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Little Lord Fauntleroy by Frances Hodgson Burnett, Chapter 2 (5)

Chapter 2 (5)

He had another slight shock when Mrs. Errol asked Mary to find her little boy and bring him to her, and Mary told her where he was.

"Sure I'll foind him aisy enough, ma'am," she said; "for it's wid Mr. Hobbs he is this minnit, settin' on his high shtool by the counther an' talkin' pollytics, most loikely, or enj'yin' hisself among the soap an' candles an' pertaties, as sinsible an' shwate as ye plase." "Mr. Hobbs has known him all his life," Mrs. Errol said to the lawyer. "He is very kind to Ceddie, and there is a great friendship between them." Remembering the glimpse he had caught of the store as he passed it, and having a recollection of the barrels of potatoes and apples and the various odds and ends, Mr. Havisham felt his doubts arise again. In England, gentlemen's sons did not make friends of grocerymen, and it seemed to him a rather singular proceeding. It would be very awkward if the child had bad manners and a disposition to like low company. One of the bitterest humiliations of the old Earl's life had been that his two elder sons had been fond of low company. Could it be, he thought, that this boy shared their bad qualities instead of his father's good qualities? He was thinking uneasily about this as he talked to Mrs. Errol until the child came into the room. When the door opened, he actually hesitated a moment before looking at Cedric. It would, perhaps, have seemed very queer to a great many people who knew him, if they could have known the curious sensations that passed through Mr. Havisham when he looked down at the boy, who ran into his mother's arms. He experienced a revulsion of feeling which was quite exciting. He recognized in an instant that here was one of the finest and handsomest little fellows he had ever seen.

His beauty was something unusual. He had a strong, lithe, graceful little body and a manly little face; he held his childish head up, and carried himself with a brave air; he was so like his father that it was really startling; he had his father's golden hair and his mother's brown eyes, but there was nothing sorrowful or timid in them. They were innocently fearless eyes; he looked as if he had never feared or doubted anything in his life.

"He is the best-bred-looking and handsomest little fellow I ever saw," was what Mr. Havisham thought. What he said aloud was simply, "And so this is little Lord Fauntleroy." And, after this, the more he saw of little Lord Fauntleroy, the more of a surprise he found him. He knew very little about children, though he had seen plenty of them in England--fine, handsome, rosy girls and boys, who were strictly taken care of by their tutors and governesses, and who were sometimes shy, and sometimes a trifle boisterous, but never very interesting to a ceremonious, rigid old lawyer. Perhaps his personal interest in little Lord Fauntleroy's fortunes made him notice Ceddie more than he had noticed other children; but, however that was, he certainly found himself noticing him a great deal. Cedric did not know he was being observed, and he only behaved himself in his ordinary manner. He shook hands with Mr. Havisham in his friendly way when they were introduced to each other, and he answered all his questions with the unhesitating readiness with which he answered Mr. Hobbs. He was neither shy nor bold, and when Mr. Havisham was talking to his mother, the lawyer noticed that he listened to the conversation with as much interest as if he had been quite grown up.

"He seems to be a very mature little fellow," Mr. Havisham said to the mother. "I think he is, in some things," she answered. "He has always been very quick to learn, and he has lived a great deal with grownup people. He has a funny little habit of using long words and expressions he has read in books, or has heard others use, but he is very fond of childish play. I think he is rather clever, but he is a very boyish little boy, sometimes." The next time Mr. Havisham met him, he saw that this last was quite true. As his coupe turned the corner, he caught sight of a group of small boys, who were evidently much excited. Two of them were about to run a race, and one of them was his young lordship, and he was shouting and making as much noise as the noisiest of his companions. He stood side by side with another boy, one little red leg advanced a step.

"One, to make ready!" yelled the starter. "Two, to be steady. Three--and away!"

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Chapter 2 (5) Kapitel 2 (5) Capítulo 2 (5) Chapitre 2 (5) 2장 (5) Capítulo 2 (5) Bölüm 2 (5) Розділ 2 (5) 第2章(5)

He had another slight shock when Mrs. Errol asked Mary to find her little boy and bring him to her, and Mary told her where he was. Ebbe un altro piccolo shock quando la signora Errol chiese a Mary di trovare il suo bambino e di portarglielo, e Mary le disse dove si trovava.

