he, casting a bewildered look on his companion. "To be sure!" answered Danglars. "Let us wait, by all means. If he be innocent, of course he will be set at liberty; if guilty, why, it is no use involving ourselves in a conspiracy." "Let us go, then. I cannot stay here any longer." "With all my heart!" replied Danglars, pleased to find the other so tractable. "Let us take ourselves out of the way, and leave things for the present to take their course." After their departure, Fernand, who had now again become the friend and protector of Mercedes, led the girl to her home, while the friends of Dantes conducted the now half-fainting man back to his abode.

The rumor of Edmond's arrest as a Bonapartist agent was not slow in circulating throughout the city.

Chapter 5. The Marriage-Feast (5) Capítulo 5. El banquete nupcial (5) Chapitre 5. Le festin du mariage (5) Глава 5. Брачный пир (5) 第5章 婚宴(5)

"That's right!" exclaimed a multitude of voices, "go, and return as quickly as you can!" ||birçok|||||||||| This second departure was followed by a long and fearful state of terrified silence on the part of those who were left behind. The old father and Mercedes remained for some time apart, each absorbed in grief; but at length the two poor victims of the same blow raised their eyes, and with a simultaneous burst of feeling rushed into each other's arms. Meanwhile Fernand made his appearance, poured out for himself a glass of water with a trembling hand; then hastily swallowing it, went to sit down at the first vacant place, and this was, by mere chance, placed next to the seat on which poor Mercedes had fallen half fainting, when released from the warm and affectionate embrace of old Dantes. Cependant Fernand parut, se versa un verre d'eau d'une main tremblante ; puis, l'avalant précipitamment, il alla s'asseoir à la première place libre, et celle-ci fut placée par hasard à côté du siège sur lequel la pauvre Mercedes était tombée à demi évanouie, une fois libérée de l'étreinte chaleureuse et affectueuse du vieux Dantès. Instinctively Fernand drew back his chair. Instinctivement, Fernand recula sa chaise.

"He is the cause of all this misery--I am quite sure of it," whispered Caderousse, who had never taken his eyes off Fernand, to Danglars. "I don't think so," answered the other; he's too stupid to imagine such a scheme. I only hope the mischief will fall upon the head of whoever wrought it." ||||||||||||caused it| ||||kötülük||||||||| J'espère seulement que le mal tombera sur la tête de celui qui l'a fait." Sadece bunun başına kimin bu kötülüğü açtığını umuyorum. "You don't mention those who aided and abetted the deed," said Caderousse. |||||||aided||act|| "Vous ne mentionnez pas ceux qui ont aidé et encouragé l'acte", a déclaré Caderousse. Bu eylemi destekleyenlerden bahsetmiyorsunuz," dedi Caderousse. "Surely," answered Danglars, "one cannot be held responsible for every chance arrow shot into the air." |||||||||||oklar|||| "Sûrement," répondit Danglars, "on ne peut pas être tenu responsable de chaque flèche tirée en l'air." "Elbette," diye yanıtladı Danglars, "her rastgele havaya fırlatılan ok için sorumlu tutulamaz insan." "You can, indeed, when the arrow lights point downward on somebody's head." ||||||||||birinin| "Vous pouvez, en effet, lorsque les lumières des flèches pointent vers le bas sur la tête de quelqu'un." Meantime the subject of the arrest was being canvassed in every different form. ||||||||discussed extensively|||| ||||||||tartışıldı|||| Pendant ce temps, le sujet de l'arrestation était abordé sous toutes les formes.

"What think you, Danglars," said one of the party, turning towards him, "of this event?" "Why," replied he, "I think it just possible Dantes may have been detected with some trifling article on board ship considered here as contraband." ||||||||||||yakalanmış|||||||||||kaçak mal "Pourquoi," répondit-il, "je pense qu'il est tout à fait possible que Dantès ait été détecté avec un article insignifiant à bord du navire considéré ici comme de la contrebande." "But how could he have done so without your knowledge, Danglars, since you are the ship's supercargo?" "Why, as for that, I could only know what I was told respecting the merchandise with which the vessel was laden. ||||||||||||||goods|||||| ||||||||||||||mallar|||||| "Pourquoi, quant à cela, je ne pouvais savoir que ce qu'on m'a dit sur les marchandises dont le navire était chargé. I know she was loaded with cotton, and that she took in her freight at Alexandria from Pastret's warehouse, and at Smyrna from Pascal's; that is all I was obliged to know, and I beg I may not be asked for any further particulars." |||||||||||||cargo shipment||||Pastret's warehouse||||||Pascal's warehouse|||||||||||||||||||| Je sais qu'elle était chargée de coton, et qu'elle prenait son fret à Alexandrie de l'entrepôt de Pastret, et à Smyrne de celui de Pascal ; c'est tout ce que j'étais obligé de savoir, et je prie qu'on ne me demande pas d'autres détails. » "Now I recollect," said the afflicted old father; "my poor boy told me yesterday he had got a small case of coffee, and another of tobacco for me!" "There, you see," exclaimed Danglars. "Now the mischief is out; depend upon it the custom-house people went rummaging about the ship in our absence, and discovered poor Dantes' hidden treasures." |||||||||||||searching through|||||||||||| |||||||||||||karıştırma|||||||||||| "Maintenant, le mal est dehors; comptez-en sur les gens de la douane sont allés fouiller le navire en notre absence et ont découvert les trésors cachés du pauvre Dantès." Mercedes, however, paid no heed to this explanation of her lover's arrest. ||||attention||||||| ||||dikkate almadı||||||| Her grief, which she had hitherto tried to restrain, now burst out in a violent fit of hysterical sobbing. |||||up to now||||||||||||| |||||şimdiye kadar|||||||||||||

