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Emma by Jane Austen, Volume 1. Chapter 11.

Volume 1. Chapter 11.

Mr. Elton must now be left to himself. It was no longer in Emma's power to superintend his happiness or quicken his measures. The coming of her sister's family was so very near at hand, that first in anticipation, and then in reality, it became henceforth her prime object of interest; and during the ten days of their stay at Hartfield it was not to be expected--she did not herself expect--that any thing beyond occasional, fortuitous assistance could be afforded by her to the lovers. They might advance rapidly if they would, however; they must advance somehow or other whether they would or no. She hardly wished to have more leisure for them. There are people, who the more you do for them, the less they will do for themselves.

Mr. and Mrs. John Knightley, from having been longer than usual absent from Surry, were exciting of course rather more than the usual interest. Till this year, every long vacation since their marriage had been divided between Hartfield and Donwell Abbey; but all the holidays of this autumn had been given to sea-bathing for the children, and it was therefore many months since they had been seen in a regular way by their Surry connexions, or seen at all by Mr. Woodhouse, who could not be induced to get so far as London, even for poor Isabella's sake; and who consequently was now most nervously and apprehensively happy in forestalling this too short visit. He thought much of the evils of the journey for her, and not a little of the fatigues of his own horses and coachman who were to bring some of the party the last half of the way; but his alarms were needless; the sixteen miles being happily accomplished, and Mr. and Mrs. John Knightley, their five children, and a competent number of nursery-maids, all reaching Hartfield in safety. The bustle and joy of such an arrival, the many to be talked to, welcomed, encouraged, and variously dispersed and disposed of, produced a noise and confusion which his nerves could not have borne under any other cause, nor have endured much longer even for this; but the ways of Hartfield and the feelings of her father were so respected by Mrs. John Knightley, that in spite of maternal solicitude for the immediate enjoyment of her little ones, and for their having instantly all the liberty and attendance, all the eating and drinking, and sleeping and playing, which they could possibly wish for, without the smallest delay, the children were never allowed to be long a disturbance to him, either in themselves or in any restless attendance on them.

Mrs. John Knightley was a pretty, elegant little woman, of gentle, quiet manners, and a disposition remarkably amiable and affectionate; wrapt up in her family; a devoted wife, a doating mother, and so tenderly attached to her father and sister that, but for these higher ties, a warmer love might have seemed impossible. She could never see a fault in any of them. She was not a woman of strong understanding or any quickness; and with this resemblance of her father, she inherited also much of his constitution; was delicate in her own health, over-careful of that of her children, had many fears and many nerves, and was as fond of her own Mr. Wingfield in town as her father could be of Mr. Perry. They were alike too, in a general benevolence of temper, and a strong habit of regard for every old acquaintance.

Mr. John Knightley was a tall, gentleman-like, and very clever man; rising in his profession, domestic, and respectable in his private character; but with reserved manners which prevented his being generally pleasing; and capable of being sometimes out of humour. He was not an ill-tempered man, not so often unreasonably cross as to deserve such a reproach; but his temper was not his great perfection; and, indeed, with such a worshipping wife, it was hardly possible that any natural defects in it should not be increased. The extreme sweetness of her temper must hurt his. He had all the clearness and quickness of mind which she wanted, and he could sometimes act an ungracious, or say a severe thing.

