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Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter, Chapter 13. In Pendleton Woods

Chapter 13. In Pendleton Woods

Pollyanna had not turned her steps toward home, when she left the chapel. She had turned them, instead, toward Pendleton Hill. It had been a hard day, for all it had been a "vacation one" (as she termed the infrequent days when there was no sewing or cooking lesson), and Pollyanna was sure that nothing would do her quite so much good as a walk through the green quiet of Pendleton Woods. Up Pendleton Hill, therefore, she climbed steadily, in spite of the warm sun on her back.

"I don't have to get home till half-past five, anyway," she was telling herself; "and it'll be so much nicer to go around by the way of the woods, even if I do have to climb to get there." It was very beautiful in the Pendleton Woods, as Pollyanna knew by experience. But to-day it seemed even more delightful than ever, notwithstanding her disappointment over what she must tell Jimmy Bean to-morrow.

"I wish they were up here--all those ladies who talked so loud," sighed Pollyanna to herself, raising her eyes to the patches of vivid blue between the sunlit green of the tree-tops. "Anyhow, if they were up here, I just reckon they'd change and take Jimmy Bean for their little boy, all right," she finished, secure in her conviction, but unable to give a reason for it, even to herself. Suddenly Pollyanna lifted her head and listened. A dog had barked some distance ahead. A moment later he came dashing toward her, still barking.

"Hullo, doggie--hullo!" Pollyanna snapped her fingers at the dog and looked expectantly down the path. She had seen the dog once before, she was sure. He had been then with the Man, Mr. John Pendleton. She was looking now, hoping to see him. For some minutes she watched eagerly, but he did not appear. Then she turned her attention toward the dog.

The dog, as even Pollyanna could see, was acting strangely. He was still barking--giving little short, sharp yelps, as if of alarm. He was running back and forth, too, in the path ahead. Soon they reached a side path, and down this the little dog fairly flew, only to come back at once, whining and barking.

"Ho! That isn't the way home," laughed Pollyanna, still keeping to the main path. The little dog seemed frantic now. Back and forth, back and forth, between Pollyanna and the side path he vibrated, barking and whining pitifully. Every quiver of his little brown body, and every glance from his beseeching brown eyes were eloquent with appeal--so eloquent that at last Pollyanna understood, turned, and followed him.

Straight ahead, now, the little dog dashed madly; and it was not long before Pollyanna came upon the reason for it all: a man lying motionless at the foot of a steep, overhanging mass of rock a few yards from the side path.

A twig cracked sharply under Pollyanna's foot, and the man turned his head. With a cry of dismay Pollyanna ran to his side.

"Mr. Pendleton! Oh, are you hurt?" "Hurt? Oh, no! I'm just taking a siesta in the sunshine," snapped the man irritably. "See here, how much do you know?

Chapter 13. In Pendleton Woods Chapitre 13. Dans les bois de Pendleton Глава 13. В Пендлтонском лесу 第13章 在彭德尔顿森林

Pollyanna had not turned her steps toward home, when she left the chapel. Поллианна еще не повернула к дому, когда вышла из часовни. She had turned them, instead, toward Pendleton Hill. Вместо этого она повернула их в сторону Пендлтон-Хилл. It had been a hard day, for all it had been a "vacation one" (as she termed the infrequent days when there was no sewing or cooking lesson), and Pollyanna was sure that nothing would do her quite so much good as a walk through the green quiet of Pendleton Woods. Это был тяжелый день, хотя и "каникулярный" (так она называла нечастые дни, когда не было уроков шитья или кулинарии), и Поллианна была уверена, что ничто не принесет ей столько пользы, как прогулка по зеленой тишине Пендлтонского леса. Up Pendleton Hill, therefore, she climbed steadily, in spite of the warm sun on her back. Поэтому на холм Пендлтон она поднималась уверенно, несмотря на теплое солнце на спине.