"Come, come," said the old man, "be comforted, my poor child; there is still hope!" "Hope!" repeated Danglars.

"Hope!" faintly murmured Fernand, but the word seemed to die away on his pale agitated lips, and a convulsive spasm passed over his countenance. ||||||||||||||||||||||face expression

"Good news! good news!" shouted forth one of the party stationed in the balcony on the lookout. ||||||görevli|||||| "Here comes M. Morrel back. No doubt, now, we shall hear that our friend is released!" Mercedes and the old man rushed to meet the shipowner and greeted him at the door. He was very pale.

"What news?" exclaimed a general burst of voices.

"Alas, my friends," replied M. Morrel, with a mournful shake of his head, "the thing has assumed a more serious aspect than I expected." "Oh, indeed--indeed, sir, he is innocent!" sobbed forth Mercedes.

"That I believe!" answered M. Morrel; "but still he is charged"-- "With what?" inquired the elder Dantes.

"With being an agent of the Bonapartist faction!" |||||||group |||||||faksiyon Many of our readers may be able to recollect how formidable such an accusation became in the period at which our story is dated. ||||||||||formidable||||||||||||| ||||||||||korkutucu|||||||||||||

A despairing cry escaped the pale lips of Mercedes; the old man sank into a chair.

"Ah, Danglars!" whispered Caderousse, "you have deceived me--the trick you spoke of last night has been played; but I cannot suffer a poor old man or an innocent girl to die of grief through your fault. I am determined to tell them all about it." "Be silent, you simpleton!" |||fool |||saf adam cried Danglars, grasping him by the arm, "or I will not answer even for your own safety. Who can tell whether Dantes be innocent or guilty? The vessel did touch at Elba, where he quitted it, and passed a whole day in the island. Le vaisseau toucha à l'île d'Elbe, où il le quitta, et passa une journée entière dans l'île. Now, should any letters or other documents of a compromising character be found upon him, will it not be taken for granted that all who uphold him are his accomplices?" |||||||||||||||||||||||||support|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||destekleyen||||suç ortakları Maintenant, si des lettres ou d'autres documents d'un caractère compromettant sont trouvés sur lui, ne sera-t-il pas tenu pour acquis que tous ceux qui le soutiennent sont ses complices ? » Şimdi, üzerinde ele geçirilen herhangi bir mektup veya başka belgeler gizli nitelikte bulunursa, onu destekleyen herkesin suç ortağı olduğu varsayılmayacak mı?" With the rapid instinct of selfishness, Caderousse readily perceived the solidity of this mode of reasoning; he gazed, doubtfully, wistfully, on Danglars, and then caution supplanted generosity. ||||||||noticed||strength validity soundness|||||||||longingly yearningly pensively||||||replaced generosity| |||||||kolayca|||katılık||||||||şüpheyle|||||||| Avec l'instinct rapide de l'égoïsme, Caderousse s'aperçut aisément de la solidité de ce mode de raisonnement ; il regarda Danglars, dubitatif, mélancolique, puis la prudence supplanta la générosité. Kendine düşkünlükle hızlı bir içgüdüyle Caderousse, bu akıl yürütme biçiminin sağlamlığını hemen fark etti; belirsiz, özlem dolu bir bakışla Danglars'a baktı ve ardından ihtiyat cömertliğin yerini aldı.

"Suppose we wait a while, and see what comes of it," said he, casting a bewildered look on his companion. "Bir süre bekleyelim ve bunun ne sonuç vereceğine bakalım," dedi, arkadaşına kafası karışmış bir bakış atarak. "To be sure!" answered Danglars. "Let us wait, by all means. « Attendons, par tous les moyens. If he be innocent, of course he will be set at liberty; if guilty, why, it is no use involving ourselves in a conspiracy." "Let us go, then. I cannot stay here any longer." "With all my heart!" replied Danglars, pleased to find the other so tractable. ||||||||manageable agreeable répondit Danglars, heureux de trouver l'autre si docile. "Let us take ourselves out of the way, and leave things for the present to take their course." « Laissons-nous faire, et laissons les choses suivre leur cours. » After their departure, Fernand, who had now again become the friend and protector of Mercedes, led the girl to her home, while the friends of Dantes conducted the now half-fainting man back to his abode.

The rumor of Edmond's arrest as a Bonapartist agent was not slow in circulating throughout the city.