He was not a great favourite with his fair sister-in-law. Nothing wrong in him escaped her. She was quick in feeling the little injuries to Isabella, which Isabella never felt herself. Perhaps she might have passed over more had his manners been flattering to Isabella's sister, but they were only those of a calmly kind brother and friend, without praise and without blindness; but hardly any degree of personal compliment could have made her regardless of that greatest fault of all in her eyes which he sometimes fell into, the want of respectful forbearance towards her father. There he had not always the patience that could have been wished. Mr. Woodhouse's peculiarities and fidgetiness were sometimes provoking him to a rational remonstrance or sharp retort equally ill-bestowed. It did not often happen; for Mr. John Knightley had really a great regard for his father-in-law, and generally a strong sense of what was due to him; but it was too often for Emma's charity, especially as there was all the pain of apprehension frequently to be endured, though the offence came not. The beginning, however, of every visit displayed none but the properest feelings, and this being of necessity so short might be hoped to pass away in unsullied cordiality. They had not been long seated and composed when Mr. Woodhouse, with a melancholy shake of the head and a sigh, called his daughter's attention to the sad change at Hartfield since she had been there last. "Ah, my dear," said he, "poor Miss Taylor--It is a grievous business." "Oh yes, sir," cried she with ready sympathy, "how you must miss her! And dear Emma, too!--What a dreadful loss to you both!--I have been so grieved for you.--I could not imagine how you could possibly do without her.--It is a sad change indeed.--But I hope she is pretty well, sir." "Pretty well, my dear--I hope--pretty well.--I do not know but that the place agrees with her tolerably." Mr. John Knightley here asked Emma quietly whether there were any doubts of the air of Randalls.

"Oh! no--none in the least. I never saw Mrs. Weston better in my life--never looking so well. Papa is only speaking his own regret." "Very much to the honour of both," was the handsome reply. "And do you see her, sir, tolerably often?" asked Isabella in the plaintive tone which just suited her father.

Mr. Woodhouse hesitated.--"Not near so often, my dear, as I could wish." "Oh! papa, we have missed seeing them but one entire day since they married. Either in the morning or evening of every day, excepting one, have we seen either Mr. Weston or Mrs. Weston, and generally both, either at Randalls or here--and as you may suppose, Isabella, most frequently here. They are very, very kind in their visits. Mr. Weston is really as kind as herself. Papa, if you speak in that melancholy way, you will be giving Isabella a false idea of us all. Every body must be aware that Miss Taylor must be missed, but every body ought also to be assured that Mr. and Mrs. Weston do really prevent our missing her by any means to the extent we ourselves anticipated--which is the exact truth." "Just as it should be," said Mr. John Knightley, "and just as I hoped it was from your letters. Her wish of shewing you attention could not be doubted, and his being a disengaged and social man makes it all easy. I have been always telling you, my love, that I had no idea of the change being so very material to Hartfield as you apprehended; and now you have Emma's account, I hope you will be satisfied." "Why, to be sure," said Mr. Woodhouse--"yes, certainly--I cannot deny that Mrs. Weston, poor Mrs. Weston, does come and see us pretty often--but then--she is always obliged to go away again." "It would be very hard upon Mr. Weston if she did not, papa.