"I don't have to get home till half-past five, anyway," she was telling herself; "and it'll be so much nicer to go around by the way of the woods, even if I do have to climb to get there." "Мне все равно не нужно возвращаться домой до половины пятого, - говорила она себе, - и будет гораздо приятнее обойти его по лесу, даже если мне придется туда забираться". It was very beautiful in the Pendleton Woods, as Pollyanna knew by experience. В Пендлтонском лесу, как знала Поллианна по собственному опыту, было очень красиво. But to-day it seemed even more delightful than ever, notwithstanding her disappointment over what she must tell Jimmy Bean to-morrow. Но сегодня он казался еще более восхитительным, чем когда-либо, несмотря на ее разочарование по поводу того, что ей придется сказать Джимми Бину завтра.

"I wish they were up here--all those ladies who talked so loud," sighed Pollyanna to herself, raising her eyes to the patches of vivid blue between the sunlit green of the tree-tops. "Как бы я хотела, чтобы они были здесь, наверху - все эти дамы, которые так громко разговаривают", - вздохнула про себя Поллианна, поднимая глаза к пятнам яркой синевы между освещенной солнцем зеленью верхушек деревьев. "Anyhow, if they were up here, I just reckon they'd change and take Jimmy Bean for their little boy, all right," she finished, secure in her conviction, but unable to give a reason for it, even to herself. "В любом случае, если бы они были здесь, я думаю, они бы переоделись и приняли Джимми Бина за своего маленького мальчика", - закончила она, уверенная в своей убежденности, но неспособная объяснить ее даже самой себе. Suddenly Pollyanna lifted her head and listened. Вдруг Поллианна подняла голову и прислушалась. A dog had barked some distance ahead. На некотором расстоянии впереди залаяла собака. A moment later he came dashing toward her, still barking. Через мгновение он бросился к ней, продолжая лаять.

"Hullo, doggie--hullo!" Pollyanna snapped her fingers at the dog and looked expectantly down the path. Поллианна пощелкала пальцами, глядя на собаку, и выжидающе посмотрела вниз по тропинке. She had seen the dog once before, she was sure. Она уже видела эту собаку однажды, она была уверена. He had been then with the Man, Mr. John Pendleton. В то время он был с человеком, мистером Джоном Пендлтоном. She was looking now, hoping to see him. For some minutes she watched eagerly, but he did not appear. Then she turned her attention toward the dog.

The dog, as even Pollyanna could see, was acting strangely. Собака, как было видно даже Поллианне, вела себя странно. He was still barking--giving little short, sharp yelps, as if of alarm. Он все еще лаял - издавая короткие, резкие крики, как будто в тревоге. He was running back and forth, too, in the path ahead. Он тоже бегал взад-вперед по дорожке впереди. Soon they reached a side path, and down this the little dog fairly flew, only to come back at once, whining and barking. Вскоре они вышли на тропинку, и маленькая собачка полетела по ней, но тут же вернулась обратно, скуля и лая.

"Ho! That isn't the way home," laughed Pollyanna, still keeping to the main path. Это не дорога домой, - засмеялась Поллианна, все еще держась главной тропы. The little dog seemed frantic now. Back and forth, back and forth, between Pollyanna and the side path he vibrated, barking and whining pitifully. Туда-сюда, туда-сюда, между Поллианной и боковой дорожкой он вибрировал, жалобно лаял и скулил. Every quiver of his little brown body, and every glance from his beseeching brown eyes were eloquent with appeal--so eloquent that at last Pollyanna understood, turned, and followed him. Каждая дрожь его маленького коричневого тела и каждый взгляд его умоляющих карих глаз были красноречивы в призыве - настолько красноречивы, что наконец Поллианна поняла, повернулась и пошла за ним.

Straight ahead, now, the little dog dashed madly; and it was not long before Pollyanna came upon the reason for it all: a man lying motionless at the foot of a steep, overhanging mass of rock a few yards from the side path. Маленькая собака бешено мчалась вперед, и вскоре Поллианна обнаружила причину всего этого: человек неподвижно лежал у подножия крутой, нависающей скалы в нескольких ярдах от тропинки.

A twig cracked sharply under Pollyanna's foot, and the man turned his head. Ветка резко треснула под ногой Поллианны, и мужчина повернул голову. With a cry of dismay Pollyanna ran to his side.

"Mr. Pendleton! Oh, are you hurt?" "Hurt? Oh, no! I'm just taking a siesta in the sunshine," snapped the man irritably. ||||ngủ trưa|||||||cáu kỉnh "See here, how much do you know?