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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 8 - Mina Murray's Journal, part 7

CHAPTER 8 - Mina Murray's Journal, part 7

14 August.--On the East Cliff, reading and writing all day. Lucy seems to have become as much in love with the spot as I am, and it is hard to get her away from it when it is time to come home for lunch or tea or dinner. This afternoon she made a funny remark. We were coming home for dinner, and had come to the top of the steps up from the West Pier and stopped to look at the view, as we generally do. The setting sun, low down in the sky, was just dropping behind Kettleness. The red light was thrown over on the East Cliff and the old abbey, and seemed to bathe everything in a beautiful rosy glow. We were silent for a while, and suddenly Lucy murmured as if to herself . "His red eyes again! They are just the same. " It was such an odd expression, coming apropos of nothing, that it quite startled me. I slewed round a little, so as to see Lucy well without seeming to stare at her, and saw that she was in a half dreamy state, with an odd look on her face that I could not quite make out, so I said nothing, but followed her eyes. She appeared to be looking over at our own seat, whereon was a dark figure seated alone. I was quite a little startled myself, for it seemed for an instant as if the stranger had great eyes like burning flames, but a second look dispelled the illusion. The red sunlight was shining on the windows of St. Mary's Church behind our seat, and as the sun dipped there was just sufficient change in the refraction and reflection to make it appear as if the light moved. I called Lucy's attention to the peculiar effect, and she became herself with a start, but she looked sad all the same. It may have been that she was thinking of that terrible night up there. We never refer to it, so I said nothing, and we went home to dinner. Lucy had a headache and went early to bed. I saw her asleep, and went out for a little stroll myself.

CHAPTER 8 - Mina Murray's Journal, part 7 KAPITEL 8 - Das Tagebuch von Mina Murray, Teil 7 CAPÍTULO 8 - Diario de Mina Murray, parte 7 CAPITOLO 8 - Il diario di Mina Murray, parte 7 第8章 ミナ・マレーの日記 その7 8 SKYRIUS - Minos Murėjaus dienoraštis, 7 dalis CAPÍTULO 8 - Diário de Mina Murray, parte 7 ГЛАВА 8 - Дневник Мины Мюррей, часть 7 第 8 章 - 米娜-默里的日记,第 7 部分

14 August.--On the East Cliff, reading and writing all day. 14 de Agosto - Na East Cliff, a ler e a escrever durante todo o dia. Lucy seems to have become as much in love with the spot as I am, and it is hard to get her away from it when it is time to come home for lunch or tea or dinner. ||||diventata||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| A Lucy parece ter ficado tão apaixonada pelo local como eu, e é difícil afastá-la dele quando chega a altura de ir a casa almoçar, tomar chá ou jantar. This afternoon she made a funny remark. ||||||Bemerkung ||||||comentario divertido Esta tarde, ela fez uma observação engraçada. We were coming home for dinner, and had come to the top of the steps up from the West Pier and stopped to look at the view, as we generally do. |||||||||||||||||||||ci siamo fermati||||||||| Estávamos a regressar a casa para jantar e tínhamos chegado ao cimo das escadas que sobem do West Pier e parámos para contemplar a vista, como costumamos fazer. The setting sun, low down in the sky, was just dropping behind Kettleness. |Sole calante|||||||||||Kettleness O sol poente, baixo no céu, estava a cair atrás de Kettleness. The red light was thrown over on the East Cliff and the old abbey, and seemed to bathe everything in a beautiful rosy glow. |||||||||||||||||tauchen in|||||| ||||proyectada|||||||la||||||bañaba|||||rosada hermosa|brillo rosado A luz vermelha incidia sobre o East Cliff e a velha abadia, e parecia banhar tudo num belo brilho rosado. We were silent for a while, and suddenly Lucy murmured as if to herself . |||||||||murmuró|||| Ficámos em silêncio durante algum tempo e, de repente, Lucy murmurou como que para si própria. "His red eyes again! "Os seus olhos vermelhos outra vez! They are just the same. São exactamente iguais. "  It was such an odd expression, coming apropos of nothing, that it quite startled me. |||||||aus heiterem Himmel||||||| |||||||a proposito di||||||| |||||||||||||sorprendido| " Era uma expressão tão estranha, vinda a propósito de nada, que me assustou bastante. I slewed round a little, so as to see Lucy well without seeming to stare at her, and saw that she was in a half dreamy state, with an odd look on her face that I could not quite make out, so I said nothing, but followed her eyes. |drehte mich um||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |turned slightly||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |girai|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||nulla|||| |gire|||||||||||||mirar fijamente|||||||||||soñadora||||||||||||||||||||||| Desviei-me um pouco, para ver bem a Lucy sem parecer que estava a olhar para ela, e vi que ela estava num estado meio sonhador, com um olhar estranho no rosto que eu não conseguia decifrar bem, por isso não disse nada, mas segui os seus olhos. She appeared to be looking over at our own seat, whereon was a dark figure seated alone. ||||||||||worauf|||||| ||||||||||on which|||||| ||||||||||su cui|||||| |parecía|||||||||sobre el cual|||||| Parecia estar a olhar para o nosso próprio lugar, onde se encontrava uma figura escura sentada sozinha. I was quite a little startled myself, for it seemed for an instant as if the stranger had great eyes like burning flames, but a second look dispelled the illusion. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||zerstreute|| Eu próprio fiquei um pouco assustado, pois pareceu-me por um instante que o desconhecido tinha uns olhos grandes como chamas ardentes, mas um segundo olhar dissipou a ilusão. The red sunlight was shining on the windows of St. ||luz solar||brillante||||| A luz vermelha do sol brilhava nas janelas de St. Mary's Church behind our seat, and as the sun dipped there was just sufficient change in the refraction and reflection to make it appear as if the light moved. |||||||||||||||||Lichtbrechung||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||rifrazione della luce||||||||||| Mary's Church por detrás do nosso lugar e, à medida que o sol se punha, a refracção e o reflexo mudavam o suficiente para parecer que a luz se movia. I called Lucy's attention to the peculiar effect, and she became herself with a start, but she looked sad all the same. Chamei a atenção de Lucy para o efeito peculiar, e ela se assustou, mas parecia triste. It may have been that she was thinking of that terrible night up there. |potrebbe|||||||||||| Potrebbe essere stato che stava pensando a quella terribile notte lì su. Pode ser que estivesse a pensar naquela noite terrível que passou lá em cima. We never refer to it, so I said nothing, and we went home to dinner. Non ci riferiamo mai a questo, quindi non ho detto nulla e siamo tornati a casa a cena. Nunca nos referimos a isso, por isso não disse nada e fomos para casa jantar. Lucy had a headache and went early to bed. |||dolor de cabeza||||| Lucy aveva mal di testa ed è andata presto a letto. A Lucy tinha uma dor de cabeça e foi deitar-se cedo. I saw her asleep, and went out for a little stroll myself. ||||||||||Spaziergang| ||ella||||||||paseo corto| Vi-a a dormir e saí para dar um pequeno passeio.