--You quite forget poor Mr. Weston." "I think, indeed," said John Knightley pleasantly, "that Mr. Weston has some little claim. You and I, Emma, will venture to take the part of the poor husband. I, being a husband, and you not being a wife, the claims of the man may very likely strike us with equal force. As for Isabella, she has been married long enough to see the convenience of putting all the Mr. Westons aside as much as she can." "Me, my love," cried his wife, hearing and understanding only in part.--"Are you talking about me?--I am sure nobody ought to be, or can be, a greater advocate for matrimony than I am; and if it had not been for the misery of her leaving Hartfield, I should never have thought of Miss Taylor but as the most fortunate woman in the world; and as to slighting Mr. Weston, that excellent Mr. Weston, I think there is nothing he does not deserve. I believe he is one of the very best-tempered men that ever existed. Excepting yourself and your brother, I do not know his equal for temper. I shall never forget his flying Henry's kite for him that very windy day last Easter--and ever since his particular kindness last September twelvemonth in writing that note, at twelve o'clock at night, on purpose to assure me that there was no scarlet fever at Cobham, I have been convinced there could not be a more feeling heart nor a better man in existence.--If any body can deserve him, it must be Miss Taylor." "Where is the young man?" said John Knightley. "Has he been here on this occasion--or has he not?" "He has not been here yet," replied Emma. "There was a strong expectation of his coming soon after the marriage, but it ended in nothing; and I have not heard him mentioned lately." "But you should tell them of the letter, my dear," said her father. "He wrote a letter to poor Mrs. Weston, to congratulate her, and a very proper, handsome letter it was. She shewed it to me. I thought it very well done of him indeed. Whether it was his own idea you know, one cannot tell. He is but young, and his uncle, perhaps--" "My dear papa, he is three-and-twenty. You forget how time passes." "Three-and-twenty!--is he indeed?--Well, I could not have thought it--and he was but two years old when he lost his poor mother! Well, time does fly indeed!--and my memory is very bad. However, it was an exceeding good, pretty letter, and gave Mr. and Mrs. Weston a great deal of pleasure. I remember it was written from Weymouth, and dated Sept. 28th--and began, 'My dear Madam,' but I forget how it went on; and it was signed 'F. C. Weston Churchill.' --I remember that perfectly." "How very pleasing and proper of him!" cried the good-hearted Mrs. John Knightley. "I have no doubt of his being a most amiable young man. But how sad it is that he should not live at home with his father! There is something so shocking in a child's being taken away from his parents and natural home! I never could comprehend how Mr. Weston could part with him. To give up one's child! I really never could think well of any body who proposed such a thing to any body else." "Nobody ever did think well of the Churchills, I fancy," observed Mr. John Knightley coolly. "But you need not imagine Mr. Weston to have felt what you would feel in giving up Henry or John. Mr. Weston is rather an easy, cheerful-tempered man, than a man of strong feelings; he takes things as he finds them, and makes enjoyment of them somehow or other, depending, I suspect, much more upon what is called society for his comforts, that is, upon the power of eating and drinking, and playing whist with his neighbours five times a week, than upon family affection, or any thing that home affords." Emma could not like what bordered on a reflection on Mr. Weston, and had half a mind to take it up; but she struggled, and let it pass. She would keep the peace if possible; and there was something honourable and valuable in the strong domestic habits, the all-sufficiency of home to himself, whence resulted her brother's disposition to look down on the common rate of social intercourse, and those to whom it was important.--It had a high claim to forbearance.