"Sure I'll foind him aisy enough, ma'am," she said; "for it's wid Mr. Hobbs he is this minnit, settin' on his high shtool by the counther an' talkin' pollytics, most loikely, or enj'yin' hisself among the soap an' candles an' pertaties, as sinsible an' shwate as ye plase." "Mr. Hobbs has known him all his life," Mrs. Errol said to the lawyer. "He is very kind to Ceddie, and there is a great friendship between them." Remembering the glimpse he had caught of the store as he passed it, and having a recollection of the barrels of potatoes and apples and the various odds and ends, Mr. Havisham felt his doubts arise again. Ricordando lo scorcio che aveva avuto del negozio mentre vi passava davanti, e ricordando i barili di patate e mele e le varie cianfrusaglie, il signor Havisham sentì sorgere nuovamente i suoi dubbi. In England, gentlemen's sons did not make friends of grocerymen, and it seemed to him a rather singular proceeding. In England schlossen die Söhne von Gentlemen keine Freundschaft mit Lebensmittelhändlern, und das erschien ihm als ein recht merkwürdiges Vorgehen. It would be very awkward if the child had bad manners and a disposition to like low company. Es wäre sehr unangenehm, wenn das Kind schlechte Manieren und eine Neigung zu schlechter Gesellschaft hätte. Sarebbe molto imbarazzante se il bambino avesse cattive maniere e una disposizione a gradire la bassa compagnia. One of the bitterest humiliations of the old Earl's life had been that his two elder sons had been fond of low company. Una delle umiliazioni più amare della vita del vecchio conte era stata che i suoi due figli maggiori erano amanti delle basse compagnie. Could it be, he thought, that this boy shared their bad qualities instead of his father's good qualities? Könnte es sein, dachte er, dass dieser Junge ihre schlechten Eigenschaften teilte und nicht die guten Eigenschaften seines Vaters? He was thinking uneasily about this as he talked to Mrs. Errol until the child came into the room. Mentre parlava con la signora Errol, pensava con inquietudine a questo, finché il bambino non entrò nella stanza. When the door opened, he actually hesitated a moment before looking at Cedric. It would, perhaps, have seemed very queer to a great many people who knew him, if they could have known the curious sensations that passed through Mr. Havisham when he looked down at the boy, who ran into his mother's arms. Es wäre vielleicht vielen, die ihn kannten, sehr seltsam vorgekommen, wenn sie gewusst hätten, welche seltsamen Empfindungen Mr. Havisham durchlief, als er auf den Jungen herabblickte, der seiner Mutter in die Arme lief. Forse sarebbe sembrato molto strano a molte persone che lo conoscevano, se avessero potuto conoscere le curiose sensazioni che attraversavano il signor Havisham quando guardava il ragazzo che correva tra le braccia della madre. He experienced a revulsion of feeling which was quite exciting. Er erlebte ein Gefühl der Abscheu, das ziemlich aufregend war. Provò una sensazione di repulsione piuttosto eccitante. He recognized in an instant that here was one of the finest and handsomest little fellows he had ever seen. Er erkannte sofort, dass es sich um einen der schönsten und hübschesten kleinen Kerle handelte, die er je gesehen hatte. Riconobbe in un istante che si trattava di uno dei piccoli più belli e più attraenti che avesse mai visto.

His beauty was something unusual. Seine Schönheit war etwas Ungewöhnliches. He had a strong, lithe, graceful little body and a manly little face; he held his childish head up, and carried himself with a brave air; he was so like his father that it was really startling; he had his father's golden hair and his mother's brown eyes, but there was nothing sorrowful or timid in them. Aveva un corpicino forte, flessuoso e aggraziato e un visino virile; teneva la testa da bambino e si portava con aria coraggiosa; era così simile a suo padre che era davvero sorprendente; aveva i capelli d'oro di suo padre e gli occhi marroni di sua madre, ma non c'era nulla di triste o timido in loro. They were innocently fearless eyes; he looked as if he had never feared or doubted anything in his life. Es waren unschuldige, furchtlose Augen; er sah aus, als hätte er in seinem Leben noch nie etwas gefürchtet oder gezweifelt.

