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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 8 - Mina Murray's Journal, part 17

CHAPTER 8 - Mina Murray's Journal, part 17

The attendant thought it would be more useful to watch where he should go than to follow him, as he might lose sight of him whilst getting out of the building by the door. He is a bulky man, and couldn't get through the window. I am thin, so, with his aid, I got out, but feet foremost, and as we were only a few feet above ground landed unhurt. The attendant told me the patient had gone to the left, and had taken a straight line, so I ran as quickly as I could. As I got through the belt of trees I saw a white figure scale the high wall which separates our grounds from those of the deserted house. I ran back at once, told the watchman to get three or four men immediately and follow me into the grounds of Carfax, in case our friend might be dangerous. I got a ladder myself, and crossing the wall, dropped down on the other side. I could see Renfield's figure just disappearing behind the angle of the house, so I ran after him. On the far side of the house I found him pressed close against the old iron-bound oak door of the chapel. He was talking, apparently to some one, but I was afraid to go near enough to hear what he was saying, lest I might frighten him, and he should run off. Chasing an errant swarm of bees is nothing to following a naked lunatic, when the fit of escaping is upon him! After a few minutes, however, I could see that he did not take note of anything around him, and so ventured to draw nearer to him, the more so as my men had now crossed the wall and were closing him in. I heard him say... "I am here to do your bidding, Master. I am your slave, and you will reward me, for I shall be faithful. I have worshipped you long and afar off. Now that you are near, I await your commands, and you will not pass me by, will you, dear Master, in your distribution of good things?"

CHAPTER 8 - Mina Murray's Journal, part 17 KAPITEL 8 - Das Tagebuch von Mina Murray, Teil 17 CAPÍTULO 8 - Diario de Mina Murray, parte 17 CAPITOLO 8 - Diario di Mina Murray, parte 17 CAPÍTULO 8 - Diário de Mina Murray, parte 17 第 8 章 - 米娜·默里的日记,第 17 部分

The attendant thought it would be more useful to watch where he should go than to follow him, as he might lose sight of him whilst getting out of the building by the door. O empregado pensou que seria mais útil ver para onde ele ia do que segui-lo, pois poderia perdê-lo de vista quando saísse do edifício pela porta. He is a bulky man, and couldn't get through the window. |||stämmig||||||| |||voluminoso||||||| Ele é um homem corpulento e não conseguia passar pela janela. I am thin, so, with his aid, I got out, but feet foremost, and as we were only a few feet above ground landed unhurt. ||||||||||||||||||||||||illeso ||||||ayuda||||||primero|||||||||||| Como sou magro, com a ajuda dele consegui sair, mas com os pés à frente, e como estávamos a poucos metros do chão, aterrei ileso. The attendant told me the patient had gone to the left, and had taken a straight line, so I ran as quickly as I could. O assistente disse-me que o doente tinha ido para a esquerda e que tinha seguido uma linha recta, por isso corri o mais depressa que pude. As I got through the belt of trees I saw a white figure scale the high wall which separates our grounds from those of the deserted house. Ao atravessar o cinturão de árvores, vi um vulto branco escalar o muro alto que separa o nosso terreno do da casa abandonada. I ran back at once, told the watchman to get three or four men immediately and follow me into the grounds of Carfax, in case our friend might be dangerous. ||||||||||||||||||||||Carfax||||||| Voltei imediatamente a correr e disse ao vigia que arranjasse imediatamente três ou quatro homens e me seguisse até aos terrenos de Carfax, para o caso de o nosso amigo ser perigoso. I got a ladder myself, and crossing the wall, dropped down on the other side. Eu próprio peguei numa escada e, atravessando o muro, desci para o outro lado. I could see Renfield's figure just disappearing behind the angle of the house, so I ran after him. |||di Renfield|||||||||||||| Consegui ver o vulto de Renfield a desaparecer por detrás do ângulo da casa e corri atrás dele. On the far side of the house I found him pressed close against the old iron-bound oak door of the chapel. |||||||||||||||||quercia|||| ||||||||||||||vieja||con refuerzos de hierro|roble|||| Do outro lado da casa, encontrei-o encostado à porta de carvalho da capela. He was talking, apparently to some one, but I was afraid to go near enough to hear what he was saying, lest I might frighten him, and he should run off. |||||||||||||||||||||||potrebbe||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||no fuera que|||asustara|||||| Ele estava a falar, aparentemente com alguém, mas eu tinha medo de me aproximar o suficiente para ouvir o que ele dizia, para não o assustar e ele fugir. Chasing an errant swarm of bees is nothing to following a naked lunatic, when the fit of escaping is upon him! ||irrend|||||||||||||Anfall||||| ||sbandato|||||||||||||||||| persiguiendo a||errante|enjambre||abejas||||seguir a||desnudo||||||escapando||| Perseguir um enxame de abelhas errante não é nada como seguir um lunático nu, quando a vontade de fugir está a chegar! Hatalı bir arı sürüsünün peşine düşmek, kaçma nöbeti üzerine geldiğinde çıplak bir delinin peşine düşmek anlamına gelmez! After a few minutes, however, I could see that he did not take note of anything around him, and so ventured to draw nearer to him, the more so as my men had now crossed the wall and were closing him in. ||||||||||||||||||||||sich nähern||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||se atrevió|||más cerca||||||||||||||||cerrándolo más|| No entanto, passados alguns minutos, vi que ele não prestava atenção a nada à sua volta e aventurei-me a aproximar-me dele, tanto mais que os meus homens já tinham atravessado a muralha e o estavam a cercar. I heard him say... "I am here to do your bidding, Master. ||||||||||tu voluntad| Ouvi-o dizer... "Estou aqui para cumprir as suas ordens, Mestre. I am your slave, and you will reward me, for I shall be faithful. |||||||recompensa||||||fiel Sou teu escravo, e tu me recompensarás, pois serei fiel. I have worshipped you long and afar off. ||||||aus der Ferne| ||he adorado||||de lejos| Eu adorava-te há muito tempo e de longe. Now that you are near, I await your commands, and you will not pass me by, will you, dear Master, in your distribution of good things?" ||||||||órdenes|||||me dejarás pasar|||||||||distribución||| Agora que estás perto, aguardo as tuas ordens, e não me passarás ao lado, pois não, querido Mestre, na tua distribuição de bens?"