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Volume 1. Chapter 11. Band 1. Kapitel 11. Volumen 1. Capítulo 11. Cilt 1. Bölüm 11. Том 1. Розділ 11. 第 1 卷第 11 章。

Mr. Elton must now be left to himself. It was no longer in Emma's power to superintend his happiness or quicken his measures. 艾瑪不再有能力控制他的幸福或加快他的行動。 The coming of her sister's family was so very near at hand, that first in anticipation, and then in reality, it became henceforth her prime object of interest; and during the ten days of their stay at Hartfield it was not to be expected--she did not herself expect--that any thing beyond occasional, fortuitous assistance could be afforded by her to the lovers. |||||||||||||||expectation|||||||from now on||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||accidental||||||||| لقد كان مجيء عائلة أختها قريبًا جدًا من متناول اليد ، وذلك أولاً بترقب ، ثم في الواقع ، أصبح هدفها الرئيسي من الاهتمام ؛ وخلال الأيام العشرة لإقامتهم في هارتفيلد ، لم يكن متوقعًا - لم تتوقع نفسها - أن أي شيء يتجاوز المساعدة العرضية يمكن أن يقدمها لها إلى العشاق. 她姊姊一家人的到來近在咫尺,從最初的期待,到後來的現實,這一切從此成為她最感興趣的對象。在他們在哈特菲爾德逗留的十天裡,除了偶爾的、偶然的幫助之外,她不可能為這對戀人提供任何幫助——她自己也沒有想到。 They might advance rapidly if they would, however; they must advance somehow or other whether they would or no. She hardly wished to have more leisure for them. 她幾乎不希望有更多的閒暇時間留給他們。 There are people, who the more you do for them, the less they will do for themselves.