"He is the best-bred-looking and handsomest little fellow I ever saw," was what Mr. Havisham thought. "Er ist der bestaussehende und hübscheste kleine Kerl, den ich je gesehen habe", dachte Mr. Havisham. Il signor Havisham pensò: "È il più bel ragazzo che abbia mai visto". What he said aloud was simply, "And so this is little Lord Fauntleroy." Was er laut sagte, war einfach: "Und das ist also der kleine Lord Fauntleroy". Quello che disse ad alta voce fu semplicemente: "E così questo è il piccolo Lord Fauntleroy". And, after this, the more he saw of little Lord Fauntleroy, the more of a surprise he found him. Und je mehr er von dem kleinen Lord Fauntleroy sah, desto überraschter war er von ihm. He knew very little about children, though he had seen plenty of them in England--fine, handsome, rosy girls and boys, who were strictly taken care of by their tutors and governesses, and who were sometimes shy, and sometimes a trifle boisterous, but never very interesting to a ceremonious, rigid old lawyer. Er wusste sehr wenig über Kinder, obwohl er in England viele von ihnen gesehen hatte - feine, hübsche, rosige Mädchen und Jungen, die von ihren Erziehern und Gouvernanten streng umsorgt wurden und die manchmal schüchtern und manchmal ein wenig ungestüm waren, aber nie sehr interessant für einen feierlichen, steifen alten Anwalt. Sapeva molto poco dei bambini, anche se ne aveva visti molti in Inghilterra: ragazze e ragazzi belli, belli e rosei, di cui si occupavano rigorosamente i loro tutori e le loro governanti, a volte timidi, a volte un po' chiassosi, ma mai molto interessanti per un vecchio avvocato cerimonioso e rigido. Perhaps his personal interest in little Lord Fauntleroy's fortunes made him notice Ceddie more than he had noticed other children; but, however that was, he certainly found himself noticing him a great deal. Vielleicht war es sein persönliches Interesse am Schicksal des kleinen Lord Fauntleroy, das ihn dazu brachte, Ceddie mehr zu bemerken als andere Kinder; aber wie dem auch sei, er bemerkte ihn auf jeden Fall sehr oft. Forse il suo interesse personale per le sorti del piccolo Lord Fauntleroy gli fece notare Ceddie più di quanto avesse fatto con gli altri bambini; ma, comunque sia, si ritrovò a notarlo molto. Cedric did not know he was being observed, and he only behaved himself in his ordinary manner. Cedric wusste nicht, dass er beobachtet wurde, und er verhielt sich ganz normal. Cedric non sapeva di essere osservato e si comportò come al solito. He shook hands with Mr. Havisham in his friendly way when they were introduced to each other, and he answered all his questions with the unhesitating readiness with which he answered Mr. Hobbs. Er schüttelte Mr. Havisham auf seine freundliche Art die Hand, als sie einander vorgestellt wurden, und er beantwortete alle seine Fragen mit der gleichen Bereitwilligkeit, mit der er Mr. Hobbs antwortete. Strinse la mano al signor Havisham nel suo modo amichevole quando furono presentati l'uno all'altro, e rispose a tutte le sue domande con la stessa prontezza con cui rispondeva al signor Hobbs. He was neither shy nor bold, and when Mr. Havisham was talking to his mother, the lawyer noticed that he listened to the conversation with as much interest as if he had been quite grown up. Er war weder schüchtern noch frech, und als Mr. Havisham sich mit seiner Mutter unterhielt, bemerkte der Anwalt, dass er dem Gespräch mit so viel Interesse zuhörte, als wäre er schon erwachsen. Non era né timido né audace e, quando il signor Havisham parlava con la madre, l'avvocato notò che ascoltava la conversazione con lo stesso interesse di un adulto.

"He seems to be a very mature little fellow," Mr. Havisham said to the mother. "Er scheint ein sehr reifes Kerlchen zu sein", sagte Mr. Havisham zu seiner Mutter. "I think he is, in some things," she answered. "He has always been very quick to learn, and he has lived a great deal with grownup people. "Er hat immer sehr schnell gelernt und viel mit erwachsenen Menschen zusammengelebt. "È sempre stato molto veloce nell'imparare e ha vissuto molto con le persone adulte. He has a funny little habit of using long words and expressions he has read in books, or has heard others use, but he is very fond of childish play. Er hat die lustige Angewohnheit, lange Wörter und Ausdrücke zu verwenden, die er in Büchern gelesen oder von anderen gehört hat, aber er spielt sehr gern mit Kindern. Ha la strana abitudine di usare parole ed espressioni lunghe che ha letto nei libri o che ha sentito usare da altri, ma gli piace molto giocare con i bambini. I think he is rather clever, but he is a very boyish little boy, sometimes." Ich glaube, er ist ziemlich klug, aber manchmal ist er ein sehr jungenhafter kleiner Junge." Penso che sia piuttosto intelligente, ma a volte è un ragazzino molto infantile". The next time Mr. Havisham met him, he saw that this last was quite true. Als Mr. Havisham ihm das nächste Mal begegnete, sah er, dass Letzteres durchaus zutraf. La volta successiva che il signor Havisham lo incontrò, vide che quest'ultima cosa era del tutto vera. As his coupe turned the corner, he caught sight of a group of small boys, who were evidently much excited. Als sein Coupé um die Ecke bog, erblickte er eine Gruppe von kleinen Jungen, die offensichtlich sehr aufgeregt waren. Quando il suo coupé girò l'angolo, scorse un gruppo di ragazzini, evidentemente molto eccitati. Two of them were about to run a race, and one of them was his young lordship, and he was shouting and making as much noise as the noisiest of his companions. Zwei von ihnen waren im Begriff, ein Rennen zu laufen, und einer von ihnen war seine junge Lordschaft, und er schrie und machte genauso viel Lärm wie der lauteste seiner Begleiter. Due di loro stavano per correre una gara, e uno di loro era il suo giovane signore, che gridava e faceva rumore come il più rumoroso dei suoi compagni. He stood side by side with another boy, one little red leg advanced a step. Er stand Seite an Seite mit einem anderen Jungen, ein kleines rotes Beinchen einen Schritt weiter. Si trovava fianco a fianco con un altro ragazzo, con una gambetta rossa avanzata di un passo.

"One, to make ready!" "Uno, per prepararsi!". yelled the starter. urlò l'antipasto. "Two, to be steady. "Due, per essere sicuri. Three--and away!" Drei - und weg!" Tre... e via!".