Mr. and Mrs. John Knightley, from having been longer than usual absent from Surry, were exciting of course rather more than the usual interest. 約翰奈特利先生和夫人因為比平常缺席薩裡的時間更長,當然比平常更令人興奮。 Till this year, every long vacation since their marriage had been divided between Hartfield and Donwell Abbey; but all the holidays of this autumn had been given to sea-bathing for the children, and it was therefore many months since they had been seen in a regular way by their Surry connexions, or seen at all by Mr. Woodhouse, who could not be induced to get so far as London, even for poor Isabella's sake; and who consequently was now most nervously and apprehensively happy in forestalling this too short visit. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||anxiously|||anticipating preempting preparing|||| 直到今年,他們結婚以來的每一次長假都是在哈特菲爾德和唐威爾修道院度過的。但是今年秋天的所有假期都被孩子們用來海水浴,因此,他們已經好幾個月沒有被薩裡的親戚定期見到了,或者伍德豪斯先生根本沒有見過他們,而伍德豪斯先生根本無法見到他們。即使是為了可憐的伊莎貝拉,他們也被誘騙到倫敦;因此,他現在非常緊張和憂慮地高興地提前阻止了這次短暫的訪問。 He thought much of the evils of the journey for her, and not a little of the fatigues of his own horses and coachman who were to bring some of the party the last half of the way; but his alarms were needless; the sixteen miles being happily accomplished, and Mr. and Mrs. John Knightley, their five children, and a competent number of nursery-maids, all reaching Hartfield in safety. 他為她考慮了很多旅途中的痛苦,也沒有少考慮他自己的馬匹和車夫的疲勞,他們要在後半程中運送一些人;但他的警報是不必要的;十六英里的路程愉快地完成了,約翰奈特利夫婦、他們的五個孩子,以及數量充足的保姆,都安全到達了哈特菲爾德。 The bustle and joy of such an arrival, the many to be talked to, welcomed, encouraged, and variously dispersed and disposed of, produced a noise and confusion which his nerves could not have borne under any other cause, nor have endured much longer even for this; but the ways of Hartfield and the feelings of her father were so respected by Mrs. John Knightley, that in spite of maternal solicitude for the immediate enjoyment of her little ones, and for their having instantly all the liberty and attendance, all the eating and drinking, and sleeping and playing, which they could possibly wish for, without the smallest delay, the children were never allowed to be long a disturbance to him, either in themselves or in any restless attendance on them. |activity|||||||||||||||||scattered and managed|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||concern||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 這樣的到來帶來的喧鬧和歡樂,許多人受到交談、歡迎、鼓勵,以及各種驅散和處置,產生了噪音和混亂,他的神經在任何其他原因下都無法忍受,甚至也無法忍受更長的時間。為了這;但約翰奈特利夫人非常尊重哈特菲爾德的生活方式和她父親的感情,儘管母親關心她的孩子們立即享受,並立即擁有所有的自由和照顧,所有的飲食和生活喝酒、睡覺、玩耍,這些都是他們可能希望得到的,沒有絲毫的耽擱,但決不允許孩子們長時間地打擾他,無論是他們自己還是對他們的任何不安的照顧。

Mrs. John Knightley was a pretty, elegant little woman, of gentle, quiet manners, and a disposition remarkably amiable and affectionate; wrapt up in her family; a devoted wife, a doating mother, and so tenderly attached to her father and sister that, but for these higher ties, a warmer love might have seemed impossible. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||loving and indulgent||||||||||||||||||||||| 約翰奈特利夫人是個漂亮、優雅的小女人,舉止溫柔、安靜,性情非常和藹可親、深情款款。沉浸在她的家庭中;她是一位忠誠的妻子,一位溺愛孩子的母親,對父親和姊姊也如此溫柔地依戀,如果沒有這些更高層次的聯繫,更溫暖的愛似乎是不可能的。 She could never see a fault in any of them. She was not a woman of strong understanding or any quickness; and with this resemblance of her father, she inherited also much of his constitution; was delicate in her own health, over-careful of that of her children, had many fears and many nerves, and was as fond of her own Mr. Wingfield in town as her father could be of Mr. Perry. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||et|||||||||||||||||| 她不是一個理解力強、反應敏捷的女人。由於與父親相似,她也繼承了父親的大部分體質。她自己的健康狀況很脆弱,對孩子們的健康過於關心,有很多恐懼和緊張,她喜歡鎮上自己的溫菲爾德先生,就像她父親喜歡佩里先生一樣。 They were alike too, in a general benevolence of temper, and a strong habit of regard for every old acquaintance. |||||||kindness|||||||||||| 他們也很相似,都有一種普遍的仁慈的脾氣,並且都有尊重每個老熟人的強烈習慣。

Mr. John Knightley was a tall, gentleman-like, and very clever man; rising in his profession, domestic, and respectable in his private character; but with reserved manners which prevented his being generally pleasing; and capable of being sometimes out of humour. He was not an ill-tempered man, not so often unreasonably cross as to deserve such a reproach; but his temper was not his great perfection; and, indeed, with such a worshipping wife, it was hardly possible that any natural defects in it should not be increased. |||||||||||||||||criticism||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 他不是一個脾氣暴躁的人,也不是經常無理取鬧,以至於值得受到這樣的責備。但他的脾氣並不完美。事實上,有了這樣一位令人崇拜的妻子,自然的缺陷幾乎不可能不增加。 The extreme sweetness of her temper must hurt his. He had all the clearness and quickness of mind which she wanted, and he could sometimes act an ungracious, or say a severe thing. ||||||||||||||||||rude or unpleasant||||| 他擁有她所需要的一切清晰和敏捷的頭腦,但有時他會做出不禮貌的舉動,或說出嚴厲的話。

He was not a great favourite with his fair sister-in-law. 他不太受他漂亮嫂子的喜愛。 Nothing wrong in him escaped her. She was quick in feeling the little injuries to Isabella, which Isabella never felt herself. 她很快就感受到了伊莎貝拉身上的小傷,而伊莎貝拉自己卻從未有過這種感覺。 Perhaps she might have passed over more had his manners been flattering to Isabella's sister, but they were only those of a calmly kind brother and friend, without praise and without blindness; but hardly any degree of personal compliment could have made her regardless of that greatest fault of all in her eyes which he sometimes fell into, the want of respectful forbearance towards her father. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||self-restraint||| 如果他的行為討好伊莎貝拉的妹妹,也許她可能會忽略更多,但他們只是平靜善良的兄弟和朋友的舉止,沒有讚美,也沒有盲目;但幾乎任何程度的個人讚美都無法使她無視於她眼中最大的錯誤,他有時會陷入這種錯誤,即缺乏對她父親的尊重和寬容。 There he had not always the patience that could have been wished. 在那裡,他並不總是擁有所希望的耐心。 Mr. Woodhouse's peculiarities and fidgetiness were sometimes provoking him to a rational remonstrance or sharp retort equally ill-bestowed. ||||||||||||protest|||sharp reply||| 伍德豪斯先生的怪癖和煩躁有時會激起他理性的抗議或同樣不恰當的尖銳反駁。 It did not often happen; for Mr. John Knightley had really a great regard for his father-in-law, and generally a strong sense of what was due to him; but it was too often for Emma's charity, especially as there was all the pain of apprehension frequently to be endured, though the offence came not. 這種事並不常發生。因為約翰奈特利先生確實非常尊重他的岳父,並且總體上對他應得的東西有強烈的意識。但對於愛瑪的仁慈來說,這種情況太常見了,尤其是當人們經常要忍受憂慮帶來的痛苦時,儘管冒犯並沒有發生。 The beginning, however, of every visit displayed none but the properest feelings, and this being of necessity so short might be hoped to pass away in unsullied cordiality. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||pure untainted|warm friendliness 然而,每次拜訪的開始都表現出最恰當的感情,而這種短暫的短暫可能希望能在純潔的真誠中結束。 They had not been long seated and composed when Mr. Woodhouse, with a melancholy shake of the head and a sigh, called his daughter's attention to the sad change at Hartfield since she had been there last. 他們剛坐下來不久,心情平靜下來,伍德豪斯先生憂鬱地搖了搖頭,嘆了口氣,請他女兒注意自從她上次來哈特菲爾德以來發生的令人悲傷的變化。 "Ah, my dear," said he, "poor Miss Taylor--It is a grievous business." |||||||||||serious business| “啊,親愛的,”他說,“可憐的泰勒小姐——這是一件令人悲痛的事情。” "Oh yes, sir," cried she with ready sympathy, "how you must miss her! And dear Emma, too!--What a dreadful loss to you both!--I have been so grieved for you.--I could not imagine how you could possibly do without her.--It is a sad change indeed.--But I hope she is pretty well, sir." 還有親愛的艾瑪!--對你們兩個來說是多麼可怕的損失!--我為你們感到非常悲傷。--我無法想像沒有她,你們會怎樣。--這確實是一個令人悲傷的變化。 -——但我希望她一切都好,先生。” "Pretty well, my dear--I hope--pretty well.--I do not know but that the place agrees with her tolerably." “很好,親愛的——我希望——很好。——我不知道,但這個地方還算適合她。” Mr. John Knightley here asked Emma quietly whether there were any doubts of the air of Randalls.

"Oh! no--none in the least. I never saw Mrs. Weston better in my life--never looking so well. Papa is only speaking his own regret." "Very much to the honour of both," was the handsome reply. "And do you see her, sir, tolerably often?" “先生,您經常見到她嗎?” asked Isabella in the plaintive tone which just suited her father. ||||sorrowful tone|||||| 伊莎貝拉用適合父親的哀怨語氣問道。

Mr. Woodhouse hesitated.--"Not near so often, my dear, as I could wish." "Oh! papa, we have missed seeing them but one entire day since they married. Either in the morning or evening of every day, excepting one, have we seen either Mr. Weston or Mrs. Weston, and generally both, either at Randalls or here--and as you may suppose, Isabella, most frequently here. 每天早上或晚上,除了一次之外,我們都見過韋斯頓先生或韋斯頓夫人,而且一般都見過,要么在蘭德爾斯,要么在這裡——正如你可能想像的那樣,伊莎貝拉最常在這裡。 They are very, very kind in their visits. Mr. Weston is really as kind as herself. Papa, if you speak in that melancholy way, you will be giving Isabella a false idea of us all. Every body must be aware that Miss Taylor must be missed, but every body ought also to be assured that Mr. and Mrs. Weston do really prevent our missing her by any means to the extent we ourselves anticipated--which is the exact truth." |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||extent|||||||| 每個人都必須意識到我們一定會想念泰勒小姐,但每個人也應該放心,韋斯頓先生和夫人確實會以任何方式阻止我們想念她,達到我們自己預期的程度——這是千真萬確的事實。 ” "Just as it should be," said Mr. John Knightley, "and just as I hoped it was from your letters. Her wish of shewing you attention could not be doubted, and his being a disengaged and social man makes it all easy. ||||||||||||||available||||||| 她想吸引你注意的願望是不容置疑的,而他是一個不愛交際的人,這讓這一切變得容易。 I have been always telling you, my love, that I had no idea of the change being so very material to Hartfield as you apprehended; and now you have Emma's account, I hope you will be satisfied." "Why, to be sure," said Mr. Woodhouse--"yes, certainly--I cannot deny that Mrs. Weston, poor Mrs. Weston, does come and see us pretty often--but then--she is always obliged to go away again." 「當然,」伍德豪斯先生說——「是的,當然——我不能否認韋斯頓夫人,可憐的韋斯頓夫人,確實經常來看我們——但是話又說回來——她總是很感激再次離開。” "It would be very hard upon Mr. Weston if she did not, papa.--You quite forget poor Mr. 「如果她不這樣做,那對韋斯頓先生來說將是非常困難的,爸爸。——你完全忘記了可憐的韋斯頓先生。 Weston." "I think, indeed," said John Knightley pleasantly, "that Mr. Weston has some little claim. You and I, Emma, will venture to take the part of the poor husband. I, being a husband, and you not being a wife, the claims of the man may very likely strike us with equal force. 我身為丈夫,而你不是妻子,男人的主張很可能對我們產生同等的影響。 As for Isabella, she has been married long enough to see the convenience of putting all the Mr. Westons aside as much as she can." 至於伊莎貝拉,她已經結婚很久了,她已經看到了盡可能把所有韋斯頓先生放在一邊的便利性。” "Me, my love," cried his wife, hearing and understanding only in part.--"Are you talking about me?--I am sure nobody ought to be, or can be, a greater advocate for matrimony than I am; and if it had not been for the misery of her leaving Hartfield, I should never have thought of Miss Taylor but as the most fortunate woman in the world; and as to slighting Mr. Weston, that excellent Mr. Weston, I think there is nothing he does not deserve. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||supporter|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||disregarding||||||||||||||| 「我,我的愛人,」他的妻子喊道,她只聽到並理解了一部分。——「你在說我嗎?——我相信沒有人應該,也可以,比我更支持婚姻;如果不是因為她離開哈特菲爾德的痛苦,我絕不會想到泰勒小姐,而是世界上最幸運的女人;至於輕視韋斯頓先生,那位優秀的韋斯頓先生,我認為有沒有什麼是他不值得的。 I believe he is one of the very best-tempered men that ever existed. Ik geloof dat hij een van de allerbeste mannen is die ooit hebben bestaan. Excepting yourself and your brother, I do not know his equal for temper. 除了你和你的兄弟之外,我不知道他的脾氣能與他相提並論。 I shall never forget his flying Henry's kite for him that very windy day last Easter--and ever since his particular kindness last September twelvemonth in writing that note, at twelve o'clock at night, on purpose to assure me that there was no scarlet fever at Cobham, I have been convinced there could not be a more feeling heart nor a better man in existence.--If any body can deserve him, it must be Miss Taylor." 我永遠不會忘記去年復活節那個風很大的日子,他為他放飛了亨利的風箏——自從他去年九月十二月在晚上十二點寫下那張紙條以來,他特別友善,故意向我保證沒有猩紅色的東西。在科巴姆發燒的時候,我確信世上再沒有比他更感性的人了,也沒有比他更好的人了。——如果有誰配得上他,那一定是泰勒小姐。” "Where is the young man?" said John Knightley. "Has he been here on this occasion--or has he not?" "He has not been here yet," replied Emma. "There was a strong expectation of his coming soon after the marriage, but it ended in nothing; and I have not heard him mentioned lately." 「婚後,大家都非常期待他的到來,但最終沒有結果;我最近也沒有聽到他提起過。” "But you should tell them of the letter, my dear," said her father. "He wrote a letter to poor Mrs. Weston, to congratulate her, and a very proper, handsome letter it was. 「他給可憐的韋斯頓夫人寫了一封信,向她表示祝賀,這是一封非常恰當、漂亮的信。 She shewed it to me. I thought it very well done of him indeed. 我認為他確實做得很好。 Whether it was his own idea you know, one cannot tell. He is but young, and his uncle, perhaps--" "My dear papa, he is three-and-twenty. 「我親愛的爸爸,他三歲二十歲了。 You forget how time passes." 你忘記了時間是如何流逝的。” "Three-and-twenty!--is he indeed?--Well, I could not have thought it--and he was but two years old when he lost his poor mother! 「三歲和二十歲!--他確實是這樣嗎?--嗯,我不可能想到這一點--當他失去可憐的母親時,他才兩歲! Well, time does fly indeed!--and my memory is very bad. However, it was an exceeding good, pretty letter, and gave Mr. and Mrs. Weston a great deal of pleasure. 然而,這是一封非常好的、漂亮的信,給了韋斯頓先生和夫人極大的樂趣。 I remember it was written from Weymouth, and dated Sept. 我記得它是在韋茅斯寫的,日期是九月二十二日。 28th--and began, 'My dear Madam,' but I forget how it went on; and it was signed 'F. C. Weston Churchill.' --I remember that perfectly." "How very pleasing and proper of him!" cried the good-hearted Mrs. John Knightley. "I have no doubt of his being a most amiable young man. But how sad it is that he should not live at home with his father! There is something so shocking in a child's being taken away from his parents and natural home! 一個孩子被帶離他的父母和自然的家,真是令人震驚! I never could comprehend how Mr. Weston could part with him. To give up one's child! I really never could think well of any body who proposed such a thing to any body else." 我真的無法想像任何向其他人提出這樣的事情的人。” "Nobody ever did think well of the Churchills, I fancy," observed Mr. John Knightley coolly. قال السيد جون نايتلي ببرود: "لم يفكر أحد جيدًا في تشرشلز ، وأنا أتخيل". 「我想,沒有人對邱吉爾一家有好感,」約翰奈特利先生冷靜地評論道。 "But you need not imagine Mr. Weston to have felt what you would feel in giving up Henry or John. Mr. Weston is rather an easy, cheerful-tempered man, than a man of strong feelings; he takes things as he finds them, and makes enjoyment of them somehow or other, depending, I suspect, much more upon what is called society for his comforts, that is, upon the power of eating and drinking, and playing whist with his neighbours five times a week, than upon family affection, or any thing that home affords." السيد ويستون هو بالأحرى رجل سهل ومبهج ، أكثر من رجل ذو مشاعر قوية ؛ يأخذ الأشياء كما يجدها ، ويستمتع بها بطريقة أو بأخرى ، وهذا ، حسب ما أظن ، أكثر من ذلك بكثير على ما يسمى المجتمع بوسائل الراحة ، أي على قوة الأكل والشرب ، ولعب صه مع جيرانه خمس مرات في الأسبوع ، أكثر من المودة العائلية ، أو أي شيء يوفره المنزل ". 韋斯頓先生是個個性隨和、性情開朗的人,而不是個感情強烈的人。他按照他發現的東西來對待它們,並以某種方式享受它們,我懷疑,更多地依賴於所謂的社會的安慰,也就是說,依賴於吃喝的力量,以及與鄰居玩惠斯特的力量每週五次,而不是依靠家庭感情或家庭所能提供的任何東西。” Emma could not like what bordered on a reflection on Mr. Weston, and had half a mind to take it up; but she struggled, and let it pass. لم يكن بالإمكان أن تحب إيما ما يحدها التفكير في السيد ويستون ، وكان لديه عقل لنصف الأمر ؛ لكنها كافحت ، والسماح لها بالمرور. 愛瑪不喜歡這種近乎對韋斯頓先生的反思,所以半心半意地接受了。但她掙扎了一下,就讓它過去了。 She would keep the peace if possible; and there was something honourable and valuable in the strong domestic habits, the all-sufficiency of home to himself, whence resulted her brother's disposition to look down on the common rate of social intercourse, and those to whom it was important.--It had a high claim to forbearance. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||patience 如果可能的話,她會維持和平。強烈的家庭習慣和自給自足的家庭習慣是值得尊敬和有價值的,這導致了她哥哥的性格,看不起社會交往的普遍程度,以及那些對社會交往很重要的人。對寬容的